Month: July 2024

  • 84: Capricorn Full Moon

    Insight into the energy and vibe of the Capricorn Full Moon taking place July 21st 2024. This episode also provides journaling prompts and questions for the Capricorn Full Moon with the themes being that of family, career, letting go, endings and beginnings as well as balance. 

    This full moon is the second in that of Capricorn with the first one taking place 4 weeks prior on the 21st of June. Think of the previous full moon laying down foundational pieces of insights and information with this full moon to conclude it. You might find you’re having a do over, second review, a second chance as to whatever was taking place around the 21st of June. Was there something weighing you down? Something that didn’t fully finish? Something you needed to take responsibility for? A boundary to put in place? 

    Cancer and Leo Cusp = Family

    It’s on the cusp of Cancer transitioning into Leo season. When these two come together it’s the thematic energy of family. Cancer is the mother of all the signs ruled by the moon, the feminine. The opposing partner sign of Cancer is Capricorn seen as the father of all signs, ruled by Saturn, which we know is all about structure, discipline and hard work. 

    Saturn Retrograde Capricorn Full Moon

    Saturn is of course retrograde right now and has been since the end of June and will be until mid November this year. Paired with the full moon it’s a beautiful time to revisit, review and reassess any areas where Saturn is within your astrology and human design chart as well as general Saturninan themes such as discipline, structure, boundaries, personal responsibility and long term goals. The goal of Saturn is to establish strong foundations so keep that in mind too.

    Degree of Fate endings karma

    To also note energetically the degree in which the full moon in Capricorn is taking place is in the 29th which is the last degree of any sign known as the “degree of fate” so it marks a time where what has been brought up often signifies an ending, a breaking point, a breakthrough. The full moon in Capricorn has reached her peak, full self. It’s that moment after running a tiring marathon that it’s been a journey but at last here it is in sight the end: you can almost taste it and touch it. In fact this particular full moon in Capricorn has the nickname of the “buck moon” as during this time of the year because buck, deers, have fully developed their antlers, and it is time to shed them to start again and grow new ones.

    Again given Saturn Retrograde it may be the time for unfinished business or karma to resolve itself for you to address, grow and evolve. 

    New beginnings Capricorn Full Moon 2024

    This leads to well 0 degrees which is the starting point of any sign and in terms of the cosmos, the planet Pluto is in that for the sign of Aquarius which means collectively we can expect the unexpected of new beginnings. 

    Earth Grounding Capricorn Energy

    Without getting into the nitty gritty of everything going on in the cosmos, alongside the influences of Chiron the wounded healer in Aries, Neptune in Pisces, Mars and Uranus in Taurus it’s a dense pressure cooker with regards to internal tension and emotions arising from beneath the surface and shadows. Capricorn is an earth sign so really focus on practices such as grounding and earthing a well as spending time in nature to relax, reset and release. It’s feeling to me energetically like one of those moons that feels like a lot in the moment but afterwards and the end you feel so much better for it, lightened and lifted. Capricorn is the sea goat after all so instinctively and intuitively you know how to navigate the sometimes choppy, other times still waters of your emotions and the subconscious. 

    Journaling Prompts Capricorn Full Moon 2024

    Without further ado, let’s get into some journaling prompts shall we?

    Timing + Energy

    Reflect on what was going on for you at the end of June compared to now?

    What is coming to an end for you at this moment in time? What do you consciously want to let go of and shed?

    Can you relate to a deer and it’s time to shed antlers? Does this correlate with the season and timing of your life? Linking to the past episode I did intuitively on identity shifts. Is one taking place for you in this current cycle of your life?

    How would you like to see your life shift and change in the long term, say next 5 to 10 years?


    What is the state of your current family relationships and dynamics?

    Are there any unresolved issues or tensions within my family that need addressing at this point in time? How can you approach this from a compassion and nurturing perspective for yourself?

    Career and Reputation

    Capricorn is linked to career and public image/reputation. 

    What is currently going on for you in your career and is there anything you need to complete and/or let go of? Is there a desire or need to recalibrate within your career? 

    How do you think you are perceived at this point in time whether it’s personally or professionally? What can you do off the back of this information?


    How can you balance your emotional needs with your personal responsibilities? 

    Reflect on a harmonious balance and interplay for you between nurturing yourself and having discipline and structure. Perhaps take inspiration from deer: gentle, sweet, innocent, graceful, loving, strong, protective – they are very attuned to what is going on around them.

    Click here to read more

  • 83: Navigating Identity Shifts: Embracing Change

    Are you feeling like you are changing? You might be going through an identity shift. This episode is all about what is an identity shift, why an identity shift may occur, the emotions that can come up when going through an identity shift as well as practical tips and mindset perspectives on how to navigate and embrace an identity shift happening.

    Hello beautiful souls, and welcome to today’s episode inspired by the 8 beautiful women I am taking on retreat to Bali in less than 3 weeks! A beautiful golden thread that weaves amongst us all is that we are all navigating and relating identity shifts whether its in regards to different stages of life or a coming of ages for example.

    It’s so interesting for me to speak about it especially given my human design personally I have a completely open and undefined g centre and with that comes a common misconception especially for reflectors that it means you have no identity which isn’t true. I definitely have one and if you were to ask people who is Phi I think you’d find they would say human design expert, life coach, positivity queen, beach living, the colour orange, sunflowers and so fourth.

    Thus we have this concept of self appointed identity and your true identity. There’s so many layers to this and I delve into this in greater depth in Chapter 7 Self Identity of my book The Great Unlearning available as a physical book, e book and audiobook too by the way!

    I write that learning is that 

    You are (insert name). You are (insert number) years old. You are a (insert job here). 

    Who are you? Who are you really? Are you you because of you or because the world made you this way? Do you know your place in this world? How do you answer those awkward ice breakers in a group environment? Fun fact about yourself? (Cue the anxiety racking your brain for one.) Two truths and a lie? What makes you, you? You are normal, right? 

    Human Design as a tool to navigate an identity shift

    We have labels and ways we attempt to understand ourselves ultimately as a divine soul having a human experience. Our identity is one of those ways we make sense of the world and the best tool, modality and framework for that in my opinion is human design because it’s so incredibly powerful. It’s a map and guide to who you are through the lens of your energy, personality, where energy flows between different parts of who you are, life themes and amongst a diverse and rich set of information found in your human design blueprint which I’ll add I do readings as well as online blueprints which you can find on my website and to book in a reading with me.

    Saturn Return and Identity Shift

    So how did identity shifts come into the fold of conversation well the other day last week I found myself at the beach on the sand after I swim where I used to live for four years and it dawned on me that I hadn’t been back since I moved out off the back of the breakup 2 years ago with my ex partner of 3 years.

    I had this moment where I was like wow I am so different to the girl who used to come to this beach everyday whether it was 5am before work and side hustle life coaching or 11am on a Monday to soak in my new found freedom running my own business.

    That in itself I had so many identities tied to this one moment time and strangely but not really because nothing is a coincidence is it, that hey I happened to also end up at this beach around the time we parted ways for good when my ex partner moved back to England.

    A few of the identity interplays I had back then:

    I was going through my Saturn Return at around the age of 27. Before my Saturn Return begun I had just moved to my own two bedroom apartment and planned to have a hot girl single summer before I ended up meeting my ex partner, falling in love and he moved in with me. I was in a high flying corporate job as a brand strategy manager when the pandemic happened and with reduced work hours I had the downtime to start my passion project my Instagram which led to my side hustle as a life coach by demand and now it’s almost three years full time as a life  coach in my own business. 

    By the end of my Saturn Return my ex partner and I broke up and I moved to my dream apartment at a neighbouring iconic beach. If we take Saturn Return to extend to 31 for it’s final completion that’s still underway but here I am thriving and loving life three years as a life coach, have written a book, made multiple 6 figures in my business, about to take a group of incredible 8 women on retreat to Bali and recently celebrated one year with my new partner. Whewwww Saturn Return I know. As you can see so many different identities here: single, in a relationship, corporate identity, employee, self employed like even the suburbs I lived in previously was more a beach lifestyle, chilled settled down community to iconic, busy and bustling.

    Unlearning like a phoenix with your identity

    It aligns and makes sense to me of course that my book is The Great Unlearning: Awakening to living an Aligned and Authentic Life with the symbol being that of a phoenix. See that as a parallel to our identities within a life time, dying to rise and reborn from the ashes of our previous.

    Such a worthwhile, life changing experience of identity shifts but not without it’s challenges, I think these two quotes could summarise my experience:

    “Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.”

    “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

    What is an identity shift?

    Identity shifts refer to significant changes in the way individuals perceive themselves and how they define their roles, values, and beliefs. These shifts can occur gradually or suddenly and can be influenced by various internal and external factors. They often involve a reevaluation of one’s self-concept and can lead to a transformation in behavior, attitudes, and life choices.

    Why do identity shifts happen?

    Life Transitions

    Major life events such as marriage, divorce, becoming a parent, or experiencing the death of a loved one can trigger identity shifts.

    These transitions often require individuals to adapt to new roles and responsibilities, leading to a redefinition of their self-identity.


    “Grief does not change you, Hazel. It reveals you.”

    When my Dad was ill and passed away when I just turned 20 I became someone who lives life to the fullest, travel, try things I would never do such as when he was sick backpacking around Europe at 18/19 solo. Going to a festival by myself at Tomorrowland. Opening myself up to new experiences I previously said I would never do or consider.

    Personal Growth

    As people grow and mature, their values, beliefs, and priorities can change.

    Personal development activities, such as education, therapy, or spiritual practices, can facilitate self-discovery and identity shifts.

    Coming out of spiritual closet, feel more comfortable once I left my corporate job for example but if I’m honest it started earlier with me sharing updates on the moon.

    Career Changes

    Changing careers or job roles can significantly impact one’s sense of identity.

    Entrepreneur the way I see money e.g. investment vs a debt.

    Moving from a familiar profession to a new one can lead to a reassessment of skills, strengths, and professional identity.

    Going back to school, higher education.

    Cultural and Social influences

    Migration, exposure to different cultures, or changes in societal norms can prompt identity shifts.

    Adapting to new cultural environments can lead to a blending or reevaluation of cultural identities.

    Going back to Vietnam sparked this in me. A sense of pride, understanding my family more, my roots, ancestry and lineage.

    Health and Wellbeing

    Experiencing a major health crisis or achieving significant health goals can alter self-perception.

    Overcoming illness or making substantial lifestyle changes can lead to a renewed sense of self.


    Entering or leaving significant relationships can prompt identity shifts.

    Interactions with new social circles, partners, or mentors can influence one’s self-concept.


    Comparison to other people, self discovery 

    Inner reflections, midlife crises, or existential questions can lead to identity shifts.

    Individuals might seek deeper meaning and purpose, prompting a reevaluation of their identity.

    Identity Shift and Emotional Journey

    1. Confusion and Uncertainty

    • Loss of Familiarity:
      • Individuals may feel disoriented as they navigate new roles and identities, leading to a sense of loss regarding their former self.
    • Questioning Self-Worth:
      • During the transition, self-doubt and uncertainty about one’s abilities and value can emerge, challenging self-esteem.

    2. Anxiety and Stress

    • Fear of the Unknown:
      • The unpredictability associated with identity shifts can cause anxiety, as individuals worry about adapting to new circumstances and the potential for failure.
    • Pressure to Adapt:
      • The need to quickly adjust to new roles or environments can be stressful, particularly if external expectations are high. You want to be like a duck on water already but it takes time.

    3. Grief and Loss

    • Mourning the Old Identity:
      • Letting go of a previous identity can evoke feelings of grief and loss, similar to mourning a significant life change.
    • Sense of Nostalgia:
      • Reflecting on past roles and experiences can trigger nostalgia, sometimes making it difficult to fully embrace the new identity.

    4. Excitement and Empowerment

    • Opportunities for Growth:
      • Identity shifts often present opportunities for personal and professional growth, leading to feelings of excitement and anticipation.
    • Sense of Achievement:
      • Successfully navigating an identity shift can boost confidence and a sense of accomplishment, reinforcing self-efficacy.

    5. Resilience and Adaptability

    • Building Resilience:
      • Overcoming the challenges of an identity shift can enhance resilience, as individuals learn to adapt and thrive in new circumstances.
    • Strengthening Coping Mechanisms:
      • Developing new coping strategies during the transition can improve overall emotional and psychological well-being.

    6. Identity Confusion and Crisis

    • Struggle with Self-Concept:
      • Identity shifts can lead to an identity crisis, where individuals struggle to reconcile different aspects of their self-concept.
    • Existential Questions:
      • Deep questioning of one’s purpose, values, and life direction can arise, leading to a period of introspection and self-exploration.

    7. Improved Self-Awareness

    • Enhanced Self-Understanding:
      • The process of navigating an identity shift can lead to greater self-awareness and a deeper understanding of one’s values, strengths, and passions.
    • Clarified Life Goals:
      • Reassessing one’s identity often results in more clearly defined life goals and a stronger sense of direction.

    8. Social and Relational Impacts

    • Changes in Relationships:
      • Identity shifts can alter dynamics in personal and professional relationships, as others adjust to the individual’s new identity.
    • Seeking Support:
      • Building a supportive network of friends, family, or professional counselors can be crucial in managing the emotional impacts of the transition.

    9. Emotional Rollercoaster

    • Fluctuating Emotions:
      • The journey through an identity shift is often marked by fluctuating emotions, including moments of joy, frustration, hope, and despair.
    • Navigating Ambiguity:
      • Learning to navigate the ambiguity and mixed emotions associated with identity shifts is a key part of the process.

    10. Acceptance and Integration

    • Embracing Change:
      • Gradually accepting and integrating the new identity can lead to a sense of peace and wholeness.
    • Authentic Self-Expression:
      • The culmination of an identity shift often results in more authentic self-expression and a more cohesive sense of self.

    Identity Shift Process; Framework of Stages

    1. Disruption:
      • An event or realization disrupts the current sense of identity.
      • This can cause feelings of confusion, anxiety, or loss.
    1. Exploration:
      • Individuals begin to explore new roles, beliefs, and values.
      • This phase involves self-reflection, experimentation, and seeking new experiences.
    1. Integration:
      • New aspects of identity are integrated into the self-concept.
      • This stage involves accepting and embracing the new identity, leading to a more cohesive sense of self.
    1. Stabilization:
      • The new identity becomes more stable and consistent.
      • Individuals feel more comfortable and confident in their new roles and self-perception.

    Mindset perspectives on identity shifts

    "In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety."

    “To change who you are, change who you think you are.”

    Who are you being? What would your highest self do?

    “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”

    “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”

    Other points Phi discusses:

    • Seek support
    • Practice self care and patience
    • Self reflection and awareness: having consistent practices such as journaling
    • Values work
    • An open growth mindset
    • The past, present and future integration
    • Balancing reflection and taking action

    "Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do"

    Click here to read more

  • May you leap even if you feel afraid

    I don’t know who needs to hear this but you’re on the right path. Your heart is full of courage. In a world distracted by the mind, I hope you dig deep and reconnect with your heart. I hope you reconnect with your inner light that never ceases nor dwindles. It’s now up to you to make that move. The one your soul is nudging you to make. May you leap even if you feel afraid, for your spirit is fearless.

    The biggest misconception about being on the right path… is that it will just feel easy, clear and flowy all the time 😮‍💨

    Because it won’t.

    The right path will have tough moments that feel hard.

    The right path will feel clear in your soul but noisy and messy in your mind.

    The right path will have moments that don’t seem to flow and those moments are beautiful opportunities to reassess.

    Regardless, the right path is something you create by following your intuition, trusting your soul and making moves (especially when it feels scary!)

    Time to make your move 🔥


    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Embrace the essence of your authentic self

    Embrace the essence of your authentic self, unafraid to shine in your full glory. 

    Let the world witness your unwavering confidence and unyielding strength. 

    Every challenge you face is but fuel for your inner fire, forging you into a force of nature.

     Stand tall, knowing that your worth is intrinsic and immeasurable, untouched by the judgments of others.

    When did the world teach you that you weren’t good enough? That you shouldn’t shine so brightly or be so bold?

    This is the great unlearning to break free from predefined expectations and to buck the trend.

    When did we become a society that be default we fear to be truly seen for who we are and confident for that.

    The ego often gets a bad wrap but in its high expression its confidence, self trust and self assurance.

    Unlearn that perfectionism is required to be worthy and of value.

    Lean into your imperfections, all of who you are 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to love yourself deeply and step into your most confident, powerful and loving self? I’d love to help you 🥰

    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

    Click here to read more

  • And suddenly you’re older

    And suddenly you’re older. Fear hits you like a truck as does the anxiety and panic.

    Here’s the the thing, what a privilege it is to age. You are also wiser. You are also stronger. You are also more resilient. 

    Age has made you more agile and adaptable. 

    You’ll never be as young as you are right now. Your spirit is eternal. Your spirit is endless. The sum of who you are in this moment is every age that you’ve been. 

    Think of who you’ve been before, who you are now and who you are becoming. That is oh so very beautiful.

    Society often portrays aging, especially for women, as something to be feared or avoided. But aging is a natural, inevitable part of life that brings wisdom, experience, and new opportunities.

    Marilyn Ferguson rightly says “Of all the self-fulfilling prophecies in our culture the assumption that aging means decline and poor health is probably the deadliest.”

    People immediately think of everything to lose with age and forget that with loss comes so much gain…


    Self Acceptance

    New Opportunities and Possibilities


    What is forgotten is that your soul is ageless.

    “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?”

    More on this in a new episode of my podcast (#77) 🎧 Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for perspective shifts like this? Support and guidance in your life? I can help you.

    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

    Click here to read more