positive mindset

  • Criteria to be loved

    Its Never too late to start loving yourself!

    Through all the conditioning and programming, we have come to believe that we have to meet certain criteria in order to be loved

    Their is no certain Criteria to be loved!

    You believe that you have to be perfect in order to be loved. You believe that you have to be successful in order to be loved. You believe that you have to be beautiful in order to be loved. You believe that you have to put others first in order to be loved.

    What about believing that you don’t have to be a certain way or do anything to be loved?

    That you are inherently lovable exactly as you are already 🌹

    Especially if you’ve got the open heart in human design as 70% do!

    Here’s to love and especially loving yourself 🫶🏽

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    🧡 Ready to find love within yourself or with another? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading whether it’s self love, dating, relationships or navigating breakups and challenges.

    Criteria to be loved

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  • Personal Growth Journey

    Reach to next level of your growth !

    As you work on yourself and reach the next level in your growth, don’t be surprised if you feel joy and sadness at the same time.

    Let go the past and heal your soul :

    As we evolve and let go of our past self, we mourn who we were.

    The past you that put up with bad behaviour, that gave so much without return, that always needed something or someone to feel complete, that was blind to what was unfolding before your eyes, that self- sabotaged and the past you that deserved better not only from yourself but those around you.

    The past you was necessary to be come the present you and who you are becoming.

    Love all parts of yourself beautiful soul 🥹🫶🏽

    Love all timelines of who you’ve been, who you are now and who you are becoming.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    📸 @wes_eisenhauer

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to become and embody the best version of you now? I’d love to help through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. 

    Here are the links to Visit: 




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  • Feeling ‘meh’ about the new year?

    POV: Feeling eh about 2024?

    Do you feel a bit ‘eh blah’, like 2024 hasn’t really hit for you…

    And the new year hasn’t given you the motivation to do your intentions and figure out what you’re vibing for the year?

    It’s okay.

    It’s not just you.

    It's all about ENERGY

    The reason you are feeling egh and bleh about the new year may very well have nothing to do with you, in fact it could be because of the 🌀 energy 🌀 especially if you’re empathetic and intuitive.

    In terms of energy there are several different perspectives out there… astrologically some may believe the 111 portal with the Capricorn new moon is new year (11/1 — 11th of January) or maybe end of March with the Spring Solstice… human design says in a couple of weeks with the kick of the collective fantasy imagination energy…

    All in all, this is your permission slip to give yourself grace.

    To be kind and compassionate if you’re not feeling motivated, inspired, lit up and all guns blazing in 2024 yet.

    There’s a window energetically open from about the 11th of January even until April 🫶🏽

    For more on this listen to my latest episode on my podcast
    🎧 Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang
    Episode 56: New Year Energy 2024

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Don’t wait, elevate…

    Sometimes we wait...

    Sometimes we wait for the things we want.

    The right opportunity to show up.

    The right person to show up.

    The right timing to show up.

    Here’s the thing, life isn’t about waiting.

    You don’t have to wait to be in a relationship to feel love.

    You don’t have to have lots of money to feel abundant.

    You don’t have to be at the top of the career ladder to feel successful.

    You don’t have to have it all to be grateful.

    Realise that the motivation underlying all our desires, is because we want to feel a certain way.

    Figure out that feeling and you can find a way to tap into it now because if you’re waiting, you’re not living.

    We never know the true value of a moment until it’s gone…

    Life is all about LIVING

    Life isn’t about waiting after all you are dying everyday. Life is all about LIVING ❤️‍🔥

    A part of being human and living is FEELING.

    You aren’t a robot, you are a soul having a human experience.

    To feel, is to live, is to be here now in the present moment.

    Forget the past, forget the future be here now.

    You can tap into all you desire RIGHT NOW.

    It’s not about time or waiting for an external circumstance to happe

    It’s about reconnecting within and choosing how you want to feel – because you get to choose, you have the power.

    When you shift your internal world, your external world will reflect it.

    So why wait another minute, day or year?

    There’s only one guarantee in life and that is you will die.

    Who knows when?

    Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed so live now, feel it all.

    Make the most of this moment.

    Of every moment.

    This post is an excerpt from my debut book “The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life” available for preorder now releasing 23rd June 2023. Link in bio for more details!

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Trust your journey

    You have not seen it all...

    Trust how your journey is unfolding.

    I know at times it’s so hard.

    Not everyone is going to support you or understand it.

    I know it’s hard to have faith.

    I know it can be at times so hard to believe.

    Beautiful soul, you have not seen it all.

    Every moment is a precious part of your path unfolding.

    Do what you can from where you are.

    Keep going, it’s all coming together perfectly.

    Simply being

    Just because you don’t know exactly how it unfold, when, how, where and all the details… just because you can’t see it right now – it doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening.

    Trust that every piece of the jigsaw is coming together, that everything is unfolding exactly as it should.

    You cannot rush it.

    You cannot slow it down.

    All you can do is simply be.

    Relax and surrender.

    Don’t reach the destination and forget the beauty of the journey.

    Don’t reach the destination, wondering how you even got there in the first place because time slipped by.

    Don’t reach the destination resentful of how it came to be instead of being so full of love, joy, gratitude and expansion.

    You have not seen it all yet.

    You have not felt it all yet.

    That’s the magic and beauty of the journey 💫

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • The best is yet to come

    You will...

    It will happen again.

    It’s not over.

    It’s not the end but only the very beginning.

    The pieces will all fall together and everything will be back on track.

    You will smile again.

    You will fall in love again.

    You will find yourself again.

    You will feel like yourself again.

    You will get a job again.

    You will laugh again.

    You will feel again.

    You will get back up again.

    You will have those moments where you understand why everything happened for a reason again.

    Here is to beautiful new beginnings in any moment, you choose.

    Try again.

    Keep going.

    A new dawn is here for you beautiful soul.

    Here's to your new dawn

    The best moments of your life haven’t finished up beautiful soul, it’s only the beginning.

    The best moments aren’t just for a moment in time but your life will be a string of them.

    Happiness isn’t behind you or in the past, she’s here dancing with you.

    Life is not over but emerging in new bloom for you 🌻

    Here’s to your new dawn 🦋

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • The pain behind the beauty

    Turn your pain

    Your pain and wounds need not be ugly.

    They can be turned into something so beautiful.

    You can turn your pain into pride for how far you have come.

    You can turn your pain into love with a deep appreciation for your strength and character.

    You can turn your pain into a means to validate how you are feeling, no matter what anyone else thinks.

    You can turn your pain into an opening into your heart with great compassion for yourself and others.

    You can turn your pain into the bedrock of your personal growth journey ahead.

    You can turn your pain into your great rebirth as someone wiser and kinder than ever before.

    You can turn your pain into a beautiful life no matter how rocky or difficult the path has been.

    At any moment you can make it something so beautiful, beyond beauty…

    Finding the beauty

    we’ve been conditioned to believe that beauty only lies in the ideal and perfect 👁👄👁

    pain can be a beautiful thing, it doesn’t have to be at all but it can be ❤️‍🩹

    everyone’s experience is valid and different.

    I hope you see the beauty in it all as I do in you – as you are – even if you’re going through it all

    🥀 the beauty in the fall 🌹

    🌹 the beauty in your tears 🥀

    🥀 the beauty in your ache 🌹

    there is so much beauty and beyond in the shadow & darkness if you only dare to see it… 🪄

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • On slowing down…

    Welcoming your highest self

    Beautiful soul, you are allowed to take your time and slow down.

    You don’t have to push, push push, force force force, hustle, hustle, hustle.

    Your pain whether physical, emotional, mental or anything else is real.

    No matter what anyone else says.

    It’s not attention seeking or dramatic.

    You aren’t being selfish or lazy.

    You are brave and doing your best.

    That takes true courage.

    Take it day by day. Moment by moment. Minute by minute if you need.

    Even second by second.

    Your highest self and soul is waiting for you to pick and prioritise yourself.

    Your highest self and soul yearns to be acknowledged for your resilience, strength and tenacity.

    Hold on.

    You’ve got this.

    You are creating a beautiful life for yourself.

    When you slow down...

    there’s nothing wrong with taking your time and slowing down, there’s nothing wrong with you.

    we live in a society that is obsessed with the fast pace and instant gratification.

    sometimes we need to just stop, pause and be still.

    to be truly present and savour the moment.

    especially in moments of pain.

    remember you’ve overcome all those hard times you didn’t think you would yet here you are reading this.

    listen to your soul.

    it always knows the way.

    it can be scary to listen to but trust and have faith in yourself.

    your soul is your in built GPS system completely customised and unique to you.

    slow down and tune into it like the radio 📻

    when you slow down you can feel the sunlight dance on our skin.

    when you slow down you can hear the symphony of sounds in everyday life.

    when you slow down can you truly taste your coffee and the chocolate melting on your tongue.

    anything can happen at any time, so it’s okay to slow down.

    be gentle and kind to yourself, you are doing your best.

    you got this 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    if you’d like to work with me, I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Contact me for more info 🤍

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  • Better days are coming

    Better days are coming...

    Some days will be harder than others and that’s okay.

    Some days will feel heavier than others and that’s okay.

    Some days pain and suffering will convince you that it will last forever.

    It won’t.

    Better days are coming beautiful soul.

    They always do.

    It may take time, but it’s always worth the wait.

    The light will trickle back in.

    Your heart will mend piece by piece.

    You’ll remember why you love life so much in the first place.

    Rainbows always like to hide behind storms and clouds.

    Your tears will water the flowers blossoming in the seams of your soul.

    You’ll look back at this time thinking that life has buried you, when really you’ve been planted to bloom.

    You’ll look back at this time, in awe of your strength and beaming with pride for yourself.

    You’ll look back at this time and realise that you wouldn’t change a thing, because everything unfolded the way it was meant to, for your highest growth always.

    Facing your emotions

    I hope hard moments and days don’t convince you that you have a bad life or that the good ones aren’t coming because they are.

    Beautiful soul, life’s only constant is the rollercoaster and waves. The ups and the downs. It’s okay to not have every day be so happy, exciting and soul fulfilling. It’s more than okay because it’s human.

    I know you have days where you feel so much suffering you can’t even put how you feel into words.

    I know you have days where you question if you’ll make it through because you’ve just had enough.

    I know you have days where you feel like a fool for thinking better days are coming (you aren’t because they are).

    I know because I’ve been there too🤍

    As they say if you feel like you’re losing everything, remember that trees lose their leaves every year and yet they still stand tall and wait for the better days to come 🌳

    Eventually it will all make sense.

    Eventually those better days will be here, right now and you’ll smile looking back knowing it all happened the way it was meant to be.

    They are coming, just because you can’t see them or feel it doesn’t mean that they aren’t.

    Hold on, you’ve got this beautiful soul, I believe in you 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Human being, not human doing

    Did you know...

    You’re a human BEING not a human DOING.

    On getting caught up...

    There’s nothing wrong with doing! But here’s the thing about life… you’re a soul choosing to have a human experience.

    You are here to be truly alive and that’s not just being productive…

    We get caught up in the rat race that you simply forget to be ✨

    We get caught up in getting to the destination that we forget to enjoy the journey 👣

    We get caught up in auto pilot that we don’t get to be fully present and grounded in the moment 👁

    We get caught up in making things happen that we forget based on universal principles we are an energetic match to what we desire ❤️‍🔥

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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