• 84: Capricorn Full Moon

    Insight into the energy and vibe of the Capricorn Full Moon taking place July 21st 2024. This episode also provides journaling prompts and questions for the Capricorn Full Moon with the themes being that of family, career, letting go, endings and beginnings as well as balance. 

    This full moon is the second in that of Capricorn with the first one taking place 4 weeks prior on the 21st of June. Think of the previous full moon laying down foundational pieces of insights and information with this full moon to conclude it. You might find you’re having a do over, second review, a second chance as to whatever was taking place around the 21st of June. Was there something weighing you down? Something that didn’t fully finish? Something you needed to take responsibility for? A boundary to put in place? 

    Cancer and Leo Cusp = Family

    It’s on the cusp of Cancer transitioning into Leo season. When these two come together it’s the thematic energy of family. Cancer is the mother of all the signs ruled by the moon, the feminine. The opposing partner sign of Cancer is Capricorn seen as the father of all signs, ruled by Saturn, which we know is all about structure, discipline and hard work. 

    Saturn Retrograde Capricorn Full Moon

    Saturn is of course retrograde right now and has been since the end of June and will be until mid November this year. Paired with the full moon it’s a beautiful time to revisit, review and reassess any areas where Saturn is within your astrology and human design chart as well as general Saturninan themes such as discipline, structure, boundaries, personal responsibility and long term goals. The goal of Saturn is to establish strong foundations so keep that in mind too.

    Degree of Fate endings karma

    To also note energetically the degree in which the full moon in Capricorn is taking place is in the 29th which is the last degree of any sign known as the “degree of fate” so it marks a time where what has been brought up often signifies an ending, a breaking point, a breakthrough. The full moon in Capricorn has reached her peak, full self. It’s that moment after running a tiring marathon that it’s been a journey but at last here it is in sight the end: you can almost taste it and touch it. In fact this particular full moon in Capricorn has the nickname of the “buck moon” as during this time of the year because buck, deers, have fully developed their antlers, and it is time to shed them to start again and grow new ones.

    Again given Saturn Retrograde it may be the time for unfinished business or karma to resolve itself for you to address, grow and evolve. 

    New beginnings Capricorn Full Moon 2024

    This leads to well 0 degrees which is the starting point of any sign and in terms of the cosmos, the planet Pluto is in that for the sign of Aquarius which means collectively we can expect the unexpected of new beginnings. 

    Earth Grounding Capricorn Energy

    Without getting into the nitty gritty of everything going on in the cosmos, alongside the influences of Chiron the wounded healer in Aries, Neptune in Pisces, Mars and Uranus in Taurus it’s a dense pressure cooker with regards to internal tension and emotions arising from beneath the surface and shadows. Capricorn is an earth sign so really focus on practices such as grounding and earthing a well as spending time in nature to relax, reset and release. It’s feeling to me energetically like one of those moons that feels like a lot in the moment but afterwards and the end you feel so much better for it, lightened and lifted. Capricorn is the sea goat after all so instinctively and intuitively you know how to navigate the sometimes choppy, other times still waters of your emotions and the subconscious. 

    Journaling Prompts Capricorn Full Moon 2024

    Without further ado, let’s get into some journaling prompts shall we?

    Timing + Energy

    Reflect on what was going on for you at the end of June compared to now?

    What is coming to an end for you at this moment in time? What do you consciously want to let go of and shed?

    Can you relate to a deer and it’s time to shed antlers? Does this correlate with the season and timing of your life? Linking to the past episode I did intuitively on identity shifts. Is one taking place for you in this current cycle of your life?

    How would you like to see your life shift and change in the long term, say next 5 to 10 years?


    What is the state of your current family relationships and dynamics?

    Are there any unresolved issues or tensions within my family that need addressing at this point in time? How can you approach this from a compassion and nurturing perspective for yourself?

    Career and Reputation

    Capricorn is linked to career and public image/reputation. 

    What is currently going on for you in your career and is there anything you need to complete and/or let go of? Is there a desire or need to recalibrate within your career? 

    How do you think you are perceived at this point in time whether it’s personally or professionally? What can you do off the back of this information?


    How can you balance your emotional needs with your personal responsibilities? 

    Reflect on a harmonious balance and interplay for you between nurturing yourself and having discipline and structure. Perhaps take inspiration from deer: gentle, sweet, innocent, graceful, loving, strong, protective – they are very attuned to what is going on around them.

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  • 69 – March 2024 Libra Lunar Eclipse

    The astrological air right now is thick and intense! This episode is all about the Libra Lunar Eclipse taking place in March 2024. Phi shares the themes of the lunar eclipse as well as journaling prompts to help you gain greater insight into your shadow, karma and relationships.

    Personal feelings of the Libra Lunar Eclipse

    I’ve just come back from some time in India and Vietnam which I’m processing and whewwwwww we are in the thick of some astrological air aren’t we! It’s all been leading up to here. 

    We are officially in the astrological new year which begins with the first sign of the Zodiac Aries that happened a few days ago March 19th. Personally returning home with this eclipse energy, I’ve been sleeping and napping more than ever. It feels like a big detox and purge feeling more tired and sick than usual. Also a lot of vivid dreams and random downloads during meditation. Feeling more inward, introverted and hermitting than usual. 

    Aries Libra Lunar Eclipse Series

    So what’s going on? We happen to be in the middle of a cycle of Aries-Libra eclipses that started last year in April around the 21st and will end next year at the end of March 2025.

     Last year it was one foot in the old series of Taurus and Scorpio, but this year we are all in on Aries and Libra focusing on the push pull tension of independence, autonomy vs in relationship and connection. 

    Eclipses come in opposing pairs and each pairing happens every 18 years. The last time the Aries and Libra pairing occurred was between 2004 to 2006, so it may be worth reflecting what happened for you then.

    Aries Libra Lunar Eclipse Series

    So what’s going on? We happen to be in the middle of a cycle of Aries-Libra eclipses that started last year in April around the 21st and will end next year at the end of March 2025.

     Last year it was one foot in the old series of Taurus and Scorpio, but this year we are all in on Aries and Libra focusing on the push pull tension of independence, autonomy vs in relationship and connection. 

    Eclipses come in opposing pairs and each pairing happens every 18 years. The last time the Aries and Libra pairing occurred was between 2004 to 2006, so it may be worth reflecting what happened for you then.

    Libra Lunar Eclipse Intense

    There’s no denying eclipse season is intense as the energy supercharges the full moon and new moon by tenfold. Remember intense doesn’t mean bad! Bursts of intensity can be helpful and I’m sure that’s something Aries teaches us. 

    Over two weeks so much growth, change and transformation can occur. It all starts on on March 25th with the Full Moon Libra lunar eclipse bringing into play Librian areas of life: relationships, balance. 

    Before the Solar Eclipse in Aries brings new beginnings, the Lunar eclipse can often bring endings and a magnitude of emotions. 

    Feminine Energy and Libra Lunar Eclipse

    The lunar aspect being the moon signals and indicates our inner realm and rules over our emotions, internal motivations and the feminine aspects of who we are. PSA with these feminine energies at times this can involve a female in our lives whether that’s a mother, sister, cousin, friend, boss etc. 

    The eclipse moon is different to the full moon in that it brings out the shadow (the Earth’s shadow falls on the face of the moon) – so what can emerge is more information, insights, revelations as well as resurface shadow aspects that previously have been blocked, hidden or unseen. 

    Simply put dredge up stuff you’ve not been aware of or ignoring really. At this time the veil is also thin between past, present and future, it’s a beautiful time to go more inwards and receive information and downloads such as through meditation or any other practices that help you to go within.

    Libra Lunar Eclipse Theme: Relationships

    In particular this eclipse hones in on relationships (platonic, professional and romantic) with Venus conjunct Saturn. Venus rules Libra and represents relationships. When we introduce Saturn into the realm of relationships this is about discipline and reality checks. 

    Saturn can also cause a slow down or delay forgoing instant gratification and leaning into the more long term, aligned, practical and a test of commitment. 

    When we factor in that this full moon brings in karmic destiny energy it represents letting go of what no longer serves, what we’ve outgrown and what we need to leave behind in order to move forward. People that often enter or exit during these periods can often feel karmic too. This is a clearing of past karma in play. 

    Eclipses are here to cleanse and clear

    Thus prepare yourself for what can be seen as a cosmic cleansing and course corrections. This is against the backdrop of Pisces planetary positions which can be dreamy, moody but ultimately spiritual. Not only that off the back of Pisces season, a time that teaches us about letting go and surrender, trusting in higher frequencies meant for us. 

    March 2024 Lunar Eclipse Journaling Prompts

    Who are the most important relationships in your life?

    What relationships are you holding onto that no longer serve you and have run their course? Where are you stuck in those relationships out of guilt, obligation, fear or comfort? 

    Are there any current dynamics at play in relationships that don’t serve you? Any patterns or repetitions you can see emerging? Examples being people pleasing, avoidance, triggers, lack of boundaries, holding back the truth, seeking validation and approval 

    Do you feel that your current relationships are fair and balanced?

    Are you seeing relationships for what they are or are you perhaps blinded by idealisation or ignorance?

    What has been holding you back in relationships? 

    What don’t you like about the way you behave in relationships (the shadow aspect of self)?

    What role does feminine energy play in your relationships?

    Where in your relationships perhaps healing and forgiveness needs to take place? 

    Which relationships in your life are cultivating greater spiritual growth and evolution for you?

    What situations call for more harmony? 

    Is there any person that comes to mind repeatedly during this time period which may be a sign of unresolved karma?

    Reflect back to the solar eclipse of October 14th 2023 last year as the starting point to this full moon, when the new moon was in Libra. Things maybe circling back or coming to a full circle moment here. The prelude to that was when the whole eclipse series began July 2023. Thus the final journaling prompt, how have your relationships changed since mid October last year?

    Eclipse timelines

    Eclipses have this funny way of speeding up and changing timelines, it can feel as though life has sudden, unexpected, rapid and abrupt changes that unfold with great speed or momentum out of nowhere. Given eclipses have such great energy and power, the universe can really force us to change and move if we have been stuck, stagnant or caught in old cycles, the pressure is turned up. 

    What to do during the 2024 March Libra Lunar Eclipse

    Lunar eclipse season is a time to lay low and lather on self care: slowing down, grounding, resting, naps, salt water baths, being gentler, reflection, meditation and journaling can be helpful. Unexpected things can pop up so create more space in your calendar and schedule in longer time than usual to complete big projects. Letting go practices such as letter writing, burning what no longer serves you, decluttering, cleansing spaces can be beneficial. 

    Wishing you a powerful release with this eclipse season beautiful soul, until next time.

    Love & Positivity.

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  • 56 – New Year Energy 2024

    Phi unveils the energetics of the new year ahead in 2024 through different lenses including human design, astrology, numerology, the chinese zodiac and her own personal take and channelling. This podcast episode will shed light on the cosmic energies and the prominent themes that emerge for 2024 to have a fulfilling and prosperous year ahead.

    The traditional new year: Gregorian Calendar

    Hi Beautiful Soul, how are you? 

    Happy New Year! I hope you had time to give yourself a break over the festive period. I did for the first time I can remember in a while and it was so rejuvenating but also overwhelming. For the first time in a long time I had a very busy jam packed Christmas and New Years on a personal level.

    I spent time with family, my partner who got us a trip to the wine region here in Australia and friends camping over new years. I feel so happy and content but I had to take a mini break for my break if that makes sense to recharge my social batteries and energy levels… now here I am!

    It’s 2024 and I wanted to start the year by chatting about the vibes and energy of 2024. 

    From a traditional sense, there’s a huge collective pressure and energy placed on the 1st of January symbolising new year based on the Western Gregorian calendar and it certainly brings a ‘new feeling to it’ however let it be known that different cultures around the world celebrate ‘new years’ at different times. 

    Energetic New Year: Perspectives

    Energetically speaking as I posted on my Instagram, energetically new years falls at different times between a time frame of January – March this year.

    Going by human design, the new year kicks off January 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere and 23rd in the southern Hemisphere and there’s actually four phases that occur prior to this date. More on that later in this episode.

    My background is Vietnamese so I celebrate Lunar New Year too which changes every year and this year falls on the 10th of February. Lunar New Year is based on a lunisolar calendar that combines moon cycles and sun cycles following the orbit off Jupiter (that planet representing good fortune and expansion around the sun). It ends up being on the day of the second New Moon after the December solstice.

    Particularly in the northern hemisphere, in terms of energy; New Years truly kicks off March 21st which is the first day of the Spring Equinox. This is because in past times, the equinox marks a shift when the day has become longer than darkness which represents new life and growth. 

    Based on the above, there’s an absolute permission slip in place for January, February and even March to still be digesting and processing the year that has just happened in 2023. Let there be more time and spaciousness for things to reveal themselves. Again it’s not restricted to these but I would say energetically the new year falls between end of January to mid March this year.

    When is it your energetic new year?

    Honestly there is no standard one size fits all approach, everyone is unique. You might be listening feeling raring to go, goals set or maybe you’re feeling tired and frustrated because you haven’t felt that ‘new year vibe’ yet. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong.’ Give yourself permission to go with your own internal timings. 

    To kickstart the year I thought it would be really interesting to share different perspectives of what 2024 has to hold through different lenses and I’ll leave my own personal interpretation and channeling to the very end.

    Numerology of 2024: 8

    More specifically on 2024, in terms of numerology we’ve gone from a 7 year (which is 2+0+2+3) to now 8 (2+0+2+4).  We are shifting from a 7 year of personal growth and introspection to a universal 8 year of prosperity. 

    An 8 year has themes of success, achievement, financial abundance, power, and balance. In numerology, it is considered a powerful and ambitious number. It an 8 year there may be more of a focus on your career, finances and achieving dreams and goals. It’s a year where significant progress can be made. 

    The 8 in terms of balance and the infinity sign can also be seen as recalibration.

    An 8 year is also of faith and harvesting, repeating the bounties of previous investments and seeds you’ve planted. 

    How to work out your personal numerology for the year 2024

    The 8 is the backdrop and like all perspectives whether it’s human design or astrology, you also have your own personal number. For numerology that’s done by individually adding up the digits of your birth date, birth month and the number 8 until you get a single digit. 

    For example if your birthday is December 23 it would be

    2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 8 = 16

    1 + 6 = 7. 

    A guide to numerology summary meanings

    All numbers have different meanings but a quick summary below:

    1 – New Beginnings: Initiation, Energy, Putting yourself as #1

    2 – Relationships: Partnerships, Harmony, Balance

    3 – Creativity: Imagination, Social, Expression, Truth

    4 – Foundation: Stability, Structure, Doing the Work

    5 – Change: Freedom, Adventure, Flexibility

    6 – Harmony: Family, Responsibility, Nurturing 

    7 – Introspection: Reflection, Personal Development, Insight

    8 – Abundance: Success, Achievements, Power

    9 – Completion: Closing the cycle, Endings, Reflection, Transformation 

    Chinese New Year Zodiac of 2024 Dragon

    Year of the dragon symbolising strength, power and good fortune. The dragon like the number 8 is seen as the most auspicious and luckiest of the 12 animals of the zodiac recementing 2024 as the year of opportunities and prosperity. The characteristics of the dragon are intelligence, leadership, ambition and charisma.  

    Note Chinese Zodiac goes by the year of your birth.

    From what I’ve seen the luckiest animals that align with this year of the Dragon are: Pig, Monkey, Rat, Goat/Sheep and Rooster. 

    Human Design New Year 2024

    Transits in human design last for 5-6 days. Think of transits in general as a spotlight on a particular energy collectively. For human design that revolves around the sun, so illuminating a particular theme to look at for the week. 

    Do note that transits also apply to certain moments in time or even the year such as a Saturn Return or a yearly chart reading – think of this like the weather forecast for your life ahead. I’ve started doing readings again for the year so if you’re interested message me on Instagram or check out my website. 

    In terms of human design transits: the week that has just gone was the energy of tension, a provocative energy to think about how the challenges and obstacles you faced in the year that’s happened and what your drive is for the year ahead, what is worth fighting for? The backdrop to this all is contemplation of your purpose and your spirit in the year that happened.

    Human Design 2nd Phase: Ambition January 5-10

    In this current week as the podcast goes live (second week of January) the energy leading up to the new year is ambition. This is where going off human design you may be now beginning to look towards the future. How can you start to tap into your drive and ambitions for the year? This is the week to be open to receiving energy and downloads around your intentions and goals. You can think of this in terms of archetypes as the achiever or entrepreneur. 

    It is a root energy so it can also bring this pressure to start something new again tune into your own timings as this may very well be the week you launch or it starts to stir up some energy as you bring in your energetic new year. Check in with your energy: are you stressed? are you high on adrenaline? 

    Things to consider and contemplate for the week: 

    What are your aspirations for the year? The download I’m getting here is to allow yourself to dream really big, that energy of shoot for the moon and if you miss you end up amongst the stars.

    What is your definition of success and ambition? For you maybe it’s progress in your career or perhaps its this year focusing on your health and wellbeing.

    Then we hone in and focus on bringing in ambitions into physical reality… 

    Do your actions align with your ambition? 

    What inspired actions for the year ahead are coming through? 

    Who are the people or resources you need to achieve your ambitions and feel supported? 

    What is coming through for you to start? Is there an idea or project that you’ve been thinking about where it feels right to birth and implement at some point this year? 

    This energy is also linked to the material plane, so money and financial considerations may also come through.

    Human Design The Shadow of Ambition


    The shadows to consider here of ambition is well blind ambition right? 

    This goes two ways perhaps being completely unrealistic of goals or being so focused you become so strongly fixated on achieving that you become blind to other factors such as your health e.g. overworking or perhaps doing things that aren’t in alignment with your values ethically and/or morally. How do you find that sweet spot of balancing ambition and also surrender (because not everything is in your control!).

    Ambition’s shadow also has a way of bringing out the comparison within us and it can be so easy to have that negative self talk of you’re not good enough, you’re behind, which can lead to feels of discontent and dissatisfaction. 

    From human design some checks and balances in addition to your contemplation above;

    Confidence: The importance of confidence and from societal conditioning we think that it comes from our achievements instead of looking within, do you believe in yourself? Confidence is an inside job.

    Resolve: how do you hold the vision and trust in the journey regarding your ambitions and aspirations? What is the interplay between success and failure?

    Integrity: how do you be ambitious in a way that you are proud of? That considers the impacts of your success and how you become successful. That sometimes the short cuts or being compromised aren’t worth it.

    Spirituality: It’s okay to desire success on the material plane, but what are your ambitions when it comes to your personal growth and development too? 

    Astrology New Year 2024

    There are so many events I couldn’t simply talk about the whole year so based on who listens to this podcast I’ve intuitively been guided to speak about milestone markers to be aware of this year in 2024 with regards to astrological events.

    Venus Retrogrades 2024

    One of the most markable things is that there will be no Venus Retrograde. Venus is associated with love, relationships, beauty, aesthetics, harmony and a tinge of money in astrology. When Venus goes retrograde, it often triggers reflection and reassessment in these areas of life.

    If you want to reflect, Venus Retrograde happened last year in 2023 around July 22nd – September 3rd, may be worth reflecting to see how you may have been impacted in terms of relationships and finances around those dates. Honing in perhaps you experienced challenges or delay in the matters of the heart, old wounds emerging around past relationships or ex partners resurfacing, a makeover or experimenting in terms of your beauty or personal style such as hair, make up and clothing.

    This is a great sign particularly if you are calling in and manifesting love, there are less likely to be setbacks, challenges and difficulties in a year without Venus Retrograde. Hint hint I am looking to have an offering in February around Valentine’s Day, watch this space!

    Mercury Retrogrades 2024

    We’ve just come out of one as we entered 2024 and this year there will be three retrograde periods in April, August and at the end of November. All three will be in the fire sign indicating more miscommunications, confusions and therefore clarity and reassessment in terms of our passions, desires and relationships. Particularly around expression: how can we express ourselves and be conscious perhaps shadows: ego, hot headedness, being firey and stubborn.

    To be aware we may become more frustrated, triggered and angry around our desires how to best express them to others and if others don’t share that same passion and energy. 

    Eclipses 2024

    Recalling 2023, we finished a major year series of Taurus and Scorpio partnered eclipses (January 2022-July 2023). In this chapter it was the interplay between the material world represented by Taurus and the metaphysical spiritual realm that Scorpio rules. The themes I felt apparent being money/security/foundation as well as the Scorpio bringing out the internal transformation: birth, death, rebirth, shadow work.

    From July last year we entered the new collective destiny markers in the signs of Aries and Libra (July 2023 – January 2025). Eclipses can be energetically intense and this year we will see eclipse action happening;

    March 25 – Lunar Eclipse in Libra

    April 8 – Solar Eclipse in Aries

    September 17 – Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

    October 2nd – Solar Eclipse in Libra

    Destiny Astrology Aries and Libra 2024

    This next chapter which kickstarted from July last year in 2023 until January 2025 what I’m feeling into the balance between self and another. Aries being bold, centre stage, inspired action, passionate and heated whereas Libra is about harmony, justice and balance. This I predict will see  relationships being a focal point with regards to boundaries, compromise and harmony. On a collective stage Aries symbolises war and we can see that having emerged from mid last year the tension between Aries fire of ambition and charging forward contrasted by Libra justice, fairness, equality, peace and love.

    When Aries is in charge things tend to move quickly too an accelerate so I’m getting quantum leaps energy, it’s about trusting in the timing, once things happen they’ll go fast so don’t stress, continue to take inspired, consistent action and the universe will take care of the rest. 

    This Aries energy is going to shine with the backdrop of numerology of ‘8’ and power we are going to see collectively more drive, ambition, motivation, striving towards goals and really owning what you want. 

    The last time a hint of this Aries energy leading the way interns of collective destiny was in the air was back at the end of 2004 in December and lasted until June 2006. This is 10 years ago, so perhaps things that happened a decade ago may pop back up to reveal how far you’ve come and what’s next.

    Phi's personal interpretation of 2024

    2023 was seen as a building year for many, and I know collectively it had it’s challenges but 2024 definitely has an energy of optimism, more light, a brighter future and so much potential. It won’t be without difficulties but it’s that energy of a rainbow after a storm. 

    2024 is a year of power, if you look at numerology the number 8 infinite, representing power and abundance and I mean look at the Chinese Zodiac the epitome of power in the dragon. The backdrop astrologically of Aries and Libra also about power – Aries being bold, stepping into it and the shadow aspects of conflict, clash and fieriness in balance with Libra and I interpret as power dynamics in relations to others too. 

    When I channel the word ‘leadership’ also comes through: stepping up, stepping into your power, stepping into your potential, stepping into the spotlight, being a leader, self leadership and leading yourself. 

    Manifestation also springs to mind but the actualisation of all you desire. If 2023 was the dreaming, 2024 is making it happen. It’s about taking the inner work of 2023 and embodying it in 2024. 

    8 is also the number of the divine feminine. I think this year masculine and feminine energetics will be something more of note finding that balance (again that 8 symbolism of the infinity) and given the 8 year a definite awareness to accessing divine feminine power and energy: to be feeling confident, courageous and empowered. 

    All in all 2024 is set to be another transformative year with a lot of hope and positivity to look forward to. This is the human design week to starting aligning our energy to that of our ambitions knowing the backdrop is of good luck, fortune and opportunities in 2024. 

    Work with Phi in 2024 - Life Coaching Human Design

    In terms of what I have to offer in 2024 I am putting the call out for 1:1 coaching I would love to start the journey with you in making 2024 your best year yet. If you’re interested please reach out and let’s chat about coaching and how I can best support you.

    I’ve also got human design readings and in particular a yearly 2024 reading may serve you to know the themes of your year ahead and how to best navigate and tap into the most helpful energies to boost and support you.

    I’m working on an offering next month around Valentine’s Day to do with self love and of course something major in August which will be an intimate women’s only retreat in Bali.

    I’m here to help you so if you need anything DM me on Instagram that’s where I’m most active.

    Chat to you next week beautiful soul. Have a good one! 

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