September is the month of the radical and the unexpected, a time when life invites us to break free from the familiar and explore new horizons. 

There’s an electric current running beneath the surface, urging you to lean in and embrace change. It’s a season of surprises, where plans may take sudden turns, and new opportunities can arise from unexpected places.

This energy encourages you to let go of rigid expectations and open yourself to possibilities that hadn’t yet considered. The radical can be as scary as it is liberating.

Here’s to having the courage to walk down paths previously never considered or imagined.

Radical transformation doesn’t always mean external change; it can also be deeply internal.

This is a month for awakening dormant parts of ourselves, the subconscious, the shadows to shake off old beliefs, and step into a more empowered version of who you are.

It’s about radical self-acceptance, shedding layers of doubt, and realizing that the unexpected moments often carry the seeds of our greatest growth.

September holds the potential for a profound personal revolution, but it requires a willingness to be open, flexible, and resilient. What seems like a disruption may very well be the universe’s way of guiding us toward our next chapter. No matter what our mind thinks and conceive. Trust, have faith and surrender 🎢

Here’s to you 🧡

Ellie Simpson