
  • 40: Goddess Kali

    This episode is all about the Goddess Kali, known for death, destruction and rebirth. She is the epitome of raw power. The dark divine feminine. Learn how to channel your inner Kali to overcome obstacles in your life.

    Featured Resources on the episode

    Kali in a dream - her meaning

    Hello beautiful soul,

    What an eclipse season it has been! I’ve been called to chat about Kali in today’s podcast episode. She came to me vividly during eclipse season and called upon me to share more about her and that I will do! I actually had a dream where she was eating me alive and instead of resisting, I leaned into the experience only for us to make love — yup! Felt like a real metaphor for surrendering to change, including what can seem ‘bad’ but actually ultimately becomes ‘good’ because you learn, you grow and you expand. 

    Who is Kali? The Hindu Goddess

    Kali is a Hindu Goddess who is quite misunderstood. Visually she’s so striking, often portrayed with vibrant blue skin sticking her tongue, sometimes with multiple heads, out holding her sword and decapitated head or wearing a necklace strung with severed heads. Kali was born during a battle with evil demons and defeated them, hence this imagery. 

    She is said to be a form of Pavarti, a benevolent sweet, loving, gentle goddess. Kali is true authenticity and power, she isn’t here to be like or traditionally beautiful. She isn’t here to be subservient to men, subtle, submissive or dutiful. She isn’t the performative feminine. She is raw. She is untamed. 

    Kali is powerful

    She’s truly powerful, fierce and ferocious. She symbolises death, destruction as well as rebirth and is seen as a keeper of time too. She is the counterpart of Shiva the destroyer, bringing death to ego and attachment. She’s scary because she brings about change. Not one to be complacent, she ushers in massive changes instantly, as if all at once. Life changes at the blink of an eye without warning. She brings upon your next level. 

    Kali is a force

    Kali is a force to be reckoned with and she comes into your life to destroy anything that is not serving you. It’s often not subtle either. She enters your life as a force. You often don’t call upon her, she calls upon you. I’ve personally never called her into my life, she’s come to me. 

    Take warning, if you call her into your life this isn’t child’s play, she truly means business as the goddess of war and battle too. She’s tough love. She reminds us that we need destruction in our lives, to let go of the old, have a clearing for the new to come in. Death is a natural part in the cycles of life. At times she sees things that are hidden, that we not be able to perceive as we are blinded or ignorant. 

    Kali helps you let go and surrender

    Kali in practical terms is the archetype of surrendering, letting go of what no longer serves you and if you cannot take action, she will take it upon your behalf and make it happen. She helps us break free from attachments. Kali is a protective divine mother. She shows us that even in painful times, there is always purpose. 

    Kali is the dark divine feminine

    What really strikes me about Kali is that she is the divine dark feminine, shakti but not as what we know it. She shows the fierce power of the feminine. She gives us what we need, not necessarily what we want. She’ll strip away your comfort, taking away the safety blanket to help us navigate the waters of the uncomfortable. 

    How to channel your inner Kali

    Sometimes we need to channel our inner Kali, to be strong, to be unchained, wild, free, liberated. Unleash your inner Kali when it’s time to be bold and brave. 

    To speak your truth. To face your demons. To stand in your power. To release what you struggle to. To feel the more difficult emotions: rage, anger, bitterness, grief, depression and  numbness. 

    Kali is to be liberated by your limits and what holds you back. It’s transmuting and transforming your anger in a healthy, conscious way. 

    She is the medicine to channel when we face crisis, we are stuck in a rut, when we need a huge shake up in our lives. She awakens us, bringing the darkness to the light, to set us free. To bring awareness and consciousness to illusions and fantasies, bringing home the truth. 

    How Kali can impact your life

    When working with clients I’ve seen Kali most powerful at shaking lifelong habits that don’t serve, exiting toxic relationships and cycles, finally leave toxic jobs and situations, take off hiding behind masks and clinging onto ego. 

    Kali helps you set strong and firm boundaries. Kali helps you to call in and take back your power in any situation, to break free from a victim mentality and mindset. She is an ally for unexpected changes, to confront your fears head on. 

    She is the rage to channel inspired action when you are underestimated, walked all over, blocked, challenged and confronted. She helps us rise up. 

    How to work with Kali the goddess

    If you are feeling the call to work with Kali, her mantra to chant is ‘Kreem’ giving you power, strength and wisdom. You can also chant the mantra ‘Om Krim Kali.’ When chanting, the magic number is 108 times. You can also visualise her during meditation or as mentioned channel the wild, raw, power of the feminine it could be through expressing your rage through art or dance as examples. To let yourself go and be free. 

    On closing this Kali podcast episode

    I talk more about working with goddesses and divine feminine archetypes in my upcoming book The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life. I am so excited because it’s around 1 month until it’s released on the 23rd of June 2023. 

    I cannot wait for you to read my book! To close off this episode due to demand, I have started opening up human design readings on the weekends too. You can book a reading with me through my website phidang.com and I also have 1:1 coaching spots available. 

    Thank you for listening beautiful soul, I’m truly grateful, until next time!   

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  • Here’s the thing about power…

    The thing about power

    Here’s the thing about power.

    It’s EASY to be powerful when everything is going your way based on your desires and expectations.

    True power though?

    Is holding your vision and your power when everything isn’t going your way.

    When it feels like everything is going wrong.

    When everything starts to crumble.

    When you start losing everything.

    When you want to give up and just cry.

    When no one believes in you.

    When you are left standing alone.

    When your mind convinces you that it isn’t happening and won’t ever happen for you.

    When you’re being thrown into the deep end with challenge after challenge.

    When everything is confusing, disheartening and to be honest, really hard.

    That’s power.

    Not giving up on yourself when quite frankly, it would be easy to.

    You are already powerful

    What I’ve learnt about power after coaching women and men of all ages around the world.

    I’m going cut through the bull that’s out there and go straight 🎯


    No matter what has happened.

    You’ve made mistakes.

    You’re not making money.

    You’ve lost everything.

    Because the power is ALWAYS and ALREADY inside of you 💥

    At times it’s hidden and drowned out by negative self talk and layers of conditioning and programming.

    That’s what I do as a life coach.

    I help my clients step back into their power always and ohhhhh the places they go 🚀…

    ❤️‍🔥 Soul fulfilling relationships
    ❤️‍🔥 Booked our businesses
    ❤️‍🔥 Dream jobs
    ❤️‍🔥 Freedom with money + travel
    ❤️‍🔥 Next level happiness

    Aalllll of the things.

    And here’s the thing.

    It COULD be you too.

    It first starts with acknowledging your power and cutting out the poor me victim mode (I’m kind, I’m loving and I’m honest 🤗🧡)

    As a coach I’m not that friend that tells you what you want to hear… I’m telling you what you NEED to hear and asking you the questions to make those 🤯💡moments.

    Secondly are you ready to talk the talk aaaand walk the walk? 🥴

    If this is resonating deeply and feeling like medicine to your soul… join me on my 5 day masterclass series. The final masterclass is “Step into your Power” ❤️‍🔥

    It’s free (and will become a paid offering). We start 14 Feb, DM me to join.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    For the beautiful soul who is reading this and feeling the pull to work with me 1:1.

    ⚡️Are you truly READY to be ACTIVATED? To wake up to your wounds and triggers (and actually move through and resolve them).

    ⚡️To step into your power (because it’s not always easy) but daaaamn from first hard experience it’s worth t when you’re living your dreams everyday.

    ⚡️To back it up with deep devotion (mmmm honey 🍯) committing financially, mentally and physically?

    If so, get in touch – l would love to find out more about you and see if I can help 🧡

    Click here to read more

  • The Power of Affirmations to Live a Soul Fulfilling Life

    Affirmations are a powerful conscious statement

    What is an affirmation?

    Affirmations are powerful statements that we usually repeat to compel us into action or a different state of mind.

    Equally, they are a conscious statement we make to ourselves. 

    They do indeed help us with a positive, purposeful and growth orientated mindset. 

    As a result, affirmations have the power to help us live soul fulfilling lives.

    However, alone – rarely do they rarely work.

    They are powerful when we truly believe in them and take inspired action.

    It is important to note whilst they are an empowering tool, they may not work for everyone.

    See what works best for you as you know yourself best.

    Quotes I believe that support the power of thought and in turn affirmations:

    “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”


    “I rejoice in the knowledge that I have the power of my own mind to use in any way I choose”


    “She knew the power of her mind and so programmed it for success.”


    “Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about.”


    “As you think, so shall you become.”


    The Power of Affirmations

    • Magnetically manifest your desires
    • To diffuse stress and calm your mind for example when you struggle with anxious thoughts
    • To provide an alternative, counter thought to negative thoughts
    • Influence your mind, attitude and perspective and in turn your life to be more soul fulfilling
    • Instil belief within yourself
    • Keep you focused on a goal or dream
    • Encourage yourself to take action in pursuing a soul fulfilling life
    • Love yourself more. See here for 46 affirmations to radiate self love

    How to use Affirmations to Live a Soul Fulfilling Life

    • Truly believe in the affirmation. Anchor the affirmation within your body. Embody the affirmation. Feel the affirmation. If you are finding it hard to believe in the affirmation, it may help to be curious and to identify as to why you feel this way. A professional psychologist would greatly benefit in this situation.
    • Repeat them. I believe repetition enables you to permeate the affirmation from your conscious mind to your unconscious mind. Repeat them out loud to yourself. Repeat them in your mind.
    • Write them out repeatedly. “As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.” – Winfred Peterson
    •  Say them out loud and record yourself and then play them back to yourself.
    • Write them on post it notes and place them anywhere to remind yourself.
    • Reflect upon affirmations.
    • Meditate upon them.

    Examples of affirmations to live a soul fulfilling life

    ♥ I am strong. I am resilient. I can do hard things.

    ♥ I am so loveable. I am worthy of love. I am love.

    ♥ I can make my dreams come true.

    ♥ Everything happens for a reason. The universe has my back.

    ♥ I always make the best decisions for that moment in time.

    ♥ I make myself so proud.

    ♥ I am on the right path.

    ♥ Inner peace radiations within me.

    ♥ Amazing things can and are happening in my life.

    ♥ I am always safe. The universe protects me.

    Concluding on the power of affirmations

    In conclusion, it should be clear from this article the power of affirmations in living a soul fulfilling life.

    Additional helpful resources on the power of affirmations in living a soul fulfilling life:

    Click here to read more