Month: May 2023

  • All about perspective

    What are you going to do with your time?

    To someone, you’re young and to another, you’re old.

    There is comfort and privilege in getting older.

    You become wiser, you become more aware of what you want, and you know who you are.

    You’ve experienced pain and loss.

    You’ve taken things for granted and have found a new way to approach life with less fear and regret.

    It’s all relative anyway and, at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter what someone else thinks.

    What truly matters is what you do with your time, here and now in the present moment.

    Use your time wisely and intentionally with all your heart.

    And just maybe if you’re one of the lucky ones, you’ll get another shot, chance or opportunity in life – but it isn’t guaranteed.

    So, what are you going to do with your time?

    The choice is yours...

    When it comes to time this is the one thing you have to realise ⏱️

    It’s all about perspective.

    Anything can change in a moment,

    It can slow down or speed up.

    It can be painful or pleasant.

    The choice is yours.

    An excerpt from my book — The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life.

    Available for pre-order now, released worldwide June 23, 2023.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • You will get stronger

    Life doesn't get easier, you get stronger

    It’s not about what’s happening around you on the outside, it’s about what’s happening on the inside of you, your internal world.

    You can deep dive underwater and still come up for air.

    It’s easy to be strong when life goes to plan.

    It’s easy to be strong when life is going the way you want.

    Real strength comes from braving the storms, riding the waves and withstanding the hurricanes. 

    Life doesn’t get easier, you get stronger.

    Your heart and soul

    What’s going on inside of you? 🌀

    Check in with your heart and soul, you know ❤️‍🔥

    An excerpt from my book — The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • The greatest gift of all

    I hope you remember...

    When everything seems too hard, I hope you remember the strength and resilience that has kept you here despite all the hardships and heartache you’ve endured.

    I hope you remember how deeply you’re loved.

    I hope you remember how much you’ve grown.

    I hope you remember the purity and innocence of your heart, with its vast capacity to love.

    I hope you remember how incredible it is that you’re here and get to experience the greatest gift of all: life.

    Despite it all...

    Because better days are on their way… ✨ and you still being despite it all, breathing, believing is truly a gift in itself 🌟

    An excerpt from my book – The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life

    Available 23 June 2023 worldwide.

    Click here to read more

  • Honour your truth

    Honouring your inner truth

    Exercise the ultimate act of self-love, honouring your inner truth even when it is painful.

    This means walking away from and letting go of what no longer serves you.

    Maybe it’s a job, relationship or location.

    It’s breaking free from what boxes you in – the pressure of society, the weight of what other people think and your own beliefs.

    When everything falls away, one thing will always remain: the truth.

    It cannot be ignored.

    You can live in ignorance, but the truth won’t.

    There will be days when loving being yourself will be tough.

    Sometimes all you can do is love a tiny bit more than yesterday and that is more than enough.

    Sometimes growth means walking away

    Can you really hear yourself? Your soul; your true inner voice? Or are you weighed down by other voices: conditioning, programming, culture, the outside world.

    Honour your truth.

    That may be painful for others but you owe yourself the love and dedication you so willingly give to others.

    Sometimes life and growth means walking away 🌱

    Making space and letting go for a new door to open 🚪

    On the other side is everything you could’ve wanted and more, are you brave enough to open it?

    An excerpt from my upcoming book — The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life

    Available for preorder world wide, out June 23 2023.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • 40: Goddess Kali

    This episode is all about the Goddess Kali, known for death, destruction and rebirth. She is the epitome of raw power. The dark divine feminine. Learn how to channel your inner Kali to overcome obstacles in your life.

    Featured Resources on the episode

    Kali in a dream - her meaning

    Hello beautiful soul,

    What an eclipse season it has been! I’ve been called to chat about Kali in today’s podcast episode. She came to me vividly during eclipse season and called upon me to share more about her and that I will do! I actually had a dream where she was eating me alive and instead of resisting, I leaned into the experience only for us to make love — yup! Felt like a real metaphor for surrendering to change, including what can seem ‘bad’ but actually ultimately becomes ‘good’ because you learn, you grow and you expand. 

    Who is Kali? The Hindu Goddess

    Kali is a Hindu Goddess who is quite misunderstood. Visually she’s so striking, often portrayed with vibrant blue skin sticking her tongue, sometimes with multiple heads, out holding her sword and decapitated head or wearing a necklace strung with severed heads. Kali was born during a battle with evil demons and defeated them, hence this imagery. 

    She is said to be a form of Pavarti, a benevolent sweet, loving, gentle goddess. Kali is true authenticity and power, she isn’t here to be like or traditionally beautiful. She isn’t here to be subservient to men, subtle, submissive or dutiful. She isn’t the performative feminine. She is raw. She is untamed. 

    Kali is powerful

    She’s truly powerful, fierce and ferocious. She symbolises death, destruction as well as rebirth and is seen as a keeper of time too. She is the counterpart of Shiva the destroyer, bringing death to ego and attachment. She’s scary because she brings about change. Not one to be complacent, she ushers in massive changes instantly, as if all at once. Life changes at the blink of an eye without warning. She brings upon your next level. 

    Kali is a force

    Kali is a force to be reckoned with and she comes into your life to destroy anything that is not serving you. It’s often not subtle either. She enters your life as a force. You often don’t call upon her, she calls upon you. I’ve personally never called her into my life, she’s come to me. 

    Take warning, if you call her into your life this isn’t child’s play, she truly means business as the goddess of war and battle too. She’s tough love. She reminds us that we need destruction in our lives, to let go of the old, have a clearing for the new to come in. Death is a natural part in the cycles of life. At times she sees things that are hidden, that we not be able to perceive as we are blinded or ignorant. 

    Kali helps you let go and surrender

    Kali in practical terms is the archetype of surrendering, letting go of what no longer serves you and if you cannot take action, she will take it upon your behalf and make it happen. She helps us break free from attachments. Kali is a protective divine mother. She shows us that even in painful times, there is always purpose. 

    Kali is the dark divine feminine

    What really strikes me about Kali is that she is the divine dark feminine, shakti but not as what we know it. She shows the fierce power of the feminine. She gives us what we need, not necessarily what we want. She’ll strip away your comfort, taking away the safety blanket to help us navigate the waters of the uncomfortable. 

    How to channel your inner Kali

    Sometimes we need to channel our inner Kali, to be strong, to be unchained, wild, free, liberated. Unleash your inner Kali when it’s time to be bold and brave. 

    To speak your truth. To face your demons. To stand in your power. To release what you struggle to. To feel the more difficult emotions: rage, anger, bitterness, grief, depression and  numbness. 

    Kali is to be liberated by your limits and what holds you back. It’s transmuting and transforming your anger in a healthy, conscious way. 

    She is the medicine to channel when we face crisis, we are stuck in a rut, when we need a huge shake up in our lives. She awakens us, bringing the darkness to the light, to set us free. To bring awareness and consciousness to illusions and fantasies, bringing home the truth. 

    How Kali can impact your life

    When working with clients I’ve seen Kali most powerful at shaking lifelong habits that don’t serve, exiting toxic relationships and cycles, finally leave toxic jobs and situations, take off hiding behind masks and clinging onto ego. 

    Kali helps you set strong and firm boundaries. Kali helps you to call in and take back your power in any situation, to break free from a victim mentality and mindset. She is an ally for unexpected changes, to confront your fears head on. 

    She is the rage to channel inspired action when you are underestimated, walked all over, blocked, challenged and confronted. She helps us rise up. 

    How to work with Kali the goddess

    If you are feeling the call to work with Kali, her mantra to chant is ‘Kreem’ giving you power, strength and wisdom. You can also chant the mantra ‘Om Krim Kali.’ When chanting, the magic number is 108 times. You can also visualise her during meditation or as mentioned channel the wild, raw, power of the feminine it could be through expressing your rage through art or dance as examples. To let yourself go and be free. 

    On closing this Kali podcast episode

    I talk more about working with goddesses and divine feminine archetypes in my upcoming book The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life. I am so excited because it’s around 1 month until it’s released on the 23rd of June 2023. 

    I cannot wait for you to read my book! To close off this episode due to demand, I have started opening up human design readings on the weekends too. You can book a reading with me through my website and I also have 1:1 coaching spots available. 

    Thank you for listening beautiful soul, I’m truly grateful, until next time!   

    Click here to read more

  • Strong soul…

    Life doesn't get easier, you get stronger

    Even when a storm comes and rocks you, there is safety within.

    It’s not about what’s happening around you on the outside world, it’s about what’s happening inside of you, your internal world.

    It’s easy to be strong when life is going the way you want it.

    It’s easy to be strong when positivity comes naturally.

    Real strength comes from braving the storms, riding the waves and withstanding the hurricanes.

    Life doesn’t get easier, you get stronger.

    Strong soul

    There are times in life where you have to sit in the discomfort; the pain; the unpleasant; the chaos 🌀

    These are the times where you are being called to go within.

    To tap into your inner strength; inner resilience; inner essence.

    These are the times you get to know your true self — your soul that cannot be messed with.

    Your power isn’t determined on controlling the outside, it’s from calming and braving the inside.

    Your world, your domain ⚔️

    As Haruki Murakami says: “When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” ⛈️

    An excerpt from my upcoming book — The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life

    Available for pre-order worldwide, releasing June 23 2023.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • I’m grateful for…

    I'm grateful for...

    I’m grateful for all that my heart feels.

    I’m grateful for the way it beats with pride and joy.

    I’m grateful in the way it floats with excitement and swells with tenderness.

    I’m grateful when it feels heavy and anchored.

    I’m grateful when it feels like it’s being crushed alive.

    I’m grateful when it swoons with delight and wonder.

    I’m grateful when it beats slowly and gently.

    I’m grateful when it races to the rush and thrill of it all.

    I’m grateful when it aches and I feel every time it bleeds.

    I’m grateful when it rushes off the cliff and suspends itself for a moment in time.

    I’m grateful because my heart reminds me I’m alive.

    Allow yourself to feel it all

    With all the emotions arising from the potent energies we’ve experienced; it is my hope that you let them flow like water.

    Allow yourself to feel it all.

    Every layer.

    Every shift.

    Every ounce.

    Be in the flow instead or resisting it.

    And then you will feel free… 🦋

    An excerpt from my debut book — The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life

    Available for preorder world wide, releasing June 23 2023

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • 39: Divine Feminine Day Retreat and Scorpio Full Moon in May 2023

    This Saturday May 6th, I will be holding an in person Divine Feminine Day Retreat in Newtown, Sydney, Australia with my beautiful friend energy healer, yoga & meditation teacher Japna Singh Dussol. It happens to align and coincide with the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (unplanned but so divine!) This episode provides more information about the event and the energies at play at the moment (tiring and emotional!).

    Featured Resources on the episode

    The Divine Feminine Day Retreat Series - Autumn May 6th 2023: Newtown, Sydney, Australia

    Magic happens when women gather in circle.


    Honour your heart and soul with a nourishing day retreat with like minded women to rest and recalibrate with the changing of the seasons.

    With the end of summer, the days are getting cooler, the nights are getting longer and we are being called to journey within.

    To align with the rhythm and cycles of nature, the winds of change are here.

    Autumn is upon us, as we prepare for a period of rest with Winter. We are invited to slow down and surrender.

    To reflect and find balance: masculine and feminine, light and dark, past and future.

    To land here in the present and be grounded after the intense energies to kickstart 2023.

    Unwind, relax and release as we dedicate a day to self care. To let go of what no longer serves you, like the falling of leaves, bringing balance back into your mind, body and soul. To be held and supported in safe, sacred space and shift into a new energetic season.

    Your day retreat will include:

    – share circle and seasonal masterclass (letting go and surrender)

    – gentle yoga and meditation

    – sound energy healing

    – yoni steaming circle and sacred ceremony

    – connection to Mother Earth

    – journal prompts

    – morning tea and lunch

    Other details:

    When: Saturday 6th May 2023

    Where: 11-13 Darley Street, Newtown, Sydney

    Investment: $250 AUD

    We look forward to holding space for you! If you have any questions, reach out to either of us:

    Instagram: @thephidang or @japnasinghdussol

    Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

    Buy tickets by clicking here.

    Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Energy Update

    We’ve had the new moon solar eclipse in Aries last week and now we are heading into a lunar eclipse full moon with Scorpio (which happens to be my sign!).  This eclipse is linked to the previous one because it’s the perfect time to let go of anything that arose back then and is part of a long series of Taurus and Scorpio eclipses, in fact the second last marker in this journey that began in November 2021 and will end in October this year around my birthday too, so I’m all too well of the feelings and energies of this one. 

    Take a moment to reflect on what was unfolding in your life since and back in November 2021 to zoom out and shed light on the storyline that is being divinely created and orchestrated in your life for your highest growth and expansion. 

    Scorpio represents the south node which is karmic and the past therefore it can particularly stir up karmic relationships and situations, residuals that may have previously begun with the solar eclipse last week to fall away because it no longer serves you. Think of it as a spiritual karmic detox and purge. I’m personally really getting the download for anyone listening here to pay attention to karmic relationships whether that be romantic, family, colleagues or friends. 

    The solar eclipse is about new energy and beginnings whereas a lunar eclipses is about completion or moving into a new direction. The moon represents the subconscious and feminine, so one can expect this full moon eclipse to be emotionally charged in some way. Eclipses often reveal things and with Mercury Retrograde about, as well as another retrograde in Pluto, expect the unexpected. Expect wildcards and curveballs thrown at you. Who knows what information could arise to the surface that could catch you off guard or perhaps even shocked. This is to say, it’s not all negative! It could be life altering, positive news too. 

    It’s the perfect storm one could say because Pluto actually rules Scorpio, alongside co-ruler Mars. To dive deeper into the influence of Pluto think back to around the 22nd/23rd of March when Pluto moved into Aquarius for the first time in our lives! Pluto energy is very aligned with Scorpio so the usual suspect themes: destruction, death, rebirth, the subconscious and transformation. With it moving into Aquarius it also brings about the themes of change, innovation, freedom, liberation, equality and the collective.

    Both planes aren’t known for being shy, if anything they are bold and out there so expect the revelations, energy and feelings accompanying the moon to be the same. The major theme I see arising from this transit is it’s asking for us to let go and master the art of emotional alchemy. Again if your feelings and energies are all over the place, a full moon has a strong influence alone let alone a lunar eclipse which is the energetic equivalent of 10 full moons at once so yes your feelings may be magnified, your feelings may be intensified and it can be temporarily destabilising.  

    To tune into our emotions and intuition. To face our emotions and feel them instead of running away, repressing, ignoring and blocking as we’ve been conditioned to. To transform our pain into power, wounds into wisdom and grief into gold (yep took that line straight of my book the Great Unlearning). Our feelings aren’t to be feared, they can be incredible portals of transformation and springboards for creativity. 

    Click here to read more

  • Welcome to the darkening of the light

    Dark & Light

    Welcome to the darkening of the light.

    Just like winter or the dark night of the soul, we need darkness to ultimately find the light.

    We need darkness as a veil to what is growing beneath the surface.

    What surfaces is your endurance to channel your crisis into change.

    It is time to surrender your heart and soul to the universe.

    Shed like a snake what no longer serves you.

    Let go and flow with where the steam of life wants you to go.

    Listen to the rhythm and beat of your heart.

    Surrender your soul to the alluring pull of what you desire.

    Release your fears and doubts, child of the universe.

    The stars and angels are always supporting you.

    You are exactly where you need to be right now.

    When the world is dark your inner light shines bright.

    Allow yourself to change...

    🎢 Life is a rollercoaster of experiences and emotions driven by the highest of highs and lowest of lows.

    The feels can be excruciating.

    To feel so deeply.

    Heartache and pain contrasted with liberation and ecstasy.

    From a spiritual point of view our soul chose to get on this ride.

    To learn.

    To grow.

    To expand.

    Your soul is hungry for experiences and emotions that nudge you into alignment.

    The depth of darkness and shadow you feel also opens up the limitless love and joy you can also feel.

    Allow yourself to change.

    Allow yourself to merge with your shadow.

    On this rollercoaster of life one minute we are up and the next we are down… and it will continue to go on. Otherwise wouldn’t life be boring?

    Enjoy it for all that life is – it’s only temporary anyway!

    An excerpt from my upcoming debut book available for pre-order worldwide—

    The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more