in love

  • We fly in love

    We fly in love

    You give me butterflies in my stomach.

    I’m scared to fall.

    And then I realise, we don’t fall in love.

    We rise in love.

    We fly in love.

    Trust the process...

    The synchronicity of these words, this song, the visuals 🤌🏽

    That feeling of butterflies 🦋

    Of falling… flying 💫

    Of feeling vulnerable

    Of feeling excited

    Of feeling nervous

    Of your heart fluttering…

    All the potential… who knows where the butterflies will take you 🔮

    All I know is that being able to feel butterflies again is beauty in itself… 🥰

    The aphrodisiac is in potential ⚡️

    Anything could happen 🤩

    The only want to find out

    Trust the process 🌀

    And see what unfolds 🦋

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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