positive mindset

  • Everything you need is within

    A change of perspective...

    Your reality reflects your inner world.

    If you don’t like what you see, turn inwards not outwards.

    Understanding your reality

    For your whole life you’ve been conditioned to seek outside of yourself and this makes sense.

    We are conceived in the uterus, grown in the womb and then ripped away into reality.

    We grow up watching the media where it seems like all the answers are outside of ourselves.

    Prince Charming, Make Up, Food, Gym, This Product, That Product.

    Realise that everything you NEED is within… that you have the POWER.

    The solution to your problems is WITHIN.

    Look and find it within yourself instead of masking it with a bandage solution in your outer reality.

    Notice how when you’re miserable inside, life falls apart on the outside. Parking fines, late bill charges, nothing seems to go right.

    When you’re happy on the inside, physical reality is amazing you notice the birds chirping, the sun shining.

    Further to that every person you meet and encounter is a mirror and their perspective of you is a reflection of them.

    Inner world = Cause
    Outer world = Effect

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to uplevel and upgrade your inner world? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.

    Click here to read more

  • On trusting the present

    You are the catalyst

    You are making waves in oceans that cannot be seen yet.

    You are making tremors in earthquakes that cannot be felt yet.

    You are making sparks in lightning that haven’t struck yet.

    You are making heat in blazes that haven’t burned yet.

    You are the catalyst.

    You are the power.

    Just because it’s not here yet, doesn’t mean it’s not happening…

    It’s simply in the making.

    Tuning into the present

    There’s nothing more exciting then the taste of potentiality on the tip of your tongue.

    The way it lights up your body, atom by atom, cell by cell.

    The way it pours and floods into every fibre of your being with.

    There is so much happening even if you can’t quite see it, or feel it or touch it…

    The universe conspiring behind the scenes, pulling the strings, waiting for the perfect moment.

    This beautiful flow… this beautiful magic… this beautiful synchronicity cannot be be controlled, at times it can’t even be comprehended..

    Your current reality is only a snapshot of the infinite potentiality that exists.

    Know that it is all coming together…

    If you know that you aren’t worried about timing.

    You aren’t worried about what ISN’T happening.

    You’re simply here tuning into the present moment with full faith and alignment 💫

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    🌀 Ready to tune in deeper to your intuition, to learn how to have faith and trust, to confront your fears with clarity and confidence? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.

    Contact me for more details 🧡

    Trust the curiosity… trust the pull ✨

    Click here to read more