human soul

  • Life is an adventure…

    The adventure called 'life'...

    Your soul didn’t sign up for a pretty picture perfect life.

    Your soul signed up to be HUMAN on this adventure we call LIFE.

    The curriculum for this involves mess, grief, heartache, despair and so too does it include pleasure, ecstasy, laughter and joy.

    Your heart, your soul, your spirit don’t want to be controlled.

    You signed up to be truly liberated – raw, wild, dynamic and free to experience it all.

    You came here to grow

    Because what would life be if it was happy and comfortable all the time… 😮‍💨 b o r i n g

    What would be the point!?

    You came here to grow, to expand 🌟

    It’s in the contrast of life we truly live.

    This is something you can be aware of yet still challenged by.

    We intellectually understand that to experience life with a spectrum of experiences is necessary yet we unconsciously desire to only have feelings and experiences we label as “good” and “positive.”

    In challenging times we can return back to the words of this post which contemplates our very purpose for living and breathing.

    To experience!

    So when you’re feeling low, in the depths of darkness and running into shadows — know that it is beautiful. It’s beautiful because in the pain of it, is also your wisdom and gold.

    Here’s to being human, the full spectrum experience of it ✌🏽

    Can you tell I’m an emotional authority in human design? 😋 grateful to have learnt that I’m designed to experience the waves 🌊 and with time gain deeper understanding and clarity. Don’t know yours — book a reading with me!

    And of course, happy energetic lunar new year, bring on 2023 🚀 to you beautiful soul reading this — I appreciate you 🥰 thank you for being on this wild ride with me ✨✨✨… LETS GO 👊🏽

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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