Dive deep into the well of your own inner wisdom, for it is vast and profound. Trust in your intuition, the quiet voice within that guides you with gentle certainty. Your journey is unique, paved with experiences that have shaped you into the extraordinary woman you are today.

Honor your path, and walk it with grace, knowing that every step you take is purposeful and significant. As you move forward, remember that your power lies not just in your strength but in your vulnerability. Embrace the fullness of your emotions, allowing them to flow freely.

In your authenticity, you find true liberation. Let your passion guide you, your heart lead you, and your spirit soar. Shine on, brilliantly and boldly.

The power of you is your authenticity and intuition. No one can replicate it for it is so unique to you.

It’s in the unlearning of what is outside of you.

Within you have incredible inbuilt tools built within you to live life as best as you can.

It’s about tapping into your natural gifts and what makes you, you.

If you’re curious as to know your natural energy mapping, wiring and blueprint – human design shows you the way.

I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

love & positivity ✨ phi

Ellie Simpson