Month: December 2022

  • A dedication to my dad

    There is sunshine after rain

    Shattered in pieces, broken like a mosaic – there is beauty in your grief and there is beauty in your heartache.

    It won’t always be pretty but with the passing sands of time and softening of sorrow, there is a pearl of truth.

    There is life after death and sunshine after rain.

    You feel them in the salt of your tears and the bleeding colours of the sky.

    You feel them in the melting of harsh winters and spring morning time.

    You feel them in the soft sunlight shining on your skin and the wind that glides.

    You feel them in the mighty roar of the ocean and rolling, turning tides.

    You feel them everywhere you go and with everything that you do because they… they are always with you.

    On grief...

     know how it feels when it feels as if the grief will swallow you whole.

    I know how it feels when you the pain seems unbearable, that there cannot be light at the end of the tunnel.

    I know how it feels so achingly lonely, despite being in a room full of people with so much love and support around you.

    What I can tell you nine years since I lost my dad on this very day, that life does indeed go on… and it is so beautiful to live on in their love.

    The pain, the heartache, the grief, the sorrow that does not go away but you will learn to live with these feelings.

    You will come to hold them with open arms and in tender space.

    You will understand that feeling it all is beautiful because it speaks to the depth of your love for your lost loved one permeating every inch and crevice of your soul.

    You will unlearn timelines, that this happens all in your own time. It cannot be skipped, it cannot be rushed.

    You will unlearn all you thought you knew and come to the greatest gift and truth of all: love.

    This is dedicated to my dad. I love you with all my heart and in every word that I write.

    One of, if not the most beautiful thing to come out of the loss of my dad and grief was becoming a life coach to help others. To share my words
    and insights with you.

    My upcoming book released next June is dedicated to him.

    Truly I don’t know if I would be a life coach if I hadn’t lost him so early in my life.

    Thus is a duality of life. Pain can coexist with beauty. Suffering with happiness.

    On the other side of grief you can and will help so many others in your presence and understanding.

    Your life and light makes a difference in this world. Thank you for being here. Thank you for reading this.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    You are never truly alone in your grief and heartache. Reach out to someone for help whether it’s a friend, loved one, hotline, life coach or psychologist — there is always someone willing to help. If you wanted a sign here it is: Keep going, you are reading this for a reason. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I believe in you 🧡

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  • On having courage…

    On courage...

    Beautiful soul, you’ve got to blaze your own path.

    Start a fire in your heart and a spark in your soul.

    In the heat, some are lost and others consumed.

    But not you – you are forged from the flames.

    It is a courageous act to truly live.

    It is a courageous act to fully love.

    You have the courage to live a life of your own.

    You are brave

    some may settle for a mediocre life, a life that’s half lived — but not you.

    the struggle and straddle between two worlds.

    you are brave.

    you are meant for a life that is bold, beautiful and rare.

    may you always have the strength and courage to listen to your soul and follow your heart.

    may you know that you are supported by the unseen with all their love and might.

    may you truly live your own life, as a testament to your unique essence that has blessed us with your presence in this lifetime.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Getting back up again

    On who you are...

    Time and time again, you get back up and I think that’s a beautiful thing.

    That is who you are.

    Someone who doesn’t give up.

    You always find a way to get through tough times because you are a survivor.

    A mountain of strength with a heart of gold.

    A lotus who has bloomed from chaos and crisis.

    Your gift, being able to be broken open time and time again to deeper love and growth.

    Whatever it takes, you have it all within you.

    It's all up to you...

    Sometimes life will throw you a curve ball and a challenge, an invitation, an initiation.

    You rise to the challenge every time you decide to meet it.

    It’s in every choice that you make. Every breath, every step, every decision — you get to decide to go again 👊🏽💥

    This is your power, nothing in life can take away from it no event, circumstance or person.

    You choose who meets it.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Not always happily ever after…

    You gave me hope...

    I know it didn’t work out between us but I truly am so grateful that I met you.

    That somehow in a world of billions and billions, our worlds collided.

    You taught me that I could love again.

    You gave me hope.

    We had our ups and downs sure – but I had some of the most magical moments of my life with you.

    I know that we part ways stronger and more ourselves than ever – thank you.

    The beautiful journey of life

    Because it all doesn’t end in happily ever after — and that’s okay.

    Because falling for someone, being with someone is one of the most beautiful things we will experience in this lifetime.

    Because every soul you encounter helps you to grow and evolve whether you stay together or not.

    This is the beautiful journey of life that I am so grateful for.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Road to healing

    You can begin at any time...

    In the road to healing no step is too small or insignificant.

    All your steps count, even the baby ones.

    The days you wish had never happened will start to make sense, as painful and arduous as they were.

    Life doesn’t spare anyone from the baptism of fire and crashes of the waves.

    You will come to realise they were a springboard into your growth and evolution.

    You have come so far and oh the places you will go.

    Know that you’re allowed to start again.

    You can begin again at anytime.

    You are able to hit the reset button time and time over.

    You are allowed to become whoever you want to be.

    You are brave

    ou are not alone on this healing journey — you are so loved and supported.

    Everyone in life at some point will come to a place where they desire or need to heal.

    You are brave for being on this journey, because whilst everyone needs this journey it doesn’t mean everyone will take it.

    I see you.

    I admire you.

    I am proud of you.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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