Month: February 2021

  • 16: Relationships as Mirrors

    Episode Summary of The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 16: Relationships as Mirrors

    The final episode of the LšŸ’˜VE SERIES. This episode is all about the purpose of love. Why do we love? We learn how relationships are a mirror of ourselves and the seven essene mirror principles.


    What you'll learn from this episode

    • What is the purpose of love
    • Twin Flames as MirrorsĀ 
    • How relationships are mirrors
    • The importance of mental mirrors and physical mirrors
    • The 7 Essene Mirror Principles

    Key Quotes from this Episode

    Healthy relationships donā€™t happen by chance, they happen by awakening.

    Just like how mirrors in a gym provide a reference point to yourself, relationships are a reference point to yourself internally.

    Relationships make you see things in yourself that you might not see if you are single and alone.

    Featured Resources on the episode

    The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 16: Relationships As Mirrors

    You are listening to Episode 16 of the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang: Relationships as Mirrors.

    [Introduction to the Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang plays – Background Music: upbeat, confident, rising beat]:

    Donā€™t just go through life, grow through it. Donā€™t just go through life, grow through it.

    Hi and Welcome to the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang.

    My name is Phi and I am a Clarity and Confidence Life Coach known as the ā€œThe Positivity Queen.ā€

    My passion is to help you go from stuck and self critical to courageous and empowered so you can conquer anything.

    Join me, every Tuesday, as I discuss all things mindset, self love, energy and purpose.

    This podcast wonā€™t just inspire and motivate you, it will also provide practical tips and strategies you can implement in your daily life.

    Ready to grow? Letā€™s grow!

    [Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang End of Intro]

    [Episode 16 – Relationships as Mirrors Begins]

    Relationships as Mirrors Introduction

    Hello beautiful soul!

    What a journey it has been for the love series.

    Thank you all for your kind words on the Instagram posts, reels and podcasts so far. I appreciate it so much.

    Thank you all for reaching out to me in the DMs on Instagram, I reply to all my DMs (unless youā€™re cold selling to me or begging me to follow you back sorry Iā€™m not about that!) and love speaking to each and every one of you.

    Thank you to all my clients, itā€™s an honour to be part of your life and journey in this very moment. Love and relationships are a key area of my coaching and I am seeing incredible transformations across the board.

    Client Wins in Relationships, Dating and Love

    One of my clients was a self professed crying, heartbroken wreck from an unexpected breakup a few months ago. Two months into our coaching, she attended a party where her ex showed up and she felt like a whole new person – calm, so deeply in love with herself and unaffected by his presence.Ā 

    Another two of my clients have transitioned from casual relationships to committed relationships with their flings and friends with benefits through the incredible work theyā€™ve done working on themselves particularly self love and stepping up through their communication which is amazing, I am so proud of them.

    For my other clients we are working through heartbreak whether thatā€™s moving on from past relationships or breaking up with partners in relationships that no longer serve them. On that I wanted to share, when you do the work and start shifting stagnant energy, donā€™t be surprised when you find yourself attracted to new energies in your life whether thatā€™s in love, relationships, friendships or your career! I see it happen all the time with myself and my clients.

    If the love series has been really resonating and vibing with you, if my clientā€™s successes are what you want, I invite you to DM me on Instagram – letā€™s chat about 1:1 coaching and working together. I offer a complementary 45 minute call no strings attached to see if we are the right match for each other, you have nothing to lose, so get it on it beautiful soul – I look forward to speaking with you.Ā 

    The final podcast for the series, the purpose of love

    On todayā€™s episode – I canā€™t believe we are on our final instalment of the series! Weā€™ve gone from episode 13 on love mindset, to self love on episode 14, to the energetics of love on episode 15 now to ending with the thought around the purpose of love.

    Oh yes we go deep!

    Over the weekend I celebrated a beautiful friendā€™s birthday and I got speaking to another girl on the trip who is in a place of conflict at the moment.

    Sheā€™s not sure about the guy sheā€™s dating. Are they meant to be or not?

    I think we have all been there and then she brings up something interesting.

    He might be her twin flame.Ā 

    It feels like a lifetime ago when I think about twin flames.

    Twin Flames as Mirrors

    I think I met mine at the beginning of my spiritual awakening.

    For those who donā€™t know what a twin flame is, itā€™s a very intense soul connection with another to the point you are thought to be another personā€™s half. The idea of a twin flame is that you are part of one original soul that has been split into two bodies.

    He gave me the book, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and the rest is history. In fact I am re reading the book 8 years later and it truly resonates with me now more than ever. To be honest, back then I was only really starting to understand spirituality whereas now I practice it.Ā 

    I fell so deeply and passionately for him but it wasnā€™t meant to be.

    He was definitely emotionally unavailable and I triggered him big time – especially going through my dad being very ill and passing away.Ā 

    In fact it was very short lived but it served a huge purpose.

    I am so thankful to him that I got to wake up before my dad passed and to share with him I finally understood all the consciousness principles he would speak about long before I even knew what it meant to be awake and conscious.Ā 

    Iā€™ve always been under the belief that we are not meant to be with our twin flames in a lifetime, rather they are a mirror to yourself. A catalyst for your soul growth.

    I believe relationships are some of our biggest spiritual assignment. Healthy relationships donā€™t happen by chance, they happen by awakening.

    Relationships are reference points

    Relationships make you see things in yourself that you might not see if you are single and alone. You have no reference point. Others can give us a reference point in fact from the beginning of our lives our parents do.

    ā€œYouā€™re such a good girl or boyā€

    ā€œYou are growing so quicklyā€

    ā€œIt was only yesterday you were a baby!ā€

    This brings us to todayā€™s episode which is all about relationships as mirrors.

    The purpose of mirrors

    When you go to the gym, there are so many mirrors around. So why all the mirrors?

    Well, for one you can see your form, your technique, if you are doing something properly.

    Two, itā€™s an ego boost right? Right in front of you, you can see how your body is shaping, yes looking good girl and what your body looks like when youā€™re working out.

    Just like how mirrors in a gym provide a reference point to yourself, relationships are a reference point to yourself internally.Ā 

    Every relationship we have is a mirror whether itā€™s romantic or not, whether you are single or not.

    This means your friend, your sibling, your family, your partner, your colleague and so forth.Ā 

    What do you mean a mirror?

    What do I mean by a mirror?

    Well, every quality you see in another whether you like it or not, is a reflection of yourself. Attitudes, behaviours, beliefs, values, programming. In order to recognise a certain quality, you must be able to see it within yourself. What the mirror reflects, you may be aware or unaware of within yourself.

    Once you do the work and youā€™re aware, you canā€™t just stop there. Itā€™s one thing to be aware and itā€™s another thing to do the damn work! If you donā€™t like what you see in the mirror, donā€™t get mad at the mirror, clean the mirror.

    And hereā€™s some even deeper insight for you.

    We subconsciously seek out what we need to heal in ourselves in relationships so you can be at ease with mistakes youā€™ve made. Itā€™s okay, in fact they needed to happen, to teach you, to wake you up no matter how many you make.Ā 

    My personal example of mirroring in relationships

    After all I needed to make mistakes and learn so much when I was single for 8 years!

    A personal example I share with you is that I used to date all the wrong people. In these relationships I felt lonely – I didnā€™t feel like my needs were being met and I felt unheard. It would be so difficult for them to make time for me or consider me a priority in their life. I felt unworthy when they would not commit to a relationship with me or introduce me to their friends.Ā 

    This pattern would play out for many years, I suspected it had something to do with me but I didnā€™t do the work. I just scratched upon the surface.

    After doing the work and having a coach, I realised that this all reflected my relationship with myself.Ā 

    I didnā€™t meet my own needs – I never vocalised what I wanted and I wanted someone else to meet my needs for me. Make me feel loved, special and worthy. I didnā€™t make myself a priority, I would value their time and bend over backwards to make their schedule work with mine.Ā 

    Oh they canā€™t meet up that day but can do this day? Ahh! I was meant to meet up with this friend, but if I do, I wonā€™t be able to see them so Iā€™d bail on my friend to see them. A big no no!Ā 

    The commitment phobeness? I wasnā€™t committed to myself and my growth. I was emotionally unavailable, looking for love where deep down I knew I wouldnā€™t find someone to reciprocate it because if they did I wasnā€™t ready. They served as a distraction to needing to love myself, needing to be vulnerable with myself.Ā 

    A two way mirror

    Not only that, mirrors arenā€™t confined they are two way. What you pick up in a business situation may play itself out in the context of a relationship. For example if you find it hard to ask for a pay rise at work, you may find it hard to ask someone for commitment in a relationship.Ā 

    The Seven Essene Mirrors

    To further delve in to the work of relationships and mirrors is to see it from the seven essene mirrors.Ā 

    The ancient Essenes who’s work are the mirrors, are an ancient Jewish group who are the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Egyptians called them healers back in the day.Ā 

    Their ancient teachings on the following seven mirrors teach us about how our experiences and relationships reflect different aspects of our selves.

    1. The mirror of the moment

    In another, you see yourself in the present moment. What is going on in your inner world now reflects in your outer world. For example if you feel chaotic inside, your reality will be chaotic on the outside.

    2. The mirror of that which is judged

    In another, you see your own biases and judgement particularly big, energetically charged and emotional reactions.

    3. The mirror of which is lost, given away or taken away

    In another, what can you recognise that you have lost, given away or had taken from yourself? This is to do with your relationship with yourself.Ā 

    By seeing what you lose you may be very attracted out his person because they have what you now want and used to have.Ā 

    It will make you confront your regret perhaps around being ungrateful. It could be innocence, kindness, respect, love, compassion, honesty. All of which you think you have lost can be reclaimed.

    4. The mirror of forgotten love

    In another you see a past way of life or an unfinished relationship. This is where we see patterns repeating themselves over and over, particularly compulsive or addictive behaviours. These usually replay over and over until you learn what you need to know and see what you need to see.

    5. The mirror of mother/father

    In another, you can see the unconscious imprinting of your parents – behaviours, beliefs that arenā€™t yours to begin with. How are you acting in ways that your parents would have in this situation?

    6. The mirror of your quest into darkness

    In another, you can see the most feared aspects of self worth, trust, abandonment and loneliness. This mirror is all about the challenging and dark times in your life. An experience we know as the ā€˜dark knight of the soulā€™ Knowing that it is happening for a reason, for your growth.Ā 

    To trust in yourself that you will find the way and come out stronger, wiser. I found this one harder to explain conceptually so to further share I truly experienced this when I lost my dad. I found myself in a very dark place and would pick up on the darkness in others which I saw in myself.Ā 

    This experience deeply changed me as a person, my perception to life in the best way and has helped me help my clients as I am able to hold space for them, I donā€™t fear the darkness or shadow parts they see in themselves because I also can see it in myself.Ā Ā 

    7. The mirror of self perception

    In another, you can see how you are. Others will perceive you and treat you according to how you perceive and treat yourself.

    If you are have low self esteem and fail to see the good in yourself, youā€™ll find others struggling to as well.

    If you are angry, bitter and unloving towards yourself, youā€™ll find others treating you so.

    The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 16: Relationships As Mirrors Close

    This episode definitely calls for self reflection.

    What is the mirror of your life revealing to you – circumstances which are happening, relationships in your life.

    In the mirror of the moment, here in life it self, this ver moment – are you here now?

    If you are looking to further develop your relationship with yourself and others, get in touch with me and letā€™s chat about working together through 1:1 coaching.Ā 

    Have a fantastic week ahead beautiful soul, speak to you next Tuesday. Love and Positivity.

    [Episode 16 – Mirrors as Relationships Outro]

    Are you wanting to find out more aboutĀ 1:1 Coaching or working with me?Ā Maybe perhaps you want to know more about me. Iā€™d love to connect with you. You can visit my websiteĀ phidang.comĀ or connect with me on InstagramĀ @thephidang. Speak to you soon.

    Click here to read more

  • 15: How To Be A Magnet For Love

    Episode Summary of The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 15: How To Be A Magnet For Love

    Part 3 of 4 of the brand new LšŸ’˜VE SERIES. Learn how to be a super charged magnet to attract love into your life in an easy and effortless way through energetic principles.


    What you'll learn from this episode

    • How to be a magnet for love to attract love into your life
    • How you co create with the universe
    • The energetics of love

    Key Quotes from this Episode

    You are a co creator with the universe. You work hand in hand with the universe to create your reality through your energy, your being, your presence, how you show up in the world.

    You are always magnetic, so what are you pulling into your world?

    Love is so abundant. Itā€™s infinite. There isnā€™t just enough for everyone, thereā€™s more than enough for everyone.

    Featured Resources on the episode

    The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 15: How To Be A Magnet For Love

    You are listening to Episode 15 of the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang: How To Be A Magnet For Love

    [Introduction to the Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang plays – Background Music: upbeat, confident, rising beat]:

    Donā€™t just go through life, grow through it. Donā€™t just go through life, grow through it.

    Hi and Welcome to the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang.

    My name is Phi and I am a Clarity and Confidence Life Coach known as the ā€œThe Positivity Queen.ā€

    My passion is to help you go from stuck and self critical to courageous and empowered so you can conquer anything.

    Join me, every Tuesday, as I discuss all things mindset, self love, energy and purpose.

    This podcast wonā€™t just inspire and motivate you, it will also provide practical tips and strategies you can implement in your daily life.

    Ready to grow? Letā€™s grow!

    [Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang End of Intro]

    [Episode 15 – How To Be A Magnet For Love Begins]

    How To Be A Magnet For Love Introduction

    Hello beautiful soul!

    I am so happy to have you here. Thank you, I appreciate you. I am feeling so good, in flow and ease. I recently made a 4 figure investment into an energetic alignment course that felt uncomfortable and scary but so right. I literally felt my heart tug at me to do it.

    Of course I had all the triggers. What if you are wasting your money. You wanted to save your money for this and blah blah blah. Honestly I could see and feel my scarcity mindset come through and I was not for it.

    It was keeping me stuck and small.

    Hand on heart, I know every investment I make will always have a return. Being a life coach myself itā€™s so important I am always learning, growing and evolving so that I can be the best life coach. To hold space for my clients. To ask better questions of my clients. To be able to share more with my clients.

    And so, I sat with the feeling. I felt deep into my heart.

    No payment plan, I paid in full.Ā 

    I leaned into the trigger with love instead of running away from it with fear and it felt so delicious. So expansive. So turned on. Just so much yes for it. I am truly leaning into what it feels like in my body, the vibrations, the sensations, the energy.

    It feels so magnetically good. I canā€™t wait.Ā 

    Celebrating LšŸ’˜VE SERIES - Win a 1:1 coaching intensive with me

    Before I dive into todayā€™s episode, I wanted to remind you about the celebration I launched for the love series! If you are loving the podcast, I invite you to leave a review, screenshot it and DM it to me on instagram or email it to me at [email protected] for your chance to win a 1:1 75 minute coaching intensive worth $350. Not only that if you say hi, I want to personally thank you!

    A special thank you to my boyfriend

    Just one more thing whilst I remember, today is actually my one year anniversary with my boyfriend. I am so appreciative of you, I appreciate your support, I couldnā€™t have done it without youā€¦ ohhhh

    I totally just caught myself in this moment in this very moment saying ā€œ couldnā€™t have done it without youā€¦ā€ I feel like society expects us to say stuff like this but he knows this – I totally could have done it without him. Itā€™s just having his support meant so much to me and helped me go through times when it can get tough having your own business so thank you.Ā 

    How To Be A Magnet For Love Foundations

    Todayā€™s episode is the third in the love series and it is all about love and energy, how to be a magnet for love.

    This episode will focus on the energetics of attracting and being a magnet for love.Ā 

    If you havenā€™t listened to Episode 13 – The Mindset of Love and Episode 14 – How to Make Self Love A Priority, I strongly recommend doing so as they form the foundations required to be the energetic match for love. Iā€™ll make sure to leave episode links in the show notes for you.

    Understanding the thoughts and mindset you need to be in to attract love and if you already deeply love yourself, being a magnet for love is so effortless and easy.

    The energetics of love, you are a co creator with the Universe

    Letā€™s dive into the energetics of love.Ā 

    You are a co creator with the universe. You work hand in hand with the universe to create your reality through your energy, your being, your presence, how you show up in the world.

    You are always magnetic, so what are you pulling into your world?

    You are always an energetic magnet

    When it comes to love you will always attract like for like.

    Itā€™s the law of attraction in action.Ā 

    If youā€™re emotionally unavailable, youā€™ll attract emotionally unavailable.Ā 

    If youā€™re serious about love, youā€™ll attract someone serious about love.Ā 

    If you want someone who is really caring and understanding, you have to be caring and understanding.

    If you want someone passionate and fiery, you have to be passionate and fiery.

    If you want someone successful, you have to be successful.Ā 

    Be conscious of the energy you are putting out there. Be conscious of the energy you are receiving. What is it telling you about yourself?

    Phi's personal example

    As an example, personally I used to attract a lot of men who were afraid of commitment for every reason under the sun. Still hurt by an ex. Wanting to play and have it all.

    It was very uncomfortable and confronting to realise the common denominator was me.

    What did it say about the fact I was attracting emotionally unavailable men that I was in fact emotionally unavailable. I thought I wanted love but my actions said otherwise. I was looking for love in all the wrong places, places I knew I would not find love deep down.

    I also used to date a lot very powerful men. Bankers, doctors, lawyers.

    What was this telling me about myself?

    I felt drawn to their power and status because I didnā€™t feel like I had power and status (even though I did). I was high on their halo effect because dating them made me feel good about myself.

    The secret is to get curious. Awareness if the first step but take it further, okay why am I doing this? Why am I attracting this. What role do I play in this because I always play a role.

    Doing this work showed myself and the universe I was serious about love.

    Are you actually serious about love?

    So Iā€™ve been repeating this concept Iā€™m about to share a lot on Instagram because when you get this concept, you get it! You understand how you are shaping your reality.

    If youā€™re serious about love and youā€™re putting it out there in the universe, the universe will hear you. The universe will see you. The universe is so high vibe, loving and abundant.Ā 

    The universe wants to give you what you want.

    The question is are you an energetic match for what you want.

    If you say youā€™re serious about finding love, do your actions match that?

    Are you open to love?

    Are you meeting new people?

    Are you doing on dates?

    Are you only dating people you know who are also open and ready for love?

    Are you showing up as your best self?

    Or are you hung up in the past. Stuck on an ex. Living in memory lane. Reminiscing. Missing. Stalking on social media.

    Are you dating people who you know deep down arenā€™t looking for a relationship? Just for fun.

    Are you closed off to love, not giving anyone the opportunity to meet you?

    Mmmm itā€™s something to think about when it comes to being a magnet for love.

    Disconnect and untether from your past if you want to be a magnet for love

    If you are still stuck in your past when it comes to love, itā€™s time to disconnect from the past.

    The past is gone.

    Itā€™s already happened, you canā€™t change it.

    So if youā€™re feeling stuck and holding on, thatā€™s you.

    Are you aware of that? That it is you keeping you stuck in your past. Not your ex. Not the person you had a thing with, you.

    This stagnant pent up energy is blocking you from magnetising new love.

    The universe demands you learn your lessons before moving forward.Ā 

    How can you disconnect from the past?

    You could visualise scissors cutting you off energetically from the past.

    You could forgive what has happened in the past, not for them but for you.Ā 

    I have a full in depth episode dedicated to forgiveness, episode 6, Iā€™ll put the link in the show notes.

    When you are free from your past, your hurt, your anger, your disappointment, your pain, your heart ache, your sadness, you are open to love.

    You have less baggage, less ties, less heaviness.Ā 

    An open heart is a magnet for love

    Your open heart is a magnet for love.

    Are you tuning into the high vibe, high frequency of love?

    Are you embodying love?

    Are you being love?

    Are you giving love freely without expectation of anything in return.

    Are you loving yourself?

    Are you feeling love in your whole being, in every thing you do?

    Are you giving love to those in your circle?

    Are you grateful for the love you already have in your life?

    Are you radiating love?

    Understand that love is always available and abundant

    Love isnā€™t just romance. Love is everywhere.

    Love is one of the most powerful and high frequency energies in this universe.

    If you want to be a magnet for it, youā€™ve got to be equally and energetically there.

    Love is so abundant. Itā€™s infinite.

    There isnā€™t just enough for everyone, thereā€™s more than enough for everyone.

    Itā€™s over flowing so bathe and bask in the feeling of love. Itā€™s always available. Itā€™s up to you if you are open for it.Ā 

    Love starts with you.

    In loving yourself.

    In forgiving yourself.

    In having deep compassion for yourself.

    In your ability to hold space for yourself.

    Are you open to love?

    Are you open to receiving love?

    Do you think you are worthy of love?

    Be a magnet for love through visualisation

    Visualisation is so powerful for love. It allows you to tap into the feelings of love, to embody love in your body and to magnetise love.

    What does it feel like to be with your person?

    What do you do together?

    What is life like together?

    The more you can flow into this vision, the better.

    The details. The coffee they like to drink. The way they laugh.

    Lean into love and imagine. Allow yourself to feel love and see the love you can have.

    Be a magnet for love by believing, loving letting go and trusting the Universe

    One of the hardest but most important principles in being a magnet for love is to lovingly let go, trust and believe love is coming.

    Seriously, I used to think it was a load of woo but genuinely when I met my now boyfriend I told the universe, Iā€™m serious about love and Iā€™m letting go and trusting you.

    When I wasnā€™t looking for him, he came to me. Just like that, after 8 years being singled.

    I had finally shown and proven to the universe that I was ready because I was!

    I did the hard work, confronting myself – the thoughts I had that kept me small and blocked from love.

    Finding love is so difficult.

    Iā€™ll be single forever.

    Iā€™ll never find love.

    I overcame these limiting beliefs and backed it up with my actions.

    Going on dates, feeling all the abundance of love in my life already, investing in a dating coach.

    It took me 8 years to get there because I thought I had done the work but I hadnā€™t. It was superficial. I didnā€™t go deep enough.

    Be a magnet for love by being who you really are, being authentic

    The final principle I will share on how to be come a magnet for love is being truly authentic.

    Being who you are.

    If you act as someone else, whoever falls in love with you wonā€™t really be falling in love with you but a mask.

    When you are living in authenticity, you will radiate love with ease and be a magnet for love.

    This is because when you are yourself, there is such a palpable energy about it.

    People canā€™t help but be drawn into it.

    When you can fully love and be yourself, you give out signals to others hey it’s okay to fully love and be yourself too.

    When you speak your truth and from your heart, that is magnetising.

    Pretending and acting gets tiring and wears you down.

    Donā€™t worry about who you repel, you donā€™t want them anyway and they donā€™t want you.

    A recap and summary of how to be a magnet for love

    Recapping it all, the keys to becoming a magnet for love are:

    • Co creating with the universe Ā 
    • Being an energetic match for the love you want, like attracts like
    • Releasing what keeps you stuck in the past
    • Having an open heart
    • Embodying love and expanding into abundance
    • Visualising with great detail the love you desire
    • Trusting the universe and letting go with loveĀ 

    The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 15: How To Be A Magnet For Love Close

    Beautiful soul, I hope you enjoyed todayā€™s beautiful episode.Ā 

    If this episode really resonated with you, I invite you to hop on a free 45 minute call with me to chat about working together through 1:1 coaching. Give yourself so much love by investing in yourself. Working together means rapid expansion and growth. Abundant love. Feeling so good, whole and free. Feeling in divine alignment and unshakable confidence in yourself to handle anything life throws your way. DM me on instagram or find out more on my website

    Next weekā€™s episode will be the last instalment of the love series on the purpose of love. Iā€™ll speak to you then beautiful soul. Love and positivity.Ā 

    [Episode 15 – How To Be A Magnet For Love Outro]

    Are you wanting to find out more aboutĀ 1:1 Coaching or working with me?Ā Maybe perhaps you want to know more about me. Iā€™d love to connect with you. You can visit my websiteĀ phidang.comĀ or connect with me on InstagramĀ @thephidang. Speak to you soon.

    Click here to read more

  • 14: How To Make Self Love A Priority

    Episode Summary of The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 14: How To Make Self Love A Priority

    This is this second part of four of the brand new LšŸ’˜VE SERIES. This episode is all about practical tips on how to make self love a priority in your life all day, every day. Everything from priorities to boundaries, you don’t want to miss this episode.


    What you'll learn from this episode

    • Why self love is hardĀ 
    • How to make self love a priority in your life
    • Phi’s personal blocks to self love that involve a past relationshipĀ 
    • Making time for yourself is importantĀ 
    • What happens you don’t love yourself
    • Boundaries
    • Listening to your intuitionĀ 
    • Honesty & AuthenticityĀ 

    Key Quotes from this Episode

    If you donā€™t make yourself your own priority who will? Itā€™s not your family, friends or partners job. They donā€™t live just for you. ā€Ø

    Boundaries are an act of self love and function of self respect.

    The most successful people in the world have a team of helpers.ā€Øā€Ø

    Featured Resources on the episode

    The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 14: How To Make Self Love A Priority

    You are listening to Episode 14 of the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang: The Mindset of Love

    [Introduction to the Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang plays – Background Music: upbeat, confident, rising beat]:

    Donā€™t just go through life, grow through it. Donā€™t just go through life, grow through it.

    Hi and Welcome to the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang.

    My name is Phi and I am a Clarity and Confidence Life Coach known as the ā€œThe Positivity Queen.ā€

    My passion is to help you go from stuck and self critical to courageous and empowered so you can conquer anything.

    Join me, every Tuesday, as I discuss all things mindset, self love, energy and purpose.

    This podcast wonā€™t just inspire and motivate you, it will also provide practical tips and strategies you can implement in your daily life.

    Ready to grow? Letā€™s grow!

    [Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang End of Intro]

    [Episode 14 – How To Make Self Love A Priority Begins]

    Hi Beautiful Soul!Ā 

    Welcome to the second podcast of theĀ LšŸ’˜VE SERIES.

    Ā Itā€™s almost Valentineā€™s Day and love is in the air. I actually attended my cousinā€™s wedding over the weekend, it was so much fun and moved me to tears to see the love between A&C. Congratulations fam!Ā 

    Love is in the air for my clients

    Love is also in the air for my clients! I recently spoke to one of my old clients, who I worked with to help him move forward from past relationships including a divorce holding him back. We worked on his self love and particularly his boundaries which led to him getting back on the dating scene sooner rather than later. He was ready, he was just scared – as we all would be.

    He is now in the early stages of dating someone who isnā€™t his usual type which I love because I recall us working together on love manifestation and scripting – to see it come to life is so wonderful.Ā 

    Another beautiful soul who just invested in herself through 1:1 coaching has attracted a beautiful man in her life who shares her values of spirituality – itā€™s early days but the energy is so good and seeing her smile makes me so happy!Ā 

    Itā€™s so funny how the universe works, it can see you working on yourself, investing in yourself and you just become a magnet for abundance and everything you want. Itā€™s not surprise as you are vibrating on higher frequency. I LOVE IT! These are a few of the love stories unfolding and for my other clients itā€™s all about self love! This ties in nicely.

    With the Love Series, we kicked it off last week with your love mindset and now we are talking about self love.

    You don't learn about self love when you are younger

    From a young age we are taught to give and extend love toward others.Ā 

    Be kind to your siblings and friends, share your toys and treats but we are never really taught to do the same thing for ourselves.

    This episode is all about how to make self love a priority, how to make self love your priority.Ā 

    Identify your blocks to self love

    So many of us go around listening to the self talk in our heads without ever questioning it. We run with it as if it is the truth. Your thoughts are not facts. To prioritise self love is to figure out what is blocking you from loving yourself.

    This is something I do regularly with my clients, as a life coach having an objective party to listen and support you is something so important.

    Regular block to self love that I see are taking on other peopleā€™s labels of you e.g. you are selfish or you are ugly, the past – basing your lovability on how someone has treated you whether thatā€™s your family or past relationships and our up bringing – A time that usually stands out for most people is during high school being surrounded by other kids and the way they treat us.

    Phi's personal example of a block to self love

    Iā€™ll share my personal example with love. Growing up as an only child, I really craved a lot of love and attention. As mentioned the beginning of the podcast not many of us are taught we need to give it to ourselves and it makes sense at a young age itā€™s hard to grasp and comprehend this concept. So to that I always looked for love outside of myself and I felt that I had to perform to get this love.

    I had to look nice to get compliments or do really well in my studies to get praise. It wasnā€™t until my first relationship a high school sweetheart that I realised the way I was through his feedback. He used to tell me I was so selfish and I carried that baggage for a long time. I took it as a fact and went onto date people where my boundaries would slip and slide – I was too scared to have my own wants and needs because I was ā€˜selfishā€™.

    Now I know that it wasnā€™t on me to meet his needs and wants because the only person who is responsible for that is you. He expected me to make him happy, to cheer him up when he was sad and to always think of him before me.

    If anyone says that its your responsibility to make them happy, to help them get out of debt, to boost their career whatever the answer is no. Itā€™s on us as self reliant adults to do the work! I came to this place after doing my own personal development and working with mentors such as a life coach. So this leads me into my first point on how to make self love your priorityā€¦

    Personal Development always

    Most of us may finish school or university and then we stop working on ourselves. Always strive to keep learning and growing as what this podcast is all about ā€˜donā€™t just go through life, grow through itā€™. It usually takes a huge life event for us to pause and reflect. A death. A break up. A break down. Imagine we took the time to check in with ourselves daily. We would know ourselves much better.

    There are so many ways to work on your self growth and development.

    The fact that you are listening to this podcast is one so kudos to you – well done beautiful soul!

    Podcasts are a great way to soak in knowledge and can easily be done on the go.

    Reflecting is also key and I love doing that through daily journaling.

    There's only so much free stuff you can consume...

    As Iā€™ve said before there is a limit to the free stuff you consume whether itā€™s podcasts, Instagram posts, YouTube videos and books. If youā€™re serious about working on yourself and investing in yourself DM me on Instagram as I would love to chat about 1:1 coaching.

    Some of my clients literally come to me saying Iā€™ve watched all the videos and I still feel stuck and the same, the reason is because itā€™s generalised advice. I offer general tips and strategies here through my podcast and on Instagram but itā€™s through my 1:1 coaching I get to you know you personally and your life experiences so that I can help you get out of your own way, to identify your limiting self believes and crush them so you can become clear and confident so that no matter what happens in your life, you know you will be able to handle it! 2021 is the year to make it happen, so stop waiting and listen to the pull you feel inside – you wonā€™t regret it.

    You O' Clock

    I coined this term because itā€™s something I believe in passionately. We live such crazy lives, we have so much going on. Your morning sets your tone. Most of us before we even roll out of bed, reach for our phones and scroll. Perhaps scrolling through your work emails to make sure you didnā€™t miss anything or getting your fix of social media. Maybe you have to do something for your kids or partner.

    The best thing to do to start your day is have ā€˜you o clockā€™ whether itā€™s 5 minutes or an hour to yourself. You make time for yourself before anyone else. That way you wonā€™t be resentful to anything else because you own yourself and you start the day for yourself. Some days for me this looks like waking up early, watching the sun rise and going for a swim. Other days itā€™s simply getting up and spending 2 minutes gently stretching.

    Be Your Own Priority - Have 'Me' Time

    Now time for yourself is not just for the start of the day. Itā€™s an everyday thing and not just one moment. If you donā€™t make yourself your own priority who will? Itā€™s not your family, friends or partners job. They donā€™t live just for you.

    When we donā€™t make time for ourselves we become sloppy and feel sorry for ourselves.

    We burn out from the stress of our lives. We eat too much. We drink too much. We donā€™t exercise. We donā€™t work on ourselves at all mentally, physically or emotionally.

    To make self love a priority in your life is to make time for yourself.

    Your ā€˜meā€™ time is just like any other important meeting whether itā€™s a doctorā€™s appointment or a dinner date. Itā€™s solid time blocked off just for you and to ensure your mind rewires to understand how important your me time is – block out time in your calendar, make it in your calendar with a reminder and make sure you see it on the to do list.

    I love to make ā€˜meā€™ time super indulgent in the sense I donā€™t think about anyone else and I can go into my own world. Some nights maybe Iā€™ll have a block of chocolate and really savour the flavour and other times I treat myself to Uber Eats and a wine. I love to have ā€˜meā€™ time after working so I can have some downtime and feel good to prevent burn out which as happened to me a few times before.

    Shed the guilt!

    I will say it again! There is nothing wrong with loving yourself and putting yourself first. Donā€™t forget that putting yourself first isnā€™t selfish, it is necessary.

    Donā€™t feel guilty. Life can be a rollercoaster of emotions and the last thing you need is to make yourself feel worse by guilting yourself. It isnā€™t necessary! Why do we take better care of others but not ourselves?

    Put on your own life vest and air supply before you help the people around you. Your health and wellbeing doesnā€™t come at the expense of others. You arenā€™t required to help others at the expense of yourself.

    Guilt free living is truly being comfortable with yourself and living in acceptance. Acceptance of who you are and where you are in life. You can only control certain things, you canā€™t control everything. It is to be at peace with your decisions and being in the present moment. Anything that costs your inner peace including guilt is too expensive.Ā 

    Ensure you have solid boundaries

    Boundaries are an act of self love and function of self respect. Boundaries exist to respect yourself, they arenā€™t there to hurt or offend other people. If something doesnā€™t feel right, our to alignment or wrong itā€™s an alert and warning to your boundaries. Pay attention to your boundaries, donā€™t override them and dismiss them. Boundaries are trusting your gut and soul over your fears and triggers.

    Boundaries are where we draw the line when it comes to acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in regards to how people behave around you and treat you.

    Having boundaries are non negotiable, you enforce boundaries consistently to show what you will and will not put up with. Even if this means losing someone in your life no matter how much your heart and libidio want otherwise.


    Figure out your boundaries and put those babies up!

    Struggling with boundaries?

    Without boundaries you will likely have a low self esteem, feel drained, feel heartbroken and disappointed with yourself.

    If youā€™re having trouble donā€™t be too hard on yourself, we arenā€™t born with boundaries, we learn to develop them initially through the caregivers in our lives like our parents and as adults we learn to fully develop our own boundaries and set them.

    If youā€™re struggling I feel you, I used to as well as my clients. I would love to help you, send me a DM on Instagram and letā€™s chat about working out what your boundaries are, the problems popping up and chat about 1:1 coaching.

    Listen to your intuition

    As a life coach I am the first to be like watch your thoughts and do the thought work.

    However it is also so important to tune in with your heart, your soul, your body.

    Often that inner voice of yours will reside in your heart or in your stomach.

    Itā€™s been something I have been working on with clients to strengthen that inner voice who will always have your best interests at heart. The inner voice as been a part of sessions to help a client with business decisions, relationships and when a client feels lost and unsure which direction to go in.

    We are guilty of ignoring gut feelings (which are guardian angels of your intuition, your inner voice) or we push the limits when we are exhausted leading to a lack of sleep, headaches or maybe overdoing it at the gym. This is very much tied into my previous point on ensuring you have boundaries.

    We live in a society that values the head but has forgotten about the heart, I think it is a balance of both. If you stop listening to your intuition itā€™s strength fades, although never disappears. Itā€™s such an important muscle to build and tune into it for it is your biggest ally.

    Ask for help when you need it

    You are not weak for needing help, in fact you are so strong for doing so.

    The most successful people in the world have a team of helpers.

    I think about celebrities. It takes a team of people to help them to where they are and to look so flawless all the time.

    Someone to help do their makeup.

    Someone to help book their jobs.

    Someone to help raise their children.

    Someone to do their hair.

    Someone to do their makeup.

    It goes on and applies in the business world.

    Someone to do their expenses.

    Someone to book their appointments.

    Someone to reply to emails.

    Someone to research potential clients.

    Someone to sell.

    Success happens with help. Even the most successful people turn to life coaches, psychologists and mentors. Who is in your team of help?

    Be honest with yourself

    Acknowledge when you are at your limits.

    Acknowledge when you are struggling with something.

    Acknowledge when you are hiding behind the same stories and limiting beliefs.

    Sometimes we get so used to labelling ourselves a certain way we fail to realise the label we attach to ourselves is not even true.

    Honesty goes a long way with the self especially self trust.

    At times we are dishonest to protect ourselves but in the end it will suppress and stifle who you truly are at the cost of self denial which leads to shame, a toxic place.

    When we truly deeply and unconditionally love ourselves we are living with true authenticity. We are free from deceit and secrecy. We live with soul, with compassion, we are whole.

    Start with being honest to yourself in your head and heart. Seek to do shadow work which can be confronting. Seek to work on your wounds and trauma. Be kind and gentle with yourself.

    The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 14: How To Make Self Love A Priority Close

    Those are some of my tips on how to make self love a priority for yourself. As Iā€™ve said throughout this episode self love doesnā€™t come naturally. If you are looking to learn how to love yourself truly, not just say it or assume that a self care sunday makes you love yourself then please get in touch and letā€™s chat. I would love to help you.

    I will chat to you again next Tuesday beautiful, for the third part of the love series focusing on the energetics of love and self love. Love and positivity.

    Iā€™ve helped clients heal from heartbreak, move on from exā€™s, during the dating progress providing support along the way (if you didnā€™t know, my 1:1 clients also get text support from me between sessions which is so valuable being able to ask me anything from how do I reply to this text message or how do I work on my feelings of jealousy and insecurity). 

    Iā€™ve even had clients call in love through new relationships. So if youā€™re hearing the call for coaching, please get in touch and letā€™s make 2021 your biggest year yet for love.

    Next weekā€™s episode will be about self love and Iā€™m really excited to speak to that! 

    Speak to you next Tuesday beautiful soul. Love and Positivity.

    [Episode 14 – How To Make Self Love A Priority Outro]

    Are you wanting to find out more about 1:1 Coaching or working with me? Maybe perhaps you want to know more about me. Iā€™d love to connect with you. You can visit my website or connect with me on Instagram @thephidang. Speak to you soon.

    Click here to read more

  • 13: The Mindset of Love

    Episode Summary of The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 13: The Mindset of Love

    This is this first part of four of the brand new LšŸ’˜VE SERIES. We kickstart the series with mindset. Your love mindset.Ā Your mindset impacts every part of your love life. In this podcast I share 7 mind blowing shifts you can to increase the love in your life.


    What you'll learn from this episode

    • What is the mindset of love?
    • How your mindset impacts love
    • 7 mind blowing shifts for a love mindset

    Key Quotes from this Episode

    Love exists in so many forms, people are so quick to jump to the thought of a relationship with someone outside of themselves but really love starts with you.

    Love and pain exist in the same place within your heart. So when you shut down to pain and fear, you also shut down to love.

    If you donā€™t understand that love is infinite you will always believe you need others to others to be the source of love.

    Featured Resources on the episode

    The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 13: The Mindset of Love

    You are listening to Episode 13 of the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang: The Mindset of Love

    [Introduction to the Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang plays – Background Music: upbeat, confident, rising beat]:

    Donā€™t just go through life, grow through it. Donā€™t just go through life, grow through it.

    Hi and Welcome to the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang.

    My name is Phi and I am a Clarity and Confidence Life Coach known as the ā€œThe Positivity Queen.ā€

    My passion is to help you go from stuck and self critical to courageous and empowered so you can conquer anything.

    Join me, every Tuesday, as I discuss all things mindset, self love, energy and purpose.

    This podcast wonā€™t just inspire and motivate you, it will also provide practical tips and strategies you can implement in your daily life.

    Ready to grow? Letā€™s grow!

    [Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang End of Intro]

    [Episode 13 – The Mindset of Love Begins]

    Hello beautiful soul and welcome to February oooh la la the month of love!

    So you know how in last weekā€™s episode I scratched my original idea on your brain is a liar and felt called to speak about understanding your negative emotionsā€¦ well itā€™s happened again because February is all about love.Ā 

    For the last few weeks Iā€™ve been in a draining and limiting energy, feeling pressured by needing to this and feeling like I should do that but this? This has shifted the energy. Love has transcended the energy. Love has triumphed. Love! I want to do this!

    Itā€™s been a shift in gears to drop out of my head and into my body. Feel deeply into my heart through a lot of embodiment work and movement (Iā€™m loving gentle stretches at the moment and of course cold swims – you feel so alive – cool, refreshing – seriously the colder the better). [Note: Read more about my Wim Hof cold experience where I attended the World’s First Women’s Wim Hof Retreat in the world!]

    Iā€™m tapping into my feminine energy – the emotive, the fluid and leaning into my heart, to what feels right. Listening to my bodyā€™s signals, reconnecting with my intuition and I felt called upon to do this new Love Series which you may have seen launch yesterday on my Instagram @thephidang.

    So what is the LšŸ’˜VE SERIES?

    Itā€™s all about love.

    Love exists in so many forms, people are so quick to jump to the thought of a relationship with someone outside of themselves but really love starts with you. Loving yourself is love. Loving your pet is love. Loving your family is love. Loving your friends is love. Loving your job is love. Loving the ocean is love. Love is everywhere. Love is infinite, love is abundant. Love is your trust nature, the essence of who you are.

    Love is the most beautiful expansive energy, itā€™s connection, itā€™s wholeness, itā€™s light, itā€™s happiness.

    Love feels like floating in the sky. Love feels warm in your heart. Love transcends time and space. Love is one of the highest frequencies you can vibrate in.

    So why the LšŸ’˜VE SERIES?

    Valentineā€™s Day is around the corner which has many of us thinking about love. Reflecting upon love whether you are single or in a relationship.Ā 

    For 8 years of my life, I was single. I remember struggling and wishing I had someone to talk to (which I eventually did – my first life coach was a dating coach fun fact. Thank you V – you changed my life!). I remember feeling alone, even though I wasnā€™t. I can assure you also as a coach I have heard many client experiences and so many overlap.Ā 

    Most of us have been there. Hating yourself and trying to convince yourself that you do love yourself. Experiencing heartbreak. Feeling numb, cold and closed off. Wanting a relationship so badly. Trying to change ourselves for someone. Feeling jealous and insecure. Unrequited love. Wanting to go back to an ex. Getting back with an ex. Being with someone who is just so wrong for you but it feels so good (sometimes!). Wanting to define the relationship. Being in a situationship. Friends with benefits but you want more, dealing with cheating ā€¦ The love list goes on.

    The Love Series exists so I can share with you how to approach love through the key pillars of 1:1 coaching: mindset, self love, energy and purpose. To help you feel more love in your life by removing and melting obstacles in your way. To shed your pain and fears. Thatā€™s why the love series exists.Ā 

    LšŸ’˜VE SERIES Competition - Win a 75 minute 1:1 coaching intensive

    Iā€™m so excited for you to join me over the next 4 weeks as I discuss all things love here on the podcast and on my Instagram @thephidang daily in the feed and stories. Announcing here first, to celebrate the launch of the LšŸ’˜VE SERIES, I am giving away 3 x 75 minute 1:1 coaching intensives with me worth $320 each. Everyone who writes one I will also personally write you a love letter to thank you! It would mean so much to me and I really appreciate it.

    All you have to do is leave a review in Apple Podcasts during this month February 2021 you will go into the random draw to win. Screenshot your review and DM it to me @thephidang or send it to my email [email protected]. The competition closes 1st of March 2021 [Australian Eastern Standard Time]. Good luck beautiful souls!Ā 

    The Love Mindset

    Be love. Do love.

    Every time you do something out of love, it raises the vibration of the entire universe.Ā 

    Return home to love because love is the essence of your being.

    Be the person you want to be with.

    True, pure love is unencumbered from wanting something in return or having love with conditions.

    If you are familiar with the bible, a Corinthians verse encapsulates love beautifully. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.Ā 

    What a beautiful description of what love is.

    Such as a beautiful selflessness, itā€™s just so much love brimming and flowing from out of you.

    Itā€™s such a natural high.

    Love is without ego. Love is just pure love, itā€™s always in the best interest, you know – out of love.

    Love is a journey, it won't always be smooth

    I heard this very cheesy corny line but really itā€™s true:

    "Love is a journey starting at forever and ending at never.ā€

    Really itā€™s true though (it is corny!)

    Whether you are single or in a relationship, love is a life long journey.

    Even in love, there is always more love to give beyond a partner.

    When single, love is the journey of self discovery and dating.

    In this journey, it is inevitable to experience heart ache but see it as this.

    See rejection and heartbreak as redirection.Ā 

    Enjoy the journey and youā€™ll always be in love.

    Stop searching for love outside of yourself only

    Classic movies and fairytales have led us astray when it comes to love. Itā€™s set up unrealistic expectations about love.

    Prince Charming will rescue you.

    When you are in love everything will be better. You will be happier.

    You need someone to complete you.

    Love happens at a young age.

    When you look for love outside of you it will always be out of control and you will always see yourself as a victim. At the mercy of outside external influences.

    Choose to see the other lessons in these tales.

    Be true to yourself (Ariel in the Little Mermaid).

    Give your relationship room to grow (Beauty and the Beast).

    Honesty is the best policy (Mulan).

    Donā€™t forget about your friends (Snow White).

    The past is in the past. Let it Go (Frozen).

    As you can see I am a massive fan of Disney and itā€™s so lovely to rewatch the movies as an adult. To see the different lessons you can notice compared to when you were a kid, you just pick up on so much more.

    You have to let love in

    When your heart is closed because you are scared, because you donā€™t think you are worthy, because you are protecting yourself, you are closing the door to love.Ā 

    Love cannot enter your heart to heal, to restore, to strengthen.Ā 

    Love and pain exist in the same place within your heart.Ā 

    So when you shut down to pain and fear, you also shut down to love.

    Believe you are worthy of love

    Seriously because you are.Ā 

    The biggest block I see with clients is a deep subconscious belief that for some reason they are not good enough or not worthy of love. Love is your birth right. You do not have to do anything to be loveable or worthy of love.Ā 

    The analogy I like to use is that of babies. When babies are born, we immediately love them.Ā 

    We donā€™t not love them because they canā€™t do anything or because they cry and canā€™t control when they go to the bathroom.Ā 

    We just love them.

    They donā€™t need to do anything to be lovable.Ā 

    You were a baby once, therefore you are already lovable.Ā 

    You donā€™t have to be a ā€˜goodā€™ girl or boy, to follow the rules. You donā€™t have to do a certain job, look a certain way, be a certain weight. You donā€™t have to be perfect.

    If you arenā€™t there yet, start asking yourself:Ā 

    If I truly believed I was worthy of love, the love I want, what would I do? How would I act? Would I accept this behaviour?

    Infinite love exists

    There seems to be a limiting belief amongst many that love is limited. That it is finite. To that, I want to share with you a Chinese Proverb with you.

    ā€œThousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Love never decreases by being shared.ā€

    Such a beautiful analogy.

    Love is not scarce for love is abundant.

    An abundant love mindset reminds you that there is not only someone else out there but multiple people out there when you are heartbroken.

    An abundant love mindset reminds you that when it seems like everyone else is coupled up, there are so many out there for you – you just havenā€™t met them yet.

    An abundant love mindset reminds you not to settle and to expect the best when it comes to love.

    An abundant love mindset doesnā€™t care how many dates it has to go on, it knows every date is one step closer to the one.

    An abundant love mindset feels whole, full, brimming with love to share.

    If you donā€™t understand that love is infinite you will always believe you need others to others to be the source of love.

    You get to choose love, you donā€™t have to wait for it to choose you

    In each and every moment, you can choose love.Ā 

    You can choose love after your heart breaks and you open up again.Ā 

    You start dating again. You let down your walls. In your vulnerability, you choose love. In your hope, you choose love. In your second love, you choose love.

    You can choose love over fear.Ā 

    You choose love when you take the leap of faith. You choose love in believing there is more than one person out there for you. That no two loves will ever be the same but there is so much abundance with love. You may not have even experienced the depths of love. That a love exists out there beyond your comprehension and dreams.

    You can choose love over hate.Ā 

    You choose love when you decide to not seek revenge. You choose love when you forgive. You choose love when you let go. You choose love when you see the positivity.Ā  You choose love when you speak out.Ā 

    You choose love in the little things.

    Love is in the small things. Making dinner. Asking how their day was. Listening. Falling asleep together. Sunday morning. Forehead Kisses. Coffee and Pancakes.Ā 

    The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 13: The Mindset of Love Close

    Ah my heart is seriously filled with so much joy from todayā€™s episode. If youā€™re feeling called to work on your love mindset, please DM me on Instagram @thephidang as I can help you and would love to.Ā 

    Iā€™ve helped clients heal from heartbreak, move on from exā€™s, during the dating progress providing support along the way (if you didnā€™t know, my 1:1 clients also get text support from me between sessions which is so valuable being able to ask me anything from how do I reply to this text message or how do I work on my feelings of jealousy and insecurity).Ā 

    Iā€™ve even had clients call in love through new relationships. So if youā€™re hearing the call for coaching, please get in touch and letā€™s make 2021 your biggest year yet for love.

    Next weekā€™s episode will be about self love and Iā€™m really excited to speak to that!Ā 

    Speak to you next Tuesday beautiful soul. Love and Positivity.

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