
  • You don’t need someone, you want someone

    You don’t need someone.

    You are your own person.

    You have your own thoughts and opinions.

    You have your own goals.

    You have your own life.

    Your own dreams.

    You want someone.

    Love is everywhere, it isn’t just in a partner. Love is there with your friends and with your family. Love is there when you take a fresh breath, when you feel the ocean breeze, when you watch the sunrise.

    Love is there when you watch the clouds go by, when you see the stars twinkle in the night sky, when water falls from the sky, when dew forms on a fresh blade of grass, when your heart races on an adventure into the unknown, when you take a small sip of piping hot coffee, when you soak in the sunshine.

    You don’t need someone, you want someone.

    Not just anyone.

    You want a partner to share your life with.

    Someone who recognises how special you are, how incredible you are, how beautiful you are, how strong you are, how intelligent you are and how loving you are.

    Someone who looks into your eyes and sees your magic, your heart and your soul.

    Someone who wants to grow with you, learn with you and do life with you.

    The difference between needing someone and wanting someone

    Needing someone is wanting to be in a relationship / Wanting someone is only being in a relationship if you are compatible and they are right for you.

    Needing someone is feeling as if you can’t live without them / Wanting someone is knowing you can live without them but you don’t want to.

    Needing someone means you aren’t ready for a fulfilling relationship / Wanting someone means you are ready for relationship because you choose and feel ready to do so.

    Needing someone means you need to work on loving yourself / Wanting someone is loving who you are and wanting someone who will accept you completely.

    Needing someone makes you feel desperate and clingy / Wanting someone makes you feel empowered.

    Needing someone is wanting to feeling complete / Wanting someone is someone who loves all of you (flaws and all).

    Needing someone is to say what you think they want hear / Wanting someone is speaking your truth, being a voice and not an echo.

    Needing someone is doing anything for someone / Wanting someone is letting them do some things for you.

    Needing someone makes you feel anxious / Wanting someone is knowing you are already worthy of love no matter what.

    Needing someone feels like you want to see them everyday / Wanting someone means you’d like to see them regularly and still have time for yourself

    Needing someone is giving up your power and putting someone on a pedestal / Wanting someone is finding someone who is on your level

    Needing someone feels like making excuses for poor behaviour and red flags / Wanting someone is being with someone if they treat you well and reciprocate your feelings,

    Needing someone is being completely dependent / Wanting someone is being independent and being dependent at times.

    Needing someone is being validated by them / Wanting someone is being self confident and validating yourself.

    Additional reading on you don’t need someone, you want someone

    The Difference Between Needing, Wanting And Loving SomebodyKeay Nigel, Medium

    The Difference Between Wanting Someone And Needing ThemMichaela Rollings, Thought Catalog

    Are You in Love or in Need?Uplift

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