• Strength in surrender

    There’s a beauty and fragility that comes with. being human. It’s not about being invincible. It’s to be real, raw, and open. Life sometimes pries your heart open, honouring the spaces where we feel most tender. Strength is glorified in stoicism yet true power lies in being willing to be open to whatever life brings, […]

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  • The October Super Full Moon in Aries

    The light inside of you, the one that has known sorrow, still shines brighter with every season of your life. It carries the wisdom of your struggles, the tenderness of your healing, and the resilience of your heart. Your light transforms pain into power, doubt into clarity, and fear into courage. With each cycle of […]

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  • Life isn’t meant to be perfect…

    Life isn’t meant to be perfect… and that’s the beauty of it. The unexpected beauty that can spring from heartbreak. An inspiring future that stems from a painful past. Moments of joy intertwined with sorrow. Aching lows and thrilling highs. Hope and Despair. Chaos and Clarity. This is life – imperfect, unpredictable, and undeniably beautiful. […]

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  • You are not defined by your struggles

    Maybe it feels at times that life is trying to break you and that you’re falling apart. Every crack, every fracture to your heart, your soul and spirit is not a sign of weakness; it’s evidence of your resilience to grow. Healing isn’t about returning to the person you were before; it’s about who you […]

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  • Here’s to the unknown

    When you stand at the edge of the unknown, you’re standing at the brink of possibilities. Anything and everything could happen. Each step into unfamiliar territory is a chance to expand, to stretch beyond what you thought you were capable of. It’s in these moments of uncertainty that you discover the depth of your resilience, […]

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  • October… The light after the storm

    October… It’s the light after the storm. The rebirth. What’s fallen apart is coming together, piece by piece. The chaos has subsided, life is becoming more clear. You stand stronger, wiser, more attuned to your heart’s desires. The cracks that once seemed to break you are now the places where the light floods in, illuminating […]

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  • Aries and Libra Energetic Chapters

    Been feeling emotional and unclear? We are towards the end of a series of energetic chapters in Aries and Libra. Reflect on the dates below to see what comes up for you: April 2023 October 2023 March 2024 April 2024 October 2024 The final chapter ends March 2025. Current themes: letting go, the past, the […]

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  • There’s something bigger planned for you

    Maybe life has something bigger planned for you, and that’s why things don’t unfold the way you thought they would or had hoped. Sometimes, what you think is best for you may not align with the deeper potential you hold. The universe has a way of steering you toward experiences and opportunities that match your […]

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  • 89 – Lunar Solar Eclipse September October 2024

    In this episode, Phi explores the powerful astrological energy surrounding the lunar and solar eclipses of September and October 2024. These energetic events bring profound opportunities for release, transformation, and new beginnings.The lunar eclipse encourages us to reflect on what is no longer serving us, offering a potent time for letting go of emotional baggage, […]

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  • To let go…

    To let go is to trust the universe’s plan for your life, knowing that every ending is a doorway to a new beginning. To let go means to recognise that change is a natural part of life. To let go means to accept the lessons learned without dwelling on the pain. To let go means […]

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