Hello to the new moon in Aries ♈️
Aries is the first sign in the zodiac and is a fire element making this moment now here perfect for new beginnings, renewal, courage and creativity.
It’s about taking life by the horns in true ram style 🐏 and having that fire in your belly 🔥
Get zesty because it’s all about being YOU.
You without masks and filters.
In true ram style it’s about being honest and confrontation.
The truth and essence of who you are.
Your whole self in all it’s glory, light and dark, shades and shadow.
How can you be more true to yourself?
What do you have a burning passion for in life and how can you integrate this into your everyday?
What are you ready to start?
love & positivity ✨ phi 👁
🚀 Ready to step into your true power, expression and expansion? Aries new moon is the perfect time to start. Start investing in yourself, stat working on yourself. Let’s GOOO ⚡️ Get in touch with me if you’re ready to start 🧡