
  • 6 Things I Never Expected to Unlearn After Losing My Dad A Decade Ago

    May loss not define you

    10 years later the journey continues and I can’t quite believe I’ve lived 1/3 of my life without him 🥹

    Grief has no expiration date.

    It is never too late to grieve.

    In the early days it was raw and overwhelming.

    I numbed it. I suppressed it. I ignored it. I resented it.

    The myth that time heals all wounding is understandable however really we learn to grow around the grief and expand.

    Grief does not end or stop.

    It becomes part of the journey weaved into the everyday, a mosaic of joy and sorrow all at once that is part of the human experience.

    Loss and grief have shown me it doesn’t end with the loss of our loved one that it isn’t useless, in fact it’s led me to become a life coach something I never would have comprehended a decade ago (I was meant to be a lawyer or CMO!!).

    And that is the beauty; the twists and turns of life and how pain can turn into power and purpose.

    Now I honour it. I lean into it. I feel it. I’m grateful for it.

    As a coach it has been a privilege to support and witness individuals navigate the complexities of grief in learning to feel the feelings, redefine the narrative and unlock the strength and resilience that emerges from heartache.

    Here’s to the journey 🫶🏽

    May loss not define you but propel you into greater depths of living: with gratitude, with radiance and to embrace the immense gift of not just being alive; but living 🚀

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Healing is a journey

    Healing is a funny thing

    Healing is a funny thing.

    It can feel slow.

    It can feel as if nothing has changed.

    It can feel like you are doing so much yet so little at the same time.

    It can feel like the dark void, and it can feel like the fullness.

    And then, one day, you’ll realise how far you’ve come.

    You’ll realise that healing isn’t sudden.

    You’ll realise that you’ve been healing the whole time.

    Keep going, because you are healing

    Every step counts whether big or small.

    Healing and recovery aren’t a race so you don’t need a timer.

    There are some things you simply can’t rush. Setbacks happen. That doesn’t mean you won’t heal.

    So keep going, because you are healing ❤️‍🩹

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

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  • May the rain heal you

    Heart, mind and soul...

    May my heart no longer be heavy; but light and full of bliss.

    May my mind no longer worry, but radiate with inner peace.

    May my soul no longer fear; but deepen in love and faith.

    Endings give way to new beginnings

    & sometimes we need the rain to fall, to wash away and release all that no longer serves us, to nourish us with the waters of contrast in life, to remind us of who we really are in testing times.

    May the rain heal you.

    May the rain relieve you.

    May the rain provide mercy to you.

    After the rain we know growth will emerge.

    Our wounds are soothed.

    Endings give way to new beginnings.

    If you’re reading this, it’s a sign of reassurance that the tough times will ease. The worst of it is coming to an end and now you can take the wisdom of the rain into the bloom.

    This is symbolized by the beautiful flowers I had in this reel coming to the end of their life but reborn again as I spread them in the sea, transforming into new life. Part of the ocean. Part of the nutrients that feed life within the sea.


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  • Love will heal you

    Your time will come...

    I’m sorry someone hurt your heart and made you question yourself.

    I’m sorry you didn’t feel safe to fully communicate and express yourself.

    I’m sorry they could not be the safe place for you to call home.

    I’m sorry that you felt so much pressure on yourself to make it work and at times maybe too much was placed on your shoulders.

    I’m sorry that you weren’t fully seen for who you really are, that they put their projections and expectations onto you.

    I’m sorry that your heart had to hurt.

    Love didn’t hurt you, but love will heal you.

    There will come a time that it is safe for you to let down your walls.

    There will come a time that your heart feels at home with another.

    The time is coming that your heart will open again, to depths you never imagined…

    You are love

    When your heart is broken, I know it hurts, I know you wish the pain would go away…

    This was channeled during a healing I recently had done and I thought it was so beautiful.

    Love can hurt but don’t close your heart.

    Closing your heart is also closing it on love.

    Even when it hurts, there is always so much love at the core of your heart.

    You are a channel for love.

    You are love.

    One day the love of your life will thank you for opening your heart again, when you’re ready… 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • A dedication to my dad

    There is sunshine after rain

    Shattered in pieces, broken like a mosaic – there is beauty in your grief and there is beauty in your heartache.

    It won’t always be pretty but with the passing sands of time and softening of sorrow, there is a pearl of truth.

    There is life after death and sunshine after rain.

    You feel them in the salt of your tears and the bleeding colours of the sky.

    You feel them in the melting of harsh winters and spring morning time.

    You feel them in the soft sunlight shining on your skin and the wind that glides.

    You feel them in the mighty roar of the ocean and rolling, turning tides.

    You feel them everywhere you go and with everything that you do because they… they are always with you.

    On grief...

     know how it feels when it feels as if the grief will swallow you whole.

    I know how it feels when you the pain seems unbearable, that there cannot be light at the end of the tunnel.

    I know how it feels so achingly lonely, despite being in a room full of people with so much love and support around you.

    What I can tell you nine years since I lost my dad on this very day, that life does indeed go on… and it is so beautiful to live on in their love.

    The pain, the heartache, the grief, the sorrow that does not go away but you will learn to live with these feelings.

    You will come to hold them with open arms and in tender space.

    You will understand that feeling it all is beautiful because it speaks to the depth of your love for your lost loved one permeating every inch and crevice of your soul.

    You will unlearn timelines, that this happens all in your own time. It cannot be skipped, it cannot be rushed.

    You will unlearn all you thought you knew and come to the greatest gift and truth of all: love.

    This is dedicated to my dad. I love you with all my heart and in every word that I write.

    One of, if not the most beautiful thing to come out of the loss of my dad and grief was becoming a life coach to help others. To share my words
    and insights with you.

    My upcoming book released next June is dedicated to him.

    Truly I don’t know if I would be a life coach if I hadn’t lost him so early in my life.

    Thus is a duality of life. Pain can coexist with beauty. Suffering with happiness.

    On the other side of grief you can and will help so many others in your presence and understanding.

    Your life and light makes a difference in this world. Thank you for being here. Thank you for reading this.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    You are never truly alone in your grief and heartache. Reach out to someone for help whether it’s a friend, loved one, hotline, life coach or psychologist — there is always someone willing to help. If you wanted a sign here it is: Keep going, you are reading this for a reason. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I believe in you 🧡

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  • Road to healing

    You can begin at any time...

    In the road to healing no step is too small or insignificant.

    All your steps count, even the baby ones.

    The days you wish had never happened will start to make sense, as painful and arduous as they were.

    Life doesn’t spare anyone from the baptism of fire and crashes of the waves.

    You will come to realise they were a springboard into your growth and evolution.

    You have come so far and oh the places you will go.

    Know that you’re allowed to start again.

    You can begin again at anytime.

    You are able to hit the reset button time and time over.

    You are allowed to become whoever you want to be.

    You are brave

    ou are not alone on this healing journey — you are so loved and supported.

    Everyone in life at some point will come to a place where they desire or need to heal.

    You are brave for being on this journey, because whilst everyone needs this journey it doesn’t mean everyone will take it.

    I see you.

    I admire you.

    I am proud of you.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Hold more love…

    On love...

    I know your heart has been frayed, pushed and pulled beautiful soul, but know this…

    It’s happened so that your heart has been expanded and opened wider to hold it all, to hold more love.

    You ARE love

    Surrender to the deepest truth and song of your heart… you are love. Irrespective of circumstances and relationship status.

    Let the love of your heart peel back and melt layers of resistance, suffering and pain to this deepest truth.

    You are always loved.

    You are love.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • On healing…

    You heal when...

    You heal when you love yourself through it.

    You heal when you express what’s inside.

    You heal when you speak your truth, it’s medicine.

    You heal when you forgive not only others but yourself too.

    You heal when you let go of how you think it should be and let it just be.

    You heal when you realise you are not broken and there’s nothing to fix.

    You heal when you get out of your head and into your body.

    You heal when you move and be on your own timeline.

    You heal when you let the past, be the past.

    You heal when you no longer resist and surrender to the flow.

    You heal because you are doing the best that you can and that is more than enough.

    Accepting the process...

    Because your healing won’t be through hate or self loathing.

    Your medicine is in kindness, compassion and love for yourself.

    Your healing comes in being able to hold space for yourself and everything that comes with the journey, all the feelings — grief, joy, sadness, ecstasy, anger and relief.

    Your healing will be at your own pace and it’s okay if it starts slow and progresses inch by inch because that is progress.

    You’ll have moments of feeling weak followed by bursts of being brave nevertheless what lies at your heart is always strength and resilience because you’ve made it so far and will continue to.

    I see you healing and I think it’s so beautiful.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Letting go, moving on..

    I'm still learning...

    I’ve learnt to let people go.

    I won’t knock on doors closed shut.

    I won’t chase.

    Those meant to be in my life will be.

    What is meant for me, will be.

    I now embrace endings with open arms.

    For every chapter closed is a new one open.

    I’m making space for the new by clearing the old.

    I’m learning to trust my internal navigation system, my gut feelings and instincts by intuition.

    I’m learning not to heroically hold on but powerfully let go.

    I’m learning it does not have to go out with a bang but a quiet surrender.

    I’m learning to let my heart bleed and stitch it back together with love and compassion.

    I’m learning to step back from what no longer serves me and lean into my highest aligned self.

    By letting go, I am choosing to move forward with my life, carrying the pieces with me that will go onto become a beautiful masterpiece that I will one day understand.

    One day before me I will see the grand picture of my life.

    On letting go...

    how we grow is by letting go and surrendering to the flow.

    you need not force or push.

    if it’s meant to be, whatever it is with whomever, it will be.

    we admire those who hold on but it is harder to stop fighting and let go.

    let go in order to receive what you fully deserve and what is in alignment with you.

    let go of the person, let go of the place, let go of the home, let go of the job, let go of the client, let go of the money, let go of the circumstances… create space in order to receive

    as painful as it is right now even though it’s not what you wanted, one day you’ll look back and understand why everything is unfolding the way it is 👁️

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Your healing journey

    On healing...

    Healing is a funny thing.

    It can feel so slow.

    It can feel so arduous.

    It can feel as if nothing is changing.

    It can feel like the past has a tight grip on you.

    It can feel like you are doing so much yet so little at the same time.

    It can feel like you are on the edge of an abyss slowly moving back.

    It can feel like the dark void or whole hearted fullness.

    Until one day you realise that you have come a long way, more than you thought.

    You’ll realise that healing isn’t suddenly realised in a day.

    That all along you’ve been healing and every step of progress counts whether big or small.

    Trust and have faith in your journey

    I hope you know that everything that happens in your healing journey unfolds in the way that it needs to including setbacks and mistakes.

    Everything happens as it should for your highest healing and growth.

    Trust and have faith in your journey.

    Healing looks different for everyone and healing looks incredible on you.

    In this journey be kind to yourself.

    In this journey be loving to yourself.

    In this journey be compassionate with yourself.

    For it is love that heals.

    You got this and I believe in you beautiful soul, yes you, the one reading this 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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