Month: February 2024

  • 66: Leap Year 2024

    This episode is short and sweet all about the Leap Year in 2024, the 29th of February 2024. Phi talks about the energetic themes emerging from this special day that happens once every four years. 

    This episode also provides some journaling prompts for the Leap Year in 2024.

    Leap Year February 2024

    Happy Leap Year Day! As we speak I’m getting ready to head to India and Vietnam for work so this episode is going to be short, sweet and punchy. I’m really excited about the guests that’ll be featuring on the podcast whilst I’m away for two weeks. As you all know I am running a retreat in August later this year in Bali that’s sold out and before I hold space and facilitate, I am also attending a retreat in India! I’ve never been before so a whole new adventure awaits. The lead up to it has been interesting, lots happening and I’m sure lots to transpire and share after. 

    Today is February 29th as I record this episode and it’s a leap year that comes every 4 years. The last time we had a leap year was amongst the huge global change and shift in consciousness that was in February 29th 2020. Given leap years don’t happen all too often, this date I feel energetically holds space to reflect. What was life like for you 4 years ago around this time?

    A leap year is about balance

    A leap year is made to account for lost time, giving us an additional calendar day every four years. In this is also an opportunity to get back into balance and harmony especially given the last few weeks have been energetically intense. Where do you need more balance and harmony in your life right now?

    Numerology of the leap year in 2024

    Every leap year holds the master energy of 11 which I’ve spoken about in a couple of energy updates already this year but to remind you its the number of the master architect, it’s about the vision, the plan and intuition. 

    The numerology of the leap year 2+9+2+2+0+2+4 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3. The number 3 in numerology is linked to Jupiter which is all about abundance and being an 8 year of course, the energy is strong for abundance. It could be a time to look at your finances, to work on your money mindset and/or manifest money. There’s also that saying that goes good things come in 3… 

    Astrologically Mercury is harmoniously dancing with Jupiter at the moment so despite there being some thick and heavy karmic energy in the air, this portal represents optimism, hope and joy.

    A leap year is about faith

    A leap can also be embodied by well the leap of faith, the fool tarot card, symbolising a jump into the unknown, anything is possible! A leap of faith is also akin to a quantum jump, timelines can shift, massive growths, a surge in your transformation and changes can happen all in a moment. There’s a window for breakthroughs to occur. There’s a window for spiritual awakenings to happen.With all portals yes it’s most potent on the day of but the portal opens for a few days aside. As with any portal pay attention to signs and synchronicities that pop up, the cosmic coincidences that are at play.

    Today is February 29th as I record this episode and it’s a leap year that comes every 4 years. The last time we had a leap year was amongst the huge global change and shift in consciousness that was in February 29th 2020. Given leap years don’t happen all too often, this date I feel energetically holds space to reflect. What was life like for you 4 years ago around this time?

    A leap year breaks traditions and is about being bold

    In ancient Irish Folklore it was said that Saint Brigid, like the Goddess Brigid of light made a deal with Saint Patrick where back in the day a deal was struck where women could propose to men to balance things out and make it even. In Illinois of 1948 women flirty took the power from men and supposedly jokingly arrested men who were unmarried and single. Nowadays times have certainly changed but I like the sentiment of being bold, breaking through traditions amplifying leap of faith and confidence as an energetic thread for today’s leap year day.

    2024 leap year journaling promtpts

    To end, I thought I would share a few journaling prompts if you’re feeling the call to use this additional day thanks to the leap year and portal to reflect:

    • What was happening in your life around February 2020, 4 years ago? What change has transpired, is it still relevant and pertinent to your life today? Have any patterns, behaviours or beliefs shifted?
    • Currently in your life what is out of balance and how can you rectify this?
    • What are you grateful for in your financial life right now? Where is abundance showing up in your life right now?
    • Where do you require more faith in your life at this point in time? What’s that next leap for you? That edgy, scary, exciting, potential step?
    • Do any traditions or what you believe to be societal norms weigh you down or hold you back in your life right now? How can you subvert this and be bold?

    Thanks for tuning in beautiful soul, wishing you all the luck, abundance and joy with this leap day in 2024. Until next time, love and positivity. 

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  • Life is a divine Miracle

    Questions to your thoughts and beliefs around timelines in life

    Why do you have to get married by a certain age? Why do you have to be at the top of your career ladder by a particular age?

    Do you live based on timelines

    Life is a string of moments, and each moment counts. Where you are right now is where you’re meant to be. Life is a divine miracle unfolding in real time. At any moment, at any chance, life can change.

    Come back to presence, come back to living in there here and now…

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    🎥 @platoux

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to make each moment of your life count? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading: Visit the website links.

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  • Heartful Live Self Love Workshop

    A self love workshop live February 2024

    In a world that’s obsessed with being mindful… what about being heartful?

    We often cut ourselves off from our heart because of heartbreak, pain, loss, grief, disappointment, betrayal, fears … a fear of vulnerability, judgement, weakness, being taken advantage of, making mistakes…

    This workshop will help you dissolve emotional charged, blockages, pain, hurt and fear of vulnerability within your heart so you can open up to more… to better navigate your emotions and understand yourself.

    (re)connect to your heart and gain a greater sense of self love and self compassion. We are so used to be kind and giving to others but what about being kind to ourselves and opening up to receive?

    It’s the how you actually get out of your head, the mental noise, the influences of the world around you and into your body 🫶🏽

    Tap into your feminine energy and into flow.

    This is for you whether you are single or in a relationship or even somewhere in between. This is about you and your heart and in turn will open you up to more love within you and outside of you too 🥹

    27th Tuesday 🇦🇺 AEDT 7:30pm
    Replay will be available

    Only $44.44 (~$30 USD) join us here.

    Click here to read more

  • 222 Portal

    Information on the 222 Portal in 2024

    The angel number 222 is well known to be about balance, trust, cooperation and harmony.

    This 222 portal isn’t like any other with 2024 in particular having the theme of love and relationships. We are seeing legendary lover planets, the ultimate power couple Venus and Mars coming together in the sky kicking off a whole new cycle (one that hasn’t been seen since March 2022 — take a moment to reflect)!

    This is amplified by the fact that this year we have Aries (independence in the north node) and Libra (partnerships in the south node).

    The 222 Portal in 2024 is great for love

    A great time to go deeper within love whether that’s manifesting and calling in love, rejuvenating/resparking/refocusing in partnership and romance or healing from heartbreak.

    Other themes include balance, creativity, beauty, duality as well as the 222 portal manifestation technique (2 x 22). For more listen to the latest episode (65) of my podcast
    🎧 Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang 🌱

    If you want to further amplify into love… join my live workshop or sign up for the replay of Heartful: a self love workshop to get out of your mind and into your body.

    💞 Deepen your connection to your heart: to receive more, tap into your feminine energy and call in love whether you are single, in a relationship, somewhere in between or off the back of a break up. 

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  • 222 Portal 2024

    This episode unpacks and explains the 222 Portal in February 2024. The significance of angel number 222. This year particularly in 2024, the 222 portal heavily leans into manifestation and all things love, dating, romance and relationships. Other 222 portal themes will be shared including a 222 portal manifestation technique with a twist!

    Heartful - Self Love Workshop

    Hello beautiful soul,

    You must be listening and here for the tea on the 222 portal in 2024! Before I go into that I wanted to share with you that next week I’m doing a live self love workshop yes! This month is February or should I say Feb-you-ary and in recent times everyone talks about being mindful… but what about being heartful? Heartful is the live 60 minute workshop I’ll be doing next Tuesday on the 27th at 7:30pm AEDT Sydney time and if you can’t make it, there will be a replay sent out within 24 hours! It only costs $44.44 AUD which is roughly $30 USD.

    222 Angel Number Meaning

    Now let’  s talk about the 222 portal for 2024. 222 is an angel number for balance, trust, cooperation and harmony. Some believe this portal has been open since 2/2 which is the 2nd of February and the 22nd representing 222 is when the energy is at its peak.

    Let me break it down for you with themes that arise for the 222 portal in 2024;

    222 portal - Love and Partnerships / Masculine and Feminine

    This year in particular there is the energy of love and partnerships. During the 222 portal, legendary lover planets, the ultimate power couple Venus and Mars are coming together in the sky. This happens every 2-3 years. Thus in February 2024 with this meeting, you can see it as kicking off a new cycle in terms of love, dating and relationships.

    Venus represents feminine energy, and is all about love, beauty, money and harmony.

    Mars represents masculine energy and is all about taking action, assertiveness and growth.

    This is symbolic of union in relationships as well as balancing masculine and feminine energies. 

    Themes to consider: sensuality, sexuality, desire, attraction, magnetism and willpower.

    The last time Venus and Mars linked up was in March 2022 so it’s worth reflecting on your attitude, approach and actions towards love, partnerships and the balance of feminine and masculine energy.

    Not only that this is taking place in a year where we have Aries in the north node (all about independence) and Libra in the south node (all about partnerships). 

    Manifesting love with the 222 portal in 2024

    Very well during this time it’s a great to manifest and call in love. What are you desiring in partnership? It’s also good to be discerning about dating around this time because the Venus Mars transit may activate soul contracts: it could be karmic, it could be your soul mate or twin flame or it could be a soul that’s here to activate and teach you.

    Relationships during the 222 portal in 2024

    If you currently have a partner, this transit is a great time to pause and reflect on how you are feeling in your relationship — is it time to rejuvenate and revamp? Reset – getting back on the same page? Refocus – if you’ve been neglecting your relationship and partner as a priority? Recement your connection with romance? There could be the opportunity to respark a relationship, reigniting attraction, being more playful and deepening intimacy, vulnerability and connection. 

    Breakups and heartache during the 222 portal in 2024

    If you are going through a break up the 222 portal has beautiful energy around healing and finding your own two feet again. It takes two to tango in a relationship so perhaps it’s prompting reflection on your role and their role in the break up. 222 is also an angel number for peace, so perhaps it’s finding peace within yourself and why the separation has occurred. 

    Balance 222 portal 2024

    Individually this portal speaks to us reflecting on balance and harmony within ourselves and our lives especially when the south node is in the sign of the scales Libra. 

    Where is there an imbalance in your life currently?

    What areas of your life require more co-operation or collaboration perhaps? 

    Creativity and beauty with the 222 portal

    We have beauty from Venus and the fire of Mars coming together it’s also a great opportunity to get creative! 

    How can you creatively represent your manifestation? We know writing and vision boards, how about a painting? A song? A poem? A sculpture?

    Perhaps you will be inspired to be amongst beauty and let your beauty shine too. 

    Duality during the 222 portal in 2024

    Particularly tuning into the energy of this week it has been very intense and the 222 portal if you are feeling a lot and going through a lot is a beautiful reminder of the duality of life. You can have amazing things going on in your life as well as challenges. You can be happy and sad at the same time. 

    Duality also reminds us that when we are going through a tough or difficult time, what could be on the other side.

    Is a clearing and crumbling taking place in your life to allow the new to be planted and grow?

    Is one door closing so that another can open?

    222 portal 22 numerology master number

    A playful technique to get you in the vibe of the portal is the 2 x 22 manifesting technique. Manifestation is the vibe with the 222 portal given ’22’ itself is a master number known as the ‘master builder’ or ‘master architect’ number. 

    Master Architect 22 the dreaming as in having and holding a big vision, seeing it through the lens of a bigger picture perspective. 

    Master Builder 22 the embodied action of bringing ideas and concepts into reality as the builder. It speaks to practicality, making it achievable, breaking it down that’s how things get built! A master builder number is about doing the work to make it happen too.

    222 portal manifestation 2 x 22 method

    Pick a manifestation to focus on and write down a present version affirmation.

    For example instead of I am manifesting a partner, write I am so excited about dating and meeting my partner. I feel so loved, happy and grateful.

    The portal peaks of course on the 22nd of February but it’s still open for a few after, so if you’re listening it’s not too late! And that 7 dates later it’s the 29th of February because this year happens to be a leap year!

    Write down your manifestation down 22 times, twice a day for two days in a row! Alternatively or additionally say it out loud too! 

    As we know manifestations mean nothing if there isn’t an element of feeling and really believing the manifestation is possible so imbue it with as much feeling and conviction mentally and within your body as possible. My own twist I suggest to the 222 manifesting technique is to think of 22 ways to get started on making your manifestation a reality or dedicating 22 days in a row to taking action towards your manifestation. Two’s company, get together with a friend or loved one and amplify your manifestations by doing a little ritual and celebration of 222 and speaking about it with each other.

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  • Home is within you

    Home is within you!

    We try to find a home in other people’s arms and hearts yet become strangers with ourselves. Home isn’t a physical place but a place within you

    The purpose of your life is not to love yourself but to love being yourself.

    I saw it explained on social media this way, ‘be the subject, not the object.’ Game changer. Go out on solo dates. Romance yourself.

    Forget love language with another, what’s your own love language?

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    🎥 @hallstudiio

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to build solid foundations within yourself? Self love, self fulfillment and happiness? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading

    Home within you

    Click here to read more

  • 64 – Spiritual Tantrums

    Who would’ve thought that spiritual tantrums would offer some profound insight into who you are on a deeper level. This episode unpacks spiritual tantrums and how to navigate spiritual tantrums including perspectives on how to shift the way you see and feel about spiritual tantrums in your personal growth and development journey.

    Spiritual Tantrums - All the feels

    Hello beautiful soul, how have you been feeling this week? 

    Collectively in human design we’ve had the energy of the feels. Deep feelings.

    I’ve observed this within myself as an emotional authority in human design as well as in sessions with clients too.

    It’s those heavier, harder hitting feelings. The feelings you can’t run away from or ignore. The acute awareness and pressure of how deeply you are feeling something.

    When we feel so much it can bottle up and then come exploding out. At times we don’t know what to do with all these feelings and so accordingly, I thought it would be really interesting to delve into the concept of spiritual tantrums this week.

    What are spiritual tantrums?

    Spiritual tantrums are those moments when our emotions seem to spiral out of control, challenging our ego and inner peace. Things aren’t going the way we want. It renders you feeling powerless, helpless, defeated, deflated and disheartened. 

    It’s not just children who have tantrums, as adults we do too. Perhaps our inner child within feeling frustrated at how life is going and what is unfolding for us.

    Thus a tantrum arises, we want to scream, beg, kick, cry and twist the arm of the universe to have something done exactly in the way we want, how we want it and when we want it. If only! We know life doesn’t work like this. 

    Even though we know deep down what needs to be done and letting self discipline and self responsibility kick in… no I don’t want to adult today. No I don’t want to be conscious and aware today. No I don’t want to be here now in the present moment. No this sucks, it’s not real, everything I’ve been trying to manifest hasn’t happened yet it’s all fake. 

    Spiritual tantrum meanings

    Sometimes the tantrum calls for a deep frustration, rage that has us boiling, figurative steam blowing out of your ears – the ego cries it’s not fair! 

    Other it calls for retreating into a corner or fetal position sulking and sadness, feeling sorry for oneself – the ego cries poor me. 

    Some moments you hear yourself whispering but it’s not fair, I did everything I was supposed to. I do all the right things yet nothing – the ego cries I’m feeling entitled. 

    The ego jumps into default, why is this happening, what did I do to deserve this? 

    Are spiritual tantrums bad?

    All valid responses too I might add, we are human after all! When things aren’t going our way it does suck. It can induce anger. It can induce tears.

    What spiritual tantrums mean for your growth

    A spiritual temper tantrum is normal. It’s often a symptom things are changing around you in a way that’s stretching your normal tolerance, it’s uncomfortable, it’s edgy. It’s showing you that you’re going beyond your established limits, to break free often from repetitive patterns and anything else that holds you back. It’s an authentic part of the human experience.

    Like most children who have a tantrum, throwing every toy possible out of the cot, getting louder, whining, getting mopier, begging, pleading, bargaining… we hope that through the outburst things will go away, but cooling reality quickly comes into play. You can throw as many tantrums as you want, it doesn’t mean you’ll get your way. It doesn’t mean you’ll get the full undividing attention of the universe. 

    The universe is your loving parent

    Seeing the universe as our parent, the most loving and strongest force will not give into our tantrums because the universe and life itself has a grand plan for our greatest growth and expansion. The greatest commitment the universe made to you is taking on the full responsibility to see your highest evolution in this lifetime.

    Spiritual tantrums can be healthy

    Having a spiritual tantrum from time to time is healthy, in honouring the emotions that arise but we ought to be conscious of how this plays out in our life, if this impacts other people, doing it publicly vs privately within a safe space with support.

    Spiritual tantrums journaling prompts

    Can we see that when we throw a tantrum that this is an invitation from the universe to go deeper within ourselves. The tantrums aren’t bad, they give us an opportunity to get to courageously face our inner turmoil head on and reveal where are needs aren’t being met (by ourselves, not the universe… what if the outward tantrum isn’t to the universe but a mirror to ourselves and perhaps our inner child seeking our full attention. 

    Perhaps these emotional eruptions are not random; they are messengers, delivering important insights about our inner landscape. Can you ask yourself some questions such as:

    What is the underlying cause of my emotional reaction? What is this really about?

    What unmet needs are driving these intense feelings? 

    What patterns or beliefs am I holding onto that no longer serve me?

    Am I feeling empowered or hindered?  

    Cause of spiritual tantrums

    The answers will vary from person to person but often the root cause can stem from unmet expectations. The clash and contrast between our internal expectations and external reality. Maybe it’s a result of spiritual bypassing, ignoring and pretending things are okay, that we are at peace and not honouring the truth and shadows within bubbling to the surface.

    What to do when having a spiritual tantrum

    Take inspiration from dealing with tantrums whether toddlers or adults (I’ve seen my fair share back in the day especially working in retail!) that time out, taking a step back and space can do wonders, that kindness and love help. That guidance and talking to someone can be soothing.

    Spiritual tantrums mindset shift

    In closing of this episode, amongst my own musings, some pearls of perspective to share to help you shift out of spiritual tantrums:

    • That underneath it all we do are not in control of the timing and timelines of life, the universe is. We don’t know for sure what will or could happen in 5 minutes let alone a month or 5 years.

    • That sometimes we want to run when we haven’t mastered walking yet. That maybe you haven’t done all the necessary ground work yet.

    • You can’t eat non stop or you would get bored and sick. You need time to chew, swallow, digest and have a break even if the banquet is incredible.

    • The age old quote: “Sometimes what screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how is it supposed to be.” Perhaps the universe has the knowledge and vision of what is in our best interests and not ourselves.

    Spiritual tantrums are a stark, tough yet beautiful reminder that the path of spiritual growth and development is not always smooth or linear; it’s messy, raw, and very human. By meeting spiritual tantrums with curiosity, self awareness and compassion we can use them to further springboard our growth and development. May we continue to honour the full spectrum of all our emotions to be more aligned and authentic in life. 

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  • Criteria to be loved

    Its Never too late to start loving yourself!

    Through all the conditioning and programming, we have come to believe that we have to meet certain criteria in order to be loved

    Their is no certain Criteria to be loved!

    You believe that you have to be perfect in order to be loved. You believe that you have to be successful in order to be loved. You believe that you have to be beautiful in order to be loved. You believe that you have to put others first in order to be loved.

    What about believing that you don’t have to be a certain way or do anything to be loved?

    That you are inherently lovable exactly as you are already 🌹

    Especially if you’ve got the open heart in human design as 70% do!

    Here’s to love and especially loving yourself 🫶🏽

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    🧡 Ready to find love within yourself or with another? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading whether it’s self love, dating, relationships or navigating breakups and challenges.

    Criteria to be loved

    Click here to read more

  • Self Love

    Life is already tough !

    yet sometimes we make it even tougher for ourselves 🥺🫶🏽🥹

    Perhaps you could be kinder to yourself!

    Perhaps you could bring more love to all parts of yourself. Perhaps you could make peace with all the doubts and worries that snake around in your mind. Perhaps you could meet yourself with more tenderness. Perhaps it’s time to be less hard on yourself…

    We always seem to be hardest on ourselves yet so kind and compassion towards others. It’s time to extend that back to ourselves 🧡

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to work on being more loving, kind and compassionate with yourself? I would love to help 💌 I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings.


    love yourself

    Click here to read more

  • Trust The Process

    You don’t need to understand the details of how it works:

    Faith is also very much like fear, they both require trust and apply to the theory of believing in something you can’t see. what you choose to opt. into is your choice. To act in faith is to let go of the how and just allow. 

    Trust the universe, let it go- it will work !

    You trust electricity without knowing all the details. You just flick the switch and know it will work.

    So have faith. Have faith it will all work out. What’s meant to be will be. Even if it looks or feels like it won’t. Even when you think everything is going wrong. Even when you feel discouraged and want to give up.

    We want to know what’s going on but sometimes the truth is we aren’t just meant to… yet if or ever.

    Even if we did it may not necessarily bring us satisfaction and inner peace.

    Hold in good faith that everything is working out in your favour, that everything is for the best and your highest growth.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    📸 @hugocryl

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to believe in more? Believe that you can have more, to believe in your capacity, possibility, strength and potential? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading, Visit the links below:


    Trust the universe

    Click here to read more