Phi Dang

Clarity and Confidence Life Coach known as 'The Positivity Queen'. I help you go from stuck and self critical to courageous and empowered by overcoming your negative self talk so you can conquer anything.

  • For a seed to achieve its greatest expression

    “For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn't understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” - Cynthia Occelli

    Growth isn’t in perfection and success. Want to know what actual growth is?






    Doing something hundreds of times.

    Becoming completely undone and hitting rock damn bottom.

    In all of this glorious blaze is UNDOING. UNBECOMING.

    Complete change.

    Pushing outside your comfort zones.

    Cracking under pressure.

    And with that?

    Absolute R E B I R T H ⚡️⚡️⚡️

    Rising from the ashes – stronger, wiser and more resilient than ever.

    So don’t be afraid to completely fuck it all up.

    Don’t be afraid to completely change and do a 360 degrees.

    All of this is beautiful, messy GROWTH 🌱

    Keep going beautiful soul, you are on the right path and where you are meant to be.

    Rooting for you 🌳

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    ⚡️ ready to unbecome and rapidly grow, evolve and expand beyond your current state of mind and being? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching and lets chat 🚀

    For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” – Cynthia Occelli​ Instagram Post

    Who is Cynthia Occelli?

    Cynthia Occelli is a fellow life coach with beautiful, empowering quotes.

    Cynthia Occelli Quotes

    “When people seek to undermine your dreams, predict your doom or criticize you, remember that they are telling you their story, not yours.”

    “If you love beauty, it’s because beauty lives within you. If you love art, it’s because you are creative. If it wakes up your heart, a receptor for it already exists within you. Your soul is drawn to the things that will help you unfold your most glorious expression. Give in.”

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  • You are never tested by the universe, only strengthened

    What you feel is a test from the universe isn’t really – want to know why? 👇🏾✨

    The universe isn’t testing you, the universe is responding to you.

    You are a vibrational match to your reality – in fact you have so much power in your

     P E R C E P T I O N.

    We are the creators of reality.

    Your mind labels a moment as “good” or “bad” and the in between.

    Just because the universe isn’t testing you it doesn’t mean that life will be easy.

    And that’s okay… 🧡

    Because what would life be if it was easy?

    Unlimited money? You got it.

    Instant soul mate? You got it.

    Top of the career ladder? You got it.

    Anything and everything you want?

    You got it ⚡️

    … aaaaand life would be so boring 😪

    No challenges. No difficulties.


    No growth. No learning.

    Life is happening FOR YOU 🌱 not TO YOU.

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

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  • Scorpio Full Moon April 2021

    THIS MOON IS NO JOKE 😩⚡️🔥🌚🦂 Scorpio is here to pack a PUNCH in your life 🥊

    Scorpio is all about intensity and transformation ⚡️

    Expect the light to illuminate the dark, shadows to be brought out to play. Unexpected secrets and truths brought fourth.

    This full moon opposes Taurus which is all about stability vs Scorpio’s growth orientated energy 🌱 – How can you find balance between these polarities?

    When it comes to growth and transformation this goes hand in hand with letting go. What do you need to let go of?

    Letting go isn’t just an ending and finality. It’s a necessity. It’s a part of a beautiful process like falling leaves 🍁

    Fallen leaves don’t just dry up and become useless, they return to the earth and transform into nutrients for new life and growth. Without this cycle there would not be new trees and oxygen.

    The leaves live on in a different form and energy – continuing to make their mark on the world 🧡

    If you’re feeling the unbearable heat and pressure of this moon, you’re not alone – just remember that’s how diamonds are formed 💎

    Scorpio Full Moon April 2021 Free Journaling Prompts


    ✨ What do I want to release from my life?

    ✨ How is my life changing and what changes do I need to initiate?

    ✨ What are your resisting in your life and why? Where are you stuck? What would happen if you let life flow and surrender to change?

    ✨ In all my growth, who am I shedding? Who am I becoming? Where is my soul and intuition guiding me towards?

    ✨ What parts of myself am I afraid of and scared for others to see? If I wasn’t afraid what would I do? Who would I be?

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    ♏️ looking for guidance and support? Ready to get unstuck and start truly living with inner peace, joy and freedom? 🦋 Get in touch – Let’s chat about 1:1 coaching.

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  • Your mind is built to help you survive, not be happy


    You can take the pressure off yourself and your mind because there. is. nothing. wrong. with. you 🙏🏽

    Your brain is a survival organ designed to solve problems in order to live.

    Being happy all the time isn’t encouraged by our design because it would lower your guard to possible threats to your life.

    “Oh that animal won’t kill me…”

    “Oh I could easily do that trek…”

    “Oh it would be so fine to do [insert crazy reckless activity]”

    Your brain is an incredible super tool that is always on the look out for risks and threats. To protect you and I for one am so thankful.

    Your mind wants to protect you at all costs including happiness.

    The #1 priority is to s u r v i v e ❗️❗️❗️

    The pursuit of happiness isn’t what we are built to do.

    Can you be happy?

    Oh absolutely yes 😍

    Can you do it in your mind?

    Sure… but is that true happiness?

    Happiness for me and what I work with my clients is in being… the presence of here right now. This moment. Being alive. Here. In your body

    It is SO much simpler than you THINK 🧠 because it’s intuitive and isn’t to do with your mind 🤯

    If that intrigues you… calls you… get in touch with me I would love to help and support you beautiful soul through 1:1 coaching.

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  • Be here in the present moment

    Want to know the secret to feeling lighter and more free instantly?

    It is being here in the present moment.

    Here right now.

    The past is dead and gone.

    Yet we replay scenarios over and over in our head.

    How could I have done it better or differently?

    Why can’t life be like that again?

    The future hasn’t just happened.

    We obsess with getting to the final destination when everything is right with life.

    All we desire is a reality.

    Right here, is just right.

    Letting everything pop up and flow.

    Here, is. You just are.

    It is when we fight the present moment – falling back into the past or concentrating on the future that we deny reality.

    As a result we suffer. We get lost in our thoughts and identified with our mind. The stories. The DRAMAAAA!

    You lose the vibrancy of life.

    Time just slipping by…

    Return to here and now.

    It starts with this awareness and expands to creating space.

    Where are you? Are you here right now?

    Having trouble accessing the present moment? I can help you.

    Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching to overcome your negative self talk and draining mind chatter. Freedom is possible 🦋 

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

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  • Do you want your dreams more than you want your drama and excuses?

    Tell me beautiful soul, do you ever dissolve your mind to feel yourself dripping in desire? 💦⚡️

    A desire that tingles within.

    That turns you on.

    That feels so juicy.

    The magnetism of potentiality.

    Or are you stuck in the prison of your mind 🧠

    When it comes to your dreams everything else takes priority.

    “It’s too hard”

    “I don’t have time”

    “Now is not the time”

    “I don’t have enough money”

    “It’s not possible for someone like me”

    How can you dissolve this mental chatter that keeps you shall, stuck and scared?

    Can you relinquish the mind and step into your POWER?

    To claim it ⚡️ and be UNAPOLOGETIC?

    To realise that anything your mind can conceive… is a gift 🎁 that you can make it your reality.

    Once you take back the power from outside yourself.

    Everything within you right now, your coursing blood, hot veins, big beating heart, extensive experience… you can do it.

    The question is how badly do you want it?

    To take the first step or to keep going.

    Despite the inevitable mind drama that will try to stop you.

    To protect you even at the price of success.

    So tell me, your dreams or excuses… which one is more powerful?

    Hold the vision and the dream is yours 💭

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  • Every experience, your soul invites

    Your soul is here on a journey and mission. To live and be human!

    Imagine this perspective.

    Your soul chose your life.

    Every moment of it.

    “The good, the bad and the in between”

    What if you knew every single moment was guaranteed to help you learn, grow and evolve.

    All in the beautiful journey to be your highest self?

    How would you feel?

    Personally for me?

    I feel calm.

    I feel peace.

    I feel grounded.

    In the trust and knowing. No matter what.

    After all, I back myself always.

    Doesn’t matter what life throws me or you 🍋

    You got this.

    So here’s to enjoying “lemonade” 🍸

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    🚀 ready to fast track your evolution? To step up into your highest power ⚡️ Lets chat about your next level of growth through 1:1 coaching 🌱

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  • It’s time to come home – Aries New Moon


    Hello to the new moon in Aries ♈️

    Aries is the first sign in the zodiac and is a fire element making this moment now here perfect for new beginnings, renewal, courage and creativity.

    It’s about taking life by the horns in true ram style 🐏 and having that fire in your belly 🔥

    Get zesty because it’s all about being YOU.

    You without masks and filters.

    In true ram style it’s about being honest and confrontation.

    The truth and essence of who you are.

    Your whole self in all it’s glory, light and dark, shades and shadow.

    How can you be more true to yourself?

    What do you have a burning passion for in life and how can you integrate this into your everyday?

    What are you ready to start?

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    🚀 Ready to step into your true power, expression and expansion? Aries new moon is the perfect time to start. Start investing in yourself, stat working on yourself. Let’s GOOO ⚡️ Get in touch with me if you’re ready to start 🧡

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  • Be incredibly selfish

    WHAT? I hear you say. It’s a small simple word with BIG meaning and stories.


    Without honouring your self, your soul… it’s a disservice to you and the world.

    Selfishness ultimately allows you to be your best self.

    To give from an overflowing cup ☕️ to be your best self, to be generous, to have the capacity and energy to hold space for others, to be there for them.

    Subconsciously we can even be drawn, MAGNETISED to selfish people because we see their power 💥 living in their truth – reflecting back to us a desire we so want… to be true to ourselves.

    The irony of being selfish is that you end up giving more, being generous because you are in a stream of O V E R F L O W.

    Of abundance.

    It feels sooooo good to give when you have so much ⚡️

    You don’t need permission to be selfish.

    You can simply drop the stories, the guilt should you choose.

    Unhook yourself from the shame and connotations around the world selfish.

    Go beyond your ego, merge and integrate with yourself.

    Come home to you.

    You don’t need it but here I am giving it to you.

    You have permission to be selfish.

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

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  • The #1 thing in your life right now that is keeping you small, stuck and scared.

    The #1 thing in your life right now that is keeping you small, stuck and scared.

    That #1 thing is you… your mind 🧠

    Letting it convince you that…

    “You can’t do that, it’s impossible, it’s too hard…”

    “Who am I…?”

    “Someone else will do it”

    If life is the ocean, you can’t just stand at the shore watching the waves come in and out.

    Life starts when you get in 🌊

    Step by step, deeper and deeper.

    When you make a big wave, when you go all in, the universe will see you 👁 and send it right back tenfold 〰️

    I’ve seen this in my own journey investing in myself and seeing my clients step up and claim their power by investing in coaching ⚡️⚡️⚡️

    Even little tiny ripples add up to create waves… tsunamis…

    It’s not all about big gestures to create waves, the steady flow of little tiny steps add up.

    What are you holding yourself back from?

    Get ready to surf 🏄🏼‍♀️

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    🌊 Ready to make waves in your life? 

    Get in touch with me, let’s chat about 1:1 coaching 〰️

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