In this episode we explore the transformative energy of the Leo New Moon of August 2024, delving into how this potent lunar phase can inspire creativity and self-expression. Phi shares insightful journal prompts and empowering affirmations to help you tap into your inner lion, set bold intentions, and align with your true passions.

Hello Beautiful Soul, Welcome to August 2024 and we are officially in Leo season with the upcoming new moon on the 4th. Before I dive into it a quick life and business update, July has been the biggest month to date in business this year and August is officially booked out too. New 1:1 coaching spots will open up in September with one already snapped up as well as human design readings. September is going to be a big month in my world watch this space… and I am so excited I’m literally recording this the day before I fly to Bali to hold my first retreat with 8 incredible women. Again spots will open up for the Bali 2025 retreat likely in October for August 2025 so if you’re interested in retreats, 1:1 coaching or human design please feel free to message me on Instagram or email me to get on waitlists.

Okay let’s go Leo New Moon! This is the most potent and magical time for manifestations as it tees up nicely with the Lion’s Gate portal of 8/8. The background to all this as we have been witnessing collectively is funky, big mysterious changes are ahead for all but we can’t say for sure what look at what’s unfolding in the US elections and the perception of the Paris Olympic Games Opening Ceremony. 

I’m being told to focus on the inner light and not being drawn to the funk that is there. To channel big LEO energy.

Leo New Moon Energy and Vibe August 2024

Imagine a stage bathed in golden light, where the spotlight finds its true home on a single, radiant figure. The main character. This is the essence of Leo—You are both the star and the stage, your heart the music.

Leo is the heroine of her own grand narrative, embodying a fierce bravery that defies the ordinary. She strides onto the scene with a boldness that electrifies the air, her every movement a testament to the courage it takes to follow one’s heart. Her path is illuminated by an inner light that refuses to be dimmed, a beacon guiding her through shadows and challenges alike.

In the grand theatre of life, Leo doesn’t just seek the spotlight—she commands it. She leads with a charisma that captivates and inspires, drawing others to her side with the magnetic pull of her authentic self. Her leadership isn’t about dominance, but about setting the stage for others to discover their own brilliance, too.

Leo’s energy is a celebration of self-expression in its purest form. Imagine a canvas where every stroke is a vivid declaration of who you are, a palette bursting with colors that have been waiting for this moment to be expressed. In the Leo light, there is no room for self-doubt; only the exuberant joy of being unapologetically you. It’s an invitation to sing your own song, dance your own dance, and paint your own masterpiece.

At the heart of Leo’s essence lies a deep connection to the inner child—the part of you that dreams without limits and loves without fear. Leo beckons you to reconnect with that pure, playful spirit, to embrace the wonder and curiosity that once defined your world. It’s about rediscovering the magic that lives in the simplest moments and allowing it to fuel your creative endeavours and personal growth.

To be touched by Leo’s energy is to feel the pulse of possibility, the call to rise above mediocrity and embrace the fullness of one’s own potential. It’s a call to harness the raw, untamed power of the heart and channel it into dreams, passions, and aspirations.

Leo calls us to embrace your inner spotlight, take bold steps towards your dreams, and lead with the fearless love that only you can give. The world awaits the story only you can tell, so shine brightly and let your light blaze a path for others to follow.

Leo New Moon Journal Prompts Questions August 2024

Here are 8 powerful journal prompts that you can do to channel the energy of the Leo New Moon in August 2024;

What is a dream or goal you’ve been hesitant to pursue, and how can embracing Leo’s courage help you take the first step?
Reflect on a dream or goal you’ve been holding back on. How can you channel Leo’s bravery to move forward with confidence?

How can you better express your authentic self, and what does self-expression look like for you under this Leo New Moon?
Consider ways you can show up more authentically in your life. What forms of self-expression resonate with you, and how can you incorporate them into your daily routine?

What are the areas of your life where you feel like you’re not fully shining, and what actions can you take to bring more light and visibility to these aspects?
Identify areas where you might be holding back. What steps can you take to let your true self shine in these areas?

In what ways can you embrace your inner child and allow her to guide you in pursuing your passions and desires?
Connect with your inner child’s dreams and creativity. How can embracing this playful spirit help you pursue what you truly want?

How can you use the Leo New Moon energy to set powerful intentions for your personal and professional growth?
Write down your intentions for this lunar cycle. How can you align these intentions with Leo’s themes of leadership, creativity, confidence and inspired action?

What does being a leader mean to you, and how can you embody Leo’s leadership qualities in your daily life?
Reflect on your personal definition of leadership. How can you take charge of your life and inspire others while embodying Leo’s dynamic qualities?

What fears or self-doubts are holding you back from fully embracing your potential, and how can you use the Leo New Moon to overcome them?
Explore any fears or doubts that might be inhibiting your growth. How can you use Leo’s fearless energy to address and overcome these challenges?

How can you celebrate and honor your achievements, no matter how small, and use Leo’s energy to build a habit of self-celebration and gratitude?
Identify ways to recognise and celebrate your accomplishments. How can you build a practice of acknowledging your successes and cultivating gratitude with Leo’s vibrant energy?

Leo New Moon Journal Affirmations Mantras August 2024

As well as 8 Leo New Moon mantras and affirmations to play with in August 2024:

Under the Leo New Moon’s glow, I unleash my inner fire, embrace my creative brilliance, and manifest my most audacious dreams.”

I welcome the Leo New Moon’s energy as a catalyst for my personal evolution and bold new beginnings.

With each breath, I channel the majestic energy of Leo, turning aspirations into reality with fearless grace.

My heart beats with the rhythm of courage, guiding me to leap beyond my comfort zone and into greatness.

In the spotlight of the New Moon, I shed my old self and emerge as a dazzling new version of me.

My voice is a powerful instrument, and under the New Moon, I tune it to the frequency of my highest aspirations.

I am the cosmic playwright, penning a new act filled with courage, creativity, and boundless potential.

I harness the fierceness of Leo Energy  to illuminate my path, fuelling my journey with passion and purpose. 

I hope you have the most beautiful potent Leo New Moon my love, until next time love & positivity 

Phi Dang