Life isn't just a highlight reel

because life isn’t just a highlight reel, don’t let social media fool you!

2023 has been one of the best years of my life and no it wasn’t happy and positive all of the time…

It was actually a year that started amazing on paper but despite all the surface level stuff: a thriving business, incredible home, freedom lifestyle, abundance, loving and supportive friends and family yet something felt missing and it was worse because according to society I had the life and things that “should” make you happy…

What is was… was a year I gave myself permission and allowed myself to truly feel it all. To make mistakes. To try again.

A year I unlearned a lot that didn’t serve me so that I loved myself more deeply than I ever had and in turn started the year single and am ending it with a partner.

A year where I had moments I didn’t think I would make it through but I did. A year filled with lows I had never felt with highs and joys too 🥹🥲

I hope you give yourself permission to be so proud of yourself no matter how the year went and know that at any moment, you can change and so can your life.

So heres to another year 🫶🏽🥰

It doesn’t have to be the 31st when you let everything go nor does it have to be the 1st to start everything over. Whenever you decide is right for you.

And if you’re looking for support and guidance… 🙋🏼‍♀️ here’s your sign I can’t wait to work with you either through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading… contact me 🧡

If no one else has told you — I’m proud of you! I hope you give yourself the grace and love to be more you, to embrace yourself and life to its fullest and enjoy the ride 🌊

love & positivity ✨ phi

Ellie Bracken