Month: January 2023

  • Life is an adventure…

    The adventure called 'life'...

    Your soul didn’t sign up for a pretty picture perfect life.

    Your soul signed up to be HUMAN on this adventure we call LIFE.

    The curriculum for this involves mess, grief, heartache, despair and so too does it include pleasure, ecstasy, laughter and joy.

    Your heart, your soul, your spirit don’t want to be controlled.

    You signed up to be truly liberated – raw, wild, dynamic and free to experience it all.

    You came here to grow

    Because what would life be if it was happy and comfortable all the time… 😮‍💨 b o r i n g

    What would be the point!?

    You came here to grow, to expand 🌟

    It’s in the contrast of life we truly live.

    This is something you can be aware of yet still challenged by.

    We intellectually understand that to experience life with a spectrum of experiences is necessary yet we unconsciously desire to only have feelings and experiences we label as “good” and “positive.”

    In challenging times we can return back to the words of this post which contemplates our very purpose for living and breathing.

    To experience!

    So when you’re feeling low, in the depths of darkness and running into shadows — know that it is beautiful. It’s beautiful because in the pain of it, is also your wisdom and gold.

    Here’s to being human, the full spectrum experience of it ✌🏽

    Can you tell I’m an emotional authority in human design? 😋 grateful to have learnt that I’m designed to experience the waves 🌊 and with time gain deeper understanding and clarity. Don’t know yours — book a reading with me!

    And of course, happy energetic lunar new year, bring on 2023 🚀 to you beautiful soul reading this — I appreciate you 🥰 thank you for being on this wild ride with me ✨✨✨… LETS GO 👊🏽

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • You are stronger than you think

    Life is tough but so are you

    Maybe right now it feels like there is no way that you will be able to get through what you’re going through.

    It is my hope that you remember this.

    Your track record in surviving tough times and hard days is perfect because you are still here.

    You made it.

    I know there are big battles and waging wars within you that no one will ever know or see.

    Even if no one recognises your progress, it does not mean there hasn’t been any made.

    Give yourself the recognition you deserve.

    Your growth and wins won’t always be visible and loud.

    Nor do they need to be.

    Quiet revolutions.

    Who knows what will happen in the future, no one can be certain but one thing is for sure… you have this moment here right now.

    Take it day by day because life gets easier this way.

    Don't forget yourself...

    life is tough but so are you 👊🏽💥 you won’t always hear the cheering or applause but you know within yourself the incredible wins you are having whether big or small 🚀

    take a moment to recognize all that you’ve been through and how despite it all you continue to better yourself and create a beautiful life you love to live.

    I think that is so brave 🫶🏽

    Even when life couldn’t harden you, you remain beautifully strong and graceful.

    You continue to listen to your heart and see the best in people… don’t forget yourself.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • This year I am…

    This year I am...

    In the year to come, I hope you find the strength to fail because it means you’re taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone.

    I hope you find the courage to say goodbye to what is no longer in alignment with your heart and soul.

    I hope you find the excitement to be open to new moments and opportunities that will fill your life with so much love and joy.

    I hope you find the patience to allow yourself to grow at your own pace undeterred and bloom in your own time.

    I hope you find the courage to make mistakes because you aren’t afraid of truly living and making moves.

    I hope you find the words to express your truth and be your most authentic self.

    I hope you find the grace to let go of what no longer serves you and walk away with your head high.

    I hope you find peace in knowing everything happens for a reason and what is meant for you, is already yours. 

    A brand new chapter

    Above all in 2023 I hope you find your heart — to give this year your all and tune into what you truly want.

    This time of the year can be full of noise, being clouded by conditioning and the opinions of others.

    What do YOU really want? Your heart and soul. Not your ego. Not the must or shoulds.

    What brings you closer to who you are and who you want to be, your biggest self?

    love & positivity ✨phi

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  • Welcoming 2023…

    2023 is where I'm arriving...

    2023 looks like a brand new chapter, one that has been built on the pages of the past and gleaming for the future.

    A heart cracked open and a curious mind.


    Rising from the ashes.


    Grounded roots.

    Riding the cosmic wave.

    Higher love.

    True love.

    The unexpected.

    Letting go of logic and opening up to magic.

    Experiencing and savouring all that life has to offer.

    Making love with life.





    Hips like honey.

    Dripping in devotion to self and service.

    Daring to dream bolder.

    Heart felt gratitude and appreciation.

    Leading with soul.

    Loving all that is.

    2023 is where I’m arriving.

    Learning to rise up from the ashes

    Uh huh honey 🍯 bring on 2023. The last year for me has been burning everything to the ground and rising from the ashes.

    The loss of my corporate identity — officially been a full time life coach for a year now!

    The loss of a relationship — the first time I’ve been single in 3 years.

    The loss of my home I started my side hustle now business, got promoted to manager at work and fell in love — I now live in my dream home opposite the beach.

    The loss of my grandpa — and the opening up to more of my family and knowing my ancestral roots.

    My book is coming out JUNE 2023!!!

    I cannot wait!

    I’ll also be bringing back something I used to offer 😋 aaaand opening up more spots for coaching and human design, if you’re interested link in bio or DM me 🧡

    The prompt for this post was a thought starter from my beautiful friend @girlandhermagic 🪄

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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