
  • My heart reminds me I’m alive

    I'm grateful for it all

    I’m grateful for all that my heart feels.

    I’m grateful for the way it beats with pride and joy.

    I’m grateful in the way in floats with excitement and swells with tenderness.

    I’m grateful when it feels heavy and anchored.

    I’m grateful when it feels like being crushed alive.

    I’m grateful when it swoons with delight and wonder.

    I’m grateful when it races to the rush and thrill of it all.

    I’m grateful when it aches and I feel every time it bleeds.

    I’m grateful when it rushes off the cliff and suspends itself for a moment in time.

    I’m grateful because my heart reminds me I’m alive.

    On following my heart

    Sometimes I really resent my heart.

    Following my heart has led to painful situations that my mind wanted to avoid.

    Following my heart has led to judgement from others who wouldn’t understand.

    Following my heart has led to more difficult decisions that could logically be answered.

    Following my heart has led me to a life beyond logic and my wildest dreams.

    Following my heart has led to deepened love that has changed my life in ways I never knew it could.

    Following my heart has never been wrong even when I’ve felt that I couldn’t handle the heartache that wouldn’t stop coming in waves.

    We live in a society that values logic and the brain.

    After my dad died I made a conscious decision to live with my heart because I realized my mind caused me so much pain.

    Use the weekends to work and make money instead of spending time with family and friends (if I could go back in time to spend one more minute with my dad I would).

    Do the logical thing that makes you unhappy but theoretically will give you what you want (I stayed in a job where I felt unhappy but made up for it in my bank account – being miserable and wealthy is no fun).

    You’re going to have so much time to do the other things (spoiler alert; we only have the present moment) – it’s short term sacrifice for long term gain.

    When my dad died, initially I could not feel my heart.

    I was so overwhelmed with grief, pain and shock that I went into shut down.

    I numbed everything out… and I did not feel anymore.

    I would later be diagnosed with onset delayed grief that led me to a dark dark place because to live without feeling made me feel like a zombie not truly alive.

    I literally remember being so numb wishing I could feel something even pain! Even to cry would be something.

    The day my heart came back I was elated.

    Even as I navigate tough times with my heart I am so grateful.

    I am grateful for this mighty muscle that physically keeps me alive but also reminds me that I am truly alive.

    How is your heart today?

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Are you ready to reconnect with your heart? To live a soul led life? I’d love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 🧡

    Click here to read more

  • Are you falling apart, or falling together?

    The future is coming

    And maybe it’s not that everything is falling apart rather that everything is falling together… that doesn’t make it easy.

    At times it doesn’t feel fair.

    And that is life in itself.

    It’s not good or bad.

    It’s not fair or unfair.

    It just is.

    What would life be like without change?

    The same. Stagnant. Boring.

    It’s only natural that when you evolve, your life will do so too.

    The ebbs and flows, the highs and lows.

    When life falls apart, know that the future is coming… so for now enjoy the ride and know that one day you’ll look back knowing that it all fell apart to come together.

    Accepting change

    When everything is changing and falling apart it can be easy to get sucked up into it 🌊

    It feels as if you’re drowning, struggling to break the surface and grasping for air.

    It feels uncomfortable as if a new version of you is trying to emerge but not quite there. You want to break free from the skin you’re in.

    It feels like a rollercoaster of emotions where one day you’re up and the next you’re down so low.

    It’s how I’ve been feeling and many of my clients too.

    When I’m in the depths of the waters of change I bring it back to this one truth that grounds me.

    Change is a part of life.

    My ego may not like that, but it’s true.

    Who is my ego to think that change can only happen on my terms and my timeline only?

    When I check in with my soul deep down inside, I know that I’ve been in the comfort zone for too long. For wanting of everything to be easy and breezy… and that is probably when I need change the most.

    🌬 To come in and shake things up.

    To help my personal growth and expansion.

    To align with my highest self and values.

    Here’s to change – we may not like it but we need it.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Navigating the waters of change and desiring support and guidance? I’d love to dive deep with you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. Contact me for more info 🐋

    Click here to read more

  • Here’s the thing about power…

    The thing about power

    Here’s the thing about power.

    It’s EASY to be powerful when everything is going your way based on your desires and expectations.

    True power though?

    Is holding your vision and your power when everything isn’t going your way.

    When it feels like everything is going wrong.

    When everything starts to crumble.

    When you start losing everything.

    When you want to give up and just cry.

    When no one believes in you.

    When you are left standing alone.

    When your mind convinces you that it isn’t happening and won’t ever happen for you.

    When you’re being thrown into the deep end with challenge after challenge.

    When everything is confusing, disheartening and to be honest, really hard.

    That’s power.

    Not giving up on yourself when quite frankly, it would be easy to.

    You are already powerful

    What I’ve learnt about power after coaching women and men of all ages around the world.

    I’m going cut through the bull that’s out there and go straight 🎯


    No matter what has happened.

    You’ve made mistakes.

    You’re not making money.

    You’ve lost everything.

    Because the power is ALWAYS and ALREADY inside of you 💥

    At times it’s hidden and drowned out by negative self talk and layers of conditioning and programming.

    That’s what I do as a life coach.

    I help my clients step back into their power always and ohhhhh the places they go 🚀…

    ❤️‍🔥 Soul fulfilling relationships
    ❤️‍🔥 Booked our businesses
    ❤️‍🔥 Dream jobs
    ❤️‍🔥 Freedom with money + travel
    ❤️‍🔥 Next level happiness

    Aalllll of the things.

    And here’s the thing.

    It COULD be you too.

    It first starts with acknowledging your power and cutting out the poor me victim mode (I’m kind, I’m loving and I’m honest 🤗🧡)

    As a coach I’m not that friend that tells you what you want to hear… I’m telling you what you NEED to hear and asking you the questions to make those 🤯💡moments.

    Secondly are you ready to talk the talk aaaand walk the walk? 🥴

    If this is resonating deeply and feeling like medicine to your soul… join me on my 5 day masterclass series. The final masterclass is “Step into your Power” ❤️‍🔥

    It’s free (and will become a paid offering). We start 14 Feb, DM me to join.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    For the beautiful soul who is reading this and feeling the pull to work with me 1:1.

    ⚡️Are you truly READY to be ACTIVATED? To wake up to your wounds and triggers (and actually move through and resolve them).

    ⚡️To step into your power (because it’s not always easy) but daaaamn from first hard experience it’s worth t when you’re living your dreams everyday.

    ⚡️To back it up with deep devotion (mmmm honey 🍯) committing financially, mentally and physically?

    If so, get in touch – l would love to find out more about you and see if I can help 🧡

    Click here to read more

  • Why are you waiting to truly live?

    Do you feel it?

    Why do we wait on death to take us?

    Like it should happen at some old age or when we get sick.

    Why do we wait for that moment to then truly live?

    The truth of the matter is everyday, in every moment you are closer to death.

    Death is the only guarantee in life.

    This is death’s greatest gift to us.

    Knowing this is to truly live.

    You might be living, but are you alive?

    Do you feel your heart beating?

    Do you feel your muscles tense?

    Do you feel yourself breathing?

    Do you feel the nectar and potency in every moment – that anything can change?

    Do you feel the ache of what it means to want something so bad?

    Do you feel the yearning for all that you could achieve?

    Do you?

    Making the most of our gift of life

    Life is a gift and life is borrowed time yet still we wait…

    For the perfect time.

    For the perfect moment.

    For when A or B happen.

    Realise this.

    There is no guarantee of tomorrow.

    All you have is this moment now.

    In this moment now anything and everything could happen.

    The idea happens.

    You meet that person.

    The money lands in your account.

    Be open to THIS moment.

    Don’t wait to live later in life when you’re old on your deathbed regrets if you even make it there…

    Live life NOW.

    It’s all we have.

    To live is to be fully ALIVE.

    Feeling it all.

    Being alive isn’t just happiness and joy.

    Being alive is also feel the depths of despair to know that you’re truly alive enough to feel the pain of it all.

    Two parts of a whole.

    Not one or the other.

    That’s what it means to truly live and to be alive.




    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to live a life that lights up your soul!? 💡 I would love to help you! Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. Contact me for more info ✨

    Click here to read more

  • You are you, and that’s enough

    Remember, you are...

    I unlearn to remember…

    The essence of who I really am, wild and free.

    A child of the universe, made in the image and depth of divinity.

    Part of a collective whole, so loved and supported.

    A light that shines so bright, a light that is so pure.

    You are not your thoughts.

    You are not your emotions.

    You are not your parents.

    You are not your past.

    You are not your mistakes.

    You are not your trauma.

    You are not your bank account.

    You are not your job.

    You are…

    If you’re looking for love, you are love.

    If you’re looking for joy, you are joy.

    If you’re looking for abundance, you are abundance.

    You are, you are, you are.

    Your soul knows who you are

    When in doubt, when you’ve lost your way – reconnect to the wisest and deepest of wisdoms that has been built within you.

    Your soul is the GPS.

    Your soul knows the way.

    Your soul has been encoded with lifetimes of experience and knowledge.

    Your soul knows why you are here living, breathing and existing.

    Your soul is eternal and timeless the conscious witness of your life.

    Maybe all along the journey was never finding yourself in everything outside of you and reconnecting with everything within.

    Your soul doesn’t care about your bank account or how many likes you got.

    Your soul cares about how fulfilled you feel and whether you are living in alignment with your values.

    Your soul doesn’t care about what you do for a living.

    Your soul cares whether you are are truly living, if you are really alive x

    Your soul doesn’t care what you look like or what shape your body is.

    Your soul cares whether you are taking care of yourself and in love with everything that truly matters within.

    Remember, remember, remember 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    👁 ready to reconnect and expand with your soul? To live a life that lights up your soul? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 💫

    Click here to read more

  • Do you want to start living your true potential?

    Your potential activates when...

    The biggest flex of this year is to stop playing with your potential and to start living it.

    Life is full of endless possibilities and you are full of power and potential.

    Start where you are, with what you have and do what you can because if you don’t full live you’ll never know what you are truly capable of.

    Potential doesn’t reside in the comfort zone.

    Potential activates in the breath of bravery.

    Potential activates in the cusp of courage.

    Potential activates in the depths of discomfort.

    Potential activates in facing your fears.

    Potential activates in open opportunities.

    Potential activates in the leaps of faith.

    Potential activates when you keep looking forward and never back.

    Without your opt in potential will stay just that.

    On making it happen

    Many people think that failing is the worst thing that could ever happen but nothing will haunt you more in life is not living up to your potential.

    Abandoned dreams.

    Ignored ideas.

    Sacrificial settling.

    As Les Brown said “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.”

    The only way and time to tap into your potential is … NOW.

    Potential doesn’t care what happened to you before.

    Potential doesn’t care that you have or haven’t been a high achiever in the past.

    Potential doesn’t care for the future if it never sees the light of day.

    Potential cares about the PRESENT.

    Not when you have the money.

    Not when the opportunity comes.

    Not when you have the time.


    Through your potential you will create money.

    Through your potential opportunities will come.

    Through your potential you will prioritize and find time.

    Face your fears.

    Stop the excuses.

    Find the way.

    Blaze the trail.

    Make it happen.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    I can help you fulfil your highest potential through 1:1 coaching. I’ve seen clients attain their dream careers or book out their own businesses. I’ve seen clients abundant beyond their wildest dreams with the love of their life. Contact me for more info ⚡️

    Click here to read more

  • Following my heart

    I'm grateful for my heart...

    I’m grateful for all that my heart feels.

    I’m grateful for the way it beats with pride and joy. I’m grateful in the way it floats with excitement and swells with tenderness. I’m grateful when it feels heavy and anchored. I’m grateful when it feels like it’s being crushed alive. I’m grateful when it swoons with delight and wonder. I’m grateful when it beats slowly and gently. I’m grateful when it races to the rush and thrill of it all. I’m grateful when it aches and I feel every time it bleeds. I’m grateful when it rushes off the cliff and suspends itself for a moment in time.

    I’m grateful because my heart reminds me I’m alive.

    Following my heart through grief.

    Sometimes I really resent my heart.

    Following my heart has led to painful situations that my mind wanted to avoid.

    Following my heart has led to judgement from others who wouldn’t understand.

    Following my heart has led to more difficult decisions that could logically be answered.

    Following my heart has led me to a life beyond logic and my wildest dreams.

    Following my heart has led to deepened love that ha changed my life in ways I never knew it could.

    Following my heart has never been wrong even when I’ve felt that I couldn’t handle the heartache that wouldn’t stop coming in waves.

    We live in a society that values logic and the brain.

    After my dad died I made a conscious decision to live with my heart because I realised my mind caused me so much pain.

    Use the weekends to work and make money instead of spending time with family and friends (if I could go back in time to spend one more minute with my dad I would).

    Do the logical thing that makes you unhappy but theoretically will give you what you want (I stayed in a job where I felt unhappy but made up for it in my bank account – being miserable and wealthy is no fun).

    You’re going to have so much time to do other things (spoiler alert; we only have the present moment) – it’s short term sacrifice for long term gain.

    When my dad died, initially I could not feel my heart.

    I was so overwhelmed with grief, pain and shock that I went into shut down.

    I numbed everything out… and I did not feel anymore.

    I would later be diagnosed with onset delayed grief that led me to a dark dark place because to live without feeling made me feel like a zombie not truly alive.

    I literally remember being so much wishing I could feel something even pain! Even to cry would be something.

    The day my heart came back I was elated.

    Even as I navigate tough times with my heart I am so grateful.

    I am grateful for this mighty muscle that physically keeps me alive but also reminds me that I am truly alive.

    How is your heart today?

    love & positivity – phi

    Ready to embrace change to the fullest? To change with support and guidance with me along your side? I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.

    Click here to read more

  • It’s all going to work out, beautiful soul…

    Ending up where you need to be

    Even when it feels like life is a tangled chaotic mess, it’s all going to work out beautiful soul.

    Loose ends will be tied. Stuck stagnant energy will unravel into a beautiful symphony.

    The tears you shed will give life to new love and light in your life.

    You will end up exactly where you need to be, as exactly who you are meant to be, doing what you are supposed to do.

    Everything is aligning in your favour, trust the process, trust the journey, trust the timing.

    You are deserving of the light that you yearn for.

    Hold on beautiful soul, the darkness is only temporary.

    All is conspiring in your favour.

    Can you have faith?

    Because life won’t deliver your spiritual lessons in the form of rainbows and butterflies.

    Often life will deliver the greatest gifts and growths disguised as darkness, as discomfort, as pain, as challenges, as obstacles…

    The darkness is a disguise that will be inevitably unveiled by the light of insight and expansion that will breakthrough.

    Can you have faith knowing life is by design not accident?

    Can you have faith knowing that it’s all happening for you, not to you?

    Can you have faith that whilst it may not feel great at the time, it doesn’t mean it won’t be great in time?

    love & positivity – phi

    Ready to embrace change to the fullest? To change with support and guidance with me along your side? I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. xx

    Click here to read more

  • Every experience, your soul invites

    Your soul is here on a journey and mission. To live and be human!

    Imagine this perspective.

    Your soul chose your life.

    Every moment of it.

    “The good, the bad and the in between”

    What if you knew every single moment was guaranteed to help you learn, grow and evolve.

    All in the beautiful journey to be your highest self?

    How would you feel?

    Personally for me?

    I feel calm.

    I feel peace.

    I feel grounded.

    In the trust and knowing. No matter what.

    After all, I back myself always.

    Doesn’t matter what life throws me or you 🍋

    You got this.

    So here’s to enjoying “lemonade” 🍸

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    🚀 ready to fast track your evolution? To step up into your highest power ⚡️ Lets chat about your next level of growth through 1:1 coaching 🌱

    Click here to read more

  • The #1 thing in your life right now that is keeping you small, stuck and scared.

    The #1 thing in your life right now that is keeping you small, stuck and scared.

    That #1 thing is you… your mind 🧠

    Letting it convince you that…

    “You can’t do that, it’s impossible, it’s too hard…”

    “Who am I…?”

    “Someone else will do it”

    If life is the ocean, you can’t just stand at the shore watching the waves come in and out.

    Life starts when you get in 🌊

    Step by step, deeper and deeper.

    When you make a big wave, when you go all in, the universe will see you 👁 and send it right back tenfold 〰️

    I’ve seen this in my own journey investing in myself and seeing my clients step up and claim their power by investing in coaching ⚡️⚡️⚡️

    Even little tiny ripples add up to create waves… tsunamis…

    It’s not all about big gestures to create waves, the steady flow of little tiny steps add up.

    What are you holding yourself back from?

    Get ready to surf 🏄🏼‍♀️

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    🌊 Ready to make waves in your life? 

    Get in touch with me, let’s chat about 1:1 coaching 〰️

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