Month: August 2022

  • Finding light in the darkness

    The darkest season

    The darkest season of your life will precede your greatest breakthroughs and the emergence of light so beautiful, it will ripple and sparkle in your eyes.

    The darkest season is full of painful kisses from thorns of roses.

    The darkest season is the deep void, floating in the abyss or dwelling at rock bottom.

    The darkest season inevitably comes with the pain of shedding who you were to become more of your authentic self.

    It is all worth it for the light that will emerge once again.

    The light of the bloom.

    The light of love and self compassion.

    The light of your wings ready to soar and fly high.

    The light of your heart, full of deep gratitude and experience from the darkest season.

    Trust the magic veiled by darkness

    The darkest season will ask you to honour endings to begin again. To trust and have faith in what is happening beneath the surface.

    To surrender to the greatest mysteries.

    To be held by the divine.

    To be cradled by love.

    You are not broken.

    You are healing.

    You are being reborn.

    Trust the process.

    Trust the journey.

    Trust the magic veiled by darkness.

    It is only then you will truly come to understand why everything happens 🌹

    Under the blanket of darkness life is initiating you 🧨

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    I would love to bring light to your world and help you integrate the darkness and shadows into your life to fully bloom… 🌹

    Work with me – link in bio. Book coming June 2023 🧡

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  • Good things are coming

    Move at your own pace

    Good things are coming.

    Good things are waiting for you.

    Good things are about to happen.

    Life has its high and lows.

    Life has its setbacks.

    The weight of sadness, grief and pain.

    The ache of a broken heart and overwhelm mind.

    The frustration of being stuck with no where to go.

    The paralysis of anxiety and perfectionism.

    The yearning for hope and relief… there is more to come.

    The old energy is clearing and the new is ready to rush through.

    In the meantime be kind to your mind, be kind to your body, be kind to your heart and be kind to your soul.

    Move at your own pace.

    The good is inevitable.

    Better days are on their way.

    Be here and you will see

    If you were looking for a sign, here it is 💌 the best is yet to come and all you have to do is keep going.

    Things fall apart for better things to come together.

    It is just around the corner ✨ you’ve got to hold your power, belief and trust in that.

    Your life can change in any moment.

    You can’t predict the future with absolute certainty 🔮

    How do you know that better days AREN’T coming? You don’t.

    A string of bad moments and days doesn’t mean good isn’t coming.

    All you can do is be here in the present. Forget the past it’s dead and gone. Forget the future it’s an illusion.



    & you will see 👁

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to get out of your funk and into your best life now? 🕺🏻 let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or human design 🧡

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  • How to be brave…

    I think you're so brave

    I think you’re so brave.

    I think you’re so brave for getting up this morning.

    I think you’re so brave for asking for help when it all gets too much.

    I think you’re so brave for slowing down when you’re overwhelmed.

    I think you’re so brave to admit that you’re not happy.

    I think you’re so brave for letting go.

    I think you’re so brave when all you can do is collapse on the floor and cry.

    I think you’re so brave when you forgive yourself because we all make mistakes and mess up.

    I think you’re so brave for starting again.

    I think you’re so brave when you refuse to let life, labels and trauma define you.

    I think you’re so brave because even when life knocks you down, you get back up and keep going.

    How to be brave

    “Be brave” were the last words my dad ever said to me almost 10 years ago. I thought I knew what that meant.

    We often think of bravery as these life changing, huge acts that take place when bravery can be found even in what seems like the smallest of things.

    Letting yourself collapse on the floor uncontrollably crying because you can barely hold it together. The bravery in allowing yourself to feel and move through the motions.

    Admitting to yourself whilst you pretend to be happy and your life looks good on paper, acknowledging the truth that resides in your soul. That you aren’t fulfilled. The bravery is defying societal expectations and listening to your truth, your heart.

    Reaching out to a friend even though you feel bad and guilty because you’re struggling. You’re allowed to desire love and support, you’re human. The bravery in asking for what you need instead of feeling ashamed for it.

    Be brave in all moments, it counts.

    Be brave because life isn’t easy, yet you’re giving it your best go and showing up, that counts.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    If you’re ready to face your fears and follow your dreams to the other side full of joy and soul fulfilment, let’s work together 🧡

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  • Reasons to keep going

    Living for the moments

    Live for the moments you cannot put into words.

    Live for the kisses that will take your breath away.

    Live for the people you are yet to meet who will change your life and deeply connect with.

    Live for the conversations that will touch your heart and soul.

    Live for the spark that will make you feel so passionate and alive.

    Live for the day you look in the mirror and fall in love.

    Live for the realisation when you discover and understand why you are here right now.

    Live for your potential to be fully discovered and embraced.

    Live for the day all your wildest dreams come true.

    Live for all the endless possibilities in this lifetime.

    Live for your chance to leave your mark and legacy in this world.

    Live for today, here and now, even when times are tough, because there are so many reasons to keep going.

    Life is tough, but so are you

    I’ve been there… in the darkness questioning why I should live.

    At times it can feel really tough.

    I know and I see you beautiful soul.

    I hope you see this as a sign to keep going no matter.

    Life is tough but so are you.

    You are tougher.

    One day you’ll look back at moments like these or hard days and see the gift in it all.

    The beauty.

    The wisdom.

    The gold.

    To find it, keep going and you will soon see and find out for yourself 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for new perspectives in life? Guidance & support all in one? I got you ☺️ I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings 💫

    Please note if you are experiencing psychological distress please seek professional help from a trusted professional advisor.

    📞 🇦🇺 Lifeline Australia 13 11 14
    📞 🇬🇧 Samaritans 116 123
    📞 🇺🇸 988

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  • Be kind to yourself

    Perhaps it's time for change...

    Why is it that the person we are hardest on is ourselves?

    We seem to be so understanding and compassionate towards others, yet we seem to forget ourselves.

    Don’t be so hard on yourself beautiful soul, you are doing the best you can with whatever is going on right now.

    You’ve been through so much already.

    You are strong.

    You are a survivor.

    Life is already tough, you don’t need to be even tougher on yourself.

    Perhaps you could bring more love to all parts of yourself?

    Perhaps you could make peace with all the doubts and worries that snake around in your mind.

    Perhaps you could meet yourself with more tenderness.

    Perhaps it’s time to be less hard on yourself…

    A gentle reminder

    A gentle reminder and love letter from your heart and soul 🧡

    You can do it all.

    You are full of possibilities.

    You have so much potential.

    Yes, yes, yes!

    You are also human (the best and most beautiful thing).

    You will make mistakes.

    You will get tired.

    You may get sidetracked.

    And that’s okay.

    Remember that hate, shame and guilt will never fuel sustainable growth.

    Let love lead the way always 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    @thephidang is my only Instagram account. limited spots for coaching and human design readings are available – DM me for more info.

    If you love my writing, my book is coming out in June 2023!

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  • The pain behind the beauty

    Turn your pain

    Your pain and wounds need not be ugly.

    They can be turned into something so beautiful.

    You can turn your pain into pride for how far you have come.

    You can turn your pain into love with a deep appreciation for your strength and character.

    You can turn your pain into a means to validate how you are feeling, no matter what anyone else thinks.

    You can turn your pain into an opening into your heart with great compassion for yourself and others.

    You can turn your pain into the bedrock of your personal growth journey ahead.

    You can turn your pain into your great rebirth as someone wiser and kinder than ever before.

    You can turn your pain into a beautiful life no matter how rocky or difficult the path has been.

    At any moment you can make it something so beautiful, beyond beauty…

    Finding the beauty

    we’ve been conditioned to believe that beauty only lies in the ideal and perfect 👁👄👁

    pain can be a beautiful thing, it doesn’t have to be at all but it can be ❤️‍🩹

    everyone’s experience is valid and different.

    I hope you see the beauty in it all as I do in you – as you are – even if you’re going through it all

    🥀 the beauty in the fall 🌹

    🌹 the beauty in your tears 🥀

    🥀 the beauty in your ache 🌹

    there is so much beauty and beyond in the shadow & darkness if you only dare to see it… 🪄

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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