life quotes

  • Surrender to the journey

    Maybe life is asking you to give way to flow. To stop resisting the currents and trust that where they lead you is exactly where you need to be. It’s not always about controlling the outcome, but surrendering to the journey itself.

    Sometimes the most profound growth happens when we allow ourselves to be carried by the unknown, rather than swimming against it. There is power in trusting that each moment, each turn in the river, each shift in the tide of the ocean is leading you closer to your highest self.

    When you align with the flow, you align with your purpose, and life unfolds in ways that are beyond what you could have ever planned.

    Flow doesn’t mean being passive to the wills of life or lack of action. Aligned flows means moving with intention, but without force. Without excessive hustle.

    It’s about being in tune with the rhythm of life, recognising when to act and when to pause, when to push forward and when to rest or retreat.

    Flow invites us to be present and aware, to listen to the whispers of our soul and the subtle nudges from the universe that guide us forward.

    When we release our grip on the illusion of control, we create space for life to surprise us.

    The flow carries us to new opportunities, relationships, and experiences that we may never have imagined.

    It’s in this flow that we find synchronicity, where events and experiences align effortlessly, and doors open naturally.

    The universe, in its infinite wisdom, knows the path better than we do— it has greater foresight and expansiveness beyond comprehension.

    Our job is to let go and trust the process.

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  • May you leap even if you feel afraid

    I don’t know who needs to hear this but you’re on the right path. Your heart is full of courage. In a world distracted by the mind, I hope you dig deep and reconnect with your heart. I hope you reconnect with your inner light that never ceases nor dwindles. It’s now up to you to make that move. The one your soul is nudging you to make. May you leap even if you feel afraid, for your spirit is fearless.

    The biggest misconception about being on the right path… is that it will just feel easy, clear and flowy all the time 😮‍💨

    Because it won’t.

    The right path will have tough moments that feel hard.

    The right path will feel clear in your soul but noisy and messy in your mind.

    The right path will have moments that don’t seem to flow and those moments are beautiful opportunities to reassess.

    Regardless, the right path is something you create by following your intuition, trusting your soul and making moves (especially when it feels scary!)

    Time to make your move 🔥


    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • And suddenly you’re older

    And suddenly you’re older. Fear hits you like a truck as does the anxiety and panic.

    Here’s the the thing, what a privilege it is to age. You are also wiser. You are also stronger. You are also more resilient. 

    Age has made you more agile and adaptable. 

    You’ll never be as young as you are right now. Your spirit is eternal. Your spirit is endless. The sum of who you are in this moment is every age that you’ve been. 

    Think of who you’ve been before, who you are now and who you are becoming. That is oh so very beautiful.

    Society often portrays aging, especially for women, as something to be feared or avoided. But aging is a natural, inevitable part of life that brings wisdom, experience, and new opportunities.

    Marilyn Ferguson rightly says “Of all the self-fulfilling prophecies in our culture the assumption that aging means decline and poor health is probably the deadliest.”

    People immediately think of everything to lose with age and forget that with loss comes so much gain…


    Self Acceptance

    New Opportunities and Possibilities


    What is forgotten is that your soul is ageless.

    “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?”

    More on this in a new episode of my podcast (#77) 🎧 Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for perspective shifts like this? Support and guidance in your life? I can help you.

    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

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  • Know that it is within you

    Know that it is within you to find a way to let go and overcome the hardships of life. 

    You have endured so much but you are made of strength, courage and resilience.

    You are more than capable of doing difficult things. I hope you find peace in your soul, love in your heart and self belief in your mind. 

    Life is a blessing and so are you. Don’t let others decide, dictate or define who you are. 

    Show up as the person you want to be. Show up as the person you are meant to be. The most aligned and authentic version of you.

    Owning who you are begins with discovery and self-awareness.

    Take your time to explore your strengths, areas of improvement, passions, and values.

    Reflect on your life experiences and what they have taught you about yourself.

    Journaling can be a powerful tool in this process, as it allows you to put your thoughts and feelings into words, giving you greater clarity and insight.

    Recognise that self-discovery is a journey, not a destination.

    Be kind with yourself as you uncover the layers of your identity.

    The more you understand and accept who you are, the more confidently you can step into your uniqueness.

    Society often imposes standards and expectations that can make you feel inadequate or compelled to conform. However, true fulfillment comes from being authentic, not from meeting others’ expectations. Unlearning the programming, conditioning, pressure and standards.

    Surround yourself with supportive people who celebrate your individuality and encourage you to be your true self. Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that it’s okay to be different. Your uniqueness is not something to hide or apologise for; it is something to proudly own and share with the world.

    Take proactive steps to express your uniqueness in your daily life. Pursue activities and hobbies that resonate with your true interests and values.

    By consistently choosing to live in alignment with your true self, you reinforce your confidence and self-esteem. Remember, the world needs your unique perspective and contributions, so embrace who you are and let your authentic self shine 🌟

    If you are looking for another perspective; for guidance and support in your life, I got you 😌

    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

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  • You have a higher calling in life

    You have a higher calling and your life is meant for more. You know it. Trust in what your heart is telling you. You aren’t here for approval, you are here for purpose. Cycles are closing and your timing is here. It’s time to embrace the magic in the unpredictability of it all.

    It’s a love hate relationship with unpredictability in life.

    It keeps it interesting and we thrive in being challenged to flexible and adaptable.

    Yet our mind and physiology craves stability inherently. Our mind wants to control not surrender.

    There really is a magic in not knowing every single detail and every thing 🪄

    How can you lean in? 🎢

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance in moving forward with your life? I got you, I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you or DM me 🌻

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  • You will make it through

    You will make it through. 

    You’ve done it before and you will do it again. 

    What matters is that you are kind and patient with yourself. What matters is you release and let go of what’s eating you up and weighing you down. 

    Each step you take, no matter how small, brings you closer to where you want to be. Allow yourself to dream and to chase those dreams with passion and determination. 

    What matters is that you stay true to yourself and your values, even when the road is tough. 

    Embrace your journey with an open heart and a fearless spirit. Know that you are capable, you are strong and you are worthy of all the good things life has to offer. 

    Keep moving forward, one step at a time, and never forget the incredible power you hold within you.

    ou will make it through because your resilience is your superpower.

    Every challenge you face is an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser, thought it may not always feel that way.

    Keep chasing your dreams because they were truly put in your heart for a reason and that you are the person to bring it to life.

    Remember, you don’t have to do it alone.

    Coaching can provide the guidance, support, and strategies you need to navigate your journey and achieve your fullest potential.

    Embrace your path with confidence, and should you desire, 1:1 coaching help you unlock the incredible power within you ❤️‍🔥

    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

    Click here to read more

  • Life isn’t easy but you were designed not only to survive but thrive.

    Life isn’t easy but you were designed not only to survive but thrive. 

    You were created to be able to withstand the hardships, the storms and enjoy the sunshine. 

    You were made to navigate it all exactly as you have for your greatest growth and expansion. 

    I hope on your darkest days you remember how unique and special you truly are. 

    You are a universe in itself and no one has experienced everything as you have. 

    No one thinks exactly the way you do. No one feels the layers and depths of emotions as you do. I hope that one bad moment never outshines the beauty and goodness of your heart and soul.

    Every individual is born with a unique blueprint, an intricate design that equips them to navigate life’s journey in a way no one else can. Your human design.

    This blueprint encompasses your innate gifts, your personality traits, and the specific challenges you’re meant to face and overcome.

    You were specially designed to handle the circumstances of your life. Whether you are introverted or extroverted, logical or creative, your unique composition allows you to approach situations in a way that is distinctively yours.

    This uniqueness is not a flaw; it is your greatest strength. Embracing it is the first step towards unlocking your full potential.

    If you’re curious about finding out more, I invite you to do a human design reading with me 🧡☺️

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang


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  • It’s safe to let go

    I don’t know who needs to hear this but it’s safe to let go. I

    t’s safe to surrender and trust. It’s safe to hand is over to the universe and destiny because what is meant to be will be. 

    It’s safe to relax and focus on yourself: how you’re feeling and how to move forward. It feels like the end but it’s not the total end. everything is going to to be okay. 

    There’s something new on the horizon for you and it’s going to be better than you imagined for yourself. The universe is yet to reveal it’s full hand. You are loved and you are supported.

    You’re seeing this because you were meant to 🫶🏽 I know it’s been hard but you’re strong and you’re resilient.

    May this time serve you to let go of what no longer aligns and make way for new beginnings and expansive experiences.

    More information on the Sagittarius full moon on my podcast 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

    Should you feel the pull and desire for support and guidance in what you are going through right now, I got you. I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you or DM me 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    Click here to read more

  • Sometimes good things end so better ones can begin.

    Sometimes good things end so better ones can begin. You’re about to enter a new era and phase in your life which requires letting go of what you know for what’s to come. The past no longer has a hold on you, for your future is here. Be kind and gentle to your heart for it has not been easy. Be kind and gentle to your heart because change is not easy. Be proud of yourself for how far you’ve come and how the journey has prepared you for where you are now going.

    As they say sometimes it’s time to trust in the magic of new beginnings ✨

    It can be hard to let to go when things have been so good.

    Yet it can also be hard to let go when things haven’t been for we fear what change can bring such as temporary discomfort and pain.

    Whether we like it or now, whether we want it or not: change will inevitably happen.

    How does it feel to lean in and embrace as it opposed to fear it and attempt to control and delay it?

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance in moving forward with your life? I got you, I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you or DM me 🧡

    Keywords: [endings, new beginnings, change, life quotes]

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  • The universe is yet to reveal its full hand

    The universe is yet to reveal its full hand, there is more to come, beautiful soul. 

    Have faith despite the challenges. 

    Hold onto the hope and deep trust within your heart for it is your inner compass, leading you through the darkest of times. 

    May struggle not dishearten you but strengthen your spirit. May your light shine through the trials and tribulations of life. Trust that the universe has grand plans for you, and all is unfolding in the perfect timing and the perfect way for your highest growth and expansion, not your mind and ego. 

    The best is yet to come, and your resilience and determination will light the way. Keep moving forward, for your destiny is revealing itself.

    As you navigate this path, remember that there are a few things to keep in mind and hold in your heart 🧡

    Yes there’s a mystery to it and it makes life more fun, more intriguing.

    You are never truly alone. The universe is a vast, interconnected web, and every soul you encounter plays a role in your story. Cherish the connections you make along the way, for all can make an impact in your journey. Beyond the physical we even have our spiritual teams always with us 👼🏻

    In times of solitude, look within there are many practices to continue the light 🕯️ to connect deeper to your soul and your highest self.

    Your perseverance and faith will be rewarded, and you will blossom into what is meant to be 🤩

    Looking and feeling into the nudge for support and guidance? I got you 🥰 

    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you or DM me 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

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