You are a human, being
Your best days are yet to come
Beautiful Soul, I know there are some days that turn to nights where everything seems unbearable where you want to escape it all and fade into darkness.
When it’s dark, don’t forget about the light.
Turn within and whisper to your soul.
Place your hand on your heart and feel the devotion that beats for you.
Some of the best days of your life are yet to happen.
Some of the best moments of your life are yet to be had.
Some of the best memories you’ll never forget are yet to be made.
The people you’ll meet.
The souls you’ll fall in love with.
The excitement that’s yet to unfold.
The mystery and magic of the universe waiting to reveal itself.
Hold on, you’re just on one page and there’s novels still being written.
Keep writing your story
To you, who’s hurting and feeling broken perhaps even numb. Questioning whether life is worth living, this is for you. Perhaps it’s been a bad day or a rough period.
You may doubt yourself. (Doesn’t meant that you’re not full of potential and capabilities!)
You may feel like you’re a burden. (Doesn’t mean that you are!)
You may want it all to end. (Doesn’t mean your life or life itself isn’t worth living!)
You may feel like a failure. (Doesn’t mean that you are! What even is failure really?)
You may feel unworthy of love. (You’re beyond it, you are love)
Because you’re a human being.
Being a human being is complex! A swirl of life, death, happiness, sadness, a duality of holding and being everything all at once.
Life is tough but so are you.
When we are in the depths of despair, our shadow takes over.
Our mind can convince us that there’s no hope or possibility of change… yet it’s a guarantee of life that things will always change.
Life is a dance between the ever changing forces of destruction and creation, we cycle in and out.
Life is every moving, dynamic, shifting, growing, evolving, collapsing, shrinking, expanding and so are we.
When we are in the darkness it feels as if we are doomed forever.
Don’t let the darkness fool you for the light is not only around the corner but within you.
Keep going.
We need your unique essence and energy in this world.
You are wanted in this world – in all your wholeness: good, bad, ugly, beautiful, broken, put together – aaaalll of it is a gift and blessing.
There are many pages of your life story to be written.
Characters to be introduced.
New plot lines and sub stories.
An accompanying soundtrack and movie perhaps.
I hope you realise that life is a gift and so are you, hold on – pain ends.
From the ashes of destruction comes the greatest come back, a rebirth of the soul ready to rise and thrive ☄️
Keep writing your story and turning the pages ✍️
love & positivity ✨ phi
Looking to work with me? I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Contact me for more info 🧡 I’d love to help you live a life that lights up your soul ❤️🔥💫