Month: March 2024

  • 69 – March 2024 Libra Lunar Eclipse

    The astrological air right now is thick and intense! This episode is all about the Libra Lunar Eclipse taking place in March 2024. Phi shares the themes of the lunar eclipse as well as journaling prompts to help you gain greater insight into your shadow, karma and relationships.

    Personal feelings of the Libra Lunar Eclipse

    I’ve just come back from some time in India and Vietnam which I’m processing and whewwwwww we are in the thick of some astrological air aren’t we! It’s all been leading up to here. 

    We are officially in the astrological new year which begins with the first sign of the Zodiac Aries that happened a few days ago March 19th. Personally returning home with this eclipse energy, I’ve been sleeping and napping more than ever. It feels like a big detox and purge feeling more tired and sick than usual. Also a lot of vivid dreams and random downloads during meditation. Feeling more inward, introverted and hermitting than usual. 

    Aries Libra Lunar Eclipse Series

    So what’s going on? We happen to be in the middle of a cycle of Aries-Libra eclipses that started last year in April around the 21st and will end next year at the end of March 2025.

     Last year it was one foot in the old series of Taurus and Scorpio, but this year we are all in on Aries and Libra focusing on the push pull tension of independence, autonomy vs in relationship and connection. 

    Eclipses come in opposing pairs and each pairing happens every 18 years. The last time the Aries and Libra pairing occurred was between 2004 to 2006, so it may be worth reflecting what happened for you then.

    Aries Libra Lunar Eclipse Series

    So what’s going on? We happen to be in the middle of a cycle of Aries-Libra eclipses that started last year in April around the 21st and will end next year at the end of March 2025.

     Last year it was one foot in the old series of Taurus and Scorpio, but this year we are all in on Aries and Libra focusing on the push pull tension of independence, autonomy vs in relationship and connection. 

    Eclipses come in opposing pairs and each pairing happens every 18 years. The last time the Aries and Libra pairing occurred was between 2004 to 2006, so it may be worth reflecting what happened for you then.

    Libra Lunar Eclipse Intense

    There’s no denying eclipse season is intense as the energy supercharges the full moon and new moon by tenfold. Remember intense doesn’t mean bad! Bursts of intensity can be helpful and I’m sure that’s something Aries teaches us. 

    Over two weeks so much growth, change and transformation can occur. It all starts on on March 25th with the Full Moon Libra lunar eclipse bringing into play Librian areas of life: relationships, balance. 

    Before the Solar Eclipse in Aries brings new beginnings, the Lunar eclipse can often bring endings and a magnitude of emotions. 

    Feminine Energy and Libra Lunar Eclipse

    The lunar aspect being the moon signals and indicates our inner realm and rules over our emotions, internal motivations and the feminine aspects of who we are. PSA with these feminine energies at times this can involve a female in our lives whether that’s a mother, sister, cousin, friend, boss etc. 

    The eclipse moon is different to the full moon in that it brings out the shadow (the Earth’s shadow falls on the face of the moon) – so what can emerge is more information, insights, revelations as well as resurface shadow aspects that previously have been blocked, hidden or unseen. 

    Simply put dredge up stuff you’ve not been aware of or ignoring really. At this time the veil is also thin between past, present and future, it’s a beautiful time to go more inwards and receive information and downloads such as through meditation or any other practices that help you to go within.

    Libra Lunar Eclipse Theme: Relationships

    In particular this eclipse hones in on relationships (platonic, professional and romantic) with Venus conjunct Saturn. Venus rules Libra and represents relationships. When we introduce Saturn into the realm of relationships this is about discipline and reality checks. 

    Saturn can also cause a slow down or delay forgoing instant gratification and leaning into the more long term, aligned, practical and a test of commitment. 

    When we factor in that this full moon brings in karmic destiny energy it represents letting go of what no longer serves, what we’ve outgrown and what we need to leave behind in order to move forward. People that often enter or exit during these periods can often feel karmic too. This is a clearing of past karma in play. 

    Eclipses are here to cleanse and clear

    Thus prepare yourself for what can be seen as a cosmic cleansing and course corrections. This is against the backdrop of Pisces planetary positions which can be dreamy, moody but ultimately spiritual. Not only that off the back of Pisces season, a time that teaches us about letting go and surrender, trusting in higher frequencies meant for us. 

    March 2024 Lunar Eclipse Journaling Prompts

    Who are the most important relationships in your life?

    What relationships are you holding onto that no longer serve you and have run their course? Where are you stuck in those relationships out of guilt, obligation, fear or comfort? 

    Are there any current dynamics at play in relationships that don’t serve you? Any patterns or repetitions you can see emerging? Examples being people pleasing, avoidance, triggers, lack of boundaries, holding back the truth, seeking validation and approval 

    Do you feel that your current relationships are fair and balanced?

    Are you seeing relationships for what they are or are you perhaps blinded by idealisation or ignorance?

    What has been holding you back in relationships? 

    What don’t you like about the way you behave in relationships (the shadow aspect of self)?

    What role does feminine energy play in your relationships?

    Where in your relationships perhaps healing and forgiveness needs to take place? 

    Which relationships in your life are cultivating greater spiritual growth and evolution for you?

    What situations call for more harmony? 

    Is there any person that comes to mind repeatedly during this time period which may be a sign of unresolved karma?

    Reflect back to the solar eclipse of October 14th 2023 last year as the starting point to this full moon, when the new moon was in Libra. Things maybe circling back or coming to a full circle moment here. The prelude to that was when the whole eclipse series began July 2023. Thus the final journaling prompt, how have your relationships changed since mid October last year?

    Eclipse timelines

    Eclipses have this funny way of speeding up and changing timelines, it can feel as though life has sudden, unexpected, rapid and abrupt changes that unfold with great speed or momentum out of nowhere. Given eclipses have such great energy and power, the universe can really force us to change and move if we have been stuck, stagnant or caught in old cycles, the pressure is turned up. 

    What to do during the 2024 March Libra Lunar Eclipse

    Lunar eclipse season is a time to lay low and lather on self care: slowing down, grounding, resting, naps, salt water baths, being gentler, reflection, meditation and journaling can be helpful. Unexpected things can pop up so create more space in your calendar and schedule in longer time than usual to complete big projects. Letting go practices such as letter writing, burning what no longer serves you, decluttering, cleansing spaces can be beneficial. 

    Wishing you a powerful release with this eclipse season beautiful soul, until next time.

    Love & Positivity.

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  • 68: Starting Again, Defying Timelines and Entrepreneurship with Phoebe Greenacre

    Phoebe Greenacre, is a Certified Somatic Movement Therapist, Conscious Business Coach with a background as a Yoga Teacher and Meditation Guide.

    A 2/4 Manifesting Generator with a sacral authority, 
    Phoebe is a harmonious blend of heart and hustle, embodying the spirit of holistic wellness with a savvy business acumen. Based in Bali, Phoebe’s expertise shines a light for online holistic therapists seeking to flourish authentically in the digital realm. 

    Phoebe Greenacre -Episode Summary

    In today’s podcast, Phoebe shares her journey throughout the corporate world as well as starting her own businesses, selling her business and using her strategy prowess to now nurture heart-centered enterprises. 

    Phoebe is an avid traveller having been to over 70 countries, lived in Australia, Japan, London and now Bali, she brings a global perspective into her practice, further deepened by her International Business Degree. 

    She has a Piscean intuition and the dynamic energy of a Manifesting Generator,  welcome Phoebe Greenacre to the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang.

    Phoebe Greenacre - What we discuss

    • Phoebe’s journey including a stint as a travel blogger, a desire to be a spy to defying societal traditional timelines 
    • Phoebe’s Saturn Return: Going from rock bottom at 29 to starting again, reinventing herself and  thriving
    • Phoebe’s career experience including creating an activewear brand in London 
    • How entrepreneurship has changed 
    • Going from a physical product to a completely online business
    • The freedom lifestyle
    • How home is within
    • Being connected to your body
    • Starting a business and side hustle
    • Letting go of ego and stepping into authenticity and alignment
    • Getting married at 35 to her husband Alex (breaking up and coming back together)
    • Growing together as a couple
    • Knowing what you want in dating and the importance of self worth, not waiting
    • Motherhood, becoming a mother at 39 to a beautiful baby girl

    Click here to read more

  • 67: Evolving From Identity Loss to A Strong Foundation And Dream Life with Sammie Purdie

    Sammie Purdie is a 6/2 Manifesting Generator with an Emotional Authority. She is a previous client of Phi’s having worked  together 1:1 and undergone an amazing transformation including now  being a Human Design Women’s Mindset Coach running women’s circles in Adelaide and running her current program: Her Dream Life. Sammie is also a proud mama to a beautiful boy Archie.

    Sammie Purdie - Episode Summary

    Sammie shares her personal journey struggling with self worth and scarcity to now thriving in abundance, self love. Being a mother deeply healed her and now she is fully embodied and empowered in who she is as a mum and beyond.

    She went from running a successful lash business to now pursuing her passion and purpose becoming a coach.

    Sammie Purdie - What we discuss

    • Trusting your gut and intuition, feeling your energy, the process, divine timings
    • Communicating with the universe 
    • Sammie’s journey and experience working 1:1 with Phi
    • Foundations for success and abundance, investing, rewiring and working on your money mindset including not having an income at one point 
    • As a women’s coach the biggest struggles she sees
    • The power of human design
    • Masculine and feminine energy 
    • Receptivity
    • Sammie’s self worth journey
    • Sammie’s motherhood journey: resistance and surrender, identity loss, finding her self again
    • Starting your own business
    • Feeling feelings, being an emotional authority 
    • Sammie’s take on women the three pillars of a strong foundation

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