love yourself

  • On slowing down…

    Welcoming your highest self

    Beautiful soul, you are allowed to take your time and slow down.

    You don’t have to push, push push, force force force, hustle, hustle, hustle.

    Your pain whether physical, emotional, mental or anything else is real.

    No matter what anyone else says.

    It’s not attention seeking or dramatic.

    You aren’t being selfish or lazy.

    You are brave and doing your best.

    That takes true courage.

    Take it day by day. Moment by moment. Minute by minute if you need.

    Even second by second.

    Your highest self and soul is waiting for you to pick and prioritise yourself.

    Your highest self and soul yearns to be acknowledged for your resilience, strength and tenacity.

    Hold on.

    You’ve got this.

    You are creating a beautiful life for yourself.

    When you slow down...

    there’s nothing wrong with taking your time and slowing down, there’s nothing wrong with you.

    we live in a society that is obsessed with the fast pace and instant gratification.

    sometimes we need to just stop, pause and be still.

    to be truly present and savour the moment.

    especially in moments of pain.

    remember you’ve overcome all those hard times you didn’t think you would yet here you are reading this.

    listen to your soul.

    it always knows the way.

    it can be scary to listen to but trust and have faith in yourself.

    your soul is your in built GPS system completely customised and unique to you.

    slow down and tune into it like the radio 📻

    when you slow down you can feel the sunlight dance on our skin.

    when you slow down you can hear the symphony of sounds in everyday life.

    when you slow down can you truly taste your coffee and the chocolate melting on your tongue.

    anything can happen at any time, so it’s okay to slow down.

    be gentle and kind to yourself, you are doing your best.

    you got this 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    if you’d like to work with me, I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Contact me for more info 🤍

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  • Finding the truest you

    Be you, be free...

    Maybe it’s not that you’re changing… maybe it’s your remembering and reawakening to who you really are.

    The you before the world told you to be a certain way.

    The you that’s battled and weathered the storms.

    The you that’s embodied all aspects of yourself.

    The you that’s switched on to your spark and light.

    The you that’s peeled off layers of conditioning.

    The you that’s stripped to your true essence.

    The you that shines in your authenticity and truth.

    The you that chooses to love despite fear and hate.

    Reawakening all that you are

    It’s hard to be true to yourself in a world that values being a follower not a leader.

    It’s hard to be true to to yourself for fear of judgement, of being a light that shines too bright.

    It’s hard to be you under layers of programming, conditioning, pressure and expectations that weigh you down.

    It’s hard to be you when your ideal image of yourself is a mosaic of the external world and influences beyond you.

    It’s hard to be you with your past haunting you and everything that you’ve been through which makes you put up your walls.

    Your truest self is always within raw, beating, pulsing, loving – your highest self.

    How does it feel to come home to you.

    Your highest self.




    An unwavering mountain of strength.

    The golden warmth of sunshine.

    The wind beneath thing wings of a bird.

    The gentle breeze of the tree.

    The glory and sparkle of the stars.

    You are here in this beating moment.


    Reawakening to all that you are 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to continue uplevelling in your personal and spiritual growth journey? Join me in my membership – The Soul Sister Collective or hop on the waitlist for 1:1 coaching ⚡️

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