On healing...

Healing is a funny thing.

It can feel so slow.

It can feel so arduous.

It can feel as if nothing is changing.

It can feel like the past has a tight grip on you.

It can feel like you are doing so much yet so little at the same time.

It can feel like you are on the edge of an abyss slowly moving back.

It can feel like the dark void or whole hearted fullness.

Until one day you realise that you have come a long way, more than you thought.

You’ll realise that healing isn’t suddenly realised in a day.

That all along you’ve been healing and every step of progress counts whether big or small.

Trust and have faith in your journey

I hope you know that everything that happens in your healing journey unfolds in the way that it needs to including setbacks and mistakes.

Everything happens as it should for your highest healing and growth.

Trust and have faith in your journey.

Healing looks different for everyone and healing looks incredible on you.

In this journey be kind to yourself.

In this journey be loving to yourself.

In this journey be compassionate with yourself.

For it is love that heals.

You got this and I believe in you beautiful soul, yes you, the one reading this 🧡

love & positivity ✨ phi

Phi Dang