
  • And suddenly you’re older

    And suddenly you’re older. Fear hits you like a truck as does the anxiety and panic.

    Here’s the the thing, what a privilege it is to age. You are also wiser. You are also stronger. You are also more resilient. 

    Age has made you more agile and adaptable. 

    You’ll never be as young as you are right now. Your spirit is eternal. Your spirit is endless. The sum of who you are in this moment is every age that you’ve been. 

    Think of who you’ve been before, who you are now and who you are becoming. That is oh so very beautiful.

    Society often portrays aging, especially for women, as something to be feared or avoided. But aging is a natural, inevitable part of life that brings wisdom, experience, and new opportunities.

    Marilyn Ferguson rightly says “Of all the self-fulfilling prophecies in our culture the assumption that aging means decline and poor health is probably the deadliest.”

    People immediately think of everything to lose with age and forget that with loss comes so much gain…


    Self Acceptance

    New Opportunities and Possibilities


    What is forgotten is that your soul is ageless.

    “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?”

    More on this in a new episode of my podcast (#77) 🎧 Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for perspective shifts like this? Support and guidance in your life? I can help you.

    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

    Click here to read more