Month: September 2024

  • Things won’t always make sense

    There’s going to be times in life where things don’t make sense. When your heart aches and your mind yearns to understand, it can feel like you’re trapped in a maze with no clear way out.

    It’s natural to seek answers, to want to grasp onto something solid, but life doesn’t always offer that kind of clarity right away.

    Just maybe the answers aren’t ready to reveal themselves yet, that sometimes, the beauty of life lies in it’s mysteries, in the unfolding of events that we cannot predict or control.

    The unexpected.

    The truth is sometimes things just don’t make sense. They aren’t clear. It isn’t logical.

    This doesn’t mean that you’re lost, nor that you are broken or something is necessarily wrong… you’re on a journey and patience is key.

    Trusting the process requires faith — faith in yourself, in the timing of your life, and in the universe’s ability to weave everything together for your highest good.

    Even when your heart is heavy, try to lean into the discomfort, knowing that this can be a moment of growth and expansion.

    In time, clarity will come. The pieces of the puzzle will start to fit together, and you’ll begin to see the bigger picture that was hidden from view 🧩

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Your soul’s purpose…

    Often, the desires that want to be born within us require patience and nurturing. They are not rushed into existence but instead grow slowly, like a seed taking root in the earth.

    These desires are sacred, and they reflect our deepest truth – the parts of ourselves that we are ready to express in the world. It might be a project that captures our life force, a shift in how we live our lives, or a calling to serve others in a meaningful way.

    Whatever it is, it requires our courage to let go of the old, making space for the new to blossom.

    s we give ourselves permission to bring forth these desires, we are not only honouring our own evolution but also contributing to the collective awakening of the collective consciousness.

    By allowing what desires to be birthed within us to take form, we become living expressions of our soul’s purpose.

    It is through this process of personal growth that we align with our highest potential and create a life that is a true reflection of our inner truth.

    Be kind to yourself beautiful soul.

    You are birthing something new to the world, that takes time 🪷

    Click here to read more