84: Capricorn Full Moon
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Insight into the energy and vibe of the Capricorn Full Moon taking place July 21st 2024. This episode also provides journaling prompts and questions for the Capricorn Full Moon with the themes being that of family, career, letting go, endings and beginnings as well as balance.
Resources from today's episode
June and July 2024 Capricorn Full Moon
This full moon is the second in that of Capricorn with the first one taking place 4 weeks prior on the 21st of June. Think of the previous full moon laying down foundational pieces of insights and information with this full moon to conclude it. You might find you’re having a do over, second review, a second chance as to whatever was taking place around the 21st of June. Was there something weighing you down? Something that didn’t fully finish? Something you needed to take responsibility for? A boundary to put in place?
Cancer and Leo Cusp = Family
It’s on the cusp of Cancer transitioning into Leo season. When these two come together it’s the thematic energy of family. Cancer is the mother of all the signs ruled by the moon, the feminine. The opposing partner sign of Cancer is Capricorn seen as the father of all signs, ruled by Saturn, which we know is all about structure, discipline and hard work.
Saturn Retrograde Capricorn Full Moon
Saturn is of course retrograde right now and has been since the end of June and will be until mid November this year. Paired with the full moon it’s a beautiful time to revisit, review and reassess any areas where Saturn is within your astrology and human design chart as well as general Saturninan themes such as discipline, structure, boundaries, personal responsibility and long term goals. The goal of Saturn is to establish strong foundations so keep that in mind too.
Degree of Fate endings karma
To also note energetically the degree in which the full moon in Capricorn is taking place is in the 29th which is the last degree of any sign known as the “degree of fate” so it marks a time where what has been brought up often signifies an ending, a breaking point, a breakthrough. The full moon in Capricorn has reached her peak, full self. It’s that moment after running a tiring marathon that it’s been a journey but at last here it is in sight the end: you can almost taste it and touch it. In fact this particular full moon in Capricorn has the nickname of the “buck moon” as during this time of the year because buck, deers, have fully developed their antlers, and it is time to shed them to start again and grow new ones.
Again given Saturn Retrograde it may be the time for unfinished business or karma to resolve itself for you to address, grow and evolve.
New beginnings Capricorn Full Moon 2024
This leads to well 0 degrees which is the starting point of any sign and in terms of the cosmos, the planet Pluto is in that for the sign of Aquarius which means collectively we can expect the unexpected of new beginnings.
Earth Grounding Capricorn Energy
Without getting into the nitty gritty of everything going on in the cosmos, alongside the influences of Chiron the wounded healer in Aries, Neptune in Pisces, Mars and Uranus in Taurus it’s a dense pressure cooker with regards to internal tension and emotions arising from beneath the surface and shadows. Capricorn is an earth sign so really focus on practices such as grounding and earthing a well as spending time in nature to relax, reset and release. It’s feeling to me energetically like one of those moons that feels like a lot in the moment but afterwards and the end you feel so much better for it, lightened and lifted. Capricorn is the sea goat after all so instinctively and intuitively you know how to navigate the sometimes choppy, other times still waters of your emotions and the subconscious.
Journaling Prompts Capricorn Full Moon 2024
Without further ado, let’s get into some journaling prompts shall we?
Timing + Energy
Reflect on what was going on for you at the end of June compared to now?
What is coming to an end for you at this moment in time? What do you consciously want to let go of and shed?
Can you relate to a deer and it’s time to shed antlers? Does this correlate with the season and timing of your life? Linking to the past episode I did intuitively on identity shifts. Is one taking place for you in this current cycle of your life?
How would you like to see your life shift and change in the long term, say next 5 to 10 years?
What is the state of your current family relationships and dynamics?
Are there any unresolved issues or tensions within my family that need addressing at this point in time? How can you approach this from a compassion and nurturing perspective for yourself?
Career and Reputation
Capricorn is linked to career and public image/reputation.
What is currently going on for you in your career and is there anything you need to complete and/or let go of? Is there a desire or need to recalibrate within your career?
How do you think you are perceived at this point in time whether it’s personally or professionally? What can you do off the back of this information?
How can you balance your emotional needs with your personal responsibilities?
Reflect on a harmonious balance and interplay for you between nurturing yourself and having discipline and structure. Perhaps take inspiration from deer: gentle, sweet, innocent, graceful, loving, strong, protective – they are very attuned to what is going on around them.