To let go is to trust the universe’s plan for your life, knowing that every ending is a doorway to a new beginning.

To let go means to recognise that change is a natural part of life.

To let go means to accept the lessons learned without dwelling on the pain.

To let go means to stop trying to control outcomes and allow life to unfold.

To let go means to free yourself from past regrets.

To let go means to release the fear of the unknown.

To let go means to lighten your heart and create space for joy.

To let go means to acknowledge that endings are merely beginnings in diguise.

Letting go is never easy, especially if it doesn’t feel to be on our terms or timeline.

The process… journey often brings up feelings of uncertainty, fear, and even resistance.

When life pushes us to release what we hold dear, it can feel like we’re being yanked from our comfort zones, leaving us grappling with a sense of loss.

We may find ourselves longing to clinging tightly to what is familiar, even if it no longer serves our highest good.

This discomfort highlights the struggle between our desire for security and the inherent need for growth and transformation.

There is so much growth in letting go if we acknowledge our feelings and allow ourselves to grieve the loss.

Letting go doesn’t mean we have to suppress our emotions; it’s an invitation to process them fully which is not easy.

I hope you honour what is changing, honour your emotions and honour what’s coming on the other side 🌕

Ellie Simpson