Ellie Simpson

  • 6 Things I Never Expected to Unlearn After Losing My Dad A Decade Ago

    May loss not define you

    10 years later the journey continues and I can’t quite believe I’ve lived 1/3 of my life without him 🥹

    Grief has no expiration date.

    It is never too late to grieve.

    In the early days it was raw and overwhelming.

    I numbed it. I suppressed it. I ignored it. I resented it.

    The myth that time heals all wounding is understandable however really we learn to grow around the grief and expand.

    Grief does not end or stop.

    It becomes part of the journey weaved into the everyday, a mosaic of joy and sorrow all at once that is part of the human experience.

    Loss and grief have shown me it doesn’t end with the loss of our loved one that it isn’t useless, in fact it’s led me to become a life coach something I never would have comprehended a decade ago (I was meant to be a lawyer or CMO!!).

    And that is the beauty; the twists and turns of life and how pain can turn into power and purpose.

    Now I honour it. I lean into it. I feel it. I’m grateful for it.

    As a coach it has been a privilege to support and witness individuals navigate the complexities of grief in learning to feel the feelings, redefine the narrative and unlock the strength and resilience that emerges from heartache.

    Here’s to the journey 🫶🏽

    May loss not define you but propel you into greater depths of living: with gratitude, with radiance and to embrace the immense gift of not just being alive; but living 🚀

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Love yourself as you are here and now

    You can still bloom at the same time

    There will be days when loving being yourself will be tough.

    Sometimes all you can do is love a tiny bit more than yesterday and that is more than enough.

    Patience is a must, it’s one of the greatest forms of self love.

    It’s beautiful to acknowledge there are things you’d like to work on and improve whilst simultaneously blooming at the same time.

    5 self love mindset shifts to implement

    5 self love mindset shifts to implement 🧡👇🏽

    Reframe self-criticism into self-compassion.

    Try giving yourself credit for how much you try instead of being so critical of everything you do.

    Love looking at yourself in the mirror and not picking out all the flaws you see.

    Love getting up after you’ve been knocked down.

    Love eating what you crave for instead of the lower calorie option.

    Love that your triggers no longer have a hold over you after all your personal growth and development.

    Most of all, love yourself as you are here and now in the present moment.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    📸 @notestothewild

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • The year you make it happen…

    2024 is your year...

    2024 is your year.

    The year you call it in, everything you dream and desire of.

    The year you release, everything that holds you back.

    The year you embrace, all opportunities and possibilities.

    The year you do, whatever nourishes and lights up your soul.

    The year you love, nurture and worship every aspect of you.

    The year you are truly seen, heard and cherished for who you are.

    The year everything you asked for is in the process of manifesting.

    The year that makes up for all the other years… the year.

    The year you make it happen

    It’s going to be the year that makes up for all other years, the year where it all starts to click and fall into place ✨

    The year you make it happen, following those intuitive nudges and taking inspired action focused on the vision, trusting in the process and allowing it to unfold in the perfect timing and way in accordance with the universe ☁️

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to have the best year yet? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching and/or a human design reading 🧡

    📖 if you enjoy my writing you’ll love my book; The Great Unlearning

    Click here to read more

  • Your happy ending is here

    Make it a December to remember

    A lot can happen by December 31st.

    Have faith and trust.

    Everything you desire could come to fruition.

    You don’t have to have it all figured out – all you have to do, is try your best to move forward.

    Just because the calendar year is ending doesn’t mean manifestations, miracles and momentum take a break.

    The universe works 24/7, 365 days a year. In fact isn’t there a saying, always save the best for last?

    Your happy ending is here – blessings on blessings, renewed purpose and love for yourself, new energy, the unexpected…

    Make it a December to remember.

    Keep your energy open

    Many people make this mistake at the end of the year… and it’s easy to do so. Do you live in a reality of constraint or one where there is ✨ no limits ✨

    I dwell in abundance, a boundless universe where anything can happen at any time.

    Everything you want… just around the corner.

    Everything you want… unfolding in the most unexpected ways.

    Everything you want… happening at the last moment.

    Keep your energy open for all you desire ❤️‍🔥

    Don’t close yourself off energetically because of a calendar year.

    Tune into your body what is for you — there is no right or wrong. Some will be gearing up, others will be winding down.

    I wrote this a year ago and I was hustling, this year I’m slowing down — life it’s dynamic and changing, it ebbs and flows 🌊 trust yourself, trust your body.

    Give yourself permission for what feels good for you, not what you “think” you ought to or “should” 🧡

    📖 If you love my writing you’ll love my book The Great Unlearning out now and available via Amazon worldwide or your local bookstore too.

    🎥 @nature.alanya

    Here’s to a fabulous December beautiful soul 🥂

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