Let yourself be held by love. Let it gather you in its arms, soft and steady, like the tide pulling you toward the shore. You don’t have to brace yourself, you don’t have to prove your worthiness.

Love does not ask nor care for your credentials. It does not demand that you prove, shrink, toughen up, or become anything other than whom you already are.

Love sees the cracks and does not flinch. It moves closer. It lingers. It stays. You are loved.

There is a kind of surrender in being truly held—a willingness to release the weight, pressure, burdens, the sadness, the darkness that you’ve been carrying alone.

Love is not always loud or grand; sometimes, it’s the quiet presence that reminds you to breathe. It’s the hand resting on yours, the eyes that soften when they meet yours, the voice that says, I’m here.

You are not too much, and you are not alone.

The ache you’ve hidden, the exhaustion you’ve silenced, the longing you barely name—love holds it all, without rush, without judgment, without needing you to explain.

So let yourself lean in.

Let yourself unlearn… unravel into the arms of something greater, something vast and unbreakable.

Love does not measure your strength in how much you endure alone but in your willingness to receive.

Let it cradle the parts of you that have known only resistance. Let it soften the armor you no longer need. Let yourself be held—fully, deeply, without hesitation—by the love that has been waiting for you all along.

A love that exists already within you and beyond in the cosmos stars depth vastness expansion of the universe, your heart, your soul.

From mine to yours 🧡

Ellie Bracken