Month: April 2021

  • Every experience, your soul invites

    Your soul is here on a journey and mission. To live and be human!

    Imagine this perspective.

    Your soul chose your life.

    Every moment of it.

    “The good, the bad and the in between”

    What if you knew every single moment was guaranteed to help you learn, grow and evolve.

    All in the beautiful journey to be your highest self?

    How would you feel?

    Personally for me?

    I feel calm.

    I feel peace.

    I feel grounded.

    In the trust and knowing. No matter what.

    After all, I back myself always.

    Doesn’t matter what life throws me or you 🍋

    You got this.

    So here’s to enjoying “lemonade” 🍸

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    🚀 ready to fast track your evolution? To step up into your highest power ⚡️ Lets chat about your next level of growth through 1:1 coaching 🌱

    Click here to read more

  • It’s time to come home – Aries New Moon


    Hello to the new moon in Aries ♈️

    Aries is the first sign in the zodiac and is a fire element making this moment now here perfect for new beginnings, renewal, courage and creativity.

    It’s about taking life by the horns in true ram style 🐏 and having that fire in your belly 🔥

    Get zesty because it’s all about being YOU.

    You without masks and filters.

    In true ram style it’s about being honest and confrontation.

    The truth and essence of who you are.

    Your whole self in all it’s glory, light and dark, shades and shadow.

    How can you be more true to yourself?

    What do you have a burning passion for in life and how can you integrate this into your everyday?

    What are you ready to start?

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    🚀 Ready to step into your true power, expression and expansion? Aries new moon is the perfect time to start. Start investing in yourself, stat working on yourself. Let’s GOOO ⚡️ Get in touch with me if you’re ready to start 🧡

    Click here to read more

  • Be incredibly selfish

    WHAT? I hear you say. It’s a small simple word with BIG meaning and stories.


    Without honouring your self, your soul… it’s a disservice to you and the world.

    Selfishness ultimately allows you to be your best self.

    To give from an overflowing cup ☕️ to be your best self, to be generous, to have the capacity and energy to hold space for others, to be there for them.

    Subconsciously we can even be drawn, MAGNETISED to selfish people because we see their power 💥 living in their truth – reflecting back to us a desire we so want… to be true to ourselves.

    The irony of being selfish is that you end up giving more, being generous because you are in a stream of O V E R F L O W.

    Of abundance.

    It feels sooooo good to give when you have so much ⚡️

    You don’t need permission to be selfish.

    You can simply drop the stories, the guilt should you choose.

    Unhook yourself from the shame and connotations around the world selfish.

    Go beyond your ego, merge and integrate with yourself.

    Come home to you.

    You don’t need it but here I am giving it to you.

    You have permission to be selfish.

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    Click here to read more

  • The #1 thing in your life right now that is keeping you small, stuck and scared.

    The #1 thing in your life right now that is keeping you small, stuck and scared.

    That #1 thing is you… your mind 🧠

    Letting it convince you that…

    “You can’t do that, it’s impossible, it’s too hard…”

    “Who am I…?”

    “Someone else will do it”

    If life is the ocean, you can’t just stand at the shore watching the waves come in and out.

    Life starts when you get in 🌊

    Step by step, deeper and deeper.

    When you make a big wave, when you go all in, the universe will see you 👁 and send it right back tenfold 〰️

    I’ve seen this in my own journey investing in myself and seeing my clients step up and claim their power by investing in coaching ⚡️⚡️⚡️

    Even little tiny ripples add up to create waves… tsunamis…

    It’s not all about big gestures to create waves, the steady flow of little tiny steps add up.

    What are you holding yourself back from?

    Get ready to surf 🏄🏼‍♀️

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    🌊 Ready to make waves in your life? 

    Get in touch with me, let’s chat about 1:1 coaching 〰️

    Click here to read more

  • You meet God, Universe, Source, Truth in Your Feelings

    You meet God, Universe, Source, Truth in the flow of life. In the stream of sensations 🌊⚡️

    You meet God, Universe, Source, Truth because you are one and the same with God, Universe, Source, Truth.

    God, Universe, Source, Truth are a part of you and you are.

    The flow of feelings and sensations it’s true divinity and a gift.

    To be here.

    To be truly alive.

    You taste life on your lips.

    You feel life on the tip of your tongue.

    You feel it deep in your bones and within your heart.

    You feel it calmly in your soul.

    You feel it in the wind that moves through your hair and tickles your ears.

    To feel is intuitive and natural.

    We forget in being conditioned – think with your mind 🧠

    Come home beautiful soul to this present moment and to the feelings of your body.

    Tune into the frequency of your feelings and emotions.

    It’s how God, Universe, Source, Truth speaks to you. The wisdom of the earth. The truths of experience.

    It cannot be in any other way but true

    E M B O D I M E N T

    Experience life for all that it is 🙏🏽

    Click here to read more

  • 24: Your Emotional Seasons

    Episode Summary of The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 24: Your Emotional Seasons

    Just like the physical weather seasons of Summer, Spring, Autumn and Winter, you too will experience a change in yourself and your emotions. Learn more about your emotional seasons in this episode and allowing the natural flow of life.

    What you'll learn from this episode

    • Your emotional seasons

    Key Quotes from this Episode

    Manifestation isn’t luck, it’s intentional energy and magic.

    What you resist, will persist.

    Just like the physical seasons of weather, Summer, Spring, Autumn and Winter so too will you experience that in your life

    Featured Resources on the episode

    Show Transcript

    [Introduction to the Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang plays – Background Music: upbeat, confident, rising beat]:

    Don’t just go through life, grow through it. Don’t just go through life, grow through it.

    Hi and Welcome to the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang.

    My name is Phi and I am a Clarity and Confidence Life Coach known as the “The Positivity Queen.”

    My passion is to help you go from stuck and self critical to courageous and empowered so you can conquer anything.

    Join me, every Tuesday, as I discuss all things mindset, self love, energy and purpose.

    This podcast won’t just inspire and motivate you, it will also provide practical tips and strategies you can implement in your daily life.

    Ready to grow? Let’s grow!

    [Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang End of Intro]

    [Episode 24 – Your Emotional Seasons]

    Your Emotional Seasons Introduction

    Hi beautiful soul, so happy to be with you right now here in this present moment! It’s been a huge week for me if you’re not following me on Instagram already @thephidang where I shared free nuggets of freedom almost daily, I have officially launched Manifestation Magic. Woohoo there’s been such a big build up and I’m soooo happy to be able to share it with you.

    Manifestation Magic

    I have been experiencing such alignment and flow when it comes to manifesting. I’ve manifested my boyfriend, a home by the beach and this year I manifested $10,000 already, discounted gym memberships, hotel upgrades, free food – you name it!

    I wanted to share the magic of manifestation with you because when it comes to manifestation people just label it as oh you’re lucky or that couldn’t happen for me but this is furthest from the truth. Manifestation isn’t luck, it’s intentional energy and magic. I wanted to debunk manifestation for everyone at a really accessible price point (literally less than one third of what you would pay for a 1 hour intensive coaching session with me!) 

    If you’re interested DM me or check out the link in my Instagram bio to learn more. The class is on the 2nd of May and the price will go up for the replay so get in now if it feels juicy and expansive for you.

    Click here to join Manifestation Magic!

    The inspiration for your emotional seasons

    On to today’s episode which was inspired by the launch journey of Manifestation Magic (which already has 10 beautiful souls inside!). I felt so much Spring and Summer launching, so much energy, flow and buzz. Afterwards we can peter out a bit and come into Autumn very much like Sydney is where it’s slowing down and transitioning.

    Coming off the pill

    So they key here is that just like the physical seasons of weather, Summer, Spring, Autumn and Winter so too will you experience that in your life. This also very much came to me as I revealed I am going on a personal journey of coming off the pill because I want to be more inside and in tune with my body. It’s a personal decision, there is no right or wrong either way but I wanted to share this with you because if it helps one person I’ve done my job.

    When I was looking it up I couldn’t find much with real people no sponsors or anything so I wanted to play my part in the collective.

    Flowing with life and your emotional seasons

    So with these seasons it can impact and influence all areas of your life: how you feel, your job and career, relationships, friendships, physical activity, what you eat and so forth.

    It’s about being open and allowing the energy of the seasons to move through us. To not judge and label ourselves for example if you’re in a Winter season – don’t push yourself too hard and force yourself to hustle and do, do, do. Winter is about rest. About taking stock. Slowing down. Nourishing. 

    These seasons in our life Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring help to anchor and ground us here in the present moment, the only tru moment. Without each season we can’t fully appreciate and experience life. Imagine living in Summer all year long, that would be quite frankly tiring and boring – one hint of Winter and you’ll be shook!

    Allowing the seasons of your emotions

    All seasons and the feelings and emotions you will experience are all valid in their own right. No one feeling or experience is more worthy or ‘good’ as the other. 

    Let them move through you because truly what you resist will persist. 

    What you resist will persist. 

    Life is about flow and allowing the change of seasons. 

    Imagine you physically tried to stop Autumn and all the leavings falling? The cooler weather?

    Impossible no matter how much you tried, so why do the same to your emotions?

    Physical seasons and their impact on your emotions

    It’s also keeping in mind how the physical seasons can influence your mood. It’s much easier to be joyful in the sunshine vs experiencing consistent cool and cold weather when there is less daylight. 

    It’s a proven thing, check out seasonal depression – it truly happens! 

    Physical seasons and their natural changes

    With the seasons we also acknowledge just because its Summer it doesn’t mean it won’t rain and just because it’s Winter doesn’t mean there will be the occasional hot day just like your emotions! 

    Open and fluid. 

    Open and fluid. 

    Are you open to this moment here right now?

    Episode closing Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang 24: Your emotional seasons

    Enjoy the changing seasons, embrace them. This is life, the flow, the fall, the transition, the changes… soak up each and every moment with wonder and bliss beautiful soul.

    I hope you have a wonderful day, until next Tuesday – love and positivity. 

    Click here to read more

  • 23: Aries Energy, New Beginnings

    Episode Summary of The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 23: Aries Energy, New Beginnings

    This podcast episode is all about helping you tap into the new moon energy of April 2021 which is in Aries. Aries is first in the zodiac and a fire sign which signals the perfect time for new beginnings, initiation and awakening. 

    What you'll learn from this episode

    • What the new moon in Aries in April 2021 means
    • How you can use the energy of the new moon in Aries in April 2021
    • Free journal prompts for the Aries New Moon in April 2021

    Key Quotes from this Episode

    Aries is ruled by Mars bringing an explosive energy of passion, fuel, fire and bravery.

    Can you bring more clarity and focus into your life? What do you truly want, not what you think you should want or have. What do YOU want?

    How can you be more bold in your life?

    Featured Resources on the episode

    Show Transcript

    [Introduction to the Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang plays – Background Music: upbeat, confident, rising beat]:

    Don’t just go through life, grow through it. Don’t just go through life, grow through it.

    Hi and Welcome to the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang.

    My name is Phi and I am a Clarity and Confidence Life Coach known as the “The Positivity Queen.”

    My passion is to help you go from stuck and self critical to courageous and empowered so you can conquer anything.

    Join me, every Tuesday, as I discuss all things mindset, self love, energy and purpose.

    This podcast won’t just inspire and motivate you, it will also provide practical tips and strategies you can implement in your daily life.

    Ready to grow? Let’s grow!

    [Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang End of Intro]

    [Episode 23 – Aries Energy, New Beginnings: Begins]

    Aries Energy, New Beginnings Introduction

    Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Given it kicks off the zodiac the energy of this time and moment is fresh starts, new beginnings, renewal, awakening initiation, it is so powerful. Aries is ruled by Mars bringing an explosive energy of passion, fuel, fire and bravery. That hot blood is coursing and pumping to your veins beautiful soul! 

    My life and Aries New Moon energy

    Speaking of how Aries has come into my life it’s all about awakening for me. If you follow me on Instagram you would know the past full moon was very heavy and draining for me so I retreated. I took a week off my business and posting regularly on Instagram. It was so needed.

    Coming soon: A live manifestation masterclass

    Here I am for the new moon and will be launching in the next few days a live manifestation class which I am SO excited about. 9 of you beautiful souls are already in and I appreciate each and every single one of you.

    This masterclass is going to be so juicy and incredible. It’s all about starting! Start manifesting. Start magnetising all you desire. If you can’t wait until I launch it DM me because I’ll put you on the waitlist for when I launch likely this Thursday or Friday.

    I’m so excited because it’s the first time I’m adding a new service to my business enabling me to work with more of you beautiful souls at an accessible investment point. As you know I already offer so much free juicy gems here on the podcast and on my Instagram. I wanted something for a step up for those ready to invest in themselves and get into my world.

    For my beautiful 1:1 clients they automatically get access to what I work on and that’s for you if you’re truly ready to stop playing small. To get unstuck and show yourself, the universe that you are ready to step into your highest power of expansion. To be joyful, happy, at peace, strong and confident. Speaking of which, April and Aries season is a great time to start 1:1 coaching with this momentum of fire and zest so if you’re interested please get in touch! 

    Aries New Moon: New Beginnings

    Coming back to Aries season, it is one of the best times to plant seeds for whatever you desire. To start. To begin. It’s about making things happening.

    Aries encourages us to be fully in the present moment. To give ourselves to it, to us, to life itself. To trust ourselves – the intuition and feelings that arise in our body. To trust our impulses and desires. To come back home to ourselves – our pure, raw, unedited self. 

    In true Aries form, grab life by the horns and get in and amongst life. Have that fire in your belly. That spicy zest for life. Aries is a fire sign! 

    Aries New Moon: Inspired Action

    For those who have been feeling stuck again this energy is here to help you get stuck. To take inspired action. Inspired action is something I will discuss more indepth in my live manifestation class but essentially the energy of where you are coming from truly counts when it comes to taking action. A place of inspiration and happiness vs the icky should and must… 

    What to watch out for in the Aries New Moon

    So what further to note about this energy? Well Aries is fiery so watch out for any impulses, tune in and see if it’s truly what you want. The fire can also involve our ego so watch out for your mind.

    A part of this energy is the truth and confrontation right which makes sense Aries is a Ram. Are you being honest with yourself and others?

    Are you truly going after what you want?

    Are you growing as a person and working on yourself?

    It’s a beautiful time to gain more clarity and understanding of yourself.

    Free journal prompts Aries New Moon April 2021

    I wanted to bring this episode to a close with some practical ways to utilise this fiery energy. Here are some questions for you to think about or even journal about if you so wish.

    What are you hoping to start or begin?

    What are your passions? How do you tap into them? How do you bring them into your every day life?

    What do you want to start?

    What do you want to work on personally for yourself?

    Where can you start making your dreams come true?

    Can you bring more clarity and focus into your life? What do you truly want, not what you think you should want or have. What do YOU want?

    How can you be more bold in your life?

    What can you spark to life? 

    Episode closing Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang 23: Aries Energy, New Beginnings

    The next new moon will be in the sign of Taurus. Signing off today’s episode! I’ll speak to you next Tuesday beautiful soul. Until then, love and positivity.

    Click here to read more

  • 22: Possibility

    Episode Summary of The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 22: Possibility

    This is a short, sweet, punchy episode on all about possibility. It’s inspiring, it’s motivating, it is uplifting. There is SO much possibility in your life. Be open to all the ways every single possibility can be unlocked, opened and received in your life.

    What you'll learn from this episode

    • The power and magic of possibility
    • What your mind does to possibility and how it keeps you small, scared and stuck
    • Your life, the universe is like a candy store!! So fun
    • Breaking free from the stuck energetics of your mind

    Key Quotes from this Episode

    There is infinite possibility in this world, in this universe yet our mind likes to keep us stuck, scared and small.

    Your mind is designed to help you survive, not to be happy.

    You are made of the freaking stars, of everything in this universe.

    Featured Resources on the episode

    Show Transcript

    [Introduction to the Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang plays – Background Music: upbeat, confident, rising beat]:

    Don’t just go through life, grow through it. Don’t just go through life, grow through it.

    Hi and Welcome to the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang.

    My name is Phi and I am a Clarity and Confidence Life Coach known as the “The Positivity Queen.”

    My passion is to help you go from stuck and self critical to courageous and empowered so you can conquer anything.

    Join me, every Tuesday, as I discuss all things mindset, self love, energy and purpose.

    This podcast won’t just inspire and motivate you, it will also provide practical tips and strategies you can implement in your daily life.

    Ready to grow? Let’s grow!

    [Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang End of Intro]

    [Episode 22 – Possibility: Begins]

    Possibility Introduction

    Hello beautiful souls!

    I hope you had a wonderful Easter break – goodness I am so tired but I had the best weekend.

    The sun was shining. I got to see and catch up with a lot of friends, soak in the sunshine, ocean swims, fairy floss sunsets it was so beautiful.

    Unexpectedly I had a visit from a friend Lisa who I met in my coaches current program Art of Alignment and oh my goodness it was a pleasure to meet Lisa in person and she’s really inspired this podcast episode which is all about possibility.

    Your mind and possibility

    Juicy juicy possibility!!!

    I love possibility.

    There is infinite possibility in this world, in this universe yet our mind likes to keep us stuck, scared and small.

    Your mind is designed to help you survive, not to be happy.

    Yes, mind freaking blown.

    Your mind is designed to help you survive, not to be happy.

    I’ll let that sink in.

    Your mind wants to protect you so that you don’t take risks but it keeps you small.

    Small, scared and stuck

    Where are you currently feeling stuck, small and scared in your life?

    Where can you let in space, for expansion, for growth?

    This lifetime is like being a kid in the candy store.

    So many different possibilities. Flavours, types, colours.

    Where do you have blinders on in your life that you cant see all the possibilities.

    Can you ask yourself where you can let in more? 

    To awaken to more options, ways of doing things.

    Moving with the universe and possibility

    The universe is always supporting you and expanding you.

    Knowing this, how do you move in the world? How do you feel? How do you act?

    I get so excited thinking about possibilities and my life. My clients and their possibility!

    Like oooooh what if this happens or ooooh it didn’t happen but maybe life has something even better in stall for me, for my clients.

    Something more juicy. More expansive. More fun.

    So really I’m telling you, the world is your oyster.

    The world is your oyster

    The world is always giving you signals, invitations.

    The thing is are you open?

    Are you open to receiving the signs, the invitations, the manifestations?

    Upcoming manifestation masterclass

    Speaking of, I am in the flow and working on my new juicy manifestation masterclass in the background which I will be launching at the end of next week. Super exciting.

    If you’re interested I will have early bird pricing which will mean it is at it’s most accessible right now until I launch it wooo wooooo! If you’re interested get in touch my loves and I’ll send you the link.

    Possibility Inspiration

    A short and sweet episode today.

    Let it marinade.

    Bask in all your possibilities.

    Stop playing small and break your big game.

    Show yourself and the universe what you’re made of, what you’re capable of you beautiful soul.

    You are made of the freaking stars, of everything in this universe.

    You’re the ocean, stars, blood all in one.

    You are magic.

    You have so much potential and possibility.

    The world can’t wait to see and I can’t wait to see too… 

    Episode closing Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang 22: Possibility

    Until next Tuesday beautiful soul, love and possibility. 

    Haha how funny it just  came out like that! 

    Love and positivity.  

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