Do you need a money mindset shift?
Money mindset...
Wealth is the consciousness of abundance.
Poverty is the consciousness of lack.
5 tips for money mindset shifts
📞 bling bling 💎 5 instant money mindset shifts coming thru…
💸 having money doesn’t actually change your underlying beliefs around money. If you feel scarce now, you’ll still feel scarce when you make more money 🤕 and a big tip for you: money doesn’t equal security and safety…
💸 it is your divine birthright to receive and be abundant 👼🏼 plants never worry if there’s enough sun to go around 🌞 more money can always be printed… seriously. It is all the time everyday. Infinite source.
💸 Maybe why money hasn’t been around you is because money is waiting for you to evolve and grow so it can flow freely to you 🌱
💸 Rich mind = rich energy = rich thoughts. I focus on what I want vs what I don’t have. I focus on what I already have vs what I don’t have. Tap into wealth and abundance NOW not when you have $x or own y or make z💡
💸 Have more fun around and thinking about money. Money is sick of being made the bad guy. Money is sick of all the desperation around it. One of my favourite money thoughts is money is so attracted to me and hot for me 🥵
Here’s to your abundance, prosperity and wealth money magnet 🧲
love & positivity ✨ phi -
This is your soul speaking
On desire...
You know that niggling feeling that pulls at you and makes you feel uncomfortable deep down inside that you can’t explain?
Yeah that’s your soul being unsettled because maybe you’re not listening.
Maybe you desire more…
You aren't your thoughts
Caught between your head and your heart beautiful soul? 🤕
Your head… your mind… your brain – it isn’t you.
You aren’t your thoughts 💭
In fact your mind lies all the time – it’s a drama queen 🎭 the negative self talk…
“You should do it… don’t be stupid”
“Who do you think you are?”
“I mean the answer is so obvious are you dumb?”
Remember your head and mind is here to protect you, to keep you safe (which often can mean in the comfort zone which is great – stable and secure but it ain’t soul fulfilling)
Your heart… your soul… your higher self – that can’t be made up.
It bypasses your survival mode analytical mind.
It’s FELT in your BODY.
Drop into your body.
The stillness.
When your heart and soul speak through the body what do they say?
Trust the pull and nudges… it’s there for a reason.
That’s the biggest flex: faith, the knowing.
Following my mind let me to great places… for a while.
Everything on paper was perfect yet deep down I KNEW I wasn’t truly happy and satisfied.
For a while I TRIED to ignore it… but it just got LOUDER AND LOUDER.
It felt heavy, that I couldn’t carry it – the pounding, the knowing, that feeling… so I surrendered and trusted (yes it’s scary and uncomfortable… it’s called the leap of faith for a reason)…
Following my heart has led me to everything… love, abundance, health, wealth… living a life beyond my wildest dreams.
It’s not for the faint hearted… I mean imagine a world where we all truly did follow our heart 🤯
If you did…
If you do…
Who will you be?
What decisions will you make?
What will your life be like?
love & positivity ✨ phi -
Awareness is the light of consciousness
On healing
Repeat after me:
You cannot heal what is not revealed.
You cannot heal if you don’t feel.
You cannot heal what is not revealed.
Consciousness, intention & awareness
This is the number 1 starting point for all things personal growth without a doubt.
It’s awareness 👁
If you don’t know, how can you change it?
Consciousness and intention are the keys to personal growth and self development.
It’s not just about mental awareness it’s also about emotional intelligence + embodiment.
The body has the wisest inbuilt internal GPS – the secret is to actually listen to the subtle whispers instead of the screaming and shouting when you aren’t.
Awareness also is important in recognizing that something is out of alignment for you.
There’s nothing wrong with you.
There is no shame.
We all carry wounds that have healed and some that we hide from the light of day… it’s human.
Further to that anything can become an act of personal growth and spiritual strengthening through the act of awareness.
Awareness is the light of consciousness ✨
Ready to take your awareness to the next level?
Im holding a free 5 day masterclass next week to kick start your 2022 with consciousness, intention and growth!
DM me to join (there will be replays for those who can’t make it live)
love & positivity ✨ phi
Ready for personalised support and guidance on your healing journey?
I’d love to work with you through 1:1 coaching ⚡️ -
On trusting the present
You are the catalyst
You are making waves in oceans that cannot be seen yet.
You are making tremors in earthquakes that cannot be felt yet.
You are making sparks in lightning that haven’t struck yet.
You are making heat in blazes that haven’t burned yet.
You are the catalyst.
You are the power.
Just because it’s not here yet, doesn’t mean it’s not happening…
It’s simply in the making.
Tuning into the present
There’s nothing more exciting then the taste of potentiality on the tip of your tongue.
The way it lights up your body, atom by atom, cell by cell.
The way it pours and floods into every fibre of your being with.
There is so much happening even if you can’t quite see it, or feel it or touch it…
The universe conspiring behind the scenes, pulling the strings, waiting for the perfect moment.
This beautiful flow… this beautiful magic… this beautiful synchronicity cannot be be controlled, at times it can’t even be comprehended..
Your current reality is only a snapshot of the infinite potentiality that exists.
Know that it is all coming together…
If you know that you aren’t worried about timing.
You aren’t worried about what ISN’T happening.
You’re simply here tuning into the present moment with full faith and alignment 💫
love & positivity ✨ phi
🌀 Ready to tune in deeper to your intuition, to learn how to have faith and trust, to confront your fears with clarity and confidence? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.
Contact me for more details 🧡
Trust the curiosity… trust the pull ✨ -
Why are you waiting to truly live?
Do you feel it?
Why do we wait on death to take us?
Like it should happen at some old age or when we get sick.
Why do we wait for that moment to then truly live?
The truth of the matter is everyday, in every moment you are closer to death.
Death is the only guarantee in life.
This is death’s greatest gift to us.
Knowing this is to truly live.
You might be living, but are you alive?
Do you feel your heart beating?
Do you feel your muscles tense?
Do you feel yourself breathing?
Do you feel the nectar and potency in every moment – that anything can change?
Do you feel the ache of what it means to want something so bad?
Do you feel the yearning for all that you could achieve?
Do you?
Making the most of our gift of life
Life is a gift and life is borrowed time yet still we wait…
For the perfect time.
For the perfect moment.
For when A or B happen.
Realise this.
There is no guarantee of tomorrow.
All you have is this moment now.
In this moment now anything and everything could happen.
The idea happens.
You meet that person.
The money lands in your account.
Be open to THIS moment.
Don’t wait to live later in life when you’re old on your deathbed regrets if you even make it there…
Live life NOW.
It’s all we have.
To live is to be fully ALIVE.
Feeling it all.
Being alive isn’t just happiness and joy.
Being alive is also feel the depths of despair to know that you’re truly alive enough to feel the pain of it all.
Two parts of a whole.
Not one or the other.
That’s what it means to truly live and to be alive.
love & positivity ✨ phi
Ready to live a life that lights up your soul!? 💡 I would love to help you! Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. Contact me for more info ✨ -
I hope for a world…
I hope for a world...
I hope for a world united by love, peace and light.
I hope for a world led by love over fear.
I hope for a world where we rise and ascend together.
I hope for a world that is healed from the ground up.
I hope for a world where the truth shines bright.
I hope for a world that overcomes trauma and suffering.
I hope for a world where troubled hearts are comforted.
I hope for a world full of compassion and empathy.
I hope for a world where mind, body and soul align.
I hope for a world where creation overrides destruction.
I hope for a world where trouble is met with serenity.
I hope for a world where strength is in support.
I hope, I hope, I hope.
Goodness and light still exist
For you, beautiful soul your heart is heavy and tender I know with everything going on in the world.
A world divided as of late.
What we have endured for the past 2 years.
What we face now.
What is to come of everything.
The battles and storms we face created by human and forces beyond us of nature and divine.
My heart aches and yearns from these words.
Feeling helpless, sad and heavy at the bleakness that we sit in now.
Beautiful soul, a gentle reminder from my heart to yours, do not forget of all the goodness and light that still exists, will continue to exist and will ALWAYS exist.
Take care of your mind, heart and soul today.
Allow yourself to feel all that we do in a personal and collective level.
The world continues to move on and it is my hope we bring more pure love, light, consciousness and intention to every single moment.
I hope, I hope, I hope 🕊
love & positivity ✨ phi -
Confronting yourself in order to grow
The hard is worth it
It’s easy to blame others and the world.
It’s easy to stay the same and be comfortable.
It’s easy to ignore patterns and turn a blind eye.
It’s easy to project your problems onto others.
It’s easy to have a closed mind.
It’s easy to not try.
You know what’s hard?
Stepping up and taking responsibility.
Feeling fear and doing what you need to anyway.
Noticing patterns and doing something about it.
Choosing to work on yourself.
Breaking through limiting beliefs.
Overcoming your negative self talk.
Prioritising your happiness above others.
Having an open mind and kind heart.
Putting effort in, investing and committing.
Remember, it’s always hard at the beginning before it gets easier.
The hard is worth it.
What we see in ourselves, we also see in others
The #1 reason why people aren’t interested in personal growth and development is… 🪞
They don’t like what they see in the mirror.
Doing personal growth is having a huge mirror put in front of you.
You cannot hide.
It’s all laid out before you so clearly – it can be confronting and scary.
It can bring up a spectrum of emotions from anger to disgust to shame.
To see your fullness and wholeness in all its glory.
The messy parts of you that you deem unworthy, shameful and embarrassing.
The parts you want to hide from the world yet you see them beneath all the layers and masks.
The shadow and darkness which can even frighten yourself.
What we see in ourselves, we also see in others. We are all walking mirrors!
In that mirror is so much beauty too but of course our brain is negatively wired from an evolutionary standpoint ⚠️
We send love because everyone is exactly where they need to be in their path and journey.
Not all of us will transcend this lifetime… but many of us, we will try.
Not necessarily to be enlightened but to be in the light of consciousness.
To live life with awareness, compassion and kindness.
To better ourselves for ourself but for our family, shattering ancestral patterns and for the generations to come.
To you beautiful soul, I celebrate you.
I see you in all your light choosing the harder path and it IS worth it.
Time and time again I see it as a life coach – the magnitude of what you’re doing cannot be captured in words but in heart, soul, essence and feeling.
Watch this space, next month something incredible is coming from my heart and soul to yours to help you on your personal growth journey in a consistent and accessible way… I truly cannot wait 🤩
love & positivity ✨ phi
Craving next level growth with love, support and guidance from me?
Oh yes 🍯 if you’re feeling the pull and curiosity, let’s chat about 1:1 coaching 💫 -
It’s in suffering we surrender…
On suffering...
Bless the teachings that come to you through suffering.
Bless the love that came to you through suffering.
Bless the growth that came to you through suffering.
It’s in suffering we surrender. Suffering is the tides of misery.
Suffering at times wages an invisible war.
It’s in suffering our heart is cracked open to bleed, a raging river of fierce fire.
The suffering aches, it yearns, it ravishes.
Suffering is an initiation. An activation.
Suffering can be exquisite. Suffering can spark new life.
It’s through hell we find heaven.
On stepping into your power.
Suffering can be helpful, hear me out 🌊
Suffering causes us to really evaluate what’s going on.
To follow the brave call of what our heart and soul is yearning for.
Suffering is an ACTIVATION 🧨
There are times we ignore what we know deep down inside and suffering won’t stand for that.
Suffering demands attention.
Suffering demands action.
How can you let your suffering be a portal of activation? 💥
To move you?
There have been times in my life where I hit rock bottom and thought that was it.
Yet I continued to suffer because I was so seduced by the creation of my suffering.
I refused to let go of the narratives that created my suffering and so that pain of it all continued.
What I needed is to use my suffering as a means to finding a solution.
And that is where the magic begins 🪄
Stepping into your power.
Leading yourself out of the darkness.
Your darkness and suffering isn’t something to be afraid of.
It’s the medicine that will bring you home to yourself… if you let it.
love & positivity ✨ phi
Ready to face your fears, your shadows, the grit that you’re afraid of? I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. -
Are you tuning into the present moment?
You are the power
You are making waves in oceans that cannot be seen yet.
You are making tremors in earthquakes that cannot be felt yet.
You are making sparks in lightning that haven’t struck yet.
You are making heat in blazes that haven’t burned yet.
You are the catalyst.
You are the power.
Just because it’s not here yet, doesn’t mean it’s not happening…
It’s simply in the making.
You are the power
There’s nothing more exciting then the taste of potentiality on the tip of your tongue.
The way it lights up your body, atom by atom, cell by cell.
The way it pours and floods into every fiber of your being with.
There is so much happening even if you can’t quite see it, or feel it or touch it…
The universe conspiring behind the scenes, pulling the strings, waiting for the perfect moment.
This beautiful flow… this beautiful magic… this beautiful synchronicity cannot be be controlled, at times it can’t even be comprehended..
Your current reality is only a snapshot of the infinite potentiality that exists.
Know that it is all coming together…
If you know that you aren’t worried about timing.
You aren’t worried about what ISN’T happening.
You’re simply here tuning into the present moment with full faith and alignment 💫
love & positivity ✨ phi
🌀 Ready to tune in deeper to your intuition, to learn how to have faith and trust, to confront your fears with clarity and confidence? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.