Month: October 2024

  • Strength in surrender

    There’s a beauty and fragility that comes with. being human. It’s not about being invincible. It’s to be real, raw, and open.

    Life sometimes pries your heart open, honouring the spaces where we feel most tender. Strength is glorified in stoicism yet true power lies in being willing to be open to whatever life brings, even when it’s painful.

    There’s a strength in surrender, in admitting that you don’t have all the answers, but you are brave enough to walk through the unknown with faith and trust.

    In being human you come to realise that every heartbreak, every struggle, every moment when you feel like you might shatter, is part of a larger story unfolding.

    Whether it’s facing a difficult conversation or perhaps handling, we constantly navigate a balance between strength and vulnerability.

    Practically, this means coming to an acceptance that not everything will go according to plan. There will be moments of doubt, of feeling fragile, but those moments are where you get to know more about yourself. Embracing the ups and downs of life allows you to live more authentically and connect to your deeper purpose.

    When it comes to personal growth, fragility is a crucial element.

    Growth doesn’t come from staying in your comfort zone; it comes from stepping into the unknown, where you feel exposed and uncertain.

    These are the moments when you’re most likely to doubt yourself or fear failure. But it’s also where transformation happens. Recognising your fragility doesn’t mean you stop moving forward—it means you move forward with more awareness and compassion.

    You give yourself permission to fail and grow from it, knowing that the fragility you feel is part of the process.

    It’s the hardship and beauty… magic… of being oh so very human 🧡

    Looking for help, support and guidance in your life? I would love to help, I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings.

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  • The October Super Full Moon in Aries

    The light inside of you, the one that has known sorrow, still shines brighter with every season of your life.

    It carries the wisdom of your struggles, the tenderness of your healing, and the resilience of your heart.

    Your light transforms pain into power, doubt into clarity, and fear into courage.

    With each cycle of life, you rise brighter, fuller, more radiant, proving that no darkness can extinguish the light of a heart, your heart, that chooses to keep shining.

    Read on for more information on how the supermoon may impact you 🌕

    The October Super Full Moon in Aries brings a surge of powerful energy that is all about release, closure, and taking bold steps forward. This is all amplified by the nature of a super moon, full moons which naturally invite us to let go, and being in Aries — a fiery and action-oriented sign, this one encourages you to release anything holding you back from stepping into your true power.

    The sign of Aries is all about independence, courage, and taking initiative. Aries energy doesn’t like to sit still or dwell in the past, so if there’s something that’s been holding you back, this full moon is your chance to break free. Where are you ready to be bolder and more true to yourself?

    On an emotional level, this moon may bring up feelings of impatience, frustration, or even sacred rage, anger as you confront what needs to change. It’s important to acknowledge those feelings but not let them control your actions. Instead, use them as fuel for transformation.

    This full moon is asking you to be brave, to face what’s no longer working, and to release it with confidence, knowing that something better is on its way ❤️‍🔥

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  • Life isn’t meant to be perfect…

    Life isn’t meant to be perfect… and that’s the beauty of it.

    The unexpected beauty that can spring from heartbreak.

    An inspiring future that stems from a painful past.

    Moments of joy intertwined with sorrow.

    Aching lows and thrilling highs.

    Hope and Despair. Chaos and Clarity.

    This is life – imperfect, unpredictable, and undeniably beautiful.

    What can you gain from embracing life’s inhered imperfections?

    To be present and to appreciate the small moments in life that often go unnoticed.

    Spontaneous laughter.

    A random rain shower on a sunny day.

    A detour that means to an even better view.

    It’s in the unplanned and messy that life can offer as true treasures.

    Here is to celebrate life in all its imperfect glory, finding beauty in the unexpected and strength in our struggles.

    When it all comes down to it — we discover the profound truth that life, in all its unpredictability, is a remarkable journey worth embracing.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • You are not defined by your struggles

    Maybe it feels at times that life is trying to break you and that you’re falling apart.
    Every crack, every fracture to your heart, your soul and spirit is not a sign of weakness; it’s evidence of your resilience to grow.

    Healing isn’t about returning to the person you were before; it’s about who you are becoming in the shedding and unlearning.
    You are not defined by your struggles but by how you rise from them.

    Each challenge you face offers a chance to discover new strengths within yourself.

    Perhaps we are never broken but our true authentic self reveals itself. We are dynamic souls, we aren’t meant to be static.

    Healing allows us to shed old layers, letting go of what no longer serves and making space for new growth and transformation.

    As you navigate this path, remember that it’s okay to feel vulnerable and to ask for help when you need it. Surround yourself with those who uplift you and remind you of your worth. Self compassion is a must — it’s a natural part of the journey to have ups and downs.

    Trust in your journey, and know that healing is a beautiful process that leads to a brighter future. Keep moving forward, and let your spirit shine even brighter through the cracks 🌟

    If this resonates and you’re looking for support and guidance it would be an honour to walk with you by your side 🧡 I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings.

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  • Here’s to the unknown

    When you stand at the edge of the unknown, you’re standing at the brink of possibilities. Anything and everything could happen. Each step into unfamiliar territory is a chance to expand, to stretch beyond what you thought you were capable of.

    It’s in these moments of uncertainty that you discover the depth of your resilience, the courage anchored within you and the power of your potential. The unknown invites you to explore unchartered parts of yourself, the parts that have been waiting for an opportunity to emerge, to shine in ways you never imagined.

    So when you stand at the edge of the unknown, let it be a place of wonder rather than worry. Here’s to the unknown.

    So how do you deal with the unknown?

    The first step is acknowledging that it’s okay to feel uneasy, to feel fear or hesitation when facing uncertainty.

    These emotions are natural, but they don’t have to dictate your actions. Instead of resisting the unknown, lean in — to embrace it as part of your journey.

    Start with reframing uncertainty—not as something to be feared, but as a space where possibilities live. The fertile void. The magical in between.

    It’s where your next adventure begins, where growth, transformation, and new opportunities await.

    When you accept that you don’t need all the answers right away, you give yourself permission to explore without the pressure of perfection.

    After all, they call it a leap of faith for a reason 🦋

    If you’re looking for support and guidance with your next chapter and step in life, for landing on what’s next — I’d love to help. As a life coach I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings 🧡

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  • October… The light after the storm


    It’s the light after the storm. The rebirth. What’s fallen apart is coming together, piece by piece. The chaos has subsided, life is becoming more clear.

    You stand stronger, wiser, more attuned to your heart’s desires. The cracks that once seemed to break you are now the places where the light floods in, illuminating the path ahead.

    What was once uncertain is now unfolding with grace. Every scar tells a story of strength, every setback a lesson in trust.

    You no longer fear the unknown, because you’ve realised that the unknown is where transformation happens. What once felt like an end is now a beginning.

    You are the phoenix rising from the ashes, the ocean after the storm. Each step forward is a testament to your resilience, to your ability to rebuild not just what was lost, but something even more magnificent.

    You’ve outgrown the past. Now, you rise into a version of yourself that feels more real, more true. The storm was never meant to break you, it was meant to set you free.

    After a tough month of navigating challenges, emotions running high and a month perhaps that felt like there was so much weight on your shoulders — now comes a shift.

    The storm has passed, and in its wake, you are the light. There’s hope and new beginnings in the air. You’ve made it through the difficult days that tested your spirit and stretched your resilience, and now, the universe is offering you a chance to exhale.

    The struggles of late have shaped you, refining your strength and deepening your connection to yourself.

    You’ve felt the heaviness, the uncertainty, but now you get to rise with a softness and grace that only comes from facing life’s storms. Your intuition is sharper, your heart more open. This is your reminder that the universe always has a plan, even when it doesn’t make sense.

    Trust that this month brings new energy, a fresh start. It’s your time to embrace the unfolding, to step into the version of yourself you’ve been growing into.

    Let this be the month where you honour your self and needs, nurture your soul — to new beginnings 🦋

    For more information on the energy right now, listen episode 89 (Lunar Solar Eclipse September October 2024) of the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang 🎧

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  • Aries and Libra Energetic Chapters

    Been feeling emotional and unclear? We are towards the end of a series of energetic chapters in Aries and Libra. Reflect on the dates below to see what comes up for you:

    April 2023
    October 2023
    March 2024
    April 2024
    October 2024

    The final chapter ends March 2025.

    Current themes: letting go, the past, the unexpected, relationships, karma and new beginnings.

    This flavour was last experienced between 2013 to 2016.

    Let’s navigate this energy together.

    We are in a gateway, a bridge, an eclipse sandwich in between two eclipses. What’s really interesting about this current one is from the lunar eclipse in pisces in September a few weeks ago, the next is a solar eclipse coincides with a new moon on the 2nd of October in Libra.

    Eclipses are not just astronomical events; they’re cosmic catalysts that can shift our lives significantly. Each eclipse occurs in pairs. The one that recently happened in September, a lunar eclipse illuminated our inner worlds, revealing what needs to be let go of, while the upcoming October solar eclipse represents new beginnings and fresh starts. Together, they form a dynamic interplay that encourages us to embrace transformation and change.

    The recent lunar eclipse in September invited us to look inward. What fears or limiting beliefs have been holding us back? What relationships no longer serve us? This eclipse shines a light on the shadows, urging us to acknowledge and release what we’ve outgrown. It’s a moment to honor our past experiences, but also to recognise the need for change.

    Now with all of this said, it’s important to also take note of the background to all of this. The shift in destiny nodes too energetically. Currently, the focus has shifted from the Aries/Libra chapter for the last year and half to now starting to introduce Pisces and Virgo energy inviting us to explore new themes in our lives.

    Essentially the recent lunar eclipse was a peak of a new chapter coming in over 2025 – 2027 in the energies of Pisces and Virgo so we’re not quite there yet given Aries and Libra with the upcoming solar eclipse in Libra.

    For a breakdown intuitively and energetically of the themes at play including journaling prompts listen to the latest episode of my podcast 🎧 Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang

    For personalised support and guidance I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings 🌱

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  • There’s something bigger planned for you

    Maybe life has something bigger planned for you, and that’s why things don’t unfold the way you thought they would or had hoped.

    Sometimes, what you think is best for you may not align with the deeper potential you hold. The universe has a way of steering you toward experiences and opportunities that match your true alignment, even if they don’t fit within the framework of your original plans.

    It’s in those moments of uncertainty and redirection that life often reveals something greater, something you couldn’t have imagined but are exactly what you need for your growth.

    It doesn’t mean that it’s easy, because honestly, dealing with the unexpected can be really tough. When life takes a turn that you didn’t anticipate, it’s natural to feel disappointed, frustrated, or even heartbroken.

    Letting go of what you thought would happen and embracing the unknown is a process that requires courage and faith. It’s hard to surrender when you’ve put so much time, energy, and hope into a particular outcome, only to have things go in a completely different direction. That’s the reality—sometimes it’s painful, and sometimes it feels unfair.

    But even in those difficult moments, there’s an opportunity for growth. When you face the discomfort of uncertainty, you’re invited to build resilience, trust, and patience. It’s a chance to deepen your connection with yourself and the universe, to lean into the idea that there’s a larger force at play. It’s in those hard, messy moments that you often discover your strength and capacity to adapt.

    The path might not be easy, but every challenge you face equips you with the tools you need to navigate future obstacles. I believe in you beautiful soul, you’ve got this! Should you want or need support, guidance I got you. I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings, get in touch I am here for you 🧡

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