“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn't understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” - Cynthia Occelli
Growth isn’t in perfection and success. Want to know what actual growth is?
Doing something hundreds of times.
Becoming completely undone and hitting rock damn bottom.
In all of this glorious blaze is UNDOING. UNBECOMING.
Complete change.
Pushing outside your comfort zones.
Cracking under pressure.
And with that?
Absolute R E B I R T H ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Rising from the ashes – stronger, wiser and more resilient than ever.
So don’t be afraid to completely fuck it all up.
Don’t be afraid to completely change and do a 360 degrees.
All of this is beautiful, messy GROWTH 🌱
Keep going beautiful soul, you are on the right path and where you are meant to be.
For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” – Cynthia Occelli Instagram Post
Cynthia Occelli is a fellow life coach with beautiful, empowering quotes.
Cynthia Occelli Quotes
“When people seek to undermine your dreams, predict your doom or criticize you, remember that they are telling you their story, not yours.”
“If you love beauty, it’s because beauty lives within you. If you love art, it’s because you are creative. If it wakes up your heart, a receptor for it already exists within you. Your soul is drawn to the things that will help you unfold your most glorious expression. Give in.”
THIS MOON IS NO JOKE 😩⚡️🔥🌚🦂 Scorpio is here to pack a PUNCH in your life 🥊
Scorpio is all about intensity and transformation ⚡️
Expect the light to illuminate the dark, shadows to be brought out to play. Unexpected secrets and truths brought fourth.
This full moon opposes Taurus which is all about stability vs Scorpio’s growth orientated energy 🌱 – How can you find balance between these polarities?
When it comes to growth and transformation this goes hand in hand with letting go. What do you need to let go of?
Letting go isn’t just an ending and finality. It’s a necessity. It’s a part of a beautiful process like falling leaves 🍁
Fallen leaves don’t just dry up and become useless, they return to the earth and transform into nutrients for new life and growth. Without this cycle there would not be new trees and oxygen.
The leaves live on in a different form and energy – continuing to make their mark on the world 🧡
If you’re feeling the unbearable heat and pressure of this moon, you’re not alone – just remember that’s how diamonds are formed 💎
Scorpio Full Moon April 2021 Free Journaling Prompts
✨ What do I want to release from my life?
✨ How is my life changing and what changes do I need to initiate?
✨ What are your resisting in your life and why? Where are you stuck? What would happen if you let life flow and surrender to change?
✨ In all my growth, who am I shedding? Who am I becoming? Where is my soul and intuition guiding me towards?
✨ What parts of myself am I afraid of and scared for others to see? If I wasn’t afraid what would I do? Who would I be?