Month: January 2024

  • 59: January 2024 Energy Update – Solar Flares and Pluto in Aquarius

    In this January 2024 Energy Update podcast, we dive into the cosmic currents shaping our world. Join Phi as she explores the heightened celestial activity, with a special focus on solar flares and how that can spiritually influence those sensitive to energy. Discover the profound implications of Pluto’s shift from Capricorn into Aquarius.

    January 2024 Energy Update Synopsis

    Gain insights into how these astrological events of solar flares and Pluto’s transit into Aquarius from Capricorn impact our personal and collective energies, as well as find guidance on navigating this dynamic cosmic landscape. 

    January 2024 Energy Introduction

    Hi Beautiful Soul,

    This week in the cosmos, the collective there is so much energetic activity! Radical changes are about. If you’re feeling different and you don’t quite know what is is, I’m here to reassure you that you’re not crazy, you’re not broken and something isn’t wrong. It’s the collective energy and shifts taking place right now as I’m speaking mid January 2024.

    If you’re like me you’ve noticed a shift and change in your personal energy and disturbances in your sleep, I noticed that from the beginning of last week on the 8th of January. Maybe you feel really buzzed, wired and plugged in so to speak or exhausted, grouchy, even a big moody. Maybe you’re oscillating between the two states! 

    Right now there’s a lot happening that I feel called to explore and share with you listening. We’ve got the backdrop of the last few episodes culminating to the Human Design New Year coming up. The two other factors right now I want to discuss is the pivotal shift of Pluto changing signs from Capricorn to Aquarius, which takes place this year in 2024 until 2044. What’s also come through and something I never really paid attention to as much until now, which is the influence of the Sun and solar flare activity on our energy.

    What Pluto represents spiritually astrologically

    Let’s start with Pluto. This tiny planet packs a punch and is going to greatly influence the next 20 years of what we see unfolding collectively by making a once-in-a-lifetime transition into the sign of Aquarius from Capricorn on January 20th. This is a new collective chapter that will unfold leading to great shifts for everyone on a societal level and personally.

    I like to think of Pluto as the dark horse of the planets. It’s ruled by Hades and the Underworld (throwback to the Hercules movie!). It’s mysterious. Pluto likes to move slowly and subtly, the changes creep in and build up. Pluto is on the outer edge of the solar system, and likes to take its time staying in a sign anywhere between 12 to 30 years. Ultimately it takes 248 years to move through the whole zodiac! It’s very much seen as a generational influence because of this. 

    On a personal level Pluto is the planet of shadow work, the hidden, the repressed, the unseen – follow it’s timing imagine knowing someone for 1 year vs 20 years… you really get to know someone. Things will emerge you never knew over time. Pluto is transformation, the phoenix, pain into power, composting negativity and gunk into goodness.

    Pluto in Capricorn Wrap Up Summary

    Since 2008 Pluto has been in Capricorn entering our collective era with the global recession. The chapter of Pluto in Capricorn was about the tension of conformity and tradition as well as career, we’ve seen over the last 15 years a shift on how we define success and achievement especially off the back of the pandemic. It led to new career orientated changes, the recession created new start ups such as Uber and Airbnb with a greater focus on social media (creating even more career choices and paths).

    Now Pluto is moving into Aquarius. We had a sneak peak of this in 2023 when Pluto was temporarily in Aquarius from March to June 2023 last year. This first movement is a dip again because Pluto will temporarily go back into Capricorn around September before returning and staying in Aquarius from mid November 2024 until 2044.

    What Pluto in Aquarius means spiritually astrologically

    Aquarius rules justice, equality, social connections, community, humanity, innovation, technology, science and independence. So what can we expect? Collective themes of freedom, revolution, social activism as well as major scientific, medical, and technological discoveries. There will be a focus on inequality, injustices leading to power shifts, systematic and structural changes for independence, equality and emancipation. The spirit of rebellion and revolution.

    What happened last time Pluto was in Aquarius?

    Historically, the last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798 which historically saw the people movement. People over systems. We saw royalty and monarchs fall such as fall of Marie Antoinette and the last king of France Louis XVI during the French revolution. 

    What also happened was the declaration of independence and the introduction of the American flag and this is interesting with the American elections taking place this year. Cyclical yes! No doubt America as we know it will be different by the end of this era. 

    It was the beginning of the industrial revolution and establishment of the stock exchange in Britain (again look at what’s started to emerge the era of the people’s own money system and power shift from financial institutions with the creation of cryptocurrency). 

    The Pluto in Aquarius chapter also had the starting of movements for women’s rights in the French Revolution with playwright activist Olympe due Gouges (O lamp de gouuuuj) writing the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Female Citizen, which did not come to fruition as hoped and she was executed for doing so. Captain Cook also discovered Australia and New Zealand. A huge authority figure also taken down and killed in Hawaii.

    Pluto into Aquarius and Technology

    So what can we expect in the modern day for Pluto’s shift from Capricorn into Aquarius? 

    Free thinking, more voices emerging because technology has allowed everyone to have a voice. So many platforms available now whether it’s creating your own website, social media, live streaming, podcasting — for sure we will see more opinions and thought leaders emerging. Whilst it’s not so much about the monarchy now, there’s a shift of power from the idealised such as celebrities and blurring of that to more influencers, and grassroots community leaders, the people’s people. 

    The role of technology is sure to expand with the kick off AI. Technology helping bring us more together, online communities and even in person should AI see more automation and less hands on human work. Amongst spiritual circles we are in the Age of Aquarius which ushers in the return and rising of the divine feminine (again coinciding historically with feminine movements as previously stated).

    How Pluto in Aquarius will affect you

    How will this personally affect you? If you do deeper human design readings with me look at your rebirth section. Astrologically look at your natal chart and see where you have Aquarius placements as well as Scorpio because Scorpio is ruled by Pluto. 

    In relation to the collective, Pluto may excavate and bring to light things to do with social connections, community, care for the collective in terms of themes such as justice, equality and fairness. 

    What about your inner rebel, your voice, your influence? How do you use technology? How can you get involved in your community? What community issues do you care about? What’s your relationship to your feminine energy?

     Are you due a feminine energy rebirth and rising as have so many women after being in our masculine for so long whether it’s to be successful in our careers, thinking we have to force and hustle our way into what we want or protecting ourselves? The balance between masculine and feminine, being interconnected yet independent too.

    What is the spiritual meaning of solar flares?

    Whewww so we’ve talked Pluto now let’s talk about solar flares and solar storms in terms of spirituality. They are of note because they are to do with the Sun. Spiritually the sun rules our day to day, how we see ourselves, our ego, our self esteem and our confidence. The impact of the sun is undeniable also to our moods such as seasonal depression from the lack of sun and perhaps constant rain or shift from Summer to Winter. Mystical Yogi Saghuru talks about solar flares and activity being linked to consciousness.

    I’m not a scientist by any means but from my research and understanding: Solar flares are sudden charged bright bursts of energy and radiation coming from the Sun. That energy comes primarily from the Sun’s magnetic fields and is released (a build up of magnetic energy). 

    January 2024 and solar flare activity

    I came to awareness of them because at the beginning of last week my sleep patterns randomly and suddenly changed. I couldn’t sleep. I noticed I was having more visions than usual. That’s when I found out around that time was strong solar storm and flare activity classed X (the strongest). It actually caused a temporary but strong radio blackout across parts of South America, Central America and the Pacific Ocean, according to the U.S. Space Weather Prediction Centre. Not only that 2024 started with the biggest flare up in 6 years!

    Just like how the moon can impact us, you may or may not feel the impacts of solar activity.

    2024 2025 Solar Flare Spiritual

    2024 and 2025 are set to be the maximum of the latest cycle which is the 25th which started in December 2019 coinciding with the beginning of the pandemic. Overall this is the most in 20 years of sun activity. 

    According to Russian scientist A.L. Tchijevsky, 80% of the most significant human events occurred during a 5 year period surrounding the peak of solar activity. 

    One can look to the Carrington Effect which took place on September 2, 1859 where history’s greatest solar storm caused havoc to technology, communication systems going haywire and strange displays of the aurora in tropical places. Researchers have estimated that a Carrington-class event today would result in between $0.6 and $2.6 trillion in damages to the U.S. alone, according to NASA spaceflight.

    Spirituality and Solar Flare Impacts

    Spiritually speaking solar flares and activity are an ascension process as they say. It spiritually shifts from your physical body to your light body – think in terms of your energy body, higher dimensions, astral body, expansion outside your physical energy field, connection point of spirituality, chakra energy centred — famous symbol of the merkaba 3D 8 pointed star mer light ka spirit ba body ancient sacred geometry, chariot of light.

    Receiving more light, higher levels of consciousness, illuminating what needs to come to the surface even old previous things you dealt with and thought were resolved will resurface. 

    Feeling the impacts? It doesn’t come as a surprise, even ancient civilisations like the Aztecs and Mayans tracked the sun. Our bodies have an electrical charge present in every cell through ions.

    How to remedy solar flare symptoms

    So what to do if you are feeling the impacts of solar flares?

    Prioritise yourself. Focus on y our energy, what is nourishing, feeding and giving you energy vs what is depleting it. It’s likely temporary and if it lingers, feels intense unbearable and affects you on a day to day level seek the help of a professional medical practitioner. 

    Meditation is a great way to tap into your energy and receive insights.

    Salt is great to cleanse and soothe, think a bath with lots of magnesium or a swim in the ocean if possible.

    Minimal caffeine and alcohol which can already make us feel more wired and anxious.

    Grounding time in nature, reduce technology and screens. I’m getting visuals of child’s pose with your third eye to the ground or even the pose where you are lying face down hands to your sides.

    It’s also been suggested solar storms impact our pineal gland (third eye) which is responsible for melatonin that regulates our inner body clock through circadian rhythms. It may help to sync up with the sun, waking up with natural light, sleeping as it gets dark. 

    Solar Flare Soothing Meditation

    I’ll end this podcast with a meditation I channelled if you’re feeling the impacts of solar flares but it’s also nice as an activation to open up your intuition too.

    Find a comfortable position in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Relax your body either sitting up or lying down. Have your palms faced up and close your eyes.

    Take a few deep breaths in and out to center your body.

    Imagine, sense, feel of perceive a golden sphere of light above your head, radiant and glowing with a warm and comforting energy. It’s almost like honey.

    Visualise this light sending out a golden wave, washing all over your your body and flushing out any physical or mental ailments or disturbances. Imagine the golden light removing any heavy dense energy, the visual that I’m getting is it’s like removing lint from the dryer or your clothes. You may also feel called to run your hands all over your body in a sweeping motion again imagining yourself being cleansed.

    Come to a still point and then visualise, sense, feel or perceive this beautiful golden light now enveloping your entire body in a cocoon of warmth and tranquility. Feel the soothing energy as it flows down through the crown of your head, gradually permeating every cell, every muscle, and every organ in your body.

    As the golden light continues to flow down, direct your focus to the area of your pineal gland, your third eye located in the center of your forehead, just above and between your eyebrows. Imagine this golden light specifically targeting and activating your third eye.

    Envision the golden light swirling around your third eye, clearing any blockages or imbalances. As the light works its magic, sense a gentle expansion and opening in this area. Feel a heightened awareness and connection to your inner self.

    This energy starts to build and expand beyond your third eye, beyond your physical body creating a gold shield of protection around you. Visualize this shield acting as a buffer, absorbing and transforming any intense energies from the solar flares and collective energy into positive, harmonious, healing energy.

    With each breath, allow the golden light to amplify within you and around you, creating a powerful and nurturing aura. Feel the support of this golden energy as it protects you.

    Take a moment to bask in the warmth and serenity of the golden light surrounding you. Know that you are connected to the universal energy, and you are protected and supported.

    When you’re ready, slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, and gently open your eyes. 

    Carry the sense of golden light with you throughout your day, knowing that you can return to this meditation whenever you need to balance and harmonise your energy.

    May you be surrounded by the healing and protective energy of the golden light.

    As always here to support you and guide if you feel the call. I have an exciting in person offering launching tomorrow on Friday the 19th of January which I cannot wait to share with you! I also offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings so if you’re interested, get in touch and let’s chat! 

    Until next time, love & positivity.

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  • 58: Human Design Limitations

    As we stand on the threshold of a new year, there’s a powerful yet challenging energy that surrounds the final days of the year according to Human Design. 

    In this episode, Phi explores this final energy, understanding its significance in shaping our transition into the Human Design new year ahead.

    Podcast Episode Introduction

    How are you? There’s a lot happening energetically so you’re going to be hearing from me in succession with a few podcast episodes lined up for this week especially with something very exciting launching on Friday that I’ve never offered before and I am bursting with excitement and joy! 

    Think of this episode as a motivational and inspirational quickie!

    It’s almost the new year in terms of human design and as I’ve mentioned in previous episodes there are four stages. We are now in the final stage in the lead up to the new year on the 22nd/23rd January 2024 which is the energy of limitations and acceptance.

    Reframe limitations

    Limitations already off the bad has connotations of negativity but I like to reframe it as resourcefulness because limits aren’t just bad, if you think about it you hit a limit when you’re growing, you’re expanding, you’re stretching.

    Perspectives on letting go

    The creator of human design says this energy is about letting go fitting because it’s the equivalent energy of new year’s eve happening. 

    Some perspectives to contemplate when it comes to letting go?

    Sometimes letting go isn’t getting rid of something completely but letting it be.

    Sometimes you lose, in order to gain.

    Sometimes strength is holding on and other times it is letting go.

    Letting go sometime’s isn’t a once off or final act, but a repeated one, over and over again.

    Sometimes it’s letting go of something good, for greater, for better. If you want to fly in the sky you need to leave Earth.

    Letting go and a glass of water

    Letting go is like a glass of water. It’s not about how much water is in the glass, there could even be no water. It’s about how long are you holding that glass. 

    For a few moments, not a problem. For an hour it starts to get niggly. How about half a day? The longer you hold it the heavier it becomes. 

    This is like your problems, thinking about it for a few moments isn’t harmful. Longer, it begins to hurt. All day and beyond? Excruciating, paralysed. Therefore put down your glass.

    Limitations and acceptance

    The creator of human design also says that limitation is extraordinary because it’s about transcendence, the minute you accept it — it doesn’t exist. Acknowledging limitations doesn’t mean admitting defeat; it’s not a weakness. It’s about gaining clarity on what you can and cannot control. It’s not about the limitation itself but our attitude and perspective towards it. This self-awareness is a powerful tool for personal growth. 

    Simply put acceptance is to not offer any resistance. Coming to terms with what is, not necessarily what you want. 


    The 4 A's of Acceptance

    Have you heard of the 4 A’s of Acceptance created by Russ Harris? Acknowledge. Allow. Accomodate. Appreciate. 

    Breaking that down in my own elaboration;

    Acknowledge – Hello it’s here. Awareness, naming it, calling it out.

    Allowing – It’s ok to be here (doesn’t mean I like it or want it, but it’s here, it’s reality, the now).

    Accomodate – It’s here, making space for it. Not trying to make it smaller/repress/disappear (the irony is usually following this framework the mental suffering dissolves and gets smaller on its own with repeated practice).

    Appreciate – How can I grow and expand from this?

    Now to the benefits of accepting and limitations. 

    Beyond limitations

    When it comes to limitations themselves, they exist yet somehow humanity we always find a way to transcend and overcome them. For example we can’t fly personally but we have airplanes. The supposed limits of what is possible for the human body, yet records are broken all the time. The supposed limits technology and now we have AI and even deep fake technology. 

    I mean a modern example that comes to mind is people used to think you can’t filter and edit video in real time but now you can and it’s getting very good (in the context of the wellness and fitness influencer space to perhaps look slimmer or more curvier).

    What about a creative? Maybe in the moment inspiration feels limited. The more you try to fight it, the more frustration sets about. The moment it’s acceptance, it’s like a sigh of relief. It’s the void. It’s silent. Yet somehow one day the creativity will return. Perhaps it was there all along but unseen, building, growing, incubating. 

    Expansion through limitations

    When limits are put in place, it forces us to be more creativity. To open up to different ways of thinking and possibilities. To approach it an abstract manner. 

    I really love this quote as a perspective, “The size of a person’s head does not determine his sense of reasoning, neither can the size of their leg determine how far they can go in life.”

    This energy sits in the root chakra, so you may be feeling a pulsing sensation, on and off, on and off, even a pressure to be growing, transforming and letting go this week. Pressure isn’t necessarily good or bad, pressure is about the right amount that motivates you but doesn’t harm or cause doubt within you. Not enough, there’s no action or momentum. Too much at it’s constricting. 

    Structure supports overcoming limitations

    The human design energy of acceptance and limitations is also an energy that thrives off the support of structure.

    In James Clear’s book Atomic Habits he writes about a study of participants who wanted to build better exercise habits. The most successful group with 91% doing so was because they had formulate a plan about when they were excessing, where and for how long which led to more likely follow through. Having a plan was structure.

    Structure which is often explained in terms of masculine and feminine energy, in order for the feminine (water) to flow freely it needs to be supported by structure (the masculine) otherwise the water would go everywhere, aimlessly, without direction, feeling unsupported and lost.

    What do you need to feel strong and supported?

    What acts, practices, rituals and routines nourish you and help you accomplish what you desire?

    Do you like to structure in bits like day to day, or is it more week to week, month by month?

    If I were to sum up this human design energy in a quote it would be this by Meister Eckhart: “For the person who has learned to let go and let be, nothing can ever get in the way again.”

    I hope this inspires you today to let go of what no longer serves you, to accept and to transcend your limitations.

    Love & Positivity Phi.

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  • New Level, New Devil

    New Level, New Devil

    Reminder: When things get hard and uncomfortable;

    New Level, New Devil.

    Life has it's own seasons

    It will feel uncomfortable and unpredictable.

    Life has its own seasons, some mean growth like Spring or rest and integration like Winter.

    The next level isn’t meant to be easy and paved with positivity. New level, new devil.

    You have to deal with things that others don’t want to.

    You have to ask questions that others don’t dare to.

    You have to pay attention to the niggling of your soul deep down that others ignore.

    It may feel like you’re alone on a rocky road—but you’re not.

    At the very least, know you have a whole team on the other side supporting you, your higher spiritual council.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    Click here to read more

  • 57: 111 Portal January 2024 Capricorn New Moon

    Unlock and understand the mysteries and energetic significance of the 111 portal this year in January 2024 which also happens to fall on the Capricorn New Moon. This 111 portal isn’t like other years and Phi reveals why. She also shares practical exercises such as journaling and custom affirmations in addition to a channeled meditation to make the most of the 111 portal in 2024.

    Summary of the 111 Portal in January 2024v and the Capricorn New Moon

    The significance of the number 111, a triple-digit sequence that is believed to hold powerful vibrations and cosmic alignments. We’ll explore how this unique portal of 111 opens up a powerful gateway into insight, intuition and alignment.

    The 111 portal happens multiple times throughout the year but this one is very special and Phi will reveal exactly why on this episode in addition to talking more about the astrological themes of Capricorn for 2024’s first new moon. Phi also speaks about this week being the third week of the Human Design New Year and what that entails.

    The 111 Portal Introduction

    Hi Beautiful Soul,

    How have you been taking to 2024? This episode continues the conversation from last week about now being in the third stage of energy towards the human design new year on the 20th of January which will be at the end of this episode, but the forefront for this week? The release date of this episode for the 111 portal and the Capricorn New Moon. 

    Why the 111 portal is more special this year in January 2024?

    This year’s 111 portal is more potent than usual because in terms of numerology the date 11/1/2024 if you add 1+1+1+2+0+2+4 = 11 which is a master number and of course it falls on the Capricorn New Moon. 11 is known as the master intuitive number. 11 is associated with intuition, enlightenment, alignment and limitlessness. 

    With portals it may happen on the day but the energy can be felt days before and after. Perhaps pay attention if you’re seeing 1’s, 11’s and 111’s as a sign for a new beginning and a call for alignment.

    Channelled message and guidance for the 111 portal in January 2024

    It’s the first manifestation day of 2024 and the year but it won’t be the only one. It’s the opening. I had a strong intuitive message to share with everyone that it’s okay if you don’t know what you want yet exactly or what you want to manifest. Don’t place unnecessary additional pressure and stress on yourself. If anything you can simply in a way ‘make a wish’ it could be as simple as to experience more joy in 2024 or to have a better year than last.

    If anything the intuitive guidance I am receiving for the 111 portal is it’s actually more of a portal to receive downloads and insights for the year ahead. Create stillness and silence to receive information that is ready to be downloaded to you: it may feel like a hunch, hearing the same message, a feeling — be open to what the message may mean. 

    Given this here are my top activities and suggestions to make the most of the 111 portal.

    Tapping into your intuition on the 111 portal

    Tap into your intuition there are several ways this comes to mind including:

    • Automatic writing, setting a timer and putting pen to paper to see what emerges. 
    • Meditation for at least 11 minutes (might as well play on the 111!) 

    Manifesting with the 111 Portal through affirmations

    Approach manifestations and intentions through the voice of 11 energy which is … “I am”

    Instead of writing in the future tense that I would like to be and the qualities you would embody… write it as if you are already now. I am… for example instead of I would like to be more abundant, you would write “I am abundant,” “I am building the life of my dreams,” “I am making my dreams happen.” Again perhaps try to write at least 11 ‘I am’ affirmations. 

    Another way you could write this out I’m being told is starting your affirmations with “I have faith…”

    “I have faith I will be abundant this year”

    “I have faith things are going to work out for me in 2024”

    New beginnings with the 111 portal

    Start something new, plant the seed. That idea that has been floating inside your head for so long, perhaps today with the 111 portal you can do something about it. Wanting to start a business? Give yourself an hour to brainstorm, maybe you won’t know exactly what it is but you’re taking inspired action and showing the universe: hey I want to start something new. Tap into the energy and emotions that arise when you feel into starting fresh in certain areas of your life.

    Putting yourself first with the 111 portal

    Given the energetics of new beginnings, the first: this is the day to put yourself first. Indulge in self care. Really tune into what you want. What does alignment look like and feel like for you?

    111 Portal Journaling Questions

    Connect with your inner guidance with these 11 journaling questions:

    • What does a “new beginning” mean and look like for you at this moment in time?
    • What aspects of your life are currently in alignment with your true self? What is not?
    • What adjustments can you make to bring your thoughts, actions and beliefs into greater alignment?
    • Reflect on moments in your life when you felt truly aligned recently.
    • What are your intentions for the future? What do you want to manifest this month, over the year and beyond?
    • How well are you listening to your inner guidance, truth and intuition?
    • How can you align your thoughts and actions with your intentions on the 111 portal?
    • As you open the door to new beginnings, what can you be grateful for on your journey to new beginnings?
    • Reflect on the number 1, 11, 111 and 1111 in your life. What significance does it hold for you. What do these numbers personally mean to you? 
    • If your intuition could speak out loud to you right now, what would it say?
    • Where do you need to put yourself more first in your life?

    Capricorn New Moon January 2024

    What’s interesting about the Capricorn New Moon is it’s the first new moon for 2024 and this year will also end with a Capricorn new moon on December 30, so astrologically speaking this is a new moon asking you to think about long term in the sense what are you planting at the beginning of this year to fruition at the end. 

    Setting intentions now that build momentum to the end of the year. The check in point will be when June in the Northern Hemisphere coinciding with the Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year or in the Southern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice – the shortest day of the year.

    Capricorn New Moon January 2024 Mantra

    Astrologically speaking this day also marks a turning point where all the majority of planets are moving forward and not in retrograde which means less miscommunication, challenges and curveballs. However the irony being Capricorn energy isn’t necessarily fast moving: it’s a planner, it plays the long term gain. 

    So I think the Capricorn Mantra for this New Moon is Turn Inwards, Slow Down in Order to Speed Up. Set up the foundations right so when you feel into your internal rhythm it’s time to get moving, you can and you will with ease because the foundations are set up.

    Capricorn Structure and Foundation

    Capricorn is an Earth sign so again it’s about being grounded, setting up strong foundations and roots. This is about setting things up that are actionable. Capricorn is a sign of structure so it’s worth thinking about what systems, support, habits, discipline and accountability do you need to put in place to bring your manifestations into reality? 

    Capricorn New Moon Secret

    Now as I’ve been saying energetically for some it may still not feel quite right to be able to fully land your intentions and manifestations, my suggestion to take advantage of the Capricorn New Moon is to get back into habits and routines that set you up for success such as perhaps your morning routine, or after work, evening too. What practices nourish your soul and revitalise you? Things you can do for yourself that give you energy and life force, not forcing yourself to do things that take away from that. What preparations can you start now for the year ahead in 2024?

    For example if you’ve been following my Instagram stories you’ll know this year I have a greater focus on my health and wellbeing, because I am guilty of neglecting it in favour of work. I know that it would be a huge stretch for me to run and exercise every single day so I am personally making myself the promise to attempt daily walks, or for the most part 5 days a week as well as 3 days of exercise. That’s from my personal perspective is achievable and a bit of a stretch at the same time.

    Capricorn Structure and Foundation

    Capricorn is an Earth sign so again it’s about being grounded, setting up strong foundations and roots. This is about setting things up that are actionable. Capricorn is a sign of structure so it’s worth thinking about what systems, support, habits, discipline and accountability do you need to put in place to bring your manifestations into reality? 

    Capricorn Energy

    Capricorn energy for you at this time may be shifting into the energy of being grounded, centered, clear and ready to receive intuitive downloads and setting the intention you are desiring to energetically start your year. 

    Distilled further to another beginning step is to pick a focus – Capricorn is ruled by Saturn so that is all about discipline and commitment. 

    Capricorn Career

    Capricorn is also astrologically traditionally associated with career, so this is a great time to connect to your work, your life’s purpose and what you want for your work this year?

    Given the flavours of the 111 portal this is asking you the questions: do you feel aligned in the work that you do and if not how can you bring more alignment to it? Are you receiving any insights and nudges as to what to do with your career? How do you want to feel when you are working?

    If you’re needing support and guidance, I do foundational human design readings which speak to your overarching soul purpose and through 1:1 coaching we can go even further into the purpose path which speaks to your soul radiance and evolution, how your soul purpose plays out and your life’s work so if you’re interested get in touch!

    Capricorn Masculine/Feminine Energy

    Continuing my predictions in the last podcast about the interplay of masculine and feminine energy being prevalent this year, Capricorn rules father figures and the masculine. Just a side note  for awareness and consideration if that’s relevant for you… tying it all together with the themes above what emerges is responsibilities and your relationship to your responsibilities.

    Human Design New Year: Mystery

    Stage 3 before the human design new year: Mystery, Inner Truth and Downloads.

    To recap the human design stages towards the new year, the first stage was exploring tension and resistance, the second stage last week and first half of this week ambition and drive, this back half aligns with the 111 portal for downloads! That of inner truth and downloads.

    In this stage it’s delving into the mysteries and unknown. Asking questions. Dreaming. Wanting answers. This is an ideal time like with the 111 portal and overarching message: set the intention and be open to receiving insights and downloads such as through intentional meditation. Human design posits in order to receiving this the potential is in silence. 

    The silence allows for you to tune into your own internal guidance and receive that from outside of you in the universe. To hear your inner voice. To hear your inner truth. To internally to your inner experiences. To be open to receiving inspiration. This is the energy of the mystical and the magical. To ponder and muse on what your inner ‘truth’ is right now and for 2024. To have the mindset of curiosity and wonder with the patience to receive too. This energy goes deep too, so it’s about getting beneath the surface of your intentions in 2024. The Why.

    Human Design Intuition Insight Meditation

    I’m now going to share with you a channeled meditation to help you tap into this energy of mystery, insight and divine downloads.

    Begin by finding a comfortable and quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

    As you settle into this moment, bring your awareness to your mind and all the thoughts rushing around. It’s okay. This is your mind self. We want to give permission for your mental self to step to the side and allow for your true self. Your authentic self. Set the intention to connect to your true self.

    Take a few more deep breaths, allowing any tension or distractions to dissolve with each exhale. Imagine a door within your being, a door that leads to the vast universe of intuitive insights waiting to be discovered.

    Visualise this internal door before you. What does the door like like?

    As you approach the door, feel a sense of anticipation and excitement. This door is a gateway to the universal intelligence that is always available to guide you. With each breath, allow yourself to release any doubts or resistance, trusting in the process of opening up to your innate wisdom, your intuition.   

    Place your hand on the doorknob and turn it gently. As the door creaks open, feel a rush of energy, a warm and inviting light pouring through the opening. Step through the doorway into a space of infinite possibilities.

    You find yourself in a serene garden, surrounded by vibrant colors, fragrant flowers, and the gentle rustling of leaves. This is the garden of your intuition, a sacred space where the universe communicates with you.

    Take a moment to explore this garden, sensing the energy that emanates from the plants, the earth beneath your feet, and the air around you. Feel the interconnectedness of all things, and know that you are an integral part of this web of existence.

    As you walk through the garden, allow your mind to quieten, releasing any thoughts that may cloud your intuition. Imagine a pool of still water at the center of the garden, reflecting the wisdom of the universe.

    Sit by the edge of the pool and gaze into its depths. With each breath, let go of the need for answers or solutions. Instead, open your heart and mind to receive insights from the universal intelligence. Embody the essence of surrendering and being open to the unknown. 

    Declare and say to your self:

    I surrender to the divine mystery of life and the universe.

    I am ready to receive divine inspiration and downloads.

    I open the door to receiving all that I need to hear, know, see and perceive. 

    As you do this, notice any images, feelings, or subtle nudges that arise within you. Trust the process, knowing that the universe is speaking to you in the language of intuition.

    Take your time in this tranquil space, absorbing the wisdom that flows to you. When you feel ready, express gratitude for the insights received and slowly make your way back to the doorway.

    As you step back through the door, bring the wisdom of the universe with you, carrying it into your daily life. Remember that the key to unlocking intuitive insights lies within, and you can access this internal door whenever you need guidance.

    Take a few deep breaths, feeling the ground beneath you and the awareness within. When you’re ready, gently open your eyes, carrying the essence of intuition, insight and universal intelligence into your awakened state.

    Mmmm what an experience that was going within, how are you feeling beautiful soul? Take a moment of pause to integrate the experience that you just had. I highly suggest journaling and taking note of what you’ve taken out of today’s episode and the meditation we just did.

    Chat to you next week beautiful soul, have a great week ahead. Love & Positivity.

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  • Don’t forget about glimmers

    Life isn't easy.. but don't forget about glimmers

    It can be easy to get caught up in the hard, the negative, the fear, the overwhelm, the doubts, what’s not going right, how you’ve messed it up, how it isn’t enough, what’s missing aaaaand it goes on and on

    And truth be told?

    Sometimes we need that.

    To be in it.

    To feel it.

    A big overarching theme I’m feeling for 2024 ✨ is to remember the light especially in what has been such a year of growth and change in 2023.

    To find the glimmers ✨ opposite to triggers — moments that spark joy, peace and safety often in the small things 😌

    Here’s to seeing, feeling and being the light in 2024 💡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance to make 2024 your biggest and best year yet? 🚀 let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 🧡

    Click here to read more

  • 56 – New Year Energy 2024

    Phi unveils the energetics of the new year ahead in 2024 through different lenses including human design, astrology, numerology, the chinese zodiac and her own personal take and channelling. This podcast episode will shed light on the cosmic energies and the prominent themes that emerge for 2024 to have a fulfilling and prosperous year ahead.

    The traditional new year: Gregorian Calendar

    Hi Beautiful Soul, how are you? 

    Happy New Year! I hope you had time to give yourself a break over the festive period. I did for the first time I can remember in a while and it was so rejuvenating but also overwhelming. For the first time in a long time I had a very busy jam packed Christmas and New Years on a personal level.

    I spent time with family, my partner who got us a trip to the wine region here in Australia and friends camping over new years. I feel so happy and content but I had to take a mini break for my break if that makes sense to recharge my social batteries and energy levels… now here I am!

    It’s 2024 and I wanted to start the year by chatting about the vibes and energy of 2024. 

    From a traditional sense, there’s a huge collective pressure and energy placed on the 1st of January symbolising new year based on the Western Gregorian calendar and it certainly brings a ‘new feeling to it’ however let it be known that different cultures around the world celebrate ‘new years’ at different times. 

    Energetic New Year: Perspectives

    Energetically speaking as I posted on my Instagram, energetically new years falls at different times between a time frame of January – March this year.

    Going by human design, the new year kicks off January 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere and 23rd in the southern Hemisphere and there’s actually four phases that occur prior to this date. More on that later in this episode.

    My background is Vietnamese so I celebrate Lunar New Year too which changes every year and this year falls on the 10th of February. Lunar New Year is based on a lunisolar calendar that combines moon cycles and sun cycles following the orbit off Jupiter (that planet representing good fortune and expansion around the sun). It ends up being on the day of the second New Moon after the December solstice.

    Particularly in the northern hemisphere, in terms of energy; New Years truly kicks off March 21st which is the first day of the Spring Equinox. This is because in past times, the equinox marks a shift when the day has become longer than darkness which represents new life and growth. 

    Based on the above, there’s an absolute permission slip in place for January, February and even March to still be digesting and processing the year that has just happened in 2023. Let there be more time and spaciousness for things to reveal themselves. Again it’s not restricted to these but I would say energetically the new year falls between end of January to mid March this year.

    When is it your energetic new year?

    Honestly there is no standard one size fits all approach, everyone is unique. You might be listening feeling raring to go, goals set or maybe you’re feeling tired and frustrated because you haven’t felt that ‘new year vibe’ yet. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong.’ Give yourself permission to go with your own internal timings. 

    To kickstart the year I thought it would be really interesting to share different perspectives of what 2024 has to hold through different lenses and I’ll leave my own personal interpretation and channeling to the very end.

    Numerology of 2024: 8

    More specifically on 2024, in terms of numerology we’ve gone from a 7 year (which is 2+0+2+3) to now 8 (2+0+2+4).  We are shifting from a 7 year of personal growth and introspection to a universal 8 year of prosperity. 

    An 8 year has themes of success, achievement, financial abundance, power, and balance. In numerology, it is considered a powerful and ambitious number. It an 8 year there may be more of a focus on your career, finances and achieving dreams and goals. It’s a year where significant progress can be made. 

    The 8 in terms of balance and the infinity sign can also be seen as recalibration.

    An 8 year is also of faith and harvesting, repeating the bounties of previous investments and seeds you’ve planted. 

    How to work out your personal numerology for the year 2024

    The 8 is the backdrop and like all perspectives whether it’s human design or astrology, you also have your own personal number. For numerology that’s done by individually adding up the digits of your birth date, birth month and the number 8 until you get a single digit. 

    For example if your birthday is December 23 it would be

    2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 8 = 16

    1 + 6 = 7. 

    A guide to numerology summary meanings

    All numbers have different meanings but a quick summary below:

    1 – New Beginnings: Initiation, Energy, Putting yourself as #1

    2 – Relationships: Partnerships, Harmony, Balance

    3 – Creativity: Imagination, Social, Expression, Truth

    4 – Foundation: Stability, Structure, Doing the Work

    5 – Change: Freedom, Adventure, Flexibility

    6 – Harmony: Family, Responsibility, Nurturing 

    7 – Introspection: Reflection, Personal Development, Insight

    8 – Abundance: Success, Achievements, Power

    9 – Completion: Closing the cycle, Endings, Reflection, Transformation 

    Chinese New Year Zodiac of 2024 Dragon

    Year of the dragon symbolising strength, power and good fortune. The dragon like the number 8 is seen as the most auspicious and luckiest of the 12 animals of the zodiac recementing 2024 as the year of opportunities and prosperity. The characteristics of the dragon are intelligence, leadership, ambition and charisma.  

    Note Chinese Zodiac goes by the year of your birth.

    From what I’ve seen the luckiest animals that align with this year of the Dragon are: Pig, Monkey, Rat, Goat/Sheep and Rooster. 

    Human Design New Year 2024

    Transits in human design last for 5-6 days. Think of transits in general as a spotlight on a particular energy collectively. For human design that revolves around the sun, so illuminating a particular theme to look at for the week. 

    Do note that transits also apply to certain moments in time or even the year such as a Saturn Return or a yearly chart reading – think of this like the weather forecast for your life ahead. I’ve started doing readings again for the year so if you’re interested message me on Instagram or check out my website. 

    In terms of human design transits: the week that has just gone was the energy of tension, a provocative energy to think about how the challenges and obstacles you faced in the year that’s happened and what your drive is for the year ahead, what is worth fighting for? The backdrop to this all is contemplation of your purpose and your spirit in the year that happened.

    Human Design 2nd Phase: Ambition January 5-10

    In this current week as the podcast goes live (second week of January) the energy leading up to the new year is ambition. This is where going off human design you may be now beginning to look towards the future. How can you start to tap into your drive and ambitions for the year? This is the week to be open to receiving energy and downloads around your intentions and goals. You can think of this in terms of archetypes as the achiever or entrepreneur. 

    It is a root energy so it can also bring this pressure to start something new again tune into your own timings as this may very well be the week you launch or it starts to stir up some energy as you bring in your energetic new year. Check in with your energy: are you stressed? are you high on adrenaline? 

    Things to consider and contemplate for the week: 

    What are your aspirations for the year? The download I’m getting here is to allow yourself to dream really big, that energy of shoot for the moon and if you miss you end up amongst the stars.

    What is your definition of success and ambition? For you maybe it’s progress in your career or perhaps its this year focusing on your health and wellbeing.

    Then we hone in and focus on bringing in ambitions into physical reality… 

    Do your actions align with your ambition? 

    What inspired actions for the year ahead are coming through? 

    Who are the people or resources you need to achieve your ambitions and feel supported? 

    What is coming through for you to start? Is there an idea or project that you’ve been thinking about where it feels right to birth and implement at some point this year? 

    This energy is also linked to the material plane, so money and financial considerations may also come through.

    Human Design The Shadow of Ambition


    The shadows to consider here of ambition is well blind ambition right? 

    This goes two ways perhaps being completely unrealistic of goals or being so focused you become so strongly fixated on achieving that you become blind to other factors such as your health e.g. overworking or perhaps doing things that aren’t in alignment with your values ethically and/or morally. How do you find that sweet spot of balancing ambition and also surrender (because not everything is in your control!).

    Ambition’s shadow also has a way of bringing out the comparison within us and it can be so easy to have that negative self talk of you’re not good enough, you’re behind, which can lead to feels of discontent and dissatisfaction. 

    From human design some checks and balances in addition to your contemplation above;

    Confidence: The importance of confidence and from societal conditioning we think that it comes from our achievements instead of looking within, do you believe in yourself? Confidence is an inside job.

    Resolve: how do you hold the vision and trust in the journey regarding your ambitions and aspirations? What is the interplay between success and failure?

    Integrity: how do you be ambitious in a way that you are proud of? That considers the impacts of your success and how you become successful. That sometimes the short cuts or being compromised aren’t worth it.

    Spirituality: It’s okay to desire success on the material plane, but what are your ambitions when it comes to your personal growth and development too? 

    Astrology New Year 2024

    There are so many events I couldn’t simply talk about the whole year so based on who listens to this podcast I’ve intuitively been guided to speak about milestone markers to be aware of this year in 2024 with regards to astrological events.

    Venus Retrogrades 2024

    One of the most markable things is that there will be no Venus Retrograde. Venus is associated with love, relationships, beauty, aesthetics, harmony and a tinge of money in astrology. When Venus goes retrograde, it often triggers reflection and reassessment in these areas of life.

    If you want to reflect, Venus Retrograde happened last year in 2023 around July 22nd – September 3rd, may be worth reflecting to see how you may have been impacted in terms of relationships and finances around those dates. Honing in perhaps you experienced challenges or delay in the matters of the heart, old wounds emerging around past relationships or ex partners resurfacing, a makeover or experimenting in terms of your beauty or personal style such as hair, make up and clothing.

    This is a great sign particularly if you are calling in and manifesting love, there are less likely to be setbacks, challenges and difficulties in a year without Venus Retrograde. Hint hint I am looking to have an offering in February around Valentine’s Day, watch this space!

    Mercury Retrogrades 2024

    We’ve just come out of one as we entered 2024 and this year there will be three retrograde periods in April, August and at the end of November. All three will be in the fire sign indicating more miscommunications, confusions and therefore clarity and reassessment in terms of our passions, desires and relationships. Particularly around expression: how can we express ourselves and be conscious perhaps shadows: ego, hot headedness, being firey and stubborn.

    To be aware we may become more frustrated, triggered and angry around our desires how to best express them to others and if others don’t share that same passion and energy. 

    Eclipses 2024

    Recalling 2023, we finished a major year series of Taurus and Scorpio partnered eclipses (January 2022-July 2023). In this chapter it was the interplay between the material world represented by Taurus and the metaphysical spiritual realm that Scorpio rules. The themes I felt apparent being money/security/foundation as well as the Scorpio bringing out the internal transformation: birth, death, rebirth, shadow work.

    From July last year we entered the new collective destiny markers in the signs of Aries and Libra (July 2023 – January 2025). Eclipses can be energetically intense and this year we will see eclipse action happening;

    March 25 – Lunar Eclipse in Libra

    April 8 – Solar Eclipse in Aries

    September 17 – Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

    October 2nd – Solar Eclipse in Libra

    Destiny Astrology Aries and Libra 2024

    This next chapter which kickstarted from July last year in 2023 until January 2025 what I’m feeling into the balance between self and another. Aries being bold, centre stage, inspired action, passionate and heated whereas Libra is about harmony, justice and balance. This I predict will see  relationships being a focal point with regards to boundaries, compromise and harmony. On a collective stage Aries symbolises war and we can see that having emerged from mid last year the tension between Aries fire of ambition and charging forward contrasted by Libra justice, fairness, equality, peace and love.

    When Aries is in charge things tend to move quickly too an accelerate so I’m getting quantum leaps energy, it’s about trusting in the timing, once things happen they’ll go fast so don’t stress, continue to take inspired, consistent action and the universe will take care of the rest. 

    This Aries energy is going to shine with the backdrop of numerology of ‘8’ and power we are going to see collectively more drive, ambition, motivation, striving towards goals and really owning what you want. 

    The last time a hint of this Aries energy leading the way interns of collective destiny was in the air was back at the end of 2004 in December and lasted until June 2006. This is 10 years ago, so perhaps things that happened a decade ago may pop back up to reveal how far you’ve come and what’s next.

    Phi's personal interpretation of 2024

    2023 was seen as a building year for many, and I know collectively it had it’s challenges but 2024 definitely has an energy of optimism, more light, a brighter future and so much potential. It won’t be without difficulties but it’s that energy of a rainbow after a storm. 

    2024 is a year of power, if you look at numerology the number 8 infinite, representing power and abundance and I mean look at the Chinese Zodiac the epitome of power in the dragon. The backdrop astrologically of Aries and Libra also about power – Aries being bold, stepping into it and the shadow aspects of conflict, clash and fieriness in balance with Libra and I interpret as power dynamics in relations to others too. 

    When I channel the word ‘leadership’ also comes through: stepping up, stepping into your power, stepping into your potential, stepping into the spotlight, being a leader, self leadership and leading yourself. 

    Manifestation also springs to mind but the actualisation of all you desire. If 2023 was the dreaming, 2024 is making it happen. It’s about taking the inner work of 2023 and embodying it in 2024. 

    8 is also the number of the divine feminine. I think this year masculine and feminine energetics will be something more of note finding that balance (again that 8 symbolism of the infinity) and given the 8 year a definite awareness to accessing divine feminine power and energy: to be feeling confident, courageous and empowered. 

    All in all 2024 is set to be another transformative year with a lot of hope and positivity to look forward to. This is the human design week to starting aligning our energy to that of our ambitions knowing the backdrop is of good luck, fortune and opportunities in 2024. 

    Work with Phi in 2024 - Life Coaching Human Design

    In terms of what I have to offer in 2024 I am putting the call out for 1:1 coaching I would love to start the journey with you in making 2024 your best year yet. If you’re interested please reach out and let’s chat about coaching and how I can best support you.

    I’ve also got human design readings and in particular a yearly 2024 reading may serve you to know the themes of your year ahead and how to best navigate and tap into the most helpful energies to boost and support you.

    I’m working on an offering next month around Valentine’s Day to do with self love and of course something major in August which will be an intimate women’s only retreat in Bali.

    I’m here to help you so if you need anything DM me on Instagram that’s where I’m most active.

    Chat to you next week beautiful soul. Have a good one! 

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  • Here’s to recapping the highs and lows

    Life isn't just a highlight reel

    because life isn’t just a highlight reel, don’t let social media fool you!

    2023 has been one of the best years of my life and no it wasn’t happy and positive all of the time…

    It was actually a year that started amazing on paper but despite all the surface level stuff: a thriving business, incredible home, freedom lifestyle, abundance, loving and supportive friends and family yet something felt missing and it was worse because according to society I had the life and things that “should” make you happy…

    What is was… was a year I gave myself permission and allowed myself to truly feel it all. To make mistakes. To try again.

    A year I unlearned a lot that didn’t serve me so that I loved myself more deeply than I ever had and in turn started the year single and am ending it with a partner.

    A year where I had moments I didn’t think I would make it through but I did. A year filled with lows I had never felt with highs and joys too 🥹🥲

    I hope you give yourself permission to be so proud of yourself no matter how the year went and know that at any moment, you can change and so can your life.

    So heres to another year 🫶🏽🥰

    It doesn’t have to be the 31st when you let everything go nor does it have to be the 1st to start everything over. Whenever you decide is right for you.

    And if you’re looking for support and guidance… 🙋🏼‍♀️ here’s your sign I can’t wait to work with you either through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading… contact me 🧡

    If no one else has told you — I’m proud of you! I hope you give yourself the grace and love to be more you, to embrace yourself and life to its fullest and enjoy the ride 🌊

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • 6 Things I Never Expected to Unlearn After Losing My Dad A Decade Ago

    May loss not define you

    10 years later the journey continues and I can’t quite believe I’ve lived 1/3 of my life without him 🥹

    Grief has no expiration date.

    It is never too late to grieve.

    In the early days it was raw and overwhelming.

    I numbed it. I suppressed it. I ignored it. I resented it.

    The myth that time heals all wounding is understandable however really we learn to grow around the grief and expand.

    Grief does not end or stop.

    It becomes part of the journey weaved into the everyday, a mosaic of joy and sorrow all at once that is part of the human experience.

    Loss and grief have shown me it doesn’t end with the loss of our loved one that it isn’t useless, in fact it’s led me to become a life coach something I never would have comprehended a decade ago (I was meant to be a lawyer or CMO!!).

    And that is the beauty; the twists and turns of life and how pain can turn into power and purpose.

    Now I honour it. I lean into it. I feel it. I’m grateful for it.

    As a coach it has been a privilege to support and witness individuals navigate the complexities of grief in learning to feel the feelings, redefine the narrative and unlock the strength and resilience that emerges from heartache.

    Here’s to the journey 🫶🏽

    May loss not define you but propel you into greater depths of living: with gratitude, with radiance and to embrace the immense gift of not just being alive; but living 🚀

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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