personal growth

  • Self Love

    Life is already tough !

    yet sometimes we make it even tougher for ourselves 🥺🫶🏽🥹

    Perhaps you could be kinder to yourself!

    Perhaps you could bring more love to all parts of yourself. Perhaps you could make peace with all the doubts and worries that snake around in your mind. Perhaps you could meet yourself with more tenderness. Perhaps it’s time to be less hard on yourself…

    We always seem to be hardest on ourselves yet so kind and compassion towards others. It’s time to extend that back to ourselves 🧡

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to work on being more loving, kind and compassionate with yourself? I would love to help 💌 I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings.


    love yourself

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  • Personal Growth Journey

    Reach to next level of your growth !

    As you work on yourself and reach the next level in your growth, don’t be surprised if you feel joy and sadness at the same time.

    Let go the past and heal your soul :

    As we evolve and let go of our past self, we mourn who we were.

    The past you that put up with bad behaviour, that gave so much without return, that always needed something or someone to feel complete, that was blind to what was unfolding before your eyes, that self- sabotaged and the past you that deserved better not only from yourself but those around you.

    The past you was necessary to be come the present you and who you are becoming.

    Love all parts of yourself beautiful soul 🥹🫶🏽

    Love all timelines of who you’ve been, who you are now and who you are becoming.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    📸 @wes_eisenhauer

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to become and embody the best version of you now? I’d love to help through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. 

    Here are the links to Visit:


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  • Feeling Unclear

    The Good News ?

    An energetic break is here. All planets are direct until April. The fog is lifting from the Mercury retrograde shadow period. The slow burn and stagnation of January is picking up speed.

    Mantra: I am seeing only a tiny Friction of the bigger Picture

    It’s okay not to be clear, it may just not be the right time for you 🍑 this is your sign to relax and be at peace. Things are still unfolding behind the scenes that you can’t see or comprehend yet.

    Maybe you can feel it but you can’t see it — that’s okay! We have intuitive senses beyond sight which I talk more in depth about in my book The Great Unlearning such as clairsentience (knowing) or clairaudience (hearing).

    It’s not your job to know everything, that’s for the universe 💫

    Focus on the next step, that next inspirational step, that nudge you are getting and let that set into motion what needs to unfold next.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready for energetic and spiritual guidance for a clearer picture of what’s to come for you in 2024? I’d love to help through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. 

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  • Your happy ending is here

    Make it a December to remember

    A lot can happen by December 31st.

    Have faith and trust.

    Everything you desire could come to fruition.

    You don’t have to have it all figured out – all you have to do, is try your best to move forward.

    Just because the calendar year is ending doesn’t mean manifestations, miracles and momentum take a break.

    The universe works 24/7, 365 days a year. In fact isn’t there a saying, always save the best for last?

    Your happy ending is here – blessings on blessings, renewed purpose and love for yourself, new energy, the unexpected…

    Make it a December to remember.

    Keep your energy open

    Many people make this mistake at the end of the year… and it’s easy to do so. Do you live in a reality of constraint or one where there is ✨ no limits ✨

    I dwell in abundance, a boundless universe where anything can happen at any time.

    Everything you want… just around the corner.

    Everything you want… unfolding in the most unexpected ways.

    Everything you want… happening at the last moment.

    Keep your energy open for all you desire ❤️‍🔥

    Don’t close yourself off energetically because of a calendar year.

    Tune into your body what is for you — there is no right or wrong. Some will be gearing up, others will be winding down.

    I wrote this a year ago and I was hustling, this year I’m slowing down — life it’s dynamic and changing, it ebbs and flows 🌊 trust yourself, trust your body.

    Give yourself permission for what feels good for you, not what you “think” you ought to or “should” 🧡

    📖 If you love my writing you’ll love my book The Great Unlearning out now and available via Amazon worldwide or your local bookstore too.

    🎥 @nature.alanya

    Here’s to a fabulous December beautiful soul 🥂

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  • Don’t wait, elevate…

    Sometimes we wait...

    Sometimes we wait for the things we want.

    The right opportunity to show up.

    The right person to show up.

    The right timing to show up.

    Here’s the thing, life isn’t about waiting.

    You don’t have to wait to be in a relationship to feel love.

    You don’t have to have lots of money to feel abundant.

    You don’t have to be at the top of the career ladder to feel successful.

    You don’t have to have it all to be grateful.

    Realise that the motivation underlying all our desires, is because we want to feel a certain way.

    Figure out that feeling and you can find a way to tap into it now because if you’re waiting, you’re not living.

    We never know the true value of a moment until it’s gone…

    Life is all about LIVING

    Life isn’t about waiting after all you are dying everyday. Life is all about LIVING ❤️‍🔥

    A part of being human and living is FEELING.

    You aren’t a robot, you are a soul having a human experience.

    To feel, is to live, is to be here now in the present moment.

    Forget the past, forget the future be here now.

    You can tap into all you desire RIGHT NOW.

    It’s not about time or waiting for an external circumstance to happe

    It’s about reconnecting within and choosing how you want to feel – because you get to choose, you have the power.

    When you shift your internal world, your external world will reflect it.

    So why wait another minute, day or year?

    There’s only one guarantee in life and that is you will die.

    Who knows when?

    Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed so live now, feel it all.

    Make the most of this moment.

    Of every moment.

    This post is an excerpt from my debut book “The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life” available for preorder now releasing 23rd June 2023. Link in bio for more details!

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • The past will take you hostage

    The past...

    If you’re not careful, the past will take you hostage.

    You’ll carry it like a momento in your wallet and it will weigh you down.

    You’ll watch as everyone else seems to have moved on except you.

    You’ll torture yourself in the ‘what ifs‘, ‘could have beens‘ and ‘if onlys‘.

    You’ll chase the feelings of the past.

    You’ll try to recreate it here and now.

    You aren’t who you used to be, you’ve inevitably changed.

    You don’t have to be who you used to be.

    Know that you cannot hold onto the memories, they will fade.

    Life goes quickly and we cannot waste it reminiscing on what was.

    You can't change what has already happened...

    If you’re struggling with the past, you’re struggling with your mind because it’s clinging onto memories and wondering what they mean.

    The last is dead and gone but you’re desperately trying to resuscitate it.

    Without your mind, the past simply wouldn’t exist.
    such a “past”.

    You can’t change what has already happened anyway.

    Yet the unconscious mind loves to fixate on it.

    As if worrying, obsessing, replaying will change anything…

    The unconscious mind becomes deeply intertwined with the stories – fixated, attached, longing for what has been.

    The past cannot be behind you if it is present.

    The path out of the past is built upon the foundations of consciousness.

    Awaking the inherent power that lies within everyone already — awareness and presence.

    Melting the resistance to this moment: the only true moment here in the now.

    The unconscious mind does not exist in the light of consciousness in the present moment because it cannot hide or pretend to be the past (or even future).

    You aren’t your past, you are the power and presence of consciousness.

    An excerpt from my debut book “The Great Unlearning — Awakening to Living An Aligned and Authentic Life”

    Currently available for preorder in Australia via Booktopia or Amazon (link in bio), International preorders opening soon via Amazon and Book Depository. Releases worldwide June 23rd 2023.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Who are you?

    The jigsaw puzzle of life

    Stories aren’t just found in fairy tales, books and movies.

    We live inside stories that our mind creates and identifies with.

    Our brain pieces these stories together to create the ultimate story of ‘me’.

    The voice inside your head has created ‘you’ by weaving together pieces of your past experiences and what you believe to be true.

    It all then pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle.

    Only certain pieces make it into this jigsaw puzzle.

    The great unlearning...

    So who are YOU really? You aren’t these stories, you are what’s beneath them all. Pure consciousness — soul.

    Have you observed this story telling?

    The stories vou believe in the form of “l”.
    I am the type of person who…

    I am not like that because…

    I am not worthy because..

    I believe that…

    I am right because…

    The stories make us feel a certain way, the stories have us act a certain way.

    Your true self doesn’t identify with the stories.

    Your true self is in your expression, being, essence and knowing.

    There’s nothing to defend, assert, prove or cling onto.

    You haven’t done this knowingly – it has instinctively happened through your experiences and conditioning.

    You aren’t who you think you are – you are the presence underneath and behind all the layers.

    You awaken to your true self when you become conscious of this and free yourself from the stories.

    You are.

    So freeing, so powerful – to break free from the stories and simply be.

    This is the great unlearning…

    An excerpt from my debut book “The Great Unlearning — Awakening to Living An Aligned and Authentic Life”

    Currently available for preorder in Australia via Booktopia or Amazon (link in bio), International preorders opening soon via Amazon and Book Depository. Releases worldwide June 23rd 2023.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Investing in your growth

    The essence of you

    People have no problem spending to grow.

    To buy a house, a car, clothes, holidays… of all the things in life to grow, wouldn’t it be your soul?

    The essence of who you are, the beating pulse of life, isn’t that your priority?

    Investing in your growth

    Why do you easily spend money on Uber eats or clothes without second thought but when it comes to you… your growth and expansion you hesitate and become fearful 🥴

    Do you know where every dollar and minute of your time is being invested?

    Mindset shift: instead of saying you can’t afford something what if you put it as… I’m choosing not to invest because this isn’t a priority right now…

    And then you’ll understand why the people who do invest in their soul and self such as through 1:1 coaching live their dream lives and quantum leap vs those who don’t.

    Access to money is a privilege for sure, what I know is that if I want something enough I’ll find a way to make it happen. That’s that. It might take a week or maybe even a year – again, I will make it happen.

    So no excuses and realise your actions reflect your inner world.

    You can’t be annoyed your stuck but you don’t want to invest to get unstuck 🥴

    So if you’re ready to invest in yourself and soul, contact me – let’s work together through 1:1 coaching to help you shed old patterns and overcome your negative self talk so you can step into your power, to be happier + more confident ⚡️

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Grow through what you go through

    A change of perspective...

    Perspective Shift:

    What if everything you’re going through right now is preparing you for everything that you want and have asked for?

    Pain always proceeds growth

    The universe, life is incredible. Everyday what unfolds before our eyes (and also what we can’t see…) is nothing short of a miracle… magic.

    The oceans roar everyday with wildlife gleaming beneath its mighty depths.

    The sun shines even when there’s cloud providing warmth and food to all.

    Technology for us humans has advanced at such a rapid rate… I mean the iPhone didn’t exist only like 30 years ago!? The fact we are all here, you reading (!) from different parts of the world.

    Given all this do you think it just unfolds as an accident? A coincidence?

    Apply this perspective to your life… 🤯

    Hindsight is often a beautiful thing when we fleetingly visit the past, reflect and dance in nostalgia lane…

    That time you had your heart broken… and found love again. In the world around you. In the small things. In yourself.

    When you didn’t get what you wanted and got something even greater.

    That disastrous time that showed you it just wasn’t meant to be… at that time.

    How your biggest pains and traumas have catapulted you to self discovery and growth.

    How that time you didn’t think you would survive or make it… yet here you are reading this 🧡

    You are a living breathing miracle and vessel of magic, I hope you never forget that 💫

    If you’re reading this in a world of pain or struggle, sending you so much love 🌸 I hope one day, it will all make sense, it will…

    Pain always proceeds growth 🌵

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Confronting yourself in order to grow

    The hard is worth it

    It’s easy to blame others and the world.

    It’s easy to stay the same and be comfortable.

    It’s easy to ignore patterns and turn a blind eye.

    It’s easy to project your problems onto others.

    It’s easy to have a closed mind.

    It’s easy to not try.

    You know what’s hard?

    Stepping up and taking responsibility.

    Feeling fear and doing what you need to anyway.

    Noticing patterns and doing something about it.

    Choosing to work on yourself.

    Breaking through limiting beliefs.

    Overcoming your negative self talk.

    Prioritising your happiness above others.

    Having an open mind and kind heart.

    Putting effort in, investing and committing.

    Remember, it’s always hard at the beginning before it gets easier.

    The hard is worth it.

    What we see in ourselves, we also see in others

    The #1 reason why people aren’t interested in personal growth and development is… 🪞

    They don’t like what they see in the mirror.

    Doing personal growth is having a huge mirror put in front of you.

    You cannot hide.

    It’s all laid out before you so clearly – it can be confronting and scary.

    It can bring up a spectrum of emotions from anger to disgust to shame.

    To see your fullness and wholeness in all its glory.

    The messy parts of you that you deem unworthy, shameful and embarrassing.

    The parts you want to hide from the world yet you see them beneath all the layers and masks.

    The shadow and darkness which can even frighten yourself.

    What we see in ourselves, we also see in others. We are all walking mirrors!

    In that mirror is so much beauty too but of course our brain is negatively wired from an evolutionary standpoint ⚠️

    We send love because everyone is exactly where they need to be in their path and journey.

    Not all of us will transcend this lifetime… but many of us, we will try.

    Not necessarily to be enlightened but to be in the light of consciousness.

    To live life with awareness, compassion and kindness.

    To better ourselves for ourself but for our family, shattering ancestral patterns and for the generations to come.

    To you beautiful soul, I celebrate you.

    I see you in all your light choosing the harder path and it IS worth it.

    Time and time again I see it as a life coach – the magnitude of what you’re doing cannot be captured in words but in heart, soul, essence and feeling.

    Watch this space, next month something incredible is coming from my heart and soul to yours to help you on your personal growth journey in a consistent and accessible way… I truly cannot wait 🤩

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Craving next level growth with love, support and guidance from me?

    Oh yes 🍯 if you’re feeling the pull and curiosity, let’s chat about 1:1 coaching 💫

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