Month: August 2024

  • In uncertainty, magic happens…

    Your soul is on a journey that you may not understand, yet it is unfolding with divine precision. As you walk this path, embrace the unknown. The mystery of life is not something to fear, but something to celebrate.

    The questions you carry in your heart are like seeds waiting to bloom in their own time. Let them rest in the soil of faith, knowing that the answers will reveal themselves when you are ready. Remember, the destination is not the only goal; the journey itself hods the keys to your deepest wisdom.


    In the space of uncertainty, the not knowing… magic happens ✨

    This is where miracles take shape and where your soul can whisper its deepest desires in the darkness and to shine in the light.

    Every unknown moment is an invitation to trust yourself and the universe more deeply, to flow with life, and to allow how the unseen forces are working tirelessly to support you.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to embrace the unknown? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching and/or human design readings 🧡

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  • Surrender to the journey

    Maybe life is asking you to give way to flow. To stop resisting the currents and trust that where they lead you is exactly where you need to be. It’s not always about controlling the outcome, but surrendering to the journey itself.

    Sometimes the most profound growth happens when we allow ourselves to be carried by the unknown, rather than swimming against it. There is power in trusting that each moment, each turn in the river, each shift in the tide of the ocean is leading you closer to your highest self.

    When you align with the flow, you align with your purpose, and life unfolds in ways that are beyond what you could have ever planned.

    Flow doesn’t mean being passive to the wills of life or lack of action. Aligned flows means moving with intention, but without force. Without excessive hustle.

    It’s about being in tune with the rhythm of life, recognising when to act and when to pause, when to push forward and when to rest or retreat.

    Flow invites us to be present and aware, to listen to the whispers of our soul and the subtle nudges from the universe that guide us forward.

    When we release our grip on the illusion of control, we create space for life to surprise us.

    The flow carries us to new opportunities, relationships, and experiences that we may never have imagined.

    It’s in this flow that we find synchronicity, where events and experiences align effortlessly, and doors open naturally.

    The universe, in its infinite wisdom, knows the path better than we do— it has greater foresight and expansiveness beyond comprehension.

    Our job is to let go and trust the process.

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  • Sometimes the hard comes before the easy

    Sometimes the hard has to come before the easy. Life’s toughest challenges are the fertile ground where our greatest growth begins.

    Just as the darkest nights give birth to the brightest stars or the way that a lotus blooms through mud, sometimes our path must grow difficult before it becomes clear.

    Periods of darkness are an initiation for us to navigate. Ultimately, the challenges we face shape our character and pave the path ahead. They remind us that we are stronger than we believe ourselves to be and more resilient than what we could know of ourselves.

    The truth that you don’t want to hear but know deep inside… that whilst there is so much growth in the flow, the ease, when everything is going your way… often the greatest growth is through grit and resilience 🪷

    Embracing the difficulties allows us to appreciate the beauty of our growth and the strength we have gained along the way. In the end, we realise that it is not the easy moments that define us, but how we rise above and transform through the hardest ones. Through this, we come to understand that our greatest growth often begins in the toughest of times.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance through your challenges? Let’s turn your breakdowns into breakthroughs ⚡️ I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Enquire with me for more info as spots become available in September and October 2024.

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  • The universe is stretching you

    The universe is stretching you, and that isn’t easy. Growth often feels uncomfortable because it requires you to face your fears and doubts that have held you back.

    It can feel as though you’re being pulled and manoeuvred in different directions, and yet, this stretching is a sign that you are on the verge of something bigger.

    The resistance you feel is a necessary part of the process, urging you to expand your capacity, to trust in your ability to handle the unknown. When the universe stretches you, it’s asking you to rise to the occasion.

    This is a call to dig deeper and embrace the discomfort as a sign of transformation. Every challenge and moment of strain is preparing you for something greater…

    Trust that this stretching is a divine invitation and initiation to evolve.

    As you continue to be stretched, you may find that old parts of you start to resist, wanting to cling to familiarity and safety.

    This is normal, as change often brings up feelings of vulnerability.

    Remember, the universe only asks this of you because it knows what you are capable of, even if you have yet to fully see it yourself.

    This discomfort is a bridge between where you are now and where you are destined to be… who you want to be.

    It’s an invitation to release what no longer serves you and step into the flow of your true purpose.

    An invitation to tap further into your intuition and listen to your heart and soul.

    An invitation to truly expand to become the most aligned and authentic version of you.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • When your heart is open

    When your heart is open, anything can happen. You invite love, opportunities and growth into your life. You become magnetic for all that you truly desire and crave. You become receptive to the beauty around you, experiencing the world with a renewed sense of wonder and possibility.

    An open heart always allows you to embrace life and with that it’s changes and challenges with a greater sense of faith knowing all is working out for you.

    So where does the journey to opening your heart begin? 🧡🪽 well it begins with one of the most fundamental pillars of my coaching which is self love.

    It’s so easy to be consumed by societal pressures and the demands of daily life. However, taking the time to nurture and care for yourself is essential.

    Start by practicing self-care routines that resonate with you, whether it’s through journaling, meditating, or doing the things that light you up and bring in joy.

    Truly understand how lovable you are right now and celebrate your unique qualities and strengths.

    By treating yourself with kindness, compassion and understanding, you lay the foundation for a heart that is open and ready to receive the abundance of love and all that life and the universe has to offer 🥰

    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • 88: Live Human Design Reading with Robyn Wilton (Bleed On It) 6/3 Emotional Projector

    A live condensed human design reading with Robyn Wilton from Bleed On It. She is a rare 6/3 Projector with an emotional authority. We discuss her Saturn Return, business journey and her karmic soul purpose. 


    Resources from today's episode

    Robyn Wilton - Bleed On It - Human Design

    While this is a condensed full human design reading and experience, Phi dives into Robyn’s Human Design as a 6/3 Emotional Projector. We dive into her Saturn Return in terms of human design too. This transformative phase, typically occurring in the late 20s or early 30s, brings challenges, growth, and an invitation to realign with one’s true purpose. We unpack how Robyn’s Saturn return is reflected in her Human Design chart, discussing the energetic themes and personal lessons that arise during this pivotal time including her business journey with Bleed On It. 

    Furthermore we discuss how Robyn has a few rare elements to her chart whether it be her 6/3 personality as well as karmic lifetime. 

    Tune in for an intimate exploration of the power and insight Human Design can bring to life transitions.

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  • Look how far you’ve come

    Look at you, look how far you’ve come.

    You’ve faced your trauma, and you came out of it the other side.

    I’m sorry to get a little emotional but there were some times there when I was really worried about you.

    Look at you today. I am so proud of you. You survived. You’re a survivor.

    You didn’t come this far, to only get this far 👀 look at you! In all the moments you thought you couldn’t or wouldn’t get through yet here you are reading this.

    You did it and I’m so proud of you. I hope you’re so proud of yourself 🧡

    Healing is not linear. No matter who you are we all have a journey we experience. In the darkest of moments know that the light is there always and it can take time to reveal itself. It’s okay to be human and have moments of doubt, fear, negativity and intense emotions.

    Keep going, there is support out there and you are so loved.

    From my own personal experience and coaching clients I have found five pivotal parts to my own journey that form the foundation of my work: mindset, self love, energy, purpose and UNLEARNING ⚡️

    Cheering you on 👊🏽

    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • 87: Embracing Cycles – A Journey into Menstrual Wisdom with Robyn Wilton from Bleed On It

    In this episode, we sit down with Robyn Wilton, the founder of Bleed On It, to explore the profound wisdom of menstrual cycles and cyclical living. Robyn shares her personal journey, the inspiration behind her work, and offers practical advice for embracing the natural rhythms of the menstrual cycle. We delve into societal conditioning, workplace challenges, and the importance of rest, while also addressing common misconceptions about menstrual health. Tune in to gain valuable insights on how to navigate the emotional and physical aspects of cyclical living.

    Resources from today's episode

    Robyn Wilton - Bleed On It

    In this enlightening episode, we welcome Robyn Wilton, the passionate founder of Bleed On It, to explore the intricacies of menstrual health and the art of cyclical living. Robyn begins by sharing her personal journey and the motivation behind creating Bleed On It, offering a heartfelt glimpse into her mission to empower others through education and support around menstrual cycles. 

    Bleed On It Bleed On It is a platform founded by Robyn dedicated to empowering individuals by providing education and support on menstrual health and cyclical living. Through resources, workshops, and community engagement, it aims to help people understand and embrace their menstrual cycles, fostering a more harmonious relationship with their bodies.

    She provides a comprehensive overview of the menstrual cycle, breaking down its phases and emphasising the importance of understanding these natural rhythms for overall well-being.

    Robyn delves into the concept of cyclical living, explaining how it aligns with the menstrual cycle and why it’s a vital practice for anyone seeking to live in harmony with their body’s natural flow. For those new to cyclical living, she offers practical tips to ease into the practice, acknowledging that it can seem overwhelming at first but highlighting how it can transform one’s relationship with their body.

    The conversation takes a look at societal conditioning and workplace culture, discussing how these factors can often lead to the perception that menstruation is a burden. Robyn offers insightful advice on how to navigate these challenges, including how to communicate menstrual-related needs in the workplace effectively.

    Rest, a key component of cyclical living, is another focus of the discussion. Robyn shares her personal strategies for rest, underscoring its importance and offering listeners actionable ways to incorporate genuine rest into their lives. She also addresses common misconceptions about menstrual cycles and cyclical living, debunking myths and providing clarity on what it truly means to live in tune with one’s cycle.

    Robyn reflects on her upbringing in an open household where conversations about bodies and sex were normalized. The episode also explores her experiences such as Supper Club.

    To wrap up, Robyn leaves you with key takeaways about menstrual cycles and cyclical living, ensuring that you can walk away with a deeper understanding and actionable insights to apply in their own lives.

    To learn more about Robyn Wilton and her work, visit Bleed On It.

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  • Honour the divine within you

    May you honour the divine within you, your inner guru. Embrace the journey of self-discovery with an open heart, allowing your intuition and inner light to guide you through every twist and turn that life can take.

    Know that by listening to and valuing your inner voice, you are stepping into your true power, aligning with your deepest purpose, and manifesting a life of profound fulfilment and joy.

    5 ways to tap invoke the guru that exists within you:

    1. Feel into your intuition and experiment with it. Follow the nudge and pull to see where it takes you ✨ it exists within you for a reason your inbuilt GPS.

    2. Surrender and let go, see the clues and signs where life is trying to take you. What we resist persists. What we resist offers a clue for greater growth. Be open to new directions and pivots including those off the back of say rejection (which is redirection and projection).

    3. Consider alternative perspectives, is there such thing as a universal truth? How can we see another persons point of view? How can we see things as they are and not as maybe perhaps we want or hope.

    4. Be open… to miracles, to possibilities, to anything that can happen. Life can change in an instant a second.

    5. Appreciate yourself! You’re still here despite the challenges and twists of life. Appreciate all that you do for yourself and others.

    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • The bravest thing we can do is in the unlearning

    Life often demands that we evolve, but evolution isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes, the bravest thing we. can do is in the unlearning. In shedding the old layers of who you were. It’s not that you are losing yourself rather who you were becomes a foundation to who you are becoming: the most authentic and aligned version of who you are meant to be all along.

    When you let go of who you were, you make space for who you had to unbecome to be.

    The uncertainty, the unknown can be intimidating when your identity is unraveling and shifting. In this same space exists so much endless potential.

    Trust that each change, each shift, is guiding you closer to your aligned and authentic self.

    This journey of self is not about losing yourself; it’s about uncovering the layers that have always been within you, waiting to emerge.

    Embrace the process with an open heart and a curious spirit, for it is in the unknown that we find our truest, most powerful selves.

    Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Your team are with you always 🪶

    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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