The universe is stretching you, and that isn’t easy. Growth often feels uncomfortable because it requires you to face your fears and doubts that have held you back.

It can feel as though you’re being pulled and manoeuvred in different directions, and yet, this stretching is a sign that you are on the verge of something bigger.

The resistance you feel is a necessary part of the process, urging you to expand your capacity, to trust in your ability to handle the unknown. When the universe stretches you, it’s asking you to rise to the occasion.

This is a call to dig deeper and embrace the discomfort as a sign of transformation. Every challenge and moment of strain is preparing you for something greater…

Trust that this stretching is a divine invitation and initiation to evolve.

As you continue to be stretched, you may find that old parts of you start to resist, wanting to cling to familiarity and safety.

This is normal, as change often brings up feelings of vulnerability.

Remember, the universe only asks this of you because it knows what you are capable of, even if you have yet to fully see it yourself.

This discomfort is a bridge between where you are now and where you are destined to be… who you want to be.

It’s an invitation to release what no longer serves you and step into the flow of your true purpose.

An invitation to tap further into your intuition and listen to your heart and soul.

An invitation to truly expand to become the most aligned and authentic version of you.

love & positivity ✨ phi

Ellie Simpson