Month: June 2024

  • 78: Precision over perfection, be willing to wobble

    Perfectionism often holds us back from reaching our full potential, paralysing us with the fear of making mistakes. But what if we shifted our focus from achieving perfection to striving for precision? What if we embraced wobble moments, and in fact leaned into the wobble? That there is so much strength embedded in imperfection.

    Inspired by wobbling, the wobble moments

    Hello beautiful soul, how is your heart and soul today? Earlier this week I wrote a piece on wobbling that’s on my Instagram: “It’s okay, even though it doesn’t seem or appear to be. It’s okay to wobble, to fall, to stumble, to trip. It happens when you’re doing your best outside your comfort zone. It happens when you are pushing beyond the edges of your fears to expand. This is the space, the void, where growth truly occurs, where you discover strengths you never knew you had. It’s in these moments of uncertainty, instability and challenge that you build resilience and character. Every step taken beyond your familiar is a stride towards a more courageous, confident, and capable version of yourself. Embracing discomfort is not easy, but you’re doing it beautiful soul because you’re unlocking your full potential and that’s a beautiful, brave thing. Keep going.”

    Wobbling and life coaching

    This was inspired by my coaching clients as I have the privilege of holding space, guiding and supporting them. Seeing wobbles in different contexts and areas of life. Please note I share these examples with strict anonymity and confidentiality. Names, situations have been tweaked and changed so I can share with you examples of life coaching and the power of it.

    Emily has been feeling stuck in her job for years, dreaming of pursuing her passion for photography full-time. However, the idea of leaving the stability of her job is daunting, and she’s uncertain about whether she can make it as a professional photographer. During coaching sessions, Emily experiences moments of doubt and fear, wondering if she’s making the right decision. Through coaching and working together, Emily realises that her fear is a sign that she’s stepping outside of her comfort zone and pursuing her dreams. The fear is a wobble but her strength is aligning in her purpose, her passion. 

    Ashley, a client struggling with communication issues in his relationship, experiences a wobble when he and his partner have a disagreement. Feeling frustrated and unsure of how to move forward, that’s when Ashley decided to do life coaching with me. In our conversations we uncover underlying patterns and beliefs that contribute to his communication challenges. The wobbles manifest as unconsciously picking fights or self sabotaging based self worth. As Ashley gains insight into his own triggers and behaviours, he begins to see his wobble as an opportunity to deepen his connection with his partner. To do the work first within himself to improve the relationship and to open up his heart and be more vulnerable about past experiences that have led to these triggers and behaviours. 

    How to cope with wobbling through life coaching

    These are only just two examples! If you’re feeling the pull and resonating with what I’m sharing, I have 1:1 coaching spots open and invite you to get in touch so I can set up a free call to chat with you to see if we aligned and a fit for working together to help you be happier, soul satisfied, self fulfilled, abundant, magnetic, radiant, loving and beyond.

    Be willing to wobble

    Today’s episode is fuelled by the wobble! Wobbling is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of growth in motion. Think about it like this: when we’re learning to ride a bike, we don’t just jump on and magically ride perfectly from the get-go. No, we wobble, we fall, and we get back up again. Each wobble teaches us something new—how to balance, how to steer, how to keep moving forward. In life, it’s the same. Every stumble, every setback, is an opportunity to learn, adapt, and grow stronger.

    The core essence and message of this episode is to be willing to wobble. It’s in the wobble we realise our strength. There is strength in imperfection. Wobbling is truly a sign of giving something a go. It’s aligned with beginner’s mindset. Both concepts revolve around the willingness to try, to stumble, and to learn from every experience, regardless of the outcome.

    Beginners mindset and wobbling

    At the heart of a beginner’s mindset lies a sense of openness and curiosity—an eagerness to explore new possibilities without preconceived notions or judgments. Similarly, embracing wobbling requires a similar attitude of humility and willingness to embrace uncertainty. When we approach challenges with a beginner’s mindset, we acknowledge that we’re not expected to have all the answers or to perform flawlessly from the start. Instead, we’re open to the process of learning, experimenting, and growing, one wobble at a time.

    Trying is the catalyst that propels us forward on our journey of growth. It’s the willingness to take that first step, even if it means risking failure or facing discomfort. When we try, we push past our comfort zones and expand our boundaries, paving the way for new opportunities and discoveries. Every attempt, no matter how small or imperfect, contributes to our learning and development, building momentum towards our goals.

    Precision over perfectionism

    I recently came across an article by Michelle Finerty who combines her two loves of yoga and writing together. That itself I love because she is an example, an expander, of one of many people who combine their passions to find their own unique path in life. The article really spoke to me and I wanted to share two things I took out of it.

    “When we allow perfection to take center stage, we set the groundwork for suffering instead of soaring.” Perfectionism is full of judgement, it stifles instead of allowing growth and expansion.

    “Precision, not perfection is the goal.” Oooof. That shift from perfection to precision. This was in the context of yoga however I think it can apply to many things in life. It’s about the energy in which you approach something such as a goal or exercise. Perfection is static, there’s only one way to go about something, it’s stifling and restrictive with one ideal result in mind. There’s no room for anything but that, no spaciousness, no graciousness. Precision is about the process and progress. It’s about how are you going to get there, and yes, you can uphold high standards for yourself but it’s not impossible, weight crushing, soul stamping perfection. Precision is the how. Perfectionism is the outcome. Ponder upon this, “nature is precise, not perfect; otherwise there would be no evolution.”

    Precision involves a focus on accuracy, clear communication, and thoughtful action, whereas perfection often entails an unrealistic and unattainable standard. When you strive for precision, you set achievable benchmarks and prioritise progress over flawlessness. This shift in mindset can alleviate the stress and pressure associated with perfectionism, fostering a healthier, more productive approach to personal development and goal attainment.

    A practical example of precision over perfectionism

    What comes to mind from my own experience is that of learning to surf. It’s so much fun, it’s challenging and there’s many elements to consider that factor in: the waves themselves, the weather, your body, internal strength, the surfboard you choose and so fourth. When you’re first learning you’re keen and eager to stand up for the first time. If you obsess over every detail such as the exact placement of your feet to the angle of your body, you’ll be in your mind and not actually in the experience of surging.

    It’s a humbling experience and the precision mindset is that of practicality. You have to concentrate on mastering the fundamental steps first, such as properly positioning yourself on the board, understanding the timing of the waves, and maintaining a balanced crouch before standing. Every time you practice and try, you have to make small, deliberate adjustments to improve your technique gradually. As I found you celebrate first being able to stay on the board, then even kneeling, then standing up and falling and then finally standing up, staying on and riding the wave. In that very process you inevitable wobble and fall over and over again!

    Precision over perfectionism in yoga

    Imagine you’re in a yoga class, practicing the Downward Dog pose. A perfectionist might strive to have every angle and line of their body match a textbook image of the pose or replicating the instructor, obsessing over getting your heels to touch the ground and your back perfectly straight, often leading to frustration and discomfort when your body doesn’t comply. The perfectionist focus on achieving an idealised version of the pose can cause tension and detract from the benefits of the practice.

    In contrast, someone focusing on precision approaches Downward Dog with a different mindset. You pay attention to key elements that matter most for your body’s alignment and health—like ensuring your hands are spread wide, your weight is evenly distributed, and you’re lengthening their spine. You might not have their heels touching the ground or their back perfectly straight, but you’re engaging the muscles correctly and reaping the benefits of the pose. This precise approach acknowledges and respects your current physical state, promoting progress without the unrealistic expectation of perfection.

    That’s why lately I’m finding in many classes I go to, the best teachers advise you to tune into your body, to allow it to go as far as it can in that very class instead of being technically perfect and hurting your body by forcing and contorting it.

    Mental and spiritual perfectionism

    Take this to your spiritual growth, you can be so called perfect doing a morning routine consisting of a certain set of steps everyday yet not feeling better because again you just want to be perfect and get it done instead of actually being in the experience okay I am meditating now. It’s not about having no thoughts and that perfectionism. The precision in meditation is observing my thoughts with curiosity. If you just do the thing to get to the end goal instead of noticing the shifts, how you are responding, what is working, what is not working. What one person’s morning routine may work for them but even if you replicated it perfectly, it doesn’t mean it will work for you. Everyone’s needs are different. Everyone feels uniquely within themselves. 

    The beauty of precision

    Precision encourages a mindset of continuous improvement. Instead of being paralysed by the fear of making mistakes, you can embrace a growth-oriented perspective. Fumbles, falls, stumbling, wobbles, mistakes, errors are opportunities for improvement and refinement. This approach aligns with the concept of “progress over perfection,” where the emphasis is placed on incremental advancements rather than an unattainable ideal. By honing in on specific, measurable aspects of what you are trying to achieve, you can make tangible improvements that accumulate over time, leading to significant growth and development.

    Wobbling in life—experiencing moments of instability, uncertainty, or even failure—is crucial for personal growth, resilience, and adaptability. 

    Physical wobbling strengthens you

    In physical exercises, wobbling is a great thing because it challenges and strengthens muscles by engaging stabiliser muscles and improving balance and coordination. When we wobble during exercises like squats, lunges, or yoga poses, our muscles are forced to work harder to maintain stability, leading to increased strength and endurance over time.

    Wobbling also activates smaller, often unused, overlooked or neglected muscles that are crucial for joint stability and overall functional movement. By challenging these muscles through wobbling, we improve our overall body awareness and strength too.

    Moreover, wobbling encourages us to focus on proper form and technique, which are essential for preventing injuries and maximising the effectiveness of our workouts. Precision over perfection!

    When we wobble, it’s a signal that our body is out of alignment or that we’re compensating for weaknesses in certain muscle groups. By paying attention to these cues and making necessary adjustments, we can ensure that we’re working the right muscles and reducing the risk of injury.

    Furthermore, wobbling adds an element of variability and progression to our workouts. As we become stronger and more proficient in exercises, we can increase the intensity by introducing instability tools like balance boards, stability balls, or BOSU balls. These tools challenge our muscles in new ways, promoting continued growth and improvement.

    Personal development and wobbling

    Outside of the physical, navigating life’s wobbles builds mental and emotional strength.

    Firstly, wobbling fosters resilience. When we face setbacks or unexpected challenges, we’re forced to adapt and find ways to regain our footing. Each wobble presents an opportunity to learn, grow, and develop new coping mechanisms. Over time, these experiences build resilience, enabling us to bounce back stronger from adversity.

    Secondly, wobbling encourages innovation and creativity. Embracing uncertainty opens us up to new possibilities and perspectives. It pushes us out of our comfort zones and encourages us to explore alternative solutions and approaches. Some of the greatest breakthroughs and innovations stem from navigating through moments of uncertainty and ambiguity.

    Thirdly, wobbling cultivates humility and empathy. When we wobble, we’re reminded of our humanity, it humbles and dissolves the ego that wants perfection instantly. This humility allows us to connect more deeply with others, as we recognise that everyone faces their own struggles and challenges. Everyone has their own wobbles. It fosters empathy and understanding, strengthening our relationships and our sense of community.

    Moreover, wobbling fuels personal growth and self-discovery. Each wobble presents an opportunity for reflection and introspection. By examining our reactions and responses to challenges, we gain valuable insights into our strengths, weaknesses, and values. This self-awareness enables us to make informed decisions and pursue paths that align with our authentic selves.

    In essence, wobbling is not just an inevitable part of life; it’s a necessary catalyst for growth, resilience, and self-discovery. By embracing life’s wobbles with courage and openness, we can navigate through uncertainty with grace and emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient individuals. The way to go about this through the mindset and energetic shift of precision over perfectionism.

    Thank you for tuning in beautiful soul, until next time, love and positivity.

    Click here to read more

  • It’s okay to wobble

    It’s okay, even though it doesn’t seem or appear to be. 

    It’s okay to wobble, to fall, to stumble, to trip. It happens when you’re doing your best outside your comfort zone. It happens when you are pushing beyond the edges of your fears to expand. 

    This is the space, the void, where growth truly occurs, where you discover strengths you never knew you had. 

    It’s in these moments of uncertainty, instability and challenge that you build resilience and character. 

    Every step taken beyond your familiar is a stride towards a more courageous, confident, and capable version of yourself. Embracing discomfort is not easy, but you’re doing it beautiful soul because you’re unlocking your full potential and that’s a beautiful, brave thing. Keep going.

    The wobbles and stumbling are perceived as a sign of weakness or perhaps failing and not doing something right… so you beat yourself up, you hear the negative self talk — criticism, disapproval and you feel awful 😣

    Here’s the thing, if you’re wobbling and stumbling it’s because you’re doing something! You’re not staying still, you’re moving and that is progress.

    Embracing the discomfort that comes with taking action, leaning into growth isn’t easy but a necessary part of growth.

    Growth often starts with a moment, a decision to try!

    Be proud of the wobbles and stumbles, don’t let it deter you but strengthen you 🌱

    Should you need support and guidance I offer 1:1 coaching in all areas of life including relationships, career, dating, business, spiritual growth, personal development and mindset + 1:1 coaching. Get in touch for more information 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    P.S. if you like my writing you’ll love my book 📖 The Great Unlearning

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