Month: March 2023

  • 32: What is Karma and The 12 Laws of Karma

    All about Karma.

    This episode is all about Karma. What is Karma. The different types of Karma. The 12 laws of karma. How to work with karma. Is karma a good or bad thing? Is the universe punishing or rewarding you? Karmic relationships. Karmic contracts.

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    Episode 32 - What is Karma and the 12 Laws of Karma

    This week what has come up for myself and clients is karma. So I decided to do an episode all about it. When you think of karma, you probably think what goes around comes around but there’s actually so much more to it. 

    What is Karma?

    Karma comes from the Sanskrit word karman which means action, the root of the word which is ‘to do’ or ‘to make.’ 

    Karma to me is something as a concept that gets us to be very conscious, intentional and aware of what we are doing, which isn’t a bad thing. 

    Living a life by design gives us more fulfilment and we have greater impact. Imagine everyone did, it would truly be a win, win!

    Karma is a bridge between our lifetimes if you believe in the spiritual viewpoint that our soul has lived many lives. Over the lives we live there may be things that are unresolved and unfinished. It’s taking this broader, wider perspective on life that it isn’t just your soul as it is right now, it’s the complete timeline and history of your soul — all the lives you have lived. 

    The universe takes care of karma, you don't have to or need to

    So think of it this way — you never have to go out of your way to teach someone a lesson or if you’ve been deeply hurt and wronged to enact your own justice because trust me the Universe has already set it all up. It’s not worth your time, energy or effort especially when it drags you down to their level / a lower vibration.

    Is karma a good or bad thing? Is the universe punishing or rewarding me?

    The perspective I take is that karma isn’t a bad good bad thing. It simply is. Karma simply repeats and loops itself (in what can make you feel insane) in order to create new results but in order for that to happen, something different has to change. Take the perspective it’s about accumulating awareness and knowledge to decrease ignorance. 

    The perspective that karma is simple a feedback system to help you be your most highest and aligned self. Karma is the mirror held up to you. So karma isn’t punishing and rewarding, it simply reflects and is neutral like a mirror. If you don’t like what you see it isn’t the mirror, it’s you. The mirror is the vehicle and channel. Karma is here to evolve your soul. 

    Karma is a mirror

    I love this quote by Shannon Adler, “Karma isn’t revenge; it is a mirror of your souls mistakes and for those that wish bad karma for you it is also a mirror for their mistakes. Karma was never meant to be a punishment. It is a reminder of your soul’s true self to be better than all the insecurities that hurt others because of your own fear and lack in faith that God has a plan for you.”

    How do you know if something is karmic?

    How do you know if something is karmic? 

    Often it feels very repetitive, something that keeps coming up over and over again until we move through it and gotten what we needed from that experience whether it’s a learning or unlearning. It often involves needing to confront and face your fears. 

    For example I think many of us can relate to seemingly dating the same type of person. Different person but maybe the same issues come up such as emotional unavailability or feeling like you need to win someone over in order to prove you are loveable. Now I want to put it out there karmic relationships aren’t just in romantic situations, it could be that boss of yours who is hard to get along with or a friend/family member that really triggers you.

    Karmic Contracts

    In this way comes the concept of karmic contracts. Think of them in the feedback system of balancing everything out. They aren’t always meant to be forever, most of them are temporary and end once you’ve cleared the unresolved energy between two souls, often learning, growing and expanding in the process. It may feel like an instant energetic charge. Naturally being so drawn like it is magnetic to someone that you can’t explain it or even repulsed. Like you’ve known them for a long time or they are familiar. Constantly thinking about them. Often there will be push and pull tension, highs and lows. Often there is an imbalance of power dynamics too which is accompanied by drama. 

    How to break or shift karma

    To shift the karma one must act consciously and intentionally to break the cycle. With all situations it often involves leaving and walking away which is easy in theory but harder in reality. It can help to imagine karmic contracts as scrolls and burning them to end them. It can also help to affirm for guidance, “I’d like to release this karmic situation or person. Universe please guide and help me to do so in the most loving and aligned way possible. Show me the way, show me the signs.” 

    Tools to find and understand karma

    You can look for indicators of karma based on your birth chart and human design. In human design we can look at specifically what type of karmic lifetime you have, the life theme’s you’ll encounter as well and if you’re in a relationship, doing an overlay of charts you can also see if there’s karma too. If you’re interested in a reading, I do have avails so please reach out or book through my website, I’d love to work with you.

    Types of karma

    There are different types of Karma.

    Sanchitta – accumulated karma, a field of plants, some of which comes to fruition in this lifetime and some that won’t.

    Parabda – karma that is coming into fruition in this lifetime which will shape this life.

    Agami – karma that is being created right now in this lifetime that will go on to impact future lives. Think of it as planting seeds.

    Kriyamana – instant karma that you see in the moment for example you have a negative loop spiral, lash out at someone and there behold a parking fine.

    Thus this establishes that it’s universally believed karma transcends lifetimes.

    It will even splinter into your own individual karma but also you can have ancestral/family/lineage karma passed onto you which is powerful to help break family patterns. 

    12 Laws of Karma

    Similarly to the 12 Laws of the Universe, which I have done an episode on (Episode 3).

    Did you know there are 12 Laws of Karma? 

    The Law of Cause and Effect

    What you sow, you shall reap. What you put out there, you’ll get back. If you want love, be and give love. If you start judging someone, you’ll be judged back by another. The core essence is very similar to the law of attraction. 

    The Law of Creation

    You have to be an active participant in life because you are a co creator. The most powerful takeaway is to never forget that. You are a creator in this life. You are the universe manifested physically in human form. Be a creator. Don’t just wait and manifest, take inspired action. When you’re not sure, create space for more in your life.

    The Law of Humility

    One must accept something in order to change it or the inverse: what you refuse to accept will continue for you. Start with where you are. By this its saying if you aren’t happy in your life right now, take responsibility for it. Accept that you aren’t happy. From this place, you can start. 

    The Law of Growth

    Change starts with yourself. The sentiment of “Wherever you go, there you are.” Know that the only control you have is over yourself. Focus on your own development, growth, thoughts, perspectives and actions. Growth starts within. 

    As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”When you grow likely life around you will grow and I see that all the time with clients. 

    They start doing the work and see how the people around them change. It’s that degree of being an energetic match. Of course as your vibration rises, everything around you will as well. You change your life when you change yourself first. There is always room for growth (not that you should feel the pressure of always improving). It’s the backdrop and context of life, we are here to evolve continually. 

    Hint: if you want to do this, let’s work together through 1:1 coaching! You aren’t meant to do it alone. I’d love to be your support and guide.

    The Law of Responsibility

    Being accountable and taking ownership of what you create whether you label it ‘good’ or ‘bad.’

    The Law of Connection

    How everything is interconnected. Interdependent. Past, present and future. Every being human to human, human to Earth, human to animals. How you interact with the world at large. You can think of this as ethics too such as caring for the environment, preservation for future generations. The ripple effect really.

    The Law of Focus

    Energy flows where focus goes. Where do you place your attention? High or low vibration? Technically this law believes we should focus on one thing at a time but as a manifesting generator in human design I disagree. Again this is going to be different for everyone but for example having worked with generators I know they can feel overwhelmed and lost without a focus.

    The Law of Hospitality and Giving

    Integrity. Our behaviour should match our actions. Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk too. What we do and say should match what we believe and preach. Life will give us opportunities to show and reflect this. A test of our character. It’s also the concept of kindness right? If you choose to be giving and generous do so from a pure place with no conditions and expectations. Help others in the ways you can, it doesn’t have to be financially, it could be through time, energy, effort as examples too.

    The Law of Here and Now

    Being here in the present moment. What’s happened in the past is done. The future is not yet here. Don’t miss the present moment because it creates the future. 

    The Law of Change

    History repeating itself. Nothing changes, if nothing changes. 

    The Law of Patience and Reward

    Simply stated, hard work will always pay off. Success will eventually follow. Know that if you do good deeds it will never be unnoticed. Maybe it won’t come to fruition in this lifetime but it could be in your next or a future one. Think of this like a GPS, putting in the exact place you want to go. You trust that eventually even if you take wrong turns, detours, redirections or whatever you’re going to get to where you need to. Apply this to your life too.

    The Law of Inspiration and Importance

    Rewarded based on energy and effort we put in. In saying that everything thing counts whether big or small. It all adds up and accumulates. It makes a difference to the whole. It could be a simple as smiling at a stranger to starting a charity. Everything is significant. You are significant. You are always contributing to the world and collective consciousness. It’s an encouragement to tap into your natural gifts and share with the world, otherwise it’s a disservice to us all. We all know that we learn from our interactions with others and forget that the same goes for us, we are also a teacher and guide to many others in our life through what we do and our actions. 

    Can you escape karma?

    There are different schools of thought as to whether you can truly ever escape and burn off all your karma through means like rituals, healings, yoga, chanting, meditation and so fourth, so I think it’s best to address ultimately how to work with karma.

    Should I be scared of karma?

    Don’t fear it if ultimately can accept and allow it’s the backdrop of life, in this game, in this experience. It’s more powerful to be aware of it. It aligns with what we know of physics, Newton’s Third Law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. That applies to energy, action and our intentions. 

    Take the perspective your soul chose specific experiences and karma to shape the lives that we ultimately live. Our soul is always acting for our highest good and with deep unconditional love. A part of that is allowing ourselves to grow through our life experiences. 

    Be self aware to improve karma

    Be self aware. The more you know yourself, the more conscious you are, the more likely you’re going to act and behave in alignment with your highest self and values. It’s about being in your power and going inwards instead of looking to blame external circumstances and lose your power to sources outside of yourself. Understand your triggers, traumas, patterns, pain and perspectives. Catch yourself going unconscious into the familiar or automatic instead of conscious choice. 

    Heal your shadows and wounds to improve karma

    Yes this involves the work but as a coach it’s so important for me to tell you this isn’t done by being angry, annoyed, frustrated at yourself and beating yourself up. It’s done with love and compassion for self. You are human. You aren’t meant to be perfect and if you were life would be so boring and pointless as you won’t get the full experience. Find a way to forgive and let go of the past. See the innocence in other souls. See the innocence of your own soul, self forgiveness and compassion. Grudges create an energetic tie towards someone, they get to live rent free in your head and energy field. I’ve also done an episode on forgiveness (number 6) and the core key there being it’s for you, not them but in the process is a win win.

    Not all of us in this lifetime will grow spiritually and learn all that we need to. By you listening, I would say that’s not you given you are listening to improve your personal self awareness and work on yourself. In challenging times look for the growth, it can always be found. 

    Gratitude and karma

    On the other hand, celebrate and appreciate karma that brings positivity and blessings into your life! An attitude of gratitude. By means of karma we deserve everything we get which includes the good stuff! 

    Inner peace and karma

    Cultivate inner peace within yourself so that you are not as disturbed by what is going on outside of you.

    Be an uplifting, beautiful soul for the most part. Check in with yourself as to the intentions behind your actions. 

    Click here to read more

  • You can keep going

    Everything in divine timing...

    So maybe this year didn’t start out the way you wanted or expected… and that’s okay.

    The year isn’t over yet, it’s only just begun.

    Things can shift and change at any time.

    Sometimes on the surface it feels like nothing is happening or going your way, when really it is.

    You just can’t see it right now.

    Life is conspiring and coming together behind the scenes.

    Anything is possible.

    It can still happen.

    Everything in perfect, divine timing.

    Have faith and hold the vision.

    At the end of this year, you’ll be glad you did.

    You are worthy...

    so what if the year so far hasn’t been as magical as you hoped or expected … it doesn’t mean that it won’t eventually be 🦋

    don’t let current circumstances dictate what your heart and soul know.

    you are worthy of what you desire.

    the journey is a mixture of patience and inspired action.

    know that what is meant for you, is yours no matter what is going on right now.

    this your sign to hold on.

    I know it’s been tough and testing, on the other side of this is greater growth.

    sometimes the light is hiding behind the shadows temporarily.

    the breakdown, the void, the fog is all part of a bigger picture to reveal itself…

    let life unfold, save this post and come back to it at the end of the year… then you will see 👁️ it’s all playing out perfectly according to what you need for your highest good and alignment.

    it’s a long term game; not a short one.

    Click here to read more